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shrImad aNubhAShyaM-chapter 1 of 4

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaSource: Sri Jagadguru Madhwacharya's Srimad Anu BhashyaM. Text with commentary in English & purport as revealed in Tattva Manjari by Sri Raghavendra Theertharu)

Published by Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha Trust (Regd)Chennai- 600078 June 3, 2000 brahmaantaa guravaH sAkShAt iShTaM daivaM shriyaH patiH |AchAryAH shrImad AchAryAH santu me janma janmani ||

nityaanitya jagat.h dhAtre nityAya GYaanamUrtaye |pUrNAnandAya haraye sarva yaGYa bhuje namaH ||yasmAt.h brahmendra rudrAdi devatAnAM shriyo.api cha |GYAnasphUrtiH sadA tasmai harayegurave namaH ||

abhramam bhaN^ga rahitam ajadam vimalaM sadA |Anandatiirtha matulaM bhaje tApatrayApaham ||

na mAdhava samo dEvo na cha madhva samo guruHna tadvAkya samam sAstram brahmAnDe nAsti kinchana " yasya trINyuditAni vedavachane rUpANi divyAnyalam.h |

baT.htaddarshatamitthameva nihitaM devasya bhargo mahat.h |vAyorAmavachonayaM prathamakaM pR^ixo dvitIyaM vapuH |madhvoyattu tR^itIyakaM kR^itamidaM bhAshhyaM harau tenahi


ApAda mouLi paryaMtaM guruNAM AkR^itiM smaret.h |tena vignAH praNashyaMti siddhyanti cha manorathAH ||pR^ithvI manDala madhyasthAH puurNa bodha matAnugAH |vaiShNavA viShNu hR^idayAs tAn namasye guruun mama ||

shrI Madhwacharya's Anu Bhashya also known as Anu Vedantha & Sangraha Bhashya is one of his 37 works known for its depth in meaning & contents, hailed as the very essence of all the Shastras. As the name suggests, it is a condensation of his bigger work called Brahma Sutra Bhashya on the Brahma Sutras of Sri Vedavyasa. Acharya's Bhashya on the various Adhikavanas, is distinctly different from others since this have been interpreted as intended by Sri Vedavyasa.

Sri Vadiraja Theertharu says, although Sri Madhwa's Bhashya came last in the list, it comes first in establishing the Siddhantha. The suggestion that the 22nd Bhashya would stand out is couched in its numbers as there are 564 sutras with 223 adhikaranas, when totalled all of them 22 will be the product; & our Acharya's Bhashya is exactly the 22nd in the series.

The work Anu bhAshya is in four chapters with 34 shlokas teeming with the vast range of meanings. It is easy to chant them while worshipping. Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya (11-79) says that mere reading of Srimad Acharya's Bhashya would take one to Moksha. The tradition says that Anu Bhashya was composed by Sri Madhwa to enable his guru, Achyutapreksha to go through concise version everyday & get the merit of chanting his bigger work Sutrabhashya.

Sri Raghavendra Theertharu's exposition on the Anu Bhashya known as Tattva Manjari alone will make us realize the range of meaning & profundity of the original words. He has commendably captured in his commentary the full force & their depth of meaning.

Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha published Anu Bhashya, its text in four languages with readable commentary in English with an attempt to bring out the thought content as revealed by Sri Raghavendra Swamy. shrImad AnandatIrtha bhagavatpAdAchArya virachite brahmasUtrANubhAShye prathamo.adhyAyaH

1. nArAyaNaM guNaiH sarvairudIrNaM doShavarjitam.h |GYeyaM gamyaM gurUMshchApi natvA sUtrArtha uchyate || Sri Narayana is full of limitless auspicious attributes. He is devoid of various kinds of defects that common people are associated with for they are bound by Prakrithi. He is the object of knowledge, which the righteous meditate upon. He, as Ramana the consort of Ramaa, is to be attained after Aparoksha jnaana. My obeisance to Seshasayee, with Anirudha, Pradhyumna, Sankarshana, Vasudeva, Narayana roopas & to Vedavyasa. I present here the meaning & full import of Brahma Sutras- the aphorisms of Sri Vedavyasa.


Commentary: To Sri Madhwacharya, Narayana is the Supreme God, & the greatest to be worshipped as the Preceptor. By paying obeisance to Narayana, it is suggestive that He is worshippable. It may be asked, why he is invoking the blessings of Sri Narayana to over come difficulties when he is not likely to come across difficulties. It is meant for his devotees who are likely to come across when they study his work & a pointer to them to follow him in paying obeisance to their guru in the beginning of a work. This stanza through certain key words suggests the very essence of all the four chapters of the Brahma Sutras. Here sutras mean only Brahma Sutras. It also proclaims that Narayana is Paramatma, the Supreme Personality & He is the primal Cause, Knowledge & bliss.


Purport: Sri Narayana is Sat, Chit, Ananda & is full of auspicious attributes, devoid of defects & realised by the Aparoksha jnaanis & who sanctions Moksha. This shloka thus indicates what is being said in the following four chapters.


2. viShNureva vijiGYAsyaH sarvakartA.a.agamoditaH |

samanvayAdIxateshcha pUrNanando antaraH khavat.h ||


Sri Vishnu who transcends time & place is the subject matter to be enquired into through listening, meditation. He is the source of the entire Universe. He is revealed by the Vedas, Pancharathra & all Scriptures. He constitutes their final significance & is accessible to all words. He is gained through the jnana as laid in accordance with the vedas. He is Shastra Prathi padhya. He abounds in bliss. He is omnipresent & resides in the inner most recess of all the beings. He is pervasive (ethereal) like space (Akasha) & grants a place in space.


