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Report on Haridasa devaranama's concert @ Singapore by member of MYP Sri M.V.Sreenivasa

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Dasa Vahini 2008 @ Singapore Salutations to all the great Haridasas of Karnataka, salutions to all the devotees of Vishnu who are glorifying Him as taught by SriMadhvacharya and my prostrations to all such mahatmas whom I consider as my gurus. The special presence of the Lord in each of these guru's and their devotion to Acharya makes them exemplary devotees, worthy of utmost respect. prithvimaMDala madhyasthaH poorNabOdha matAnugAH vaishNavA vishnuhridayAH tAnnamasye gurunmama || First of all - Thanks to madhva mailing lists in general and MYP in particular ..... Why? For having brought about the meeting of the Dasa sahitya enthusiasts of Singapore and Shri M.V.Sreenivasa of Bangalore. We came to know about his avid interest in Devaranamas through this mailing list. Thankyou MYP and all the volunteers who do a lot of work to keep the madhvas all over the globe together by updating them on local events related to Madhva siddantha and saints. I would like to invite all those who want to share the ecstasy of listening to Devaranamas sung by Sri M.V.Sreenivasa at the event to do so by visiting the following link at youtube. M.V.Sreenivasa concert Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSNGIbTQAQM.V.Sreenivasa concert Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M5F2CKxM-wM.V.Sreenivasa concert Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpKXRjCSGuYM.V.Sreenivasa concert Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4xHdb8YW4Y We also have two rare suladhis and tatva suvali of Jagannathan Dasaru that he had given to our website during Sri Jgannatha Dasaru's aaradhana 2007. (Varada varada suladhi ,Shubhada

sundara) http://www.aarshavani.org/mainpage/tatvasuvali.html http://www.aarshavani.org/mainpage/suladhis.html Please visit to expereince the Dasa Vani right in your homes. By the grace of Sri Hari, Vayu and Gurugulu ,he is doing a great seva in spreading the divine message of Haridasas of Karnataka and is enthusiastic about doing more when the opportunity arises. A unique aspect of his music with Haridasa sahitya as the backbone is that the music is used to offer repeated prostrations to the Lord, music is used to entreat the Lord, music and melody

is used to do a mental dance in front of the Lord, music and bhava is used to surrender one's everything to the Lord. The devaranama entwined in an appropriate raga/tala leads one along the blissful but untreaded path of devotion effortlessly as it is meant to and is a definite avenue to induce contemplation of the Dasara krithis. The naunces of devotion can be imbided slowly into the system by listening to such renditions repeatedly. Please join me in my journey accross this great river of dasasahitya which is too vast to traverse but let's put our step forward -HariDasavahini.....2008 It began with an invocation to Ganesha the one who can remove obstacles in sadhana and enable one to progress . Gajavadhana bEDuve gowri tanaya . He then rendered the devaranama "durjanara sanghava koDa byADa hariye..." in a very soul touching tone, a pleading with Hari and if one listens to it with rapt attention then one can be lead along into the lyrics right into the heart of philosophy which Kanaka Dasaru gives without mincing his words. The ugabhoga by Sri Jagannathadasaru- " Aru niMdisalEnu Aru shApisalEnu Aru kOpisalEnu ....." removes the weight of loka ninde from the minds of sajjanas wherein he says ,"As long as the compassion of those people who are the receipients of the the compassion of the Lord are there with me, I don't have to worry about any other taunts or insults." He uses the ups and downs of the sivaranjini rAga to bring out the impact of the sahitya so that hits right into the hearts of the listeners.

Next comes the "Siri ramana tava charana dorakuvudu hyAMginnu....." also by Sri Jagannatha dasaru which is a personal confession which every earnest sadhaka needs to make and proceed to seek grace from there. Acknowledgement of the wrongs and seeking to right them is one of the best traits of a spiritual aspirant and needs to become a growing habit. This increases awaresness of the mind to the surroundings at all times and Dasaru brings out its importance by giving a long list of such confessions so that everyone can relate to one or the other of the mistakes and right them. Sripadarajarus "iTTAnge iruvenu hariye" brings out the utter helplessness of the jiva and its complete dependence on the Lord effectively. It is followed by "Ranganathana nODiro" also by Sripadarajaru. The compositions of Sri Vadiraja theertharu's "Enu sukrithava mADidalO yeshOda..." was

rendered so well that one could see mother Yashoda cajoling Krishna and showeing her love one Him . "Ananada theerthareMbo arthiya pesarulla gurumadhva munirAya.." is full of abiding devotion to our guru who has showed the path that leads to eternal bliss. Sri M.V.Sreenivasa's rendition of Sri Vyasatheertharu's yantrOdhAraka sloka enables one to visualise the mangala maya form of Sri Hanuman and his extreme love for his disciple Sri Vyasarajaru. All in all this concert had an excellent selection of Hari dasara padas and the music, melody and rhytm infused them with the extra touch which makes them flow like sweet nectar to the listener's ears. Many more songs were rendered by him with great energy and he was going strong even after 3 hrs . Finally he sand

the lali and mangala songs to bring the grand concert to its finale. As Purandara Dasaru has said ,This is the way to go......... thamboori meeTidava bhavAbdi dATidava tAlava taTTidava surarolu sEridava gejjeya kaTTidava kalaredeya meTTidava gAyana pADidava harimurthi nODidava puraMdara viTTalana nODidava vaikuMTakke

ODidava Sri KrishArpanamastuI am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doerWhatever He makes me do is His worship by His graceR.Parimala

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