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Characters in Mahabharata-Part-5

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaSource: http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com, Owner G RajeshNovember 2007 issue Introduction to characters in Mahabharata - Part 5 By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji

Kunti - Ocean of difficulties


Some people think that whatever sorrow they experience is the biggest one and get dispirited in the life. Kunti’s life is role model for such people to get spirit in the life.


There is no end for the pain experienced by Kunti. She was experiencing great difficulties from the youth. It’s the fate of Kunti that instead of growing in the shadow of love and affection of her parents, she was growing in the inner yard of somebody’s house. At the age of playing, she got the responsibility of serving the sage Durvasa who use to get severe anger. Even that developed the power of sustenance and discipline in her. Sage Durvasa appreciated the service of Kunti and blessed her with mantra updesha. Even though it’s a great achievement, she went ahead to experiment the mantra. At the age of playing the father and mother game and Kunti really became mother to a child which is tragedy. At that situation (after receiving mantra), Kunti was feeling very proud. She wanted to know what will be effect of the mantra and invited Surya using that mantra. When Surya came in front of him she didn’t want to associate with Surya and requested the same. But effect of mantra cannot become waste. With the grace of Surya she became pregnant. But how is it possible to hide the child in the garbha? How come the society of that period can accept the pregnancy of kanya who was not yet married? Kunti hided the garbha secretly without others knowing. During those time how much of mental pain she had to suffer with! She ate all such pain the put the Karna outside. The child was very much beautiful with karna and kundala. Unfortunately Kunti was unable to lift and play with the child and to kiss and develop the child. She put the child in a box along with precious stones (ratna) and floated the box in a river. Like this Kunti was sustaining the pain of separation of the child which she carried and developed in womb with lot of difficulties. It’s an example for Kunti’s strong and brave heart.


After floating the child in the river, so many times Kunti was remembering the beautiful face of that child and suffered a lot. Oh! What a sin! Days were passing like this. There are lots of similar incidents in the life of Kunti. Kunti along with Pandavas left their city and stayed in Ekachakra nagara hiding their originality. That too even in some Brahmin’s house which was old and broken. They lived there with the status of paying the rent. Kunti ended up with staying with some other’s house who none other than Daughter-in-law of Maharishi Vedavyasa, Queen of Chakravarthi Pandu and Daughter of King Shoorasena.


While living in that home Bhimasena heard the crying noise of a Brahmin and asked Kunti to go their and find the reason. Kunti went their and understood that from that same home some body has to go as food for Bakasura. All the people in that Brahmin’s house were worrying for this. At that time Kunti gave a fantastic suggestion and was trying to convince them. She told, “I will send my son and you people stop worrying. Such a crying noise should not come out of Brahmin’s house. I can sustain it.”


Everybody in that Brahmin's house was surprised. That Brahmin’s wife asked “are you a woman with woman’s heart? Is your heart so hard to offer your son as food?” They were totally surprised. Kunti is such a woman that she sent her son without any fear.


Even though she got son from Surya, with his grace she was in the state of kanya only. Therefore she got married with the king Pandu. Even then Kunti didn’t enjoy any pleasure. King Pandu was cursed by Kindama Rishi stating that he will not get the pleasure of association with woman. Like this in her childhood she didn’t enjoy with father. When she was young she didn’t enjoy the pleasure from her husband. It’s the fate of Kunti. Even leaving out those things, did she enjoy the pleasure of kingdom? Answer is no. King Pandu left the Kingdom with renunciation and started living in the forest in Himalayas near Pandu teertha. Kunti also went there and served him. For Kunti, Vanaprasta ashrama started in the young age itself.


King Pandu told once “using the procedure of Niyoga, obtain the son from those who are bigger than me as you may not get sons through me”. Even though Kunti dissatisfied with this, she accepted the order of her husband and obtained Yudhistira. Pandu asked again to obtain another child who will have full strength. With the power of mantra, Kunti invited Sri Mukyaprana and obtained BalaBhima. Then Pandu asked to obtain another child to protect the nation when two of his elders went for war. Kunti still dissatisfied but obtained Arjuna from Indra deva in order to obey the husband’s words. Then Pandu asked to obtain other child with beauty. At that time, Kunti opposed the words of Pandu and said “If I continue to get each child for power and beauty then this procedure is not Niyoga but Vyabhichara. Hence I’ll not obtain any more children”. By opposing like this, Kunti expressed her interest towards dharma.


Like this somehow Kunti got children. But Madri didn’t have any children. She thought why should she suffer from not having the children and similar to her let Madri also have children. Like this Kunti showed her affection towards her sawati (another wife of the husband) and as per the words of her husband, she advised the mantra to Madri which she obtained by serving the Rishi. Kunti’s heart was filled with such affection and compassion towards others. Like this she advised the mantra and asked Madri to use it once to obtain the child. Madri used those mantras intelligently and invoked Aswini deities. When invoked, both the Aswini deities will come together. Like this Madri used a mantra only once and obtained two children. Then Madri wanted to use the mantra once again and sought the help of Kunti through Pandu. But Kunti thought she wanted to become mother for three children and Madri for two. So she refused the request and retained her superiority (being elder).


