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Sri Madhwa Vijaya- 15, shlokas 101-120, Part 5

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaH Source: Sumadhwavijaya of Narayana Pandithacharya, English translation by Sri D R Vasudeva Rao (DRV) Srimadananda theertha publication, Vishakapatnam, & Prof G V Nadgouda, (GVN) Published by Anandtirtha Pratishtana, PPVP, Bangalore.

shrImatkavi kulatilaka shrImatatrivikrama paNDitAchAryasuta shrImannArAyaNapANDitAchArya virachite shrImatsumadhvavijaye mAhakAvye AnandA~Nge pa~nchadashaH sargaH


anantamatikAruNyakalpadrumavato janaiH |

avarNyo mahimA tasya laulyAt.h saMvarNyate manAk.h || 101 ||


The greatness of Sri Vishnutirtha who has the kalpavriksa in the form of the kindness of Sri Purnaprajna cannot be described by persons. Still, a little (of it) will be described out of desire.


chaturo.asau pravachane manusaMsiddhimAtmanaH |

saMkhyA mAM pUraNI mAgAnmadhvadAsamiti vyadhAt.h || 102 ||


This Vishnutirtha who is clever in expounding the Shastras of Sri Madhwa & who has achieved what is desired by means of the mantras such as the pranava & others made up his mind thus: Let me, the servant of Sri Madhwa, not have the number that fills up (while mentioning the disciple of Sri Madhwa).


dishaM prayAntaM shashinashcharantaM bhuvyashodhayat.h |

tIrthakaM viShNutIrthaM cha viShNutIrthashcha tIrthakam.h || 103 ||


During his holy journey towards the north, the dips in holy waters purified Vishnutirtha & such is the glory of the great that their ablution in turn, sanctifies the sacred waters.


akAmAnAmanekeShAM siddhibhUmiM tapasvinAm.h |

tirohitAtmA prApAsau harishchandramahIdharam.h || 104 ||


Sri Vishnutirtha reached in an invisible form the mountain Harishchandra which is the place of the realization of the penance of the many sages who have no desire for fruit.


dvaMdvaduHkhAnale vIro mAtsaryeNa vimatsaraH |

tatyAja matvA tasyAsAvashanAdIndhanAyitam.h || 105 ||


Sri Vishnutirtha who is capable of completing a thing once began & who is without hatred gave up eating & others out of hatred for the fire of sorrow caused by heat & cold, thinking that they are like firewood to heat & cold.


bhaktairanugiraM nItaM prArthito yatishekharaH |

pa~nchagavyaM papau ki~nchit.h pa~nchame pa~nchame dine || 106 ||


Sri Vishnutheertha drank a little once in five days the panchagavya (mixture of milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine & cowdung all of which pertain to cow) brought near the mountain by the people having devotion to him & being requested (by them).


sa tyajan.h sAhasI taccha tapastepe.atitApasam.h |

bilvaparNaiH xitau pannaistR^iptimAn.h salilairapi || 107 ||


Vishnutheertha who had conquered his senses, gradually relinquished the Panchagavya also & remained content with Bilva leaves dropped on the ground & later with mere water such being the rigor of his austerities difficult to be practised even by celebrated sages.


yatheShTamadhyAsta shilAM yamI yamI suniyamI satAm.h |

nAdhyAsate yAmekAhaM daivabhagnAstapasvinaH || 108 ||


Sri Vishnutheertha who performs the dailly observances of the good sages who have controlled the mind sat at will on that stone on which even the sages not having the grace of God cannot sit even for one day.


pavanAMshAnujo jitvA pavanaM rechakAdibhiH |

viShayebhyo hR^iShIkAshvAn.h manoyantrA samAharat.h || 109 ||


Sri Vishnutheertha, the younger brother of the Acharya, the incarnation of Lord Vayu, conquered the breath by means of recaka (exhalation of the breath through the right nostrils) & others such as Kumbhaka (suspending breath) & puraka (inhalation of the breath through left nostril) ). He withdrew the horses in the form of senses from the objects of life by means of the charioteer known as the mind.


smaran.h murArerAkAraM dadhyAvadhyAtmakovidaH |

samAdhimAdhishamanaM yogalabhyaM sa labdhavAn.h || 110 ||


Sri Vishnutirtha who is well versed in Vedanta shastra mediated on the form of Lord Narayana. He obtained the samAdhi that removes the agony of the mind & that can be obtained by yogis (or by yoga).


