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hanuma namma tAyitaMde-Devurunama by Purandara Dasaru

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Hare Srinivasa ! On the occasion of Madhva Navami , it is our duty to recall the greatness of our Acharya in his three avatars, taken for the benefit of deserving souls and performed as a seva to the Lord. It is a special day and even a little contemplation on these brings us great benefits. Purandara Dasaru's composition is very aptly describing the three avataras using worldly terms to describe the lasting ,eternal relationship we have with our Master and Guru -Sri Madhvarayaru. hanuma namma tAyi taMde bheema namma baMdu balaga Anandatheerthare namma gatigotraraiyya Purandara Dasaru is descibing MukyaprAna devuru's three avatars in the three yugas- Treta yuga, Dwapara yuga and Kali yuga. He is affectionately giving examples of the kind of service that MukyaprAna devuru did to the Lord by showing the correct path to the deserving souls. Three most important external influences on any human beings 1. father , mother 2.siblings, grandparents, uncles,

aunts 3.the guru who shows the correct path Dasaru is saying that to him all the three important influences are MukyaprAna devuru himself in different forms. What a lovely way to describe MukyaprAna devuru's compelling influence on every jiva. His sway is over the entire jiva rAshis irrespective of thier nature, but Dasaru is especially highlighting his benovelence on the satvic souls. And if one asks who may they be? Answer is that they are none other than those who feel like Dasaru about MukyaprAna devuru. If

one is able to cognize the extent to which MukyaprAna devuru is gracing the devotees of the Lord, if one is able to recognise his important play in the movement of one's body, thought processes, performance of actions etc then one can accept that he is like a father,mother is to a child. If one can understand how MukyaprAna devuru guides, offers timely advice and is a friendly companion to the jiva, then he can understand that relationship of a sibling. If one comprehends that the direction is always directed by the Lord through MukyaprAna devuuru only and not through any other means then it means one can understand that MukyaprAna devuru is to the jiva just like a guru to a shishyA. A guru guides the sishya to reach his true heights in all aspects of spirituality.

Then Dasaru is further strengthening his proclamations by giving solid proof. He says "If one asks what is the proof that Hanuman is my father,mother then I have the proof of Lord Rama's feet witnessing the extreme patience, care extended by Lord Hanuman to the vanaras when they where affected by the Ravana's army. This is the same kind of affection that one can get from the father and mother. The father and mother are doing this under the guidance/inspiration of the Lord through PrAnda devuru, so does it not follow that MukyaprAna devuru is the father and mother?" Similarly he gives proof for the other two cases and then finally closes his composition saying that for him the 'gati' ie his achievement of the feet of Lord

Vittala is the sAkshi. tAyitaMde hasulegAgi sahAya mADi sAkuvaMte Ayasavillade saMjivanava taMDe gAyagoMDa kapigallannu sAyadaMte poredE raghurAmanaMgrigalE sAkshi tretAyUgadi In the shatprashnOpanishad Bhargava asks the great sage Pippalada ,"How many dieties

assist the sustenance of created beings ? Who among the deities assist revelation of objects? Who, among these deities , is superior? In the 7 verses the follow Pippalada reveals the magnificient contribution of MukyaprAna in the creation, revelation of souls and that he is the most superior among all the other deities. In the 6 and 7 verses particularly he entreats Mukya prAna by saying ," O MukyaprAna ! you are Indra, you shine with brilliance, you are Rudra, you are protector, you move over the heaven, you are the sun, you are the lord of planets..........Then finally he says, O mAtarisvan! you are are father! " In the 7th verse he says ,"Your person is present in speech, ear and eye and that is extended in our mind

and make it auspicious to us. ... Protect us like a mother protecting her children.Bestow on the wealth of knowledge and wisdom." Dasaru is also saying that Hanuma is like my father/mother. He says ' like' because we know through observation and experience the kind of unconditional love and care given by parents to thier helpless child. Whereas we don't know this about Hanuman by experience or observation. But the scriptures says so. So in order to give us a vivid idea he says 'like a father/mother'. The actual fact is that he is the preraka for this love/affection given by the parents and hence is the origin of this love/affection. He asks one to recollect the events of the Ramayana wherein Hanuman carried an entire

