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shