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Vijayeendra Guru Aradhane !!

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" Shree Hari "



Sri VijayIndra tIrtha was well-versed in several branches of learning such as

Kavya (Poetry), Nataka (Drama) and Rhetorics. He has several dramas to his

credit, a rarity for a mAdhva ascetic.Incidentally, the Raghavendra stotra says

that Rayaru used Sri Vijayindra tIrtha's work called Vaag Vaikhari to defeat a

formidable opponent called Sesha ( " Vaag Vaikhari nirjita bhavya sEshah " ). Rayaru

makes deferential references to the works of Sri VijayIndra tIrtha in his own







Sri Vijayendra theertharu wrote 104 Books on Dwaitha Vedantha,below mentioned is

some of his works.


nyAyamruta gurvAmoda or laghu Amoda : Sri VijayIndra's famous commentary on





NyAyAyamruta nyAyaratnamAla


Nyayamauktikamala – Gloss on Chandrika criticizes the views embodied in the

Sankara Bhasya and Srikantha Bhasya.


NyAyamAla : gloss on Chandrika


NyAyachampakamAla (nayachampaka mAla)


NyAyAmrutOdAhruta jaiminIya nyAyamAla


Naya manjari




VAda mAlika


turIya shiva khanDanam


Vagvaikhari : A short tact dealing with validity of Vedas and scope and purpose

of Bhedhashrutis.




Shruti tAtparya kaumudi




Turiya shiva khanDanam


Bheda vidya vilasa : It is devoted to the establishment of the reality of

difference in it's five fold aspect. It is direct criticism of Bhedadhikkara of



Parattva prakAshika : A criticism of Sivattva-Viveka of Appayya Diksita, who

seeks Shiva as the supreme Brahman of Veda.


Upasamhara-Vijaya : A rejoinder to Upakarma-Parakram of Appayya Diksita


Madhvadhva-Kantakoddhara : A reply to the critics made by Appayya Diksita in his

Madhvatantra –Mukhabhanga; against Madhva's cogency and adhikaranas.


Chakra-Mimamsa : A tract in which Sri VijayIndra establishes shastric character

of practice of branding the body with Vaishnava symbols; on the basis of Vedic



adhikaraNa mAla – Work explaining Mimamsa rules of interpretation utilized in



Shaiva sarvasva khandanam : A short tract discussing eleven Puranic legends

touching supremacy of Shiva over Vishnu.


Appayya-Kopola-Chapetika : A rejoinder to the multifarious charges against

Madhva and his works , made by Appayya Diksita.


brahmasUtra Nyayasangraha : A short metrical tract offering the gist of

Adhikaranas of Brahma Sutras of Srimad Acharya.






rAmAnujamatarItya sUtrArtha


pramANA lakshaNa teeka vyAkhya


katha lakshaNa teeka vyAkhya


tatva sankhyAna teeka vyAkhya


tatvodyota gUDha bhAva prAkAsha


VishNu tatva nirNaya teeka


Madhva siddhAnta sAroddhArah


sarva siddhAnta saroddhArah


siddhanta sArAsara-Viveka I


sarva siddhanta sArAsara-Viveka II


yuktiratnAkarah - Commentary on Tarkatandava


Pranavadarpana-Khandanam : It is a reply to the contention of Srinivascarya

Sathamarsana in his Pranava Darpana , that the syllable OM has no right to be

read as part of first Sutra






Chandrikodahrta nyaya vivaranam – An exposition of the principles and

adhikaranas of the Purva-Mimamsa made use of in the Chandrika of Sri VyasaTirtha


NarayanashabdhArtha nirvachanam : A tact dealing with etymology of word Narayana

as applied to Vishnu and refuting contention of Saivites


ViSh Tapas humImAmsa


Advaita-Shiksa : It is a general chastisement of Advaita theory and a rejoinder

to Advaitadipika of Nrishimasharma




Narasimha stutih




vyAsarAja vijayah – A sanskrit drama


Subhadra-Dhananjeya : A Sanskrit drama






Works that are now not available:


VyAkhyas on the remaining prakaranas (out of the dasha prakaranas, commentaries

on only five are available)


TatvamANikya peTika


NyAya vivarNa tippaNi


aNubhAShya tippaNi


tatvaprakAshika tippaNi




nyAyadIpika tippaNI


prameyadipikA TippaNi


Ananda tAratamya vAdArthah


MimAmsa nyAyakoumudI




BhEda chintAmaNI (bhedha kalpataru)


Bheda kusum Anjali


BhedaprabhA (bhedaratnaprabhA)




Kuchodyakuthara : A tract dealing with the Sutra interpretation and defending

the particular arrangement adopted by Sri Madhva.




ubhayagrasta rAhUdaya : A Sanskrit drama.


Madhvantara-Nyamanjari : It is a short argumentative work the Sutra-Prasthana.

The adhikarana-sariras of rival Bhamati and Vivarana are criticized.




As revered by Sri Swamiji's guru Sri Surendra Teertharu, a person can be called

great pundit if the person can correctly chant the name of granthas Sri

Vijayeendraru composed.








Please note the photos attached have got nothing to do directly with the books

mentioned above.


These photos were taken during the madhyaaradhana mahotsava of Sri Vijayendra

Theertharu in kumbukonam.












P.S : This mail is being sent to all disciples of Aacharya Madhva in order to

spread the imporatnce of our sacred Madhwa Matha.


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please send an reply to this message with the word " remove " in ur email message

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Sri KrishnArpanamastu





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