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Characters in Mahabharata-Part-4

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaSource: http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com, Owner G Rajesh



October 2007 issue


Introduction to characters in Mahabharata - Part 4


By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji


Ekalavya - Guru Bhakti has to end with Bhakti towards Mukunda.


When we hear the word Ekalavya, Guru Bhakti will come to our mind immediately. He gave his thumb, an important finger as Guru Dhakshina after the completion of education for the education obtained from Guru. If Ekalavya is having devotion with his Guru then why didn't he got fame in his life. This is a common doubt. If this doubt has to be cleared then Ekalavya has to be seen in the light of Nirnaya thrown by Sri Madhvacharya.

Before practicing the shastras (shastra vidya) in front of Drona's idol, earlier he learned Paishacha vidya from group of devils (pishachi). From this force only, he fought against Sri Krishna with Jarasandha and got defeated. When second time Ekalavya came for war, Sri Krishna showed his unimaginable power (Achintya Adbhuta Shakti) by giving birth to Pradyumna without the help of any woman. Pradyumna defeated Ekalavya in the war. Sri Krishna then wanted to give birth to Pradyumna through Rukmini Devi. So he took back Pradyumna in his stomach and proved the world that for creation, sustainance, and destruction, he doesn't need anybody's help.

Ekalavya thought that it's not possible to kill Sri Krishna using Paishacha Astra. In order to get Divine astras "Divyaan astrani Aaptum", he came to Dronacharya with bad intention. Dronacharya was not interested to teach this hunter along with Brahmanas and Kshatriyas "Shishyosi mama nishade nivartasva gruhaneva" - "You are my disciple. But I won't teach you. You can go to your home", Dronacharya said and sent him. Ekalavya went back to home, created an idol of Dronacharya, worshipped him and obtained Astra Vidya. When Arjuna came to know this and asked Dronacharya, Dronacharya went and got Ekalavya's thumb as a Gurudakhina without Daakshinya (shame). As Dronacharya obtained Guru Dakshina, he taught Ekalavya the Astra Vidya in the Raivata mountain. Even a single paise offered to Guru remembering the supreme God in him will being more benefits. Without this knowledge, even if the entire body is offered cannot give good results but will give bad results only. How the Antaryami thought (i.e. God inside us) will come to Ekalavya who is nobody but Manimanta who thinks he is God.

Along with Rukmini, Ekalavya fought against with Sri Krishna, Ekalavya fought against Sri Krishna when he took over Rukmini using Divya Astras given by Drona. At that time those Divya Astras didn't help him. He ran away from there, thinking that protecting his prana is good. Then he thought that the Astras obtained from Guru will not help him to kill Sri Krishna. Then he pleased Rudra Deva and obtained the boons from him. Then he came to fight with Sri Krishna third time along with Poundraka Vasudeva after Sri Krishna's return from Kailasa. As per the word "Moorakke Muktaya- will complete third time", Sri Krishna without considering the boons of Rudra Deva, sent Ekalavya to eternal hell.

Whatever devotion we have with Guru that should help us to develop devotion with supreme Bhagwan Mukunda. Thinking against the supreme, whatever devotion/worship of Guru will not bring good results. Ekalavya's charecter conveys this message.

bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu


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