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PushyArka yoga on April 13th, Sunday

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaIt

is very auspicious for brahmacharis/grahasthas (dvijas)

individually or combined chant 108 times ASTHOTHRA of shrI

Raghavendra Stothra when the combination of Pushya nakshatra on

Sundays (Pushyaarka yoga), or Guru pushya amrutha yoga

(combination of Pushya nakshatra on Thursdays), or during

Solar/ Lunar eclipses takes place.


Surya or Ravi- Sun --------------- Antaryaami roopa is RamaAbhimani devatha for Pushya nakshatra is Bruhaspathi (Guru)


shrI Raghavendra Swamy had worshipped Moola Rama devaru, an

aparoxi jnAni & a great bhaktha of shrI Hari, vAyu. On

this day, April 13th, Sunday is PushyArka yoga

for all combined with Sri Rama Navami for all US locations.

It is very auspicious to chant shrI hari vAyu gurugalu stothras on this

day with proper understanding, amala

(pure) bhakthi & right anusandhana. Sri Hanumana

Jayanthi falls on April 19th for all US locations.


shrI AppanAcharya has mentioned this in Sri Raghavendra Stothra. shrI Prasanna Tadipatri has translated shrI Raghavendra stothra & the following shloka mentions about Pushyaarka yoga.somasuryoparaage cha puShyaarkaadi samaagame |

yo.anuttamaM idaM stotramaShTottarashataM japet ||bhUtapreta pishaachaadi pIDaa tasya na jaayate || 26 ||He who recites this unparalleled stotra 108 times when there is aneclipse (either solar or lunar) or when the sun is in the pushya

nakshatra position, such a person will not be tormented by ghosts,demons, or spirits.soma--moonsurya--sunuparaage--At the time of an eclipse. This means both the solareclipse (the sun blocked by the moon), and lunar eclipse (the moon

blocked by the sun). An eclipse is considered to be a good time forthe recitation of the Rayaru Stotra.puShya--one of the nakshatras (It seems to correspond with the Cancerconstellation in Western astronomy).

arka--sun.samaagame--During the union of the sun & puShya. That is, when thePushya nakshatra is dominant on a Sunday. This is also considered anauspicious time for recitation of the stotra.aadi--Not just these, but other auspicious times as well.

yaH --He whojapet --recitesidaM anuttamaM-- this unparalleled. uttama means great, anuttamameans " uttamaparaH na asti " or " that for which there is nothinggreater " .stotraM -- Guru Raghavendra Stotra

aShTa uttara shataM --108. shata means 100. aShTa means 8. uttarameans more (as opposed to Una=less). So 8 more than 100 = 108. Thenumber 108 has special meaning, so reciting any stotra or mantra (likeGayatri mantra) brings puNya. If done at an auspicious time like that

mentioned earlier, it is even better.tasya -- for that person,bhuta --ghost. bhu means " to be " . This is the past tense, that which was.preta --pra + I, having gone(passed away). The spirit of a dead person.

pishaacha--demon.adi--or other evil spirits.pIDA--tormentna jaayate--will not arise. That is, he won't suffer from such evil spirits.There is also one other deeper meaning to aShTottara shata. The names

of Rayaru in this stotra add up to 108.etat stotraM samuccArya gurOrbR^indaavanaantike |dIpasaMyojanaajj~naanaM putralaabho bhaveddhruvaM || 27By reciting this stotra near Guru Raghavendra's Brindavana, and

lighting a lamp near it, one will be blessed with knowledge and goodprogeny. There is no doubt about this.etat stotraM--this Rayaru StotrasamuccArya-- sam stands for samyak and means well. uccAraNa means

recitation. uccArya means having recited. One should recite the stotrawell, that is with full devotion not with the mind distracted bymundane matters.gurOh-- Guru Rayaru's.bR^indaavanaantike--in the proximity of Guru Raghavendra's Brindavana

in Mantralaya.dIpa --lampsamyojanaat--yojana(from the root yuj) can mean many things. Here itmeans lighting the lamp.j~naanaM --knowledge. By lighting a lamp near Rayaru Brindavana andreciting the stotra with devotion, one acquires knowledge.

putra lAbho -- Obtaining a son. putra means son (puM naama narakaattraayate iti putraH--one is protected from the Naraka known as 'puM'by having a worthy son). labh means to obtain, lAbha is the noun form

of it.bhavet--will happen (that is both obtaining a son, and true knowledge).dhruvaM--there is no doubt about this.There is another meaning for 'dIpa samyojanaat'. This word was chosenvery specifically by Sri Appanacharya because of its double-meaning.

