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What are you doing for next nine days ????

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namaste all,




All of us are aware of the Madhwa Navaratri starting in 2 days, from FEB 8th, Friday, upto FEB 15th, Friday the last day being observed as Madhwa Navami.


In one of the pravachanas, it mentions about all of us knowing about 2 major Navarathris, one during Rama Navami Celebration and one during Dasara Festivals - Sharannavaratri. All of us, especially Madhwas should & must celebrate the third one as well, which is Madhwa Navaratri. While, Sri Rama was the aradhya daiva of Sri Hanumantha and Sri Durga Devi had special grace on our Acharya Madhwa.


These three occassions, especially the Madhwa Navaratri becomes extra special event,

as by the grace of Sri Acharya Madhwa, we can get closer to other two as well.


Irrespective of where we do it, how we do it, my sincere request to all our Madhwa Bandhus is to make sure we start the Sumadhwa Vijaya Parayane from Feb 8th and end it on Feb 15th on the Madhwa Navami Day. Please split the sargas / shlokas into 9 days and we shall conclude on the last day of Madhwa Nava Ratri.



Incase if you are aware of any such places, where we have the group parayane going on,

please share the details with the group, if not, you could do this at your home.

Those who dont have the practice of Sumadhwa Vijaya parayane, can try with the book or atleast do Vayu Sthuthi Parayane / Purascharane, which is the next best thing to do, both of which narrate the avatara thraya mahime.




All our ladies (young & still young) are requested to do the parayane of Sri Sripadaraja virachita Madhwa nAma sthuthi with as much Hari Dasa keerthanegaLu as possible about Avatara thraya mahime on these nine days.


Also please do encourage your family members and other Madhwa Bandus to chant one of the above on next few days and even after that.




Coming to the Madhwa Navami celebrations, following are some of the events you can participte and get blessed.



1. Madhwa Navaratri at Yelhanka Mutt: Celebrations from Feb 8th to Feb 16th.

Call up Kum Vedavathi at 988 089 5195 for more info


2. Madhwa Navami Celebrations by IT Madhva Sangha at Kondapur Mutt, Hyderabad

For details contact: Aditya Rao - 988 510 4058


3. Madhwa Navami Celebrations by Madhwa Yuva Parishat in a most unique way:

at Sri Brahmanya Pura, in the devine presence of Avatara thraya Sri Mukhya Prana Devaru, installed by yathi thrayaru-Sri Brahmanya Theertharu, Sri Sripadarajaru & Sri Vyasarajaru.

Please refer to the mail sent to MYP to participate in this.


Here is a keerthane on Sri Acharya Madhwa, composed by Sri Vyasarajaru.

Aru ninagidiru akhiLa dhAruNiyoLagesArashAstrava mereda sarva~jna muniye |


aArondu vairigaLa thariduvaishNavarige aAreradu oordhva pundragaLa idisiaAru moorara mEle mooradhika kumathagaLabErorase kittandu bisuta dheera

udAra Shiri Krishnanna dAsanAgi merede ||



Who in this entire Earth can stand against youthe saint who knows all, who glorified the core of the "veda shAstras"


he cutdown the six enemies ("arishadvargagaLu-kAma,krOdha,lObha,mOha,mada & mAtsarya)he put six times two vertical stripes to "vaishnavas" (6X2=12-dwadasha oordhwa pundra)six times three, plus three more bad philisophies (6X3=18+3=21 that existed before his time)the brave who that day, removed them from the roots and threw away,

got popular as the most benevolent, the subordinate of Shri & Krishna.


|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||




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