Kunti is brilliant that she never slipped from right path. Mistakes were done by her. She didn’t slip even in the case of obtaining children by invoking deities. She invoked Dharma, Vayu and Indra who are superior to her husband. But greedy Madri wanted to get more children and invoked Aswini Deities who are lower in gradation than King Pandu. Due to reason she became the victim for the death of her husband.


Kunti was happy of getting the great children who are none other than deities, but the garland of sorrow fallen in her neck very shortly. Madri had association with Pandu and Pandu had his last breath. Madri realized her mistake and wanted to clear the sin. So she entered in the fire along with Pandu’s body. Now the responsibilities of Madri’s sons fallen in the shoulder of Kunti. What she can do in the forest keeping those small children? Even the Rishis who renunciated the world, got compassion with the state of Kunti. They bought them to Hastinapura where Pandu’s elder brother Dhrutarashtra was living. Rishis thought that Dhrutarashtra will give the support to all these. But what happened was totally different. When Kunti and her children wear simple clothes (tabhbhali) and stood in the sabha of Dhrutarashtra, the words spoken by Duryodhana is unbearable. “How can they be children of Pandu? How can people who born after the death of Pandu can become sons’ of Pandu?” How can Kunti answer to this question? While Husband was alive, with his pressure, with his order, she obtained those children. But this much big lie (apavada), in the sabha, in front of all, was thrown on an unsustainable woman. Kunti didn’t get angry which shows her superiority and lower grade of Dhrutarashtra who immobile.


In all such situations, Kunti was protected and took forward by her God. Instantly an Akashavani heard “athe hi dharmamarudinra bhishagvarebhyo jataha prajevati pitaryuru dharmasaraha” – “While King Pandu was alive, these were born from Dharma, Vayu, Indra and Yamala. They have the blessings of God. Never leave them.” Even after hearing this, people assembled there doubted. At that time Sri Vedavyasa came himself there and asked them to stay in the house of Pandu and cautioned them saying “Pandavas will be in the path of Dharma. I will protect them always.” Like this whenever Kunti was suffering, the supreme protected her as a backbone.


Kunti’s life continued in the house of Gandhari that too protecting her children, thinking when Gandhari’s children Duryodhana and others will kill and without knowing in what way, may be by mixing the poison in the food, may be while playing, or while sleeping. She took the total responsibility and protected her children. All Children completed their education. Once they exhibited their capabilities. Arjuna also exhibited his skills well. But Karna exhibited more capabilities than Arjuna and people started praising Karna. Kunti didn’t have face to claim that Karna is her son. Even the fight started between Arjuna and Karna she ended up with watching and keeping quiet.


In order to send Pandavas out of the house, Kowravas send them to house made up of wax. Pandavas somehow escaped from the fire, entered into Ekachakra nagara but ended up with begging for food. Even though she had the children who are none other than deities, she ate the food brought by her children after begging.


Every day she asked Pandavas to equally share and take whatever they brought. Same thing happened when Pandavas brought Droupadi Devi also. When Kunti said “share whatever you brought”, without worrying about the society, all the five Pandavas married Droupadi Devi. But others didn’t accept this including Drupada (father of Droupadi Devi). Even at that time also Sri Vedavyasa came and made them to accept. Like this Sri Vyasa’s mercy protected the Kunti always.


Marriage was over. But Kunti’s responsibilities increased further. Because till now she protected only her five sons and then onwards she was in need to protect Droupadi Devi who was beautiful in the entire world from Duryodhana and others.


Even after all these did she live along with her sons? The answer is no. Pandavas were defeated in the gamble and left to forest. Kunti alone stayed in the country. That’s also in the house of Kouravas. Like this Kunti didn’t get the happiness of living with her child.


Kunti was happy with one thing. She got great daughter-in-law like Droupadi devi. Because in the all occasions, for matter of clothes, ornaments etc. Droupadi never opposed Kunti. She understood Kunti’s mind well and acted in such a way that Kunti was never getting hurt. It’s fortunate of Kunti to get such daughter-in-law like Droupadi.


Latter when Pandavas got the kingdom and wealth, Kunti didn’t aspire for happiness. She became such a old woman.


With the help of her commitment towards Dharma, and sequence of great tapas, only two sins remained in her mind. First one was obtaining a child in the state of kanya by testing the mantra and other one is she made Arjuna to kill Karna without informing that Karna was his elder brother. These two remained in her mind till the end. Finally Sri Vedavyasa blessed her and informed that those two sins were cleared and blessed shanti to her.


In total, Kunti faced only difficulties in her life. She got the solution from Sri Krishna only. Like this she didn’t live without difficulties at any point of time. Therefore finally she requested the same with Sri Krishna also. Let us face the difficulties always. To get out of that, give us your darshan always – “Vipadaha santu naha shaswat tatra tatra jagat patehe | Bhavato darshanam yadsyat apunarbhava darshanam ||”


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu

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