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Fwd: [Dhyana_Sandhya] Meditation - Its scientific value - A Reserach Report

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---------- Forwarded message ----------Raghu Rao <rrao115Jan 6, 2008 7:30 AM

[Dhyana_Sandhya] Meditation - Its scientific value - A Reserach ReportMYP <madhwayuvaparishat >,

svbm , dhyana_sandhya





Forwarded Message from:anilneuro To the esteemed Members,I would like to provide reports of articles concerningmeditation and its effects, conducted byneuroscientists, which are very recent ones.

In a recent research at China conducted along with theUniversity of Oregon , neuroscientists have studiedhow meditation might provide improvements in aperson's attention and response to stress. Two groups

(experimental and control) were provided training, onewith a body and mind training, the other with justrelaxation training, for five days. Tests wereconducted before and after the training, to both the

groups. The group which had been administered body andmind training showed greater improvement in anattention test and also showed lower levels ofanxiety, depression, anger and fatigue than was thecase in the control group. The body and mind training

involved techniques which avoid struggles to controlthought, allowing for a high degree of body and mindawareness while receiving instructions from a coach,who provided breath-adjustment guidance and mental

imagery while soothing music played in the background.Thought control was achieved gradually throughposture, relaxation, body and mind harmony andbalanced breathing. This training has been found toimprove emotional performance and social behaviour,

implying a measurable benefit that people couldachieve through body and mind meditation. Further, amore recent research, conducted by the University ofKentucky involving 23 separate studies, has shown that

transcendental meditation reduces high blood pressure,that is not found with other forms of relaxation,meditation, bio-feedback or stress management. Theresearch states " ……transcendental meditation technique

does not require changes in lifestyle. Thus manypatients with mild hypertension or pre-hypertensionmay be able to avoid the need to take blood pressuremedications- -all of which have adverse side effects.

Individuals with more severe forms of hypertension maybe able to reduce the number or dosages of their BPmedications under the guidance of their doctor. " this article may be passed on to others, especially today's youth, who can certainly increase their powersof concentration and attention, after knowing thescientific values, provided down by our ancestors.This not only helps them to achieve much more in

their lives but also assists in reducing anger,anxiety, stress and stress-related illnesses, whichare a bane in this modern society. Elders can try toreduce their intake of medications under proper medial

guidance, thus committing towards a healthylife-style. If we understand the point that ourfore-fathers have provided these valuable knowledge tous, which are now being scientifically proved, wecertainly can get rid of many social evils, ailing the

humanity itself. A small try in the life of eachindividual, makes a huge difference, and this is forthe benefit of one and all !!.Regards,Dr. Anil SangliMBBS,DNB (General Surgery), DNB (Neurosurgery)

Consultant Neurosurgeon & HeadVice Co-ordinating Editor : Asian JournalofNeurosurgeryFellow :TheWorldFederation of Neurosurgical Societies [WFNS]The Fujita Health University, Japan [FHU]Member :

TheWorld Federation of Neurosurgical Societies [WFNS]The Neurological Society of India [NSI]The Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons [ACNS]The Congress of Neurological Surgeons [CNS]The Asian Australasian Society of Neurological

Surgeons [AASNS]The Council for National & International CommercialArbitration[ CNICA]Chief Co-ordinator : Medical Music Resonance Therapy[MMRT]Web :

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