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Vishnusahasranama- - Who has the adhikaara to recite it?

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<rrachuri wrote on Wed Feb 20, 2008 to uttaradimath-list /message/661


Re: Please Clarify......Regarding Ladies chanting eligibility

In Sutra Bhashya shrImadAchArya quotes vyomasaMhitA...strIshUdrabrahmabandhUnAM tantraj~nAne.adhikAritA .ekadeshe parokte tu na tu grantha purassare .. B.S.B 1.1.1tantraj~nAnaM pa~ncarAtrAdi | - tattvaprakAshikA

This is a more specific pramana which says Ladies, Shudras and fallenBrahmins can only know a part of(ekadashe) tantra granthas such aspancharatra, mahabharata, bhagavata etc through discources(parokte) from the

learned and not word by word(na tu grantha purassare).In the light of this we can say that the quoted Gita Bhashya and thecommentary of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha are sAvakAsha and only grant the rightof knowledge of the dharma etc expounded in portions of Mahabharata through

discources and not by word by word study.This could be the reason why Ladies are not advised to chant Gita or VishnuSashranama Maha Mantra (which presupposses such study) though they are notexplicitly denied by shrImadAchArya in his gItAbhAShyaM or tAtparyam.

Regards,Haraye namaha,R.Rachuri> > gvss.srinivasan Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:21 PM

> uttaradimath-list

> [uttaradimath-list] Re: Please> Clarify......Regarding Ladies chanting eligibility>> Namaskara,>> On the eligibility of ladies to chant Vishnu sahasranAma and Gita:>

> SrimadAchArya specifically says in the introduction to Gita> tAtaparyam that within mahAbhArata, Gita and Vishnu> sahasranAma are important.>> " ...shAstreShu bhArataM sArastatra nAmasahasrakam.h |

> vaiShNavaM kR^iShNagItA cha tajGYAnAnmuchyate.a~njasA ||... " >>> Among shAsthrAs, bhAratham is the essense, there (within> bhAratham), who knows Vishnu sharanAmam and Krishna Gita are

> free from sins.>> SrimadAchArya in his Gita bhAshya, after paying obeisance to> the Supreme Deity Narayana, says>> '...tatashcheShTAniShTaprAptiparihArasAdhanAdarshanAt.h> vedArthAGYAnAccha saMsAre klishyamAnAnAM vedAnadhikAriNAM

> shrIshUdrAdInAM cha dharmaGYAnadvArA moxo bhavediti kR^ipAluH> sarvavedArthopabR^iMhitAM> tadanuktakevaleshvaraGYAnadR^iShTArthayuktAM cha> sarvaprANinAmavagAhrArUpAM kevalabhagavatsvarUpaparAM

> paroxArthAM mahAbharatasaMhitAmachIkL^ipat.h |....'>> for which Sri B.N. K. Sharma has expounded the following meaning,>> " ..The compassionate one composed the Mahabharatha-Shastra,

> with whose aid persons ineligible for study of the Vedas,> like women & Sudras, suffering births & deaths for want of> the saving knowledge & the consequent inability to find the> right means of realizing the desirable values of life &

> eschewing the undesirable may obtain release from samsara> through right knowledge & pursuit of Nivritti Dharma....>> All this has been set forth in the following authorities: " > The Lord of the world Brahma, Rudra & others, perceiving the

> women & other folks suffering in Samsara without the right to> study & know the meaning of the Vedas, prayed to the Supreme> Purushottama on their behalf. Responding graciously, the> Lord manifested Himself as Vyasa & composed the fifth Veda

> (Mahabharatha) surpassing the others.... " >> Nowhere else in Gita bhAshyam or tAtparyam, SrimadAchAraya> has specifically excluded women from chanting or learning> gita and Vishnu sahasranAma.

>> If SrimadAchArayas words are to be understood only with> proper tIka and tippanis,>> Sri Raghavendra Theertharu in his gItAvivR^itiH writes:>> shrIshUdrabrahmabaMdhUnAM trayI na shrutigocharA | iti

> bhAratamAkhyAnaM kR^ipaya muninA kr^itam.h || iti> bhAgavatoktyA vedArthaGYAnAnadhikAriNAM strIshUdrAdInAM> dharmaGYAnadvAra moxo bhavediti bhagavAnvedavyAsaH> saMbhavasabhA.araNyavirATodyoga

>> The bhAgavata states that the Vedas are not to be studied by> Women, Sudras or fallen Brahmins; & for their sake the> glorious Vyasa has been so gracious as to write the Mahabharatha....

>> From the above quotes from Gita Bhasya & Gita Vivruti, it> appears that ladies have the eligibility to chant Sri Vishnu> Sahasranama, Srimad Bhaghavat Gita since they come from> Mahabharatha purana written by Sri Vedavyasa.

>>> shrI kR^ishNAya namaH,>> Shobha Srinivasan>>>

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:41 AM, ramesh <ramesh.ajgaonkar wrote:






hare srinivasanamaskaramsI am new to the list so sorry b4hand if this has been discussed. i read in one more mail on vishnusahasranama (VSN) that Pt Bannaje Govindacharya has criticized ppl who oppose women who recite VSN. i want to know why women (who hv no adhikaara for vedas) are not allowed to recite a part of a great ithihasa, which is talking abt the glories of veda itself?

i sincerely want somebody to show a pramana which opposes women from reciting VSN. not to hurt anybdy, just inquisitive. hare srinivasaramesh






-- Ramesh Ajgaonkar -- parameshvara bhaktirnAma niravadhika ananta anavadya kalyANaguNatva

GYAnapUrvakaHsvAtmAtmIya samasta vastubhyo aneka guNAdhiko antarAya sahasrenApya pratibaddo nirantara premapravAhaH (jiGYAsAdhikaraNam.h, a verse from Sriman Nyaya Sudha)(Meaning from Srimad Bhagawad Gita (The song Olympian) by Sri G V Nadgauda.

[Devotion to Lord] (bhakthi) is the invariable & continuous flow of ardent affection to God, undettered by varied frustrations in life, [excelling the attachment to self, our kindred & other lovable assets] (vairagya),

reinforced by [sound knowledge] (jnAna) & solid conviction of His glory & greatness, as the sole independent Power, the abode of all auspicious attributes, free from foibles. As such, it differs from blind belief &

selfish live. It should be founded on an unshakable intellectual & emotional conviction in the Majesty of the Lord- as the embodiment of all spiritual excellences.

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