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Characters in Mahabharata-Part-1

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July 2007


Introduction to characters in Mahabharata - Part 1


By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji


Vidura - Abode of auspicious characteristics

Vidhura plays an important role. He followed Dharma from the beginning till end not without leaving even a second. Not only that, using his knowledge the popular "vidhura neethi" - the enlightening neethi (moral) was established by Vidura for Pandavas and people like Padavas.

The example for the above situation - Pandavas were loveable to the people at Hastinapura. Kowravas was unable to sustain it. So Kowravas sent Pandavas to Varanavati in the name of celebrating a festival of Sri Vishnu. They constructed a house made up of a special type of wood (aragu). They have made all necessary arrangements that they will never get back to Hasinapura. They made all these using Kanika neethi. Doing the bad things using the name of god is Kanika neethi.

But this Kanika neethi will get defeated by the neethi of Vidura. Vidura understood that Kouravas cannot have great respect towards Pandavas to the attend the festival in Varanavatha. He realized that there must some bad intention behind sending the Pandavas to Varanavatha. He sent the spies. Kourvas planned to construct the house made up of red wax for Pandavas' stay in Varanavatha and to burn the house along with Pandavas. But Vidura constructed a subway from that house upto ganga river without the knowledge of Kouravas. Not only that. He made all the arragement so that Pandavas can leave that house any time and reach Ganga river. There he made arragements for a boat and boatmen to be available always. How will the boatmen identify the Pandavas? Therefore Vidura taught some secret words to Dharmaraja in a secret language. He also instructed the boatmen that whoever tells these secret words, help them to cross the sea without asking anything and any questions like who and why.

Is it easy to do such kind of tasks? Kouravas were king at that time. At that time also even without the knowledge of king, Vidura constructed a subway to leave the house, constructed by the king and spread soil in the eyes of Kouravas. Apart from that what Vidura thought about the future? Pandavas should leave the house and come to Hidimbavana. From there they should cross the river and reach the Ekachakra nagar. Even doing all these arrangements, Vidura didn't get caught even once. He didn't made Pandvas also to get caught. Vidura's courage is appreciatable as he did all these oppsoing the Kouravas. It's worthy the praise the intellect of Vidura as he didn't get caught at any circumstances.

Another similar incident - Krishna came as ambassador. Kouravas planned to arrest Sri Krishna who bonds everyone in this world. Kourvas thought that Sri Krishna should not return who is here as ambassador. Vidura who knows all these passed this information to Sri Krishna. No body can bond Sri Krishna. Vidura knows this. But still out of devotion towards Sri Krishna, Vidura got this information secretly and passed it to Sri Krishna secretly.

Everybody is aware of the intelletual power of Vidura. For example - Padavas' stay in forest. Dhrutarashtra called Vidura and informed that Padavas left to the forest and asked Vidura what needs to be done now? Vidura told him that call the Pandvas again and give them back the kingdom. Dhrutarashtra was unable to sustain this. He told Vidura out of angry that you always have more affection towards Pandavas, doing activities always in favour of them and asked Vidura to leave the palace and to join with the Pandavas in the forest.

Vidura was waiting for this. He was interested in joining with good people. So Vidura left to the forest happily. But Dhrutarashtra started to think again. He thought that Vidura has been sent to the forest and Pandavas may use the intellectual power of Vidura. He immediately sent Sanjaya and brought back the Vidura. He kept Vidura always with him. It's not due to the affection towards Vidura but due to the his intellectual power. Vidura got such a special intellectual power.

Another occasion is when Pandavas lost everything in the gambling. Vidura told Dhrutarashtra that whatever happening was incorrect and asked him to return everything to the Pandavas. Dhrutarashtra asked Vidura that how is it correct as his sons earned everything in the gambling and how can he can ask them to return everything without mercy. Vidura's reply to this question is applicable even today -

"streeshu dhyutheshu va dattam madaandena narenava na dattamaahuhu vidwamsaha" - Money received in gambling is not the earned money at all. It will never become daana (donation). In the similar way husband can take back the money which has been given to his wife by him. Similarly the money conquered in the gambling cannot become the money earned. Pandavas have right to take back the money. Vidura asked Dhrutarashtra to return back the money.

