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[ITMS-Hyderabad] [MYP] !!! Oath to control eating junk food !!!

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Namaskara Vinay Avare,Thanks for your feedback.

My intension is not to malign others. If you go through my mail I said point 3 is very tough to maintain. Even thought these are mandatory for us its not easy to maintain and follow them. My main intension was to pass on this information to the young generation. It is responsibility of all of us to keep our tradition alive and impart the same values into our coming generations. What was possible yesterday with our parents / grand parents is also possible today is what I wanted to convey. At least I believe in this and if we really try to follow minimum of 50 % then we are on the right track.

I have many relatives and friends in my list who are brahmins and dont know or follow minimum things. In the name of modernization and high quality of education we are forgetting our tradition. Let me list out certain things which are not followed or known by many of our new younger generations. And its we the present generation are responsible for it. If we dont know how can they know it. The list as follows.

01) Gopichandana Urdhvapundra Mudra Dharane02) Sandhyavandane

03) Devara Pooje / Pratima Pooje.04) Importance of Ekadashi/Janmastami.

05) Importance of Rituals and Festivals. 06) Shradha and Paksha tithis.


07) Which mutt parampara do we belong to ?08) Who is our present Mathadhipati ?

09) What is Tapta Mudra Dharane ?10) Which basic minimum Stotras to recite ?

11) Which upavasa should we do ?12) Why we should not eat certain things ? Why are they banned.


13) Importance of Chaturmasa and its Vratas ?14) Which teertha kshetras should we visit and which not to visit and why ?

15) Why celebrate Aradhane of Yatis ?

16) What is the importance of Dasaru in our sampradaya ?17) What is MADI ? Why we need to follow ?

18) What is Angara and Akshada ? Why should we apply ? and when to apply and when not to ?19) Importance of Upanayana ?

20) What is Upakarma ?21) What is our Gotra / Pravara ?22) Many of the people dont even know what is the name of their Great Grand Father/Mother !!! Its shame on us.

there are many many more..... Many of these are very common known things. But to my surprise many of my known relatives dont know this, so cant imagine about others. Some are of the age of 35 years and never took Tapta Mudra till date. They are highly qualified doctors / engineers but they are zero when it comes to all the things listed above. If I myself know such 10 people means how may more are there in our very small community I cannot imagine. I am sure we will become extinct and will be a minority in very short period of 20-30 years.

One of my cousin who works for Infosys Pune did asked me, how can I follow all the things written by you ? He says I wantedly also cannot take oath of doing it. Reason is he is staying in HOSTEL and need to eat what vegetarian food cooked in mess as its not possible for him to cook on his own. Again the reason is hi-tech life. Nobody has time to cook and eat so where is time to do all things mentioned above.

My answer to him was very simple. I know at this stage he cannot forgo his carrier. For him knowing these minimum things is more than enough. If he can take out time and see that he can do minimum things listed above then he is for sure preserving our tradition and brahmanatva.

My main aim was to let people know and practicing them is upto an individuals will and wish. There is absolutely no force.


My Slogan is : Dont leave the OLD and dont bring in anything NEW.!!! Haraye Namaha !!!


Kale BalkrishnaVice President - ITMS

Mobile : +91-9849042501visit my blog : http://kalebala.wordpress.com/


Slogan of the day : Please do Sandhyavandane Daily.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 4:21 PM, VINAY MR <vinaymr2000 wrote:







Hello Mr Balkrishna,


Many thanks for your mail, it is indeed thought provoking and most of us are trying hard to

follow this under prevailing circumstances, I have visited your blog and your musings on our siddantha is laudable


But I have reservations on few of your words, hope you dont take offence out of it,


Plz refer your statement


" It is not the culture of our Madhvas to go OUT and EAT which has been prepared in by an incompetent sudhra, muslim or chandala. We must eat FOOD prepared only at home or a Matha in Madi "


I feel this is a frivolous remark, what kind of bearing it would have on some of the young minds who read it here,this is definitely not in good taste,lets follow our principles with out maligning others,already we Madhvas are painted as conservatives,such statements only reinforces it, cos you never know when the services of the aforesaid people will be required,


a block in the sewage line will be cleared by a sudhra,a treatment on the hospitel bed will be rendered by a christian nurse, a muslim bus driver may take you to mantralaya, none of them follow " madi " albeit we all require their services, and so if possible lets respect others and follow our dharma in our own way.