Purport: This is the substance of 8 Adhikaranas of Sutra Bhashya. Here the word Sarva means Chit & Achit; & also His eight fold dispensation.


3. praNetA jyotirityAdyaiH prasiddhairanyavastuShu |

uchyate viShNurevaikaH sarvai sarvaguNatvataH ||


Sri Vishnu is the cause for everybody's living. Since He is the actuator, He is designated as Prana & by all other expressions such as jyothi, Gayathri. Since the qualities meant by the words like Prana, jyothi, Gayathri are found in Sri Vishnu's infinity of attributes, He is known by these expressions. Sri Madhwacharya has given the essence of the first part of the first chapter of the Brahma Sutras.


Purport: This is the summary of 9-12 Adhikaranas. Since Paramathma is Sarva Guna Paripoorna (full of infinite qualities), He is Sarava Shabda Vachya (described by all words).


4. sarvago.attA niyantA cha dR^ishyatvAdyujjhitaH sadA |

vishvajIvAntaratvAdyairli~NgaiH sarvairyutaH sa hi ||


Sri Vishnu, full of auspicious attributes, is present always in all entities. He is all pervading by His manifold energies. Everything enters into Him at the time of finall deluge. He is the enjoyer of all our Subhakarmas. He is present in all living. He, by being in our sense organs, directs them to function & provides the sparkle in both men & women. He is the presiding deity. It is impossible to either know Him or see Him completely. He is beyond physical perceptibility. It means God vision or jnana depends upon what what one deserves. He is known as sarva vyaptha, Sarva Atha, Sarva Niyantru, Adhrusya & Vaiaswanara as suggested by the scriptures.


Here ends second part of the first chapter.


Purport: This covers 7 Adhikaranas. It establishes that as all words convey Him so do genders.


5. sarvAshrayaH pUrNaguNaH so.axaraH san.h hR^idabjagaH |

sUryAdibhAsakaH prANaprerako daivatairapi ||


Sri Vishnu is the support for Earth, Swarga & all other lokas. He is all pervading & full with all perfections. He is the shelter of all beings. He is devoid of any of the four causes that make one cease to exist. Hence, He is imperishable. He is the independent Reality free from defects & known by the word " Sat " . He is also known by the word " Akshara " because He is indistructible (Avinashee). He is Mukhyaakshara. He abides in everybody's heart. He illumines the Sun & other luminous objects. He activates Prana & its five types by being in them & hence known by the name Isana. Brahman & other Devathas continue their Sadana through the Vedas to attain Him even though they are in bliss.


Purport: It covers 8 Adhikaranas. Sri Vishnu activates life in everyone & not Mukhya Prana.


6. GYeyo na vedaiH shUdrAdyaiH kampako.anyashcha jIvataH |

patitvAdiguNairyuktastadanyatra cha vAchakaiH ||


The vedas which are the means to know the Lord are not with in the bounds of Sudras, Ladies & Chandalas. But by listening to the myriad glories of the Lord in the Puranas & Mahabharatha & though sAdhana & bhakthi, He becomes accessible. Since He is known by the words Vajra, Rudra etc.... He is not uncouth. He is other than the individual jiva. He is the presiding deity of all the words. So, Sri Lakshmi & Brahma venerate Him as " Sarva Sabda vAchya " . It is, therefore, to be known that names that stand for other things also signify Janardhana.


The third part of the first chapter ends here


Purport: 6 Adhikaranas are covered. Sri Vishnu alone is the supreme Lord since he is independent possessor of all auspicious attributes.


7. mukhyataH sarvashabdaishcha vAchya eko janArdanaH |

avyaktaH karmavAkyaishcha vAchya eko.amitAtmakaH ||


Since Lord Janardhana with no beginning or end is present in all genders & names, they signify Him only. He alone is the swamy & the primary signifier of terms like Avyaktha, Badha, Dukhi though they apparently mean different. He is unmanifested. He is one & the same although present in every being in infinite terms. He is the driving force in every entity. This is called His " Achintyadbhutha Sakthi " (Transcendantal power).


Purport: 7 Adhikaranas are covered. He conducts & controls all the individual jivas by being in the five Tattvas.


8. avAntaraM kAraNaM cha prakR^itiH shUnyameva cha |

ityAdyanyatra niyatairapi mukhyatayoditaH ||


By being in every element of nature, He conducts their functions. Hence all scriptures address Him as unmanifested. Every sentence that is uttered in the vedas & yagnas speak about Sri Hari. Akasha that donates the five elements also suggest Paramatma. The words like void (Sunya)also tell about Sri Hari. Even the feminine gender applies to Him. The words such as Prakriti, Void (Sunya) also refer to Him primarily even though they have other denotations in common usage.


9. shabdairato.anantaguNo yacChabdA yogavR^ittayaH ||


All words good or bad mean only Sri Hari. He is to be understood as having infinitude of attributes & all the terms when interpreted etymologically refer to Him. When any word thus said is interpreted as per the Vedas or the Brahma Sutras, addresses only the Supreme Lord Sri Narayana.


In this chapter, it is said since Sri Hari is " Sarva Sabdha Vaacha " , all terms refer to Him as one having full of auspicious countless attributes. Hence the fourth part of the first chater ends.


Purport: All words convey Sri Narayana only. He is known as Vishnu meaning one who is omnipresent (Sarvavyaptha).


iti shrImatkR^iShNa dvaipAyanakR^ita brahmasUtrANubhAShye shrImad AnandatIrtha bhagavatpAdAchArya virachite prathamo.adhyAyaH


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu







-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya

pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent

affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya), reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory &

greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief & selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual &

emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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