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---------- Forwarded message ----------vishwambhara <shantuvinMon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:04 AM

[MYP] sulaBhapUjeMadhwaYuvaParishat





srI hari vAyu guruBhyO nama.hSrI adavI viShNu tIrTharu has written many granThas. CaturdaShI is a very small book in which He has captured the tatvas of AcArya Madhva in a cryptic way. The symbolism behind each sentence is deep

and the presentation is full of mysticism. As an example I have tried to translate an aDhyAya called " sulaBha pUjA " . It is only a very superficial translation. To grasp the beauty and the fine overtones presented by srI viShNU tIrTharu requires not only a great

scholarship but an inner enlightenment. I beg forgiveness from all , for my audacity to attempt the translation of the text in English. Such texts can only be understood properly in their original language. Still I was compelled to share

my wonder I felt after reading it , with members of this group. I ask everyone to overlook my childish attempt . SulaBhapUjeWith proper logical understanding , the knowledge gained from understanding scriptures is the secondary fruit. Its aBhimAni is

pravaha mAruta. One should think- ( anusanDhAna) " With the power endowed by him I am doing BhagavtpUja. This body is the temple. The heart is is mantapa. The jIva svarUpa is Lord's idol. In that idol bimbarUpi srI hari is present. The continuous flow of

Lord's remembrance is DhyAna , whose aBhimAni is shiva. The the secondary space is firm conviction from intellectual activity ( sThira pratiBha) . aBhimAni for this is umAdEvi and this is the throne. The firm belief ( sR^idDhA) , whose aBhimAni is BhAratI dEvi

is the holy river.`The awareness ( chitta) whose aBhimAni is agni, is water. To become aware of subjects itself is bath ( snAna). The internal enlightenment from continuing intellectual activity (cancala-pratiBha- aBhimAni- indra) is dIpa.

Non violence (AhimsA ), controlling of senses (indriya nigraha), kindness towards all ( sarva BhUta dayA), forgiveness ( xamA), firm knowledge ( dR^iDha jnyAna) ,chaste life ( tapas), meditation (DhyAna), truth (satya) are the eight flowers. ( aSTa BhAva puShpa)

The pleasure of satisfaction produced by knowledge ( aBhimAni- anirudDha) is the divya- anna. The satisfaction produced by knowledge leads to saying " no more " for sensual pleasures. This is the pAnIya.

( aBhimAni for this " peaceful state of mind " is ahankArika prANa)The realization of self ( svarUpa AvirBhAva) is suvarNa puShpa. ( aBhimAni for this is muKhya-prANa. This is nothing but mukti)

Prayer is-bimba rUpI hari. H pUrNa nirdOSha. h pUrNajnyAna.h pUrNAnanda.h pUrNO mama svAmI.KarAvalambanam dEhi srI kR^iShNa kamalExaNa Bhava pa~nkArNavE GhOrE majjatO mama shAshvatam.TrAhi trAhi jagannATha vAsudEvA-chyutA-vyaya. MAm samudDhara gOvinda

du. HKha sansAra sAgarAt.When prayed to like this, BhagavAn gets very easily worshipped by the Bhakta.In this way srI viShNu tIrTharu narrates the internal pUjA – Evam BhAvayatO Bhaktasya BhagavAn anAyAsEnaiva sampUjitO Bhavati

regards-VishnuSrI kR^iShNArpaNamastu -- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva

GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.

[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya),

reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief &

selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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