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Characters in Mahabharata-Part-3

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaSource: http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com, Owner G Rajesh



September 2007 issue


Introduction to characters in Mahabharata - Part 3



By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji





In order to kill the guru, Drustadhyumna got the education from the same guru and killed the guru cruely. Drustadhyumna is such a person. The one who did bad things to guru, the one who killed a brahmin. Like this people use to say about Drustadhyumna without proper examination. Even doing all these bad things, after the death Drustadhyumna entered his own world - Agni Loka which is surprising one. Such complex doubts can be easily addressed using the shastras [texts] given by Sri Madhvacharya who is with ocean of mercy.

Drupadaraja was passing the days without sleep because of the insultation done by Dronacharya. Finally

Drupadaraja got one idea. Immediately he ran towards Yajopayaja and prostrated them. Those two brahmins out of their mantra shakti created two children. Female child got birth from yagnakunda, along with her a male baby also came out. Muni's gathered there saw the strength and shine in that baby which should exist for kshatriya (kings) and gave him a suitable name "Drustatvat dyotanatvat cha"- Drustadhyumna.

Drustadhyumna who was growing in Drupada's palace came to know that the purpose of his birth is to kill Drona. For that he should learn Astra Vidya. From whom? Drustadhyumna concluded that Dronacharya is the only person who is fit to teach Astra Vidya. It was a fashion to youngsters at that time to learn Astra Vidya from Dronacharya. Dronacharya knew that Drustadhyumna had come to learn Astra Vidya only kill to him. Even then he started teaching Astra Vidya to get the fame. Dronacharya taught Astra Vidya to Drustadhyumna to the capacity of leading seven akshouhini army and prepared him as a great warrior.

Drustadhyumna was commander-in-chief for the Pandava's army in the Kurukshetra war which lasted for 18 days. On 15th day while Dharmaraja was acting like doing adharma, Dronacharya dropped all shastras, fallen in the war field, and meditating Vasudeva with the support of a chariot. Using this opportunity Drustadhyumna ran towards Dronacharya holding the sword. Even though warriors of both sides prevented him, Drustadhymna chopped the head of Dronacharya like a hunter chops the head of a sheep. Hearing the news of cruel death of his father Dronacharya, Ashwattama rushed like a lion towards Pandavas camp. He kicked Drustadhyumna who was sleeping and awoke him. Drustadhyumna woke up and thought that he would become ashes in front of Ashwattama who was like fire. Drustadhyumna prostrated and asked "Please dont kill me here, kill me in the war field so that i will obtain veera swarga". Ashwattama replied, "People like you who are cruel to their guru should not obtain good world". Then he killed Drustadhyumna using the string of his bow by crushing his neck. Like this Drustadhyumna got cruel death and obtained his own Agni Loka.

Even though Ekalavya offered his thumb to his guru, he obtained eternal hell only. But Drustadhyumna chopped the head of his guru, had a cruel death, who is unfit to get veeraswarga. Even with such deficiencies, he entered into the Agni Loka. What a contradiction! Couldn't Maharshi Vedavyasa build a proper story! There are people who will raise objections like these. The only answer for all these objections is "Dharmo bhavati adharmopi kruto bhakthaihi tava achyuta. Papam Bhavati Dharmopi yo na tad bhakthaihi kruto hare". Those who have bhakti towards Bhagawan and Mukya prana, there work will become dharmic even though they do adharmic work. Even though by doing dharmic work which is opposite to Bhagawan will not yield good results. Drustadhyumna obtained the grace of Sri Krishna and Bheemasena, even though he killed his guru which didn't stop him from obtaining the Agni Loka. Ekalavya offered gurudakshina forgetting the Bhagawan and the work didn't yield fruits. Therefore Drustadhyumna's life teaches how should we think if we are suppose to do good activities.

bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu

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