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Characters in Mahabharata - Part 6

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaSource: http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com, Owner G Rajesh


November 2007 issueIntroduction to Characters in Mahabharata - Part 6

By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji


Shalya is the owner of one Akshouhini commando (sena), follower of Satya and Dharma, King ofthe country Madra, Brother of Madri, and Paternal uncle of Nakula and Sahadeva. Even then hefought against Pandavas which was unfortunate.

Without deep analysis Shalya may appear like the one who is selfish and change according to thetime and need as he is the paternal uncle of Pandavas. Not only that. He also did marriage of herdaughter Parvathi with Nakula. So he is Father-in-law also. Still there is reason why he joined withKouravas. He knows that the commandos of Kouravas are big, lead by Bhisma, Dhrona and others,possibility of victory was more, and s the victory is guaranteed, the fight for king’s post is alsoguaranteed. He also thought that he can use the disunity among Duryodhana and their brothersand wanted to get the kingdom after the war. With this intention only Shalya joined with the armyof Duryodhana. Otherwise he was relative to Pandavas, not only that he was the owner of oneAkshouhini commandos. Otherwise being a Maharaja, why should he be a charioteer to Karna whowas son of a soota (a charioteer)? He! What a dreadful act? He gave up his self respect also to usethat opportunity and time. What’s the need to become charioteer otherwise? It’s common to get allthe questions when read Mahabharata directly. But the Shalya who had seen in the Tatparyanirnaya written by Sri Madhwacharya is pure.

Acharya identifies Shalya with these words – “Satyadharma rataha”, “Veeraha”, “Madrarajasyadheemataha” etc. Acharya is treating Shalya in a respectful way. Then why did he go to the side ofKouravas? It’s a misconception of Shalya. Shalya left his country with one Akshouhini sena. Duringthe way, his army was taken care very well and respected with the glories of King. Shalya was veryhappy to enjoy those. He thought that Pandavas only made all these arrangements and committedthat whoever had made these arrangements he will be indebted to them and will fight along withone Akshouhini sena. But Shalya fallen in the pit created by Duryodhana without his knowledge.Duryodhana wanted to collect all the Akshouhini in his side. Whatever Shalya enjoyed was thearrangements made by Duryodhana. So Shalya made his commitment unknowingly but wanted tokeep his words as he is the follower of path of Satya and Dharma and fought against his relatives.Shalya is such a respectful man!

Once he decided to fight along with Kouravas, he communicated the same to Yudhistira. At thattime, Dharmaja used his intellectual power. Dharmaraja thought that Shalya is master in macefight, dhanur vidhya (bow and arrow), know the horse riding well and Duryodhana wanted to useall these because Soota putra Karna didn’t have charioteer and was looking for the same.Dharmaraja thinking like that requested Shalya to accept the post of charioteer without refusingout of affection towards Pandavas when Dhuryodhana makes such request. Shalya accepted thatrequest. Later Shalya became charioteer to Soota putra Karna even though he was the great kingand had affection towards Pandavas. Shalya only gave mental torture to Karna who was enemy toArjuna. Like this even though Shalya was in the side of Kouravas he was one among who wishedsuccess for Pandavas.

Occasionally Shalya did some bad things also. Shalya made an attempt to lift the bow duringDroupadi’s swayamvara even though he was old man. Not only that. Shalya had already given hisdaughter to the one whom Droupadi was going to marry. But still attracted by the beauty ofDroupadi, Shalya attempted to lift the bow. He lifted the bow with lot of difficulties but unable tostring the bow and left back. One more occasion is after the swayamvara of Droupadi, Karna andother fought against Pandavas. Shalya also joined with them and fought against Pandavas.Bhimasena without any effort sent him back.

There is no second thought with the braveness of Shalya. Duryodhana himself said “BheemashchaBhalabhadrashcha Madraraajashcha veeryavan | Chaturtaha keechakaha teshaam panchamamnaanushushruma ||”. Madra raja had the third place in the list of brave men in the world. No otherking can oppose him in the war. Acharya also says “Shalyamaahava shobhinam”. When Shalyagoes to the war field, the field would get attraction.

His name also conveys the same. Shalya is the name of a great astra. Nobody can oppose himbecause of that astra he had. In the war field he lasted till eighteenth day. At last using the sameastra called “Shalya”, Dharmaraja killed Shalya. His final moment as indicated by Acharya implieshis greatness. “Satyadharma rataha shalyaha indrasya athithim agaat” – Acharya directly didn’t saythat Shalya was dead. Acharya says “Shalya who is the follower of Satya and Dharma became anAthithi (guest) of Indra.”


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu

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