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shrI jayathIrtha stuti- 3

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha


" Jayatheertha Stuti by Sri Sathyapriya theertharu " . English meanings written by Sri Hunsur Sriprasad LIFE HISTORY OF SRI JAYATHEERTHARU: http://www.dvaita.org/scholars/jayatirtha/



AbhAsatvamiyAya tArkika mataM prAbhAkara prakriyA

shobhAM naiva babhAra dUra nihitA vaibhAShikAdyuktayaH |

hrIbhAreNa natAshcha saMkara mukhAH kshobhAkaro bhAskaraH

shrI bhAshyaM jaya yogini pravadati svAbhAvikodyanmatau || 9 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


(yada) svAbhAvika udyan matau jaya yogini shrI bhAshyaM pravadati

(tada) tArkika mataM AbhAsatvam iyAya

prAbhAkara prakriyA shobhAM na babhAra eva

dUra nihitA vaibhAShika Adi uktayaH

saMkara mukhAH hrIbhAreNa natAsh cha

bhAskaraH kshobhAkaraH


Word-by-word meaning:


Yada = when, svAbhAvika = innate or natural, udyan = rising, matau = intellect, jaya yogini = Shri JayatIrtha, shrI bhAshyaM = brahmasUta bhAshyam by MadhvAchArya, pravadati = to expound on or deliver a discourse, tada = then, AbhAsatvam = a fallacious state (to be proved false), iyAya = attain, tArkika mataM = the tArkika doctrine propounded by charvAka, prAbhAkara = the doctorine propounded by PrabhAkara (= mImAmsa), prakriyA = conduct, shobhAM = lustre, na = not, babhAra = became, eva = at all, (shobhaM na babhAra eva = surely did not bear any lustre, i.e., became totally dull and colorless), dUra nihitA = dUro.apAstA = fled or ran away (because they could not withstand the scrutiny of logic), vaibhAShika = the VaibhAshika doctrine (= buddhism), Adi = and others, uktayaH = pithy sayings, hrIbhAreNa = by the weight of shame, natAsh = downcast, cha = and, saMkara = ShankarAchArya, mukhAH = and other, bhAskaraH = BhaskarAchArya (and his followers), kshobhAkaraH = to get greatly agitated.




Using his innately superior intellect when Shri JayatIrtha started expounding on Shri MadhvAchArya's brahmasUtra bhAshya,

· the tArkika concepts (of CharvAka) were proved false,

· prabhAkara's mimAmsa's conduct surely did not bear any lustre,

· the pithy sayings of budhdhists and other doctrines fled (because they could not withstand the scrutiny of logic)

· Sankara and others hung bowed their heads with the weight of shame

· BhaskarAchArya (and his followers) became totally agitated.



baMdhAnaH sarasArtha shabda vilasadbaMdhAkarANAM girAM

iMdhAno.arka vibhA parIbhava jharI saMdhAyinA tejasA |

ruMdhAno yashasA dishaH kavi shiraH saMdhAryamANena me

saMdhAnaM sa jayI prasiddha hari saMbaMdhAgamsya kriyAt.h || 10 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


baMdha AkarANAM girAM sarasa artha shabda vilasat.h baMdhAnaH

iMdhAna arka vibhA parIbhava jharI saMdhAyinA tejasA

kavi shiraH saM dhAryamANena yashasA dishaH ruMdhAnaH

sa jayI prasiddha hari saMbaMdha Agamsya me saMdhAnaM kriyAt.h


Word-by-word meaning:


BaMdhA = prabandha = a huge literary composition or treatise rich in meaning, karANAM = reservoir, girAM = words, sarasa = with rasa (emotion), artha = meaning, shabda = words, vilasat.h = splendour, baMdhAnaH = poNisu (in kannada) = stringing together, iMdhAna = blazing, arka = sun, vibhA = lustre, parIbhava = defeating, jharI = cascade, saMdhAyinA = by the act of joining, tejasA = aura or lustre, kavi = poets or gyanis, shiraH = heads, saMdhAryamANena = through the act of bearing or carrying, yashasA = through fame, dishaH = directions, ruMdhAnaH = blockade (laying siege), sa = that, jayI = shri jayatIrtha, prasiddha = famous, hari saMbaMdha = related to hari (Vaishnava), Agamsya = doctrine (hari saMbaMdha Agamsya = dvaita or tattvavAda), me = to me, saMdhAnaM = association or joing, kriyAt.h = to do.




He has strung together reservoirs of literary treatises containing splendid words laden with meaning and being full of navarasa. He has an aura that is better than the blazing sun and flows down in a cascade (in all directions). He has laid siege to all the 10 directions through fame that poets or gyanis carry in their heads. May that Shri JayatIrtha connect me (or associate me) with the world renowed Vaishnava (madhva) shAstra.




