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Sri Madhwa Vijaya- 15, shlokas 76- 100- Part- 4

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaH Source: Sumadhwavijaya of Narayana Pandithacharya, English translation by Sri D R Vasudeva Rao (DRV) Srimadananda theertha publication, Vishakapatnam, & Prof G V Nadgouda, (GVN) Published by Anandtirtha Pratishtana, PPVP, Bangalore.

shrImatkavi kulatilaka shrImatatrivikrama paNDitAchAryasuta shrImannArAyaNapANDitAchArya virachite shrImatsumadhvavijaye mAhakAvye AnandA~Nge pa~nchadashaH sargaH



itihAsapurANAbdherbhavacchittAdriloDitAt.h |

jAtAM bhAratatAtparyasudhAM kaH san.h na sevate || 76 ||


Is there any righteous person who will not honor & enjoy the ambrosia- the Tatparya Nirnaya volume of the Acharya (that distills the essence of the epics & the puranas) arisen from the churning of the ocean, of the huge heap of epics (bhAratha, Ramayana & Pancharatra) & puranas (bhAghavatha & others) with his mind the Mandara Mountain? (GVN)


purANasthAnapAnthAnAmabhAShAtrayavedinAm.h |

bhavatA susakhA chakre shrIbhAgavatanirNayaH || 77 ||


For the people who have the puranas only as their shelter & who are ignorant of the three types of language (guhya, darsana & samadhi) the book known as the Bhaghavatha tatparya nirnaya which is a good friend (to them) was composed by you (Acharya Madhwa). (N.B. This book is as helpful to the people as a good freind is to the way farer who does not know the language of the place & so is unable to know right path). (DRV)


kastantrasAraM samprApya na syAt.h paryAptavA~nChitaH |

amarairAshritachChAyaM kalpadramamivottamam.h || 78 ||


Who does not have his complete wishes fulfilled by obtaining the Tantrasara which has the best meanings, which has the doctrines accepted by the gods like the gods obtaining all their wishes fulfilled by resorting to the shade of the kalpa vriksha. (DRV)


lokAnAmavalokAya mArgasyAsya vyadhAdbhavAn.h |

karuNAkara netrAbhe vAdasanmAnalaxaNe || 79 ||


Oh Great Acharya, endowed with mercy transcendental ! you wrote Pramana Lakshna & Katha Lakshana which serve as models for people (eyes for people to see) that catalogue the characteristics of valid reasonings & master debates. (GVN)


ekAkI kila yashchakre padaM mauliShu vidviShAm.h |

tachvanirNayapArtho.ayaM kena nAma na pUjayate || 80 ||


By whom is not Arjuna known as the Vishnu tatva vinirnaya who put his feet alone (=refuted) on the heads of the foes (disputants) worshipped? This is well known. (N. B. Just as Arjuna fought alone & defeated the foes at the time of recovering the captured coward & during his fight with the NivAtakavacaus, so also this book alone is capable of refuting the doctrines of all the rival disputatants). (DRV)


vAdAdayaH prakaraNasphuli~NgAstanavo.apyalam.h |

vipaxakaxaM xiNvanti mArutena tvayeritAH || 81 ||


The sparks of fire in the (monograghs) prakarana granthas beginning with the Tattvodyota & others mentioned by you who are the avatar of Vayu destroy though short, the dry forest in the form of the rival siddhanthas (like the sparks of fire carried by the wind destroying the big forests). (DRV)


ananto.arthaH prakaTitastvayA.aNau bhAShyasa~Ngrahe |

aho AtmapariGYaptyai kR^iShNenevAnanAntare || 82 ||


In a brief AnubhAshya unlimited subject (pertaining to dvaita vedanta) is clearly mentioned by you for the understanding of your ability (by us) even as the whole universe was clearly shown in the mouth by Lord Krishna (to His mother Yashodha). It is wonderful. (Anubhashya was composed at the instance of Achyutaprekshacharya for recitation, especially on the Dwadashi day).


