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Srimad Tikakruthpadara Moola Brindavana-Book Review

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Srimad Tikakruthpadara Moola Brindavana


Author : Sri Cikkeruru Mukkundi Srikanthacharya


Book Review by –Mohan Chippagiri


Nowadays discussions are going on about the location of Teekarayara Moola Brindavana, whether it is in Malkhed or at Navavrindavana. Some scholars opine that the Brindavana is situated in Malkhed and some others are stressing that the Brindavana is present in Navabrindavana. It will be difficult to explain sensitive issues such as these to the future generations. Sri Cikkeruru Mukkundi Srikanthacharya has written a nice book highlighting this issue. The Book is titled Srimad Tikakruthpadara Moola Brindavana (Vimarshatmaka Adhyayana). The Book is a publication of Vishwa Madhwa Maha Parishat of Bangalore and is priced at Rs 25.00.


This book is well researched by the author. This book has three anugraha sandeshas by the eminent Madhwa yathis like H. H. Sri Sathyathama Thirtharu of Sri Uttaradimath, H.H. Sri Vishvesha tirtha swamiji of Sri Pejavara math and Sri Suvideyendra Sripadaru.


To prove his research, the author collected the opinions of various Scholars from our Madhwa community . The famous Madhwa scholars are Vidwan Balagaru Sreenivasacharya, Sri Jayathirthacharya Malagi, Sri Haridasa bhat Sri Bannjee Govindacharyya, Ch Badarinath Achar and Sri Chidananada Murthy. Dr S.R.Rao, a former Deputy Director General of archaeological survey of India has also given excellent opinion about this book.


For any book the preface is important. Many readers start by reading the preface only. This preface is written by the great scholar and bright star of the community none other than Prof. KT Pandurangi. In the preface the professor boldly expresses his opinions very clearly. He says that the Brindavana issue started only 20 years back by T.K. Venugopladasaru and this issue was supported by Great Madhwa Scholar Late BNK Sharma. These scholars have rendered enormous services to our community. They are well versed in the Madhwa philosophy. They both say that the Brindavana of Sri Teekarayaru at Malkhed is a Mruthika brindavana and the Brindavana of Sri Raghuvarya thirtharu at Navabrindavana is the brindavana of Sri Teekarayaru. Prof Pandurangi opines that the Mritika brindavanas concept was started after Rayaru entered brindavana at Machala. In Malkhed the brindavana of Sri Teekacharya was present for the past 600 years. Since 600 years the aradhane of Teekacharya is performed by various Haridasaru and madhwa yathis. Many scholars completed Sudha Mangala at this holy space. If the Moola Brindavana is situated at Navavrindavana then why can’t the yathis perform ardhane of Teekarayaru at Navabrindavana from the beginning instead of at Malkhed?


It is interesting to note that BNK Sharma clearly mentioned in the first edition of his book “Philosophy of Madhwacharya†that the Brindavana is situated in Malkhed. But, in the second edition he remarks that the Moola Brindavana is located at Anegundiâ€. Sri. BNK Sharma has a strong reason to believe that present Sri Raghuvarya brindavana is actually the Brindavana of Sri Jayathirtharu. He says that on the Brindavana there are two sculptures sketched on top. One of the sculpture depicts a person of royal background holding a sword in his hand. The other sculpture depicts an ascetic holding a Kamandala. These sculptures indicate Purvasharma and Post Asharma of Sri Teekacharya. This observation of Sri B.N.K. Sharma is taken up

for review in this book.




Proofs – That Sri Teekacharyaru Moola Brindavana Present in Malkhed


The author has painfully collected the Pramanas and presented them clearly in this book. As a reviewer I am presenting two to three pramanas here. In all his kruthis and suladis Aparoksha Gnanigalu Sri Vijayadasaru(1682-1755) has mentioned that Sri Jayatrhirthara brindavana is present in Malkhed only. Among his kruthis â€Teekarayara PAda Sokida Kone Dhooli he has written Yogigalarasa Sri Malakheda nivasa Kagini Tatavasa vijayavittala dasaâ€


Entered Brindavana near his master Sri Akshobhoya Thirtha at Malkhed – Sri Dr. Subbachar Tamrapani in his glories of pontiffs of Sri Uttaradimath 1964.