The concept of laying siege to all 10 directions needs some explanation. Shri JayatIrtha had a very strong reputation for erudition and mastery over scriptures. This reputation was universally known to all scholars and knowledgeable people (i.e., they " carried " his fame in their heads). This reputation was so high that none of the other rival scholars could meet or match it. So their reputation did not spread anywhere. Thus his fame laid siege to the 10 directions and prevented the fame of others from spreading out.



saMkhyAvadgaNa gIyamAna charitaH saMkhyAksha pAdAdi niH

saMkhyAsat.h samayi prabheda paTima prakhyAta vikhyAtigaH |

mukhyAvAsa gR^ihaM kshamA dama dayA mukhyAmala shrI dhurAM

vyAkhyAne kalayedratiM jayavarAbhikhyA dharo madguruH || 11 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


saMkhyAvat.h gaNa gIyamAna charitaH

saMkhya aksha pAda Adi nissaMkhya asat.h samayi prabheda paTima prakhyAta vikhyAtigaH, kshamA dama dayA mukhya amala shrI dhurAM mukhya AvAsa gR^ihaM

jayavara abhikhyA dharo mat.h guruH vyAkhyAne ratiM kalayet.h


Word-by-word meaning:


saMkhyAvat.h = intellectuals or scholars, gaNa = group, gIyamAna = worthy of singing, charitaH = conduct, saMkhya = the Samkya doctrine, aksha pAda = nyAya doctrine, Adi = and others, niHsaMkhya = countless, asat.h = false or wrong, samayi = doctrines, prabheda = defeating, paTima = dexterity or expertise, prakhyAta = (amongst those who are) famous, vikhyAtigaH = to be renowned, kshamA = forgiveness, dama = control of sensory organs, dayA = mercy, mukhya = and others, amala = pure, shrI dhurAM = good qualities, mukhya = chief, AvAsa gR^ihaM = abode, jayavara = the venerable JayatIrthya, abhikhyA dharo = the one carrying the title, mat.h = my, guruH = guru, vyAkhyAne = in commentaries on madhva shAstra, ratiM = strong fascination or desire, kalayet.h = associate or join.




His conduct is worthy of being sung about by groups of scholars. In throroughly condemning wrong doctrines like nyAya shAstra and others, he is known as an expert amongst those who are themselves renowned. He is the chief abode of good qualities like forgiveness, control over sensory organs, kindness etc. May he, who carries the renowned name of JayatIrtha, my guru, bless me with interest and enthusiasm towards Madhva shAstra and its commentaries.


AsIno marudaMsha dAsa sumano nAsIra deshe kshaNAt.h

dAsIbhUta vipaksha vAdi visaraH shAsI samastyainasAM |

vAsI hR^itsu satAM kalA nivaha vinyAsI mamAnArataM

shrI sItA ramaNArchakaH sa jayarADAsIdatAM mAnase || 12 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


marut.h aMsha dAsa sumano nAsIra deshe AsIno

kshaNAt.h vipaksha vAdi visaraH dAsIbhUta

samasta ainasAM shAsI

satAM hR^itsu vAsI

kalA nivaha vinyAsI

shrI sItA ramaNa archakaH

sa jayarAT.h mama mAnase anArataM AsIdatAM


Word-by-word meaning:


marut.h = Vayu, aMsha = incarnation, (marudaMsha = MadhvAchArya), dAsa = servants, sumano = scholars, nAsIra = first or primary, deshe = region or position, (nAsIra deshe = first position), AsIno = to sit, kshaNAt.h = in an instant, vipaksha = opposing, vAdi = debaters, visaraH = hordes, dAsIbhUta = to enslave, samasta = entire, ainasAM = sins, shAsI = to control and command, satAM = sAtvik people = good people, hR^itsu = in their hearts, vAsI = resider, kalA = arts, nivaha = collection or multitude, vinyAsI = depositing or entrusting, shrI sItA = Devi Sita, ramaNa = husband, archakaH = worshipper, sa = that, jayarAT.h = jayatIrtha gururaja, mama mAnase = in my mind, anArataM = anavaratam = forever or always, AsIdatAM = to stay or reside.




He is the foremost amongst scholars who consider themselves as the servants of the Acharya Madhva, the incarnation of Vayu deva. In an instant he can defeat hordes of opposing debaters and make them his slaves. He can command and eradicate all our sins. He resides in the hearts of good scholars. He supports and helps all arts. He worships Lord Ramachandra, the husband of Devi Sita. May that gururaja, shri JayatIrtha , reside in my mind (for a long time).


May that gururaja, shri JayatIrtha

· who is the foremost amongst scholars who consider themselves as the servants of the Acharya Madhva, the incarnation of Vayu deva.

· who can instantly defeat hordes of opposing debaters and make them his slaves

· who can command and eradicate all our sins.

· who resides in the hearts of good scholars.

· who supports and helps all arts

· who worships Lord Ramachandra, the husband of Devi Sita


reside in my mind (for a long time).


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu


-- *shriishaH sharaNam.h*mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishenakiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,

sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,

sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAtitaddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaMtasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaM

mAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhoktasarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUrasarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareya

sarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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