bhagavaMshchitrakavitAM laukikIM darshayan.h kila |

gopyaM bhAratasaMxepamakR^ithA vishvavismayam.h || 83 ||


Oh Glorious Acharya, your Yamaka Bharata which synoptically surveys the mysterious Mahabharatha with its epic dimension in a few stanzas pin points your astonishing poetic talent & stands unrivalled in the whole range of Sanskrit literature. (GVN)


nAnAsubhAShitastotragAthAdikR^itisatkR^itIH |

tvayi rantAkare ratnashreNIrvA gaNayanti ke || 84 ||


Who can count like the group of jewels in the sea the good compositions beginning with the many kinds of good sayings praises, poems & others that are made by you (such as the devotional hymns, sadAchara Smriti, Jayanti Kalpa & others).


eShu dabhramatIn.h dabhrAn.h hasatyucchaiH satAM sabhA |

chintAmaNIMshchintayantI mitAnapyamitArthadAn.h || 85 ||


The assembly of the good people which looks upon as Cintaamani your books having unlimited meanings, though having a few words, laughs well at the mean people who look upon them as small books.


aparo.apIShyate.asmAbhirgrantheShveteShu satsvapi |

satsvapIndrAdiShu purA tArakAririvAmaraiH || 86 ||


Trivikramacharya implored: " With all this wealth of wisdom at our command, we yet yearn for another volume, like the divines entreating the Almighty for another powerful God (Skanda) for the destruction of the demon Taraka with might Gods like Indra in their phalanx.


granthebhya ebhyo.agAdhebhyo yaktayo no duruddharAH |

manomAndhyAt.h tato granthaM vyaktatarkatatiM kuru || 87 ||


Dull witted as we are, it is hard to pick & choose the appropriate reasonings from your extensive tough & profound works. IT will be extremely kind of you if you compose another work of art to muster & manifest your master reasonings in a limpid manner.


ityarthito vyadhAnmadhvaH so.anuvyAkhyAM satAM sudhAm.h |

durvAdigarvAdripaviM mAyidhvAntaravidyutim.h || 88 ||


So solicited, Acharya Madhwa composed his magnum opus Anuvyakhyana, blissful like ambrosia to the virtuous & frightful as the thunder bolt to the mountain of super arrogance of the vile confutants & lustrous like the Sun to wipe out the ignorance spread by the Mayavadins.


yugapadrachayannenAM kadAchit.h sa nirantaram.h |

chaturashchaturaH shiShyAllIlayA.alekhayat.h khalu || 89 ||


Once Sarvajnacharya composed at one stretch the whole of Anuvyakhyana & got its four chapters transcribed simultanously by four discreet disciples without pause & with extreme ease. (a marvelous feat, indeed in inspirational & intellectual gymnastics). (Perhaps a suggestion of the Acharya being Chaturmukha Brahma citing the vedas with his four mouths all at once).


yuktAyA yuktimAlAyAH proktAyAstatra chAtmanA |

vyaktaM chakre vivaraNaM kavIndraireSha duShkaram.h || 90 ||


To elucidate the right reasonings (narrated) in the Yuktimala portion of Anuvykhyana, Poornaprajna wrote another book called Nyayavivarana, one more literary achievement impossible to be accomplished even by accredited scholors.


madhvendornityasambandhAnnistamastApachetasoH ||

vaikuNThaM yAtayoH pitrogR^ihe.asyAvarajo.avasat.h || 91 ||


The parents (of Acharya Madhwa) whose mind was free from the torment of ignorance on account of the contact (such as seeing & hearing) with the moon known as Sri Madhwa having gone to Vaikuntha, the younger brother of this Sri Madhwa was living in the house at Pajaka kshetra.