I dont think so anyone has attained moksha by following strict rituals and practices and leaving aside the basic tenets of mutual admiration in the society, I have always told this and again reiterate that there can be no better instance of honest and sincere Bhakti and devotion than " Kanaka Dasaru " who never followed " Madi " but the lord himself turn around to give darshan to his great disciple, and I dont think so there is any circumstantial evidence to prove that any of our " yathi's " who followed all the practices in the book enjoyed such a previlage from the lord himself.


Not to boast, but let me tell you that I have travelled to many places around the world, even middle east countries,but I have retained the principles set by the elders,I follow ekadashi strictly whereever I am,and also other rituals,I have lived on Bananas and yogurt for many days, since I never consume any kind of food/fruits in a hotel where non-veg is also cooked.


We have several means to follow our culture,without undermining others.


Vinay--- On Tue, 7/15/08, Kale Balkrishna <kale1972 wrote:

Kale Balkrishna <kale1972[MYP] !!! Oath to control eating junk food !!!

" ITMS Hyderabad " <it_madhva_sangha >, " Madhwa Yuva Parishat " <MadhwaYuvaParishat >, jignaasa , " HDSM " <Help_Deserving_Madhwa_Students >, " uttaradimath-list " <uttaradimath-list >, " madhva.sangha " <madhva.sangha, " VMS "

Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 1:30 PM




Namaskara All,

Let us all take an oath to stop eating all possible tamasic foods, which severely impacts our sharp minds to act otherwise. We simply must avoid all tamasic food and attain a supreme state of mind.

Let us try the following Stages of self control (Stage 1 being easy to Stage 3 being difficult)

STAGE 1: Stop eating Eggs (direct) and egg-based preparations.

Eggs in any form (as a Madhva I shouldn't have written this, but the prevalence and situation demands so)

PLEASE don't eat Egg based cakes, pastries, etc - this is no better than eating boiled eggs. Remember it is not a vegetarian produce and strictly prohibited for Brahmins by our Shastras. I cannot simply emphasis this anymore.

You will lose your Brahmanatva and will be inherently banished (if not physically at least consciously) from the Madhva lineage. We cannot afford foolish and dumb

situation to continue. STAGE 2: Stop preparing Onion & Garlic at home

Onion and Garlic are taamasic in nature, though beneficial to the body, there are alternate satvic sources to replace the sulphur obtained from Garlic (life Saunf). Please be aware that Onion and Garlic is fatal to most animals and all herbivores avoid eating these bulbs. A dog can die in a matter of 1-day if it is fed with either cooked or raw onions.

So, you must stop one of the following at home this

chaturmaasa 1) Stop making Onion/Garlic at home OR 2) Stop worshiping Saligrama, lighting deepa, etc (supposedly easier)

STAGE 3: Stop eating in Hotels/Eateries/ Buffet

This by far is the most difficult of all. We MUST stop eating in JUNK places like hotels (either VEG or NON-VEG). Being a Brahmin, we CANNOT eat food, which is prepared for PROFIT (though some mutts sell food in the name of hastodaka – but since rama naivedya has happened, it is somewhat

acceptable). I am not sure of any hotels, which prepares without onion/garlic. It is not the culture of our Madhvas to go OUT and EAT which has been prepared in by an incompetent sudhra, muslim or chandala. We must eat FOOD prepared only at home or a Matha in Madi.

Its easy to write and difficult to practice is what most of you might be thinking and you all also might be thinking whether I myself follow all this or not. YES I try my best not to eat outside food as much as possible until and unless I am on tours on official work. Chaturmasa is very special and strict for me. I make sure that I dont eat/drink anything outside home, and thats the reason its only morning lunch and night supper for me

all these 4 months, at least by this way I am away from eating anything outside through out the day.Things cannot be changed overnight.Only if we all try and follow we can succeed. I request all of you to try and follow these minimum things for this 4 months to start with. So what are we waiting for !!! Lets take an oath and pray GOD that give us more strength and will power of not eating outside food.

Comments are most welcome.!!! Haraye Namaha !!!-- Kale Balkrishna

Vice President - ITMSMobile : +91-9849042501

visit my blog : http://kalebala. wordpress. com/

Slogan of the day : Please do Sandhyavandane Daily.

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