maukunde sundare rupe svAnandAdiguNArNave |

svAshcharyaratne magnAtmA nAnyat.h ki~nchidviveda saH || 111 ||


Contemplating on the exquisite form of Mukunda (dispenser of Moksha), the wonder of wonders, the treasure of infinite auspicious qualities like Ananda, fully free from faults. Sri Vishnutheertha attained Asamprajnata Samadhi. (completely lost himself in meditation so much so that he became unaware of the outer phenomena).


kAmatrAsavihInasya tasya suGYAnachaxuShuH |

vinA kaivalyasAmrAjyaM nArgho yogamaNerabhUt.h || 112 ||


There was no other value except the kingdom of moksha to the gem of meditation (of the form of asamprajnaata samaadhi) of that Vishnu Theertha which has the brightness in the form of aparoxa jnAna & whcih is free from the defect of the gem in the form of the desire for fruit.


madhvAnuje madhvanAtho yaM prasAdaM vyadhAt.h tadA |

sa chittAviShayatvAdvA gopyatvAdvA na varNyate || 113 ||


The munificence of Grace granted by Lord Narayana, the master of Madhwacharya, to his (Madhwacharya's ) beloved brother Vishnutheertha, being of a musterious nature, unintelligible even to the elites, beggers description (cannot be fully delineated).


aho mahAbodhasevAmahimA.asmin.h yuge yataH |

dhanyo.asau siddhimApemAM so.amarairityalAlyata || 114 ||


Indeed such is the glory of the service to Anandatheertha who even Kali can never dare touch (being Akhanasma) & so blessed is Vishnutheertha who could attain such unique accomplishment even in this Kali Age,' so vindicated the Gods, the majesty of the dedicated service of Vishnutheertha to the venerable Poornaprajna.


tIvravato.atIndriyavidvidyAbdhistarkapaNDitaH |

aniruddhapadAdhAraH preShThaH shiShyastamAyayau || 115 ||


A disciple who is most dear (to Sri Vishnu Theertha) who is called by the name of Aniruddha, who is a scholor in logic, who is an ocean of learning, who knows the things that are beyond the senses (such as the past & the future) & who has difficulty observances, came to that Vishnutheertha.


tena samprArthitaM prAptaM rUpyapIThamimaM punaH |

kR^itsnaGYaM kR^ipayA sveShu samprAptaM menire prajAH || 116 ||


Indeed such was the semblance Sri Vishnutheertha bore to his brother Madhwacharya, that on his arrival at Udupi at the earnest entreaty of his dear disciple Aniruddha Theertha, his followers felt as if Anadatheertha had returned out of mercy to bless them.


kavIndratilako vidvachChekharastApasAgraNIH |

madhvakelIshuko.asyAbhUchChiShyo vyAsapadAshrayaH || 117 ||


Sri Badarayana Theertha (AKA Vyasatheertha) who has taken refute at the feet of Lord Vedavyasa, a celebrated poet, a distinguished scholor & a renowned saint, dear as a sporting parrot even to Ananda Theertha, was another of Vishnu Theertha's disciple.


asau dAsyaM dhruvaM yAtaM mahAntaM mahatAmapi |

vyadhAdanugrahaM kurvan.h sAmarthyaiH kautukaM nR^iNAm.h || 118 ||


Sri Vishnutheertha who struck wonder in the hearts of the people with his superhuman feats, fully favored his favorite follower & with a firm resolved made him (Vyastheertha) the pick of the chosen wise.


Aruroha durArohaM sa paraiH prItikR^iddhareH |

mahAntaM mahimAnaM cha mahIdhraM cha gurapriyam.h || 119 ||


Sri Vishnutheertha, busy in activities delightful to Lord Narayana, attained trascedent glory hard for others to gain & scaled even the lofty mountain (Kumaradri) dear to Kumaraswamy impossible for others to ascend.


AkR^iShTo.asya guNairvyAptairyai godAyA upAyayau |

sa padmanAbhatIrthAkhyaH shiShyo.anyo.abhUt.h suchetasaH || 120 ||


That eminent pundit having the name of Sri PAdmanabha Theertha who was drawn by the qualities of this Sri Madhwa which have spread all over the world & who came from the Godavari bank became another disciple of this Purnaprajna.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu




-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH

(jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent

affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya), reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory &

greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief & selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual &

emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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