Sri Raghavendra Swami's works are called 'dIpa', 'prakaasha' or'dIpikA', because they shed light on the difficult to understand worksby Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Jayateertha (Teekacharya). Sri Raghavendra

has also done independent works in addition to commenting on the worksof these scholars, like the tantradIpikA which is on the Brahma Sutra.Yuj most commonly means to unite. By correctly uniting, orconnecting Sri Raghavendra's works to that of Madhvacharya and his

followers, one obtains correct knowledge without a doubt. This isanother meaning of 'dIpasamyojanaat j~naanam bhavet dhruvaM'. Thistrue knowledge can protect us from Naraka (for example, in theIshavasya Upanishad it is stated that 'andham tamaH pravishanti ye

avidyaaM upasate'--incorrect knowledge can lead one to Hell. Thus itis important to have true knowledge.). So " protection from naraka,arising from true knowledge, which comes from connecting Sri Rayaru's

works with that of other Dvaita scholars " can be taken as anothermeaning for 'putra'.



Note: I am aware most of the devotees in this forum

know about PushyArka Yoga. This mail is targeted for those who

are not aware.

rAma mantrava bhajiso, hay manuja,

hanumana mathave hariya mathavu

bAro guru raghavendra, baaraiyya ba ba


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva

GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.

[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya),

reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief &

selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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Hi Srinivas.,

Thanks for lovely information. Can you if possible tell me the time and date for Melbourne Australia ??

I will be waiting for your reply.

Thanks and Best Regards.




; MadhwaYuvaParishat ; satsangha_east From: gvss.srinivasanDate: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 11:02:18 -0400 PushyArka yoga on April 13th, Sunday





shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namahaIt is very auspicious for brahmacharis/grahasthas (dvijas) individually or combined chant 108 times ASTHOTHRA of shrI Raghavendra Stothra when the combination of Pushya nakshatra on Sundays (Pushyaarka yoga), or Guru pushya amrutha yoga (combination of Pushya nakshatra on Thursdays), or during Solar/ Lunar eclipses takes place.


Surya or Ravi- Sun --------------- Antaryaami roopa is RamaAbhimani devatha for Pushya nakshatra is Bruhaspathi (Guru)


shrI Raghavendra Swamy had worshipped Moola Rama devaru, an aparoxi jnAni & a great bhaktha of shrI Hari, vAyu. On this day, April 13th, Sunday is PushyArka yoga for all combined with Sri Rama Navami for all US locations. It is very auspicious to chant shrI hari vAyu gurugalu stothras on this day with proper understanding, amala (pure) bhakthi & right anusandhana. Sri Hanumana Jayanthi falls on April 19th for all US locations.