parvata to save the lives of the injured vanaras. One more reason for this is the effect of such an anusandhana on the spiritual side. One of the causes of bondage is the attachment one has towards one's relations in this birth. If one can understand the the Lord through Prakrithi through MukyaprAna works this world and all relatinships originate from there then the realisation of the temproary nature of these relationships become evident . This is itself is both a cause of spiritual upliftment and also the grace of guru and God. As Vadirajaru proclaims in his devurunama.... ondu bAri smarane sAlade Anandatheerthara poorNaprajnara savagnjyarAyara madhvarAyara .... prakrithibaMdadali siluki sakala vishayagalali noMdu hariya pAdava hoMdabEkambuvarige.... Vadirajaru says ," Isn't it sufficient to bring to one's mind the glory of Srimad Anandatheertha, the great one who has the maximum knowledge among the jivas, who knows everything about the world,jivas at all times,who is madhvaraya?" Then he says to those who want to be releaved of the misery caused by the bondage of Prakrithi and who want to feel devotion towards the lotus feet of Hari, to them if they think of Ananda theertharu once is sufficient. baMdu balagadaMTe ApadbhAMdava nAgi pArthanIge baMda duritagala pariharisI aMdakajAthara koMdu naMdakaMdArpaneyiMda govindaMaMgrigalE sAkshi dwApara yugadi In times of difficulty relations, friends offer suport and make the miserable situation of a peron , bearable. Being the elder brother of Arjuna, he was a great saviour and

was always there to help him tide over the difficult times. He would make plans to overcome the difficulty in advance -like moving out of the wax house constructed by the Kauravas, rescuing Droupadi from Keechaka etc. He performed all the deeds as a dedicated service to Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Gopa. The proof of this is Sri Govinda's lotus feet as He was present during the Dwapara yuga. Dasaru is highlighting that the Lord is sarva karma sAkshi . Govinda was present in the dwapara yuga, then why say 'His feet is the sakshi'. Dasaru could have said "Govinda has seen!". The reason is to draw our attention to the Lord's presence at all times, (omnipresence) , His complete knowledge of all times/events/deeds done by different jivas (omniscience) and His power in controlling the entire world by directing the time/place/jivas. (omnipotence). One more thing to cognize

is the that Lord's feet has the same significance as the Lord. There is no difference between His karmEndriyAs and jNanendriyas, rather for Him all these are not necessary to perform an action or to observe an action. He is above all these and can comprehend completely without receiving any inputs. gatigOtraraMte sAdhu matigalige gatiyanittu matikeTTA ippattoMdu matava kaMDisi matikeTTa vishnavarige matiya tOrida paramApta gati puraMdara viTTala sAkshi kaliyugadalli Then Dasaru says that MukyaprAna in his form as Madhvaraya is the superior lineage for the sadhus - who can think and contemplate on the gunas of the Lord. He showed the path to the deserving souls and denounced the wrong interpretations of the scriptures. Here in the last lime the word 'gati' is of significance. It is relevant to note that he did not use it in either of the two charanmas. He just mentioned the Lord's feet. But in the last one he says 'gati' and then 'purandara vittala'. It indicates that Dasaru is referring to his destiny which was to reach Purandara Vittala and the fact that he has

reached it by following the principles set out by Hanuman as Anandatheertharu is the greatest living proof for anyone in the kaliyuga. It seems that Dasaru wanted to substantiate his earlier examples from history with one account of his own expereince which makes his case more substantial. Generally when we want to convey one concept which we have understood to another person, quoting of texts, giving of examples etc is enough to get an entry into the other person's heart. But once you say ," I experienced it." Then it clinches the deal in the favour of your concept. This is the psycology that the marketing advertisers use to bring home the necessity of buying thier product. Dasaru being the master phycologist has used it in times of yore and has stated the historical examples first and then gives his own firsthand experience. In fact the words are strung so well as

