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Characters of Mahabharatha- 8

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaH


Source: Parimalam - February 2008 - http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com 2


Introduction to Characters in Mahabharata - Part 8By Sri Sri 1008 Sri Suvidyendra Swamiji


Blessings of Sri Hari Vayu Guru

From the Arjuna's character we can understand whoever wants to up come in the life certainlyrequire the grace of Sri Hari Vayu Guru. Bhagawan himself came as charioteer for Arjuna meanswhat else is the greatest grace? Sri Krishna came as charioteer and didn't just hold the rope

and sat. At the most difficult stages, Sri Krishna protected the life of Arjuna. Bhagadatta throwthe most divine astra called Vaishnavaastra on Arjuna. Except Bhagawan who is omnipotentonly can nullify the effect of that astra and except him nobody else can do that. Sri Krishna was

holding that astra which was nearing Arjuna and converted it as Vaijayanthimala and wore inthe neck. Arjuna was unable to defeat the Bhagadatta who was fighting vigorously. At that timeParthasarthy told "Arjuna! As Bhagadatta become very old, in order to keep his eyes open he

had tied a cloth in his cloth. Send an arrow to cut that cloth first". Without delay Arjuna sent anarrow. Bhagadatta was unable see as he was unable to open his eyes. Arjuna sent anotherarrow and fulfilled his desire. Except Sri Krishna who is stimulator of brain for all, nobody else

can do such peculiar advice.Arjuna was not sleeping in the night on which day Abhimanyu was killed. Sri Krishna made himto sleep well and developed a dream. In that dream, Sri Krishna took Arjuna with one amsha to

Kailasa, gave him Pashupata and other divine astras, returned back and made him to sleep. Allthese are magnificent work of Sri Krishna. During next day evening, Sri Krishna createddarkness, gave instructions to Arjuna and made Jayadrata's head to fly, made that head to stay

in sky by sending arrows one after another, and instructed Arjuna to send arrow so that thehead could fall in the thighs of Saindava's (Jayadrata's) father. This is certainly anothermagnificent event. Without the grace of Sri Hari Arjuna wouldn't be able to achieve this.

Arjuna became beloved disciple of Dhrona because of Sri Bhimasena only who is avatar ofMukhyaprana. When Dhrona was telling "who will fulfill my desire..." Sri Bhimasena advisedArjuna to lift his hand. Whatever Guru's work was there Sri Bhimasena without going himself

had sent Arjuna. Dhrona was much pleased with Arjuna and "Dhanvishrestam krutavan arjunamcha" made Arjuna as a great person in Dhanur vidya. Arjuna became popular because of SriBhimasena. During the Swayamvara of Droupadi If Sri Bhimasena who was capable of doing

anything had broken the machine then Arjuna would not get any fame. As Arjuna got specialgrace of Sri Vayu Deva, he was able to achieve all those.Arjuna got special grace of Guru Dhrona also than other disciples. "Yatha partho

dhanurdharaha" He prepared Arjuna in such a way that none compete with him in the Dhanurvidya.Like this if someone wants to achieve great position then they should earn the grace of Sri HariVayu Guru like Arjuna.

Parimalam - February 2008 - http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com 2Lessons to disciplesIf students want to become great pandit then they should approach and enquire the Guru

repeatedly to understand the information, and should always put great effort to reach the goal.While eating first time, children won't put the food in the mouth. Initially it will put in thecheeks. Later it learns from father and mother and puts the food properly in the mouth and

further becomes to eat properly even in the dark. Arjuna knew this and put great effort and wasable to throw accurately even in the dark. Arjuna during learning stage itself taught a lesson toall that with continuous effort it's possible to achieve anything.

Catch hold the feet of Sri KrishnaBefore the commencement of war, Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Sri Krishna to seek hishelp. Sri Krishna knows this and acted as if sleeping. Duryodhana who entered first thought that

sitting near the feet of Sri Krishna was shame and sat near the head. Arjuna came next andsurrendered at his feet. Sri Krishna stopped acting and spoke to Arjuna first. Sri Krishna offeredone lakh akshouhini commando to Duryodhana who sat near the head and offered himself to

Arjuna. We should learn from Arjuna in order to get Sri Krishna one should not sit on top of hishead but surrender at his feet.Don't let Krishna to get down from the chariot (body)After the completion of war Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to get down from the chariot. Arjuna felt

shame to get down from the chariot before charioteer. Sri Krishna somehow convinced him toget down and Parthasarthy also got down from the chariot. That chariot burned into ashes.Arjuna was shocked and realized "As Sri Krishna was sitting in my chariot the arrows of

Bhishma and others didn't affect me. If Sri Krishna was not there in my chariot then along withchariot I would also be burned into ashes." We should also make Sri Krishna to sit in our bodywhich is nothing but chariot. Otherwise like Arjuna's chariot our body would be burned into

ashes.Arjuna was influenced by Kali so many times because of his astra vidya, valor and other virtues.He got great support and helps from Sri Krishna and also insulted Sri Krishna at many times.Also Arjuna didn't had valour as Bhima had. Sri Krishna, Bhima and Arjuna dressed like

Brahmins and proceeded to kill Jarasandha. At that time Jarasandha insulted Arjuna and said "Iwill not fight with Arjuna. In front of me he is small boy." Arjuna who was father a small boydidn't say "Fight with me if you have real courage" and didn't invite him for fight. Arjuna

doubted that he may get defeated by Jarasandha.Sri Madhwacharya says that there are bad body shapes (samudrika lakshana) in the body ofArjuna. After the completion of war Yudhistira asked a doubt which he had for very long time

with Sri Krishna. "Kena durlakshanena ayam bahudukki pravasagaha" – "Arjuna is alwayssuffering from difficulties. If so then there must be bad features in his body. What is that?" SriKrishna answered saying "Arjuna's body is lengthy". Yudhistira wanted to clarify some more on

the same point but Droupadi signaled to Sri Krishna by winking the eyes and stopped furtheradvice. She did that to indicate that Yudishtira didn't had capacity to learn more on Samudrikalakshana and wife should not bring out the bad shapes of her husband. Still Sri Madhwacharya

indicates some bad shapes of body which are fit for us to know. Arjuna's left hand should wasbigger than the right hand and his stomach was slightly bigger. Because of these Arjuna wassuffering with some difficulties always. We should learn both virtues and defects from a

character. This will help us to obtain the knowledge of supremacy of Sri Hari. Deities will behappy even if they know there defects. Sri Vadiraja says "Hrushyanti na tu rushyanti".At the commencement of war Arjuna saw the warriors assembled on both sides who are none

but his Guru, elders, and relatives. Out of affection towards the relatives he dropped his bowGandiva and sat in the chariot with distorted mind. For some reason if Arjuna returned from theParimalam - February 2008 - http://dvaita.parimalam.googlepages.com 3

war field then it would be a great black mark for entire Kuru clan because of him. During suchdifficult time Sri Krishna did upadesha of Bhagavat Geeta to him. Arjuna said "Karishyevachanam tava" and stood up. Otherwise the entire Puru clan would be shamed. From Arjuna's

character we should learn that if Sri Krishna is not there then we too cannot achieve anythingand cannot even survive.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaH

svAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.

[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya),

reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief &

selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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