If we have a look at the entire Mahabharata we can understand that Vidura never slipped the path of Dharma. When attempt was made to unwear the Dhroupadi's dress, Vidura upholded both his hands and announced saying "adharma yesha vartate" - "adharma is happening in this sabha". Vidura is the only person who made such statement during that situation. Eventhough VIkarna make similar announcement, it's not out of good heart. But Vidura was unable to sustain the adharma and left the sabha.

While playing the gambling, Yudhistra who is avatar of Yama was influenced by Kali internally. Vidura, avatar of same Yama was not influenced by Kali internally. At any point of time Vidura was not influenced by Kali. The important reason for this is Vidura was in the side of Bheema who drove away the ignorance (avidya). Therefore Vidura was never influenced by Kali.

Not only that. He got merits due to the association with satwic people. During the occasion of Droupadi's swayamvara, Vidura brought sweet news to Dhrutarashtra. But he informed it differently saying "Dhrutarashtra! your sons got very big victory". Listening to this Dhrutarashtra assumed that his sons Kouravas obtained good victory. But Vidura was expressing the victory of Pandavas. Vidura thought that both Kouravas and Pandavas were the sons of Dhrutarashtra. It's also correct the sons of Pandu are also sons of Dhrutarashtra. But Dhrutarashtra was not having this thought. Vidura's thoughts are very broad. He use to be happy with the victory of Pandavas. In that way, Vidura told that his sons got the victory. Dhrutarashtra thought that Kouravas obtained the victory and out of joy, he gave golden bracelet pressed with Vajra to the Vidura. At last Dhrutarashtra came to know that the Pandavas obtained Droupadi in the swayamvara. But what to do? It was not possible to get back the bracelet. But Vidura got one golden bracelet. Like this the affection towards satwic people will certainly bring all weath due to some reason.

Vidura got another great merit by opposing the insult to the Droupadi in the sabha. During Krishna's visit as ambassador, Dhrutarashtra, Bheeshma and others requested him to stay in their respective house. But Krishna didn't visit to any of their home. Krishna thought that while his sister was being insulted in the sabha, these people were sitting silently. But Vidura is the only person who opposed it. Therefore Sri Krishna decided to stay in Vidura's house even though he is son of servant-maid. Like this Vidura got the opportunity to serve milk to the protector of entire world Sri Krishna.

Only because of the good characteristics and dharmic works of Vidura, his mother got superior place than Ambika and Ambaalika. Actually Vidura's mother was servant-maid of these two. In spite of that she gave birth to the Vidura and obtained superior place than swarga loka.

Once Dhrutarashtra was suffering from knowledge of sin. He thought that he was doing bad for Pandavas. He called Vidura and asked him to advice on Vishnu tatwa. Will the sin go away by listening the shastras after doing bad things to the Vaishnavas? Even then Vidura did advice (upadesha) little bit. Dhrutarashtra knows that Vidura is Mahajyani. Only for this reason Vyasa gave him the name Vidura "Vidura - Mahajyani - Vetti iti Vidura". Then after listening to that Dhrutarashtra asked him to advice more. Then Vidura told "I have somemore knowledge on Vishnu tatwa. But I will not advice you because I am son of servant-maid - daasiputra. Therefore your should not get advice from me on Vishnu tatwa.". He asked him to get advice from Sanatsujata. Vidura stopped the advice there itself. Vidura thought that he should not advice further and exceed the limit and wanted to retain the position as per his capacity (yogyate).

Like these Vidura with auspicious characteristics brought Sri Krishna to his home and also protected Pandavas. By obtaining great merits like these, Vidura's life helps us to realize the following.

"naasatho vidyate bhavaha naabhavo vidyate sataha" - "Good activities will always bring good fruits/results. Bad activities will bring bad results without fail".

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