shrI AppanAcharya has mentioned this in Sri Raghavendra Stothra. shrI Prasanna Tadipatri has translated shrI Raghavendra stothra & the following shloka mentions about Pushyaarka yoga.somasuryoparaage cha puShyaarkaadi samaagame |yo.anuttamaM idaM stotramaShTottarashataM japet ||bhUtapreta pishaachaadi pIDaa tasya na jaayate || 26 ||He who recites this unparalleled stotra 108 times when there is aneclipse (either solar or lunar) or when the sun is in the pushyanakshatra position, such a person will not be tormented by ghosts,demons, or spirits.soma--moonsurya--sunuparaage--At the time of an eclipse. This means both the solareclipse (the sun blocked by the moon), and lunar eclipse (the moonblocked by the sun). An eclipse is considered to be a good time forthe recitation of the Rayaru Stotra.puShya--one of the nakshatras (It seems to correspond with the Cancerconstellation in Western astronomy).arka--sun.samaagame--During the union of the sun & puShya. That is, when thePushya nakshatra is dominant on a Sunday. This is also considered anauspicious time for recitation of the stotra.aadi--Not just these, but other auspicious times as well.yaH --He whojapet --recitesidaM anuttamaM-- this unparalleled. uttama means great, anuttamameans "uttamaparaH na asti" or "that for which there is nothinggreater".stotraM -- Guru Raghavendra StotraaShTa uttara shataM --108. shata means 100. aShTa means 8. uttarameans more (as opposed to Una=less). So 8 more than 100 = 108. Thenumber 108 has special meaning, so reciting any stotra or mantra (likeGayatri mantra) brings puNya. If done at an auspicious time like thatmentioned earlier, it is even better.tasya -- for that person,bhuta --ghost. bhu means "to be". This is the past tense, that which was.preta --pra + I, having gone(passed away). The spirit of a dead person.pishaacha--demon.adi--or other evil spirits.pIDA--tormentna jaayate--will not arise. That is, he won't suffer from such evil spirits.There is also one other deeper meaning to aShTottara shata. The namesof Rayaru in this stotra add up to 108.etat stotraM samuccArya gurOrbR^indaavanaantike |dIpasaMyojanaajj~naanaM putralaabho bhaveddhruvaM || 27By reciting this stotra near Guru Raghavendra's Brindavana, andlighting a lamp near it, one will be blessed with knowledge and goodprogeny. There is no doubt about this.etat stotraM--this Rayaru StotrasamuccArya-- sam stands for samyak and means well. uccAraNa meansrecitation. uccArya means having recited. One should recite the stotrawell, that is with full devotion not with the mind distracted bymundane matters.gurOh-- Guru Rayaru's.bR^indaavanaantike--in the proximity of Guru Raghavendra's Brindavanain Mantralaya.dIpa --lampsamyojanaat--yojana(from the root yuj) can mean many things. Here itmeans lighting the lamp.j~naanaM --knowledge. By lighting a lamp near Rayaru Brindavana andreciting the stotra with devotion, one acquires knowledge.putra lAbho -- Obtaining a son. putra means son (puM naama narakaattraayate iti putraH--one is protected from the Naraka known as 'puM'by having a worthy son). labh means to obtain, lAbha is the noun formof it.bhavet--will happen (that is both obtaining a son, and true knowledge).dhruvaM--there is no doubt about this.There is another meaning for 'dIpa samyojanaat'. This word was chosenvery specifically by Sri Appanacharya because of its double-meaning.Sri Raghavendra Swami's works are called 'dIpa', 'prakaasha' or'dIpikA', because they shed light on the difficult to understand worksby Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Jayateertha (Teekacharya). Sri Raghavendrahas also done independent works in addition to commenting on the worksof these scholars, like the tantradIpikA which is on the Brahma Sutra.Yuj most commonly means to unite. By correctly uniting, orconnecting Sri Raghavendra's works to that of Madhvacharya and hisfollowers, one obtains correct knowledge without a doubt. This isanother meaning of 'dIpasamyojanaat j~naanam bhavet dhruvaM'. Thistrue knowledge can protect us from Naraka (for example, in theIshavasya Upanishad it is stated that 'andham tamaH pravishanti yeavidyaaM upasate'--incorrect knowledge can lead one to Hell. Thus itis important to have true knowledge.). So "protection from naraka,arising from true knowledge, which comes from connecting Sri Rayaru'sworks with that of other Dvaita scholars" can be taken as anothermeaning for 'putra'.



Note: I am aware most of the devotees in this forum know about PushyArka Yoga. This mail is targeted for those who are not aware.

rAma mantrava bhajiso, hay manuja,

hanumana mathave hariya mathavu

bAro guru raghavendra, baaraiyya ba ba


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu-- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya), reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief & selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences. Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Check it out!

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