Proofs – That Sri Teekacharyaru Moola Brindavana is not present in Navabrindavana.



Sri Jaganantha dasaru who has given Magnam opus Harikathamaruthasara about the Lord’s Leelas in the wonderful kannada language to the Madhwa community, in his Navabrindavana yathigala stotra, did not name Sri Teekarayara Brindavana as present in Navabrindavana. If the Moola Brindavana is at Navavrindavana as claimed, it should have been mentioned by Sri Jagananatha dasaru in his stotra.


Also in the Mysore State Gulbarga Gazetter page No 17 it is mentioned “The River Kagane rises near Kolur in Andhra Pradesh. Malkhed and Chillapur are some important towns on the river bank. Malkhed is famous as holy place where the mortal remains of Sri Teekacharya are presentâ€.


Sri B.Venkobha Rao in his Introduction to Vyasa Yogi Charite mentions - “Jayathirtha died in Malkhedâ€


“Gurucharya†places his meetings with Akshobya on the banks of Kagine.. The location of Jayateertha Tomb at Malkhed might lend support to this view.


BNK Sharma- The History of Dvaitha School of Vedantha and its literature page 247 3rd revised edition 2000.


“He passes away at Malkhed in 1388 his mortal remains lie entombed here -BNK Sharma’s Philosophy of Madhwacharyaâ€..



All the major Madhwa Yathis performed aradhane at Moola Brindavana of Teekacharya at Malkhed only. Sri Vadiraja prabhugalu in this thirtha prabandha also mentioned the brindavana is present in Malkhed only.


Late Venkobharayaru former deputy commissioner in his book titled VYASA YOGI he mentioned Rahunatha thirtha died …..Successor Raghuvarya thirtharu evidently moved to the Vijayanagara empire and he died… This indicates the Sri Raghuvarya thirtharu brindavana is present in navabrindavana.



Some Objections


In Sri Jagananathadasaru’s book ???‘Kititha Thani’??? one sloka is like goes like this “Padmanbham Jayamuniam Kavindram Vagesha Yoginam………â€. Here jayamunim is taken as Teekarayaru it was mentioned in Sri T. K. Venugopaldasara book titled Sri Jayathirtha Moola Brindavana.


At the end of this book the author expressed his views. Before writing the book, many of his well wishers advised him not publish this work. But he he boldly published this book to bring out the truth. At one point the author says whatever the information collected I want to put before you and it is great honour for me that Sri Teekarayaru has given a golden opportunity to share my views with you. Already there are many unresovable issues in our community and I request you that please dont ’t create any issue on this book. The great Vadirajaru says “ KIM MOODHAHA PURVA SURAYAHAâ€


With the blessings from Harivayu gurugalu I have attempted to write this review. I have shared my humble opinion about this book. Hope you have enjoyed reading this review. Finally, I want to end this note with the following kruti of Sri Vijayarayaru Jayarayara Noodiro Sajjanarella jayarayara Noodiro…….


barathi ramana mukhya prana antargatha srikrishnarpanamastu

!!! Prathamo Hanuman Nama, Dvitiyo Bhimayevacha,

Purnapragnya Tritiyasto Bhagavatkaryasadhaka !!!

Mohan Chippagiri MCA

Lecturer in Computer Science




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Shri Mohan















Nowadays discussions are going on about the location of Teekarayara Moola Brindavana, whether it is in Malkhed or at Navavrindavana. Some scholars opine that the Brindavana is situated in Malkhed and some others are stressing that the Brindavana is present in Navabrindavana. It will be difficult to explain sensitive issues such as these to the future generations. Sri Cikkeruru Mukkundi Srikanthacharya has written a nice book highlighting this issue. The Book is titled Srimad Tikakruthpadara Moola Brindavana (Vimarshatmaka Adhyayana). The Book is a publication of Vishwa Madhwa Maha Parishat of Bangalore and is priced at Rs 25.00.


[Prasanna] Whatever books get written, whoever provides prefaces, whatever pramANas are given, if one is bent upon proving his point then none of these will help.


Are there any less pramANas related to bhAvi sameeratva of Shri VadirAjaru? But still there are controversies around that and people come up with their own logic of disproving it. Only Shri Hari-Vayu-Gurugalu should show a sAdhaka the right way otherwise they will be lost in this vicious circle.




.. Regards

Praasnna Krishna

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