to give another meaning. Dasaru says ," One can expereince this close relationship that every soul has with MukyaprAna devuru if one believes in the path shown by Anandatheertharu and soon he will reach his natural destiny. The arrival at the destiny is the proof of the path." In Vijayadasaru's words: madhvamatave sakalashrutisammatavu madhvarayara dhyAna amritapAna madhvarayara lile navaratunada mAle madhvEshana smaraNe

kulakOTi uddaraNe " The philosphy of Srimad MadhwAcharya is the essence of the all the shruthis, contemplation on Madhvarayaru is drinking nectar of knowledge, understanding the great compassion and benevolence of Madhvaraya in giving the nine important prameyas and seeking his grace to understand them is like wearing a necklace of nine gems, thinking of the Lord of Madhva is the liberation of crores of generations in one's lineage." The nine tennets of Sri Madhvacharya's dwaita vedanta as summed up by Sri Vyasa Theertha is as follows: hari parataraH Lord Vishnu alone is Supreme and highest in all respects. satyam jagat The entire universe is truely and ultimately real. tatvatobedhAH The five-fold difference is fundamental.( jeeva-isha, jeeva-jeeva, jeeva-jada, jada-isha, jada-jada ) jeevaganaH hareranucharAH The entire group of conscious beings are all dependant on Lord Vishnu. neechochabhavam gataH The souls are inherently graded as higher and lower according to their intrinsic ability. muktiH naija sukhAnubhutiH Liberation is the enjoyment of the bliss befitting ones original form. amalA bhaktihiH tat sadhana The means to secure liberation is pure devotion to Lord Vishnu. hyakshaditritayam pramanam The means of knowledge is perception(pratyaksha), inference(anumana) and scriptures(Agama). akilAmnayaikaVedyO hariH Lord Vishnu alone is made

known by the entire mass of scriptures. I am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doer, Whatever He makes me do is His worship by His Grace R.Parimala

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Namaskara: On February 24, we are likely to be in Palo Alto, California Bay Area. Is it possible for anyone to let me know when and where Sri Madhwa Navami will be celebrated in CA Bay Area. Thanks for your help. SubbaraoParimala Raghavendran <ravipari01 wrote: Hare Srinivasa ! On the occasion of Madhva Navami , it is our duty to recall the greatness of our Acharya in his three avatars,

taken for the benefit of deserving souls and performed as a seva to the Lord. It is a special day and even a little contemplation on these brings us great benefits. Purandara Dasaru's composition is very aptly describing the three avataras using worldly terms to describe the lasting ,eternal relationship we have with our Master and Guru -Sri Madhvarayaru. hanuma namma tAyi taMde bheema namma baMdu balaga Anandatheerthare namma gatigotraraiyya Purandara Dasaru is descibing MukyaprAna devuru's three avatars in the three yugas- Treta yuga,

Dwapara yuga and Kali yuga. He is affectionately giving examples of the kind of service that MukyaprAna devuru did to the Lord by showing the correct path to the deserving souls. Three most important external influences on any human beings 1. father , mother 2.siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts 3.the guru who shows the correct path Dasaru is saying that to him all the three important influences are MukyaprAna devuru himself in different forms. What a lovely way to describe MukyaprAna devuru's compelling influence on every jiva. His sway is over the

entire jiva rAshis irrespective of thier nature, but Dasaru is especially highlighting his benovelence on the satvic souls. And if one asks who may they be? Answer is that they are none other than those who feel like Dasaru about MukyaprAna devuru. If one is able to cognize the extent to which MukyaprAna devuru is gracing the devotees of the Lord, if one is able to recognise his important play in the movement of one's body, thought processes, performance of actions etc then one can accept that he is like a father,mother is to a child. If one can understand how MukyaprAna devuru guides, offers timely advice and is a friendly companion to the jiva, then he can understand that relationship of a sibling. If one comprehends that the direction is always directed by the Lord through MukyaprAna devuuru only and not through any other means then it means one can understand that MukyaprAna devuru is to the jiva just like a guru to a shishyA. A guru guides the sishya to reach his true heights in all aspects of spirituality. Then Dasaru is further strengthening his proclamations by giving solid proof. He says "If one asks what is the proof that Hanuman is my father,mother then I have the proof of Lord Rama's feet witnessing the extreme patience, care extended by Lord Hanuman to the vanaras when they where affected by the Ravana's army. This is the same kind of affection that one can get from the father and mother. The father and mother are doing this under the guidance/inspiration of the Lord through PrAnda devuru, so does it not

follow that MukyaprAna devuru is the father and mother?" Similarly he gives proof for the other two cases and then finally closes his composition saying that for him the 'gati' ie his achievement of the feet of Lord Vittala is the sAkshi. tAyitaMde hasulegAgi sahAya mADi sAkuvaMte Ayasavillade saMjivanava taMDe gAyagoMDa kapigallannu sAyadaMte poredE raghurAmanaMgrigalE sAkshi tretAyUgadi In the shatprashnOpanishad Bhargava asks the great sage Pippalada ,"How many dieties assist the sustenance of created beings ? Who among the deities assist revelation of objects? Who, among these deities , is superior? In the 7 verses the follow Pippalada reveals the magnificient contribution of MukyaprAna in the creation, revelation of souls and that he is the most superior among all the other deities. In the 6 and 7 verses particularly he entreats Mukya prAna by saying ," O MukyaprAna ! you are Indra, you shine with brilliance, you are Rudra, you are protector, you move over the heaven, you are the sun, you are the lord of planets..........Then finally he says, O mAtarisvan! you are are father! " In the 7th verse he says ,"Your person is present in speech, ear and eye and

that is extended in our mind and make it auspicious to us. ... Protect us like a mother protecting her children.Bestow on the wealth of knowledge and wisdom." Dasaru is also saying that Hanuma is like my father/mother. He says ' like' because we know through observation and experience the kind of unconditional love and care given by parents to thier helpless child. Whereas we don't know this about Hanuman by experience or observation. But the scriptures says so. So in order to give us a vivid idea he says 'like a father/mother'. The actual fact is that he is the preraka for this love/affection given by the parents and hence is the origin of this love/affection. He asks one to recollect the events of the Ramayana wherein Hanuman carried an entire parvata to save the lives of the injured vanaras.

One more reason for this is the effect of such an anusandhana on the spiritual side. One of the causes of bondage is the attachment one has towards one's relations in this birth. If one can understand the the Lord through Prakrithi through MukyaprAna works this world and all relatinships originate from there then the realisation of the temproary nature of these relationships become evident . This is itself is both a cause of spiritual upliftment and also the grace of guru and God. As Vadirajaru proclaims in his devurunama.... ondu bAri smarane sAlade Anandatheerthara poorNaprajnara savagnjyarAyara madhvarAyara .... prakrithibaMdadali siluki sakala vishayagalali noMdu

hariya pAdava hoMdabEkambuvarige.... Vadirajaru says ," Isn't it sufficient to bring to one's mind the glory of Srimad Anandatheertha, the great one who has the maximum knowledge among the jivas, who knows everything about the world,jivas at all times,who is madhvaraya?" Then he says to those who want to be releaved of the misery caused by the bondage of Prakrithi and who want to feel devotion towards the lotus feet of Hari, to them if they think of Ananda theertharu once is sufficient. baMdu balagadaMTe ApadbhAMdava nAgi pArthanIge baMda duritagala

pariharisI aMdakajAthara koMdu naMdakaMdArpaneyiMda govindaMaMgrigalE sAkshi dwApara yugadi In times of difficulty relations, friends offer suport and make the miserable situation of a peron , bearable. Being the elder brother of Arjuna, he was a great saviour and was always there to help him tide over the difficult times. He would make plans to overcome the difficulty in advance -like moving out of the wax house constructed by the Kauravas, rescuing Droupadi from Keechaka etc. He performed all the deeds as a dedicated service to Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Gopa. The proof of this is Sri Govinda's lotus feet as He was present during the Dwapara yuga. Dasaru