vidhibhrUvibhramabhrashyaddhanagodhAnyasampadA |

nirvedinA vedavidA tenApe vedavAdirAT.h || 92 ||


His younger brother well versed in Vedas, with the loss of his assets, money, grain & cows with the freak of fortune attained vairaghya (freedom from worldly attachments) & hied to his brother Madhwacharya, the unsurpassed interpreter of the Vedas.


pArivrAjyaM prArthayantaM pAdAnamramimaM muhuH |

samayApexavorvIxo gamayAmAsa dhAma tam.h || 93 ||


His younger brother beseeching the Great Acharya with repeated prostrations for initiation to join the ascetic fold was sent back home being persuaded by Poornaprajna to await the auspicious day (the completion of chaturmAsya), with an assurance to fulfil his wishes.


na jadhAsa na suShvApa na jahAsa sa dhIradhIH |

samayArthI smaran.h jyeShThaM rAmaM rAmAnujo yathA || 94 ||


Accordingly, Vishnutirtha (younger brother of Acharya Madhwa), with an established mind & stead fast resolve, plunged in the fondest recollections of Madhwacharya, neither ate nor slept nor laughed but anxiously awaited the dawn of the propitous moment (when he would be raised to the order of the monk) like the chataka bird awaiting for the shower & like Bharata expecting the arrival of his brother Lord Ramachandra after his exile.


rAjye katha~nchinnixipya rAjAnaM virahArditam.h |

avatArabhuvaM prAyAdbhagavA~nCharadatyaye || 95 ||


With the turn of the Autumn season (after the chaturmasya) Madhwacharya at last arrived (as promised) to the land of his birth (Pajaka kshetra) having succeded in persuading King Jayasimha intending to escort the Acharya to avoid intolerable separation from him, to stay on in his kingdom (observing his Dharma of protecting his subjects).


vishuddhadvikulaM shrautaM shuchiM kR^itapitR^ikriyam.h |

viravataM viShayAn.h bhuktvA vyadhAnmadhvo.anujaM yatim.h || 96 ||


Sri Madhwa made his younger brother an ascetic - the younger brother who has a sacred lineage of parents, who knows for certain the meanigns of the Veda, who is pure in mind, word & body, who has become dispassionate by enjoying the objects of life & who has performed the jivasraddha.


rahasyatirahasyaM tad.hbrahmA brahmasamo dadau |

amuShmai pa~nchatapaso na viduryat.h tapasvinaH || 97 ||


Madhwacharya, the incarnation of Lord Vayu equal in cadre to Chaturmukha Brahma, in seclusion imparted to his esteemed disciple Vishnutirtha supreme esoteric secrets of Parabrahma tatwa unknown even by anchorites engaged in rigorous austerities among the Pancha agnis.


premAmR^itaprasannAsyasmitA~NgApA~NgapUrvakam.h |

shrIviShNutIrthanAmAsmai prItitIrthaH pradattavAn.h || 98 ||


With a face which is pleased by the nectar of affection & which has the side look & others having a gentle smile as its nourisher, Sri Anandatheertha gave the name of Vishnutirtha to his younger brother.


shravaNenAnuvAdena mananenAvR^ithAkarot.h |

kAlaM vedAntashAstrasya vedAntagurusodaraH || 99 ||


Vishnutirtha, an ardent follower of his brother Sri Madhwacharya, the master expositer of the scriptures, made gainful use of the time in listening to the lectures of his preceptor (Acharya Madhwa) & in repeating, cogitating & contemplating over them.


sa dAntibhaktimAdhuryaparicharyAdimeduraiH |

mahAviTapinaM chakre guroH svasthaM kR^ipAMkuram.h || 100 ||


Sri Vishnuthirtha made the seedling of the kindness of Sri Madhwa that is in him grow into a big tree by means of the ingredients beginning with sense control, devotion (to Lord Hari & the preceptor), sweetness (of mind & speech), service & others.



bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu











-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH

(jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent

affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya), reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory &

greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief & selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual &

emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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