is highlighting that the Lord is sarva karma sAkshi . Govinda was present in the dwapara yuga, then why say 'His feet is the sakshi'. Dasaru could have said "Govinda has seen!". The reason is to draw our attention to the Lord's presence at all times, (omnipresence) , His complete knowledge of all times/events/deeds done by different jivas (omniscience) and His power in controlling the entire world by directing the time/place/jivas. (omnipotence). One more thing to cognize is the that Lord's feet has the same significance as the Lord. There is no difference between His karmEndriyAs and jNanendriyas, rather for Him all these are not necessary to perform an action or to observe an action. He is above all these and can comprehend completely without receiving any inputs. gatigOtraraMte sAdhu matigalige gatiyanittu matikeTTA ippattoMdu matava kaMDisi matikeTTa vishnavarige matiya tOrida paramApta gati puraMdara viTTala sAkshi kaliyugadalli Then Dasaru says that MukyaprAna in his form as Madhvaraya is the superior lineage for the sadhus - who can think and contemplate on the gunas of the Lord. He showed the path to the deserving souls and denounced the wrong interpretations of the scriptures. Here in the last lime

the word 'gati' is of significance. It is relevant to note that he did not use it in either of the two charanmas. He just mentioned the Lord's feet. But in the last one he says 'gati' and then 'purandara vittala'. It indicates that Dasaru is referring to his destiny which was to reach Purandara Vittala and the fact that he has reached it by following the principles set out by Hanuman as Anandatheertharu is the greatest living proof for anyone in the kaliyuga. It seems that Dasaru wanted to substantiate his earlier examples from history with one account of his own expereince which makes his case more substantial. Generally when we want to convey one concept which we have understood to another person, quoting of texts, giving of examples etc is enough to get an entry into the other person's heart. But once you say ," I experienced it." Then it clinches the deal in the favour of your concept. This

is the psycology that the marketing advertisers use to bring home the necessity of buying thier product. Dasaru being the master phycologist has used it in times of yore and has stated the historical examples first and then gives his own firsthand experience. In fact the words are strung so well as to give another meaning. Dasaru says ," One can expereince this close relationship that every soul has with MukyaprAna devuru if one believes in the path shown by Anandatheertharu and soon he will reach his natural destiny. The arrival at the destiny is the proof of the path." In Vijayadasaru's words: madhvamatave sakalashrutisammatavu madhvarayara dhyAna

amritapAna madhvarayara lile navaratunada mAle madhvEshana smaraNe kulakOTi uddaraNe " The philosphy of Srimad MadhwAcharya is the essence of the all the shruthis, contemplation on Madhvarayaru is drinking nectar of knowledge, understanding the great compassion and benevolence of Madhvaraya in giving the nine important prameyas and seeking his grace to understand them is like wearing a necklace of nine gems, thinking of the Lord of Madhva is the liberation of crores of generations in one's lineage." The nine tennets of Sri Madhvacharya's dwaita vedanta as summed up by Sri Vyasa Theertha is as follows: hari parataraH Lord Vishnu alone is Supreme and highest in all respects. satyam jagat The entire universe is truely and ultimately real. tatvatobedhAH The five-fold difference is fundamental.( jeeva-isha, jeeva-jeeva, jeeva-jada, jada-isha,

jada-jada ) jeevaganaH hareranucharAH The entire group of conscious beings are all dependant on Lord Vishnu. neechochabhavam gataH The souls are inherently graded as higher and lower according to their intrinsic ability. muktiH naija sukhAnubhutiH Liberation is the enjoyment of the bliss befitting ones original form. amalA bhaktihiH tat sadhana The means to secure liberation is pure devotion to Lord Vishnu. hyakshaditritayam pramanam The means of knowledge is perception(pratyaksha), inference(anumana) and scriptures(Agama). akilAmnayaikaVedyO

hariH Lord Vishnu alone is made known by the entire mass of scriptures. I am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doer, Whatever He makes me do is His worship by His Grace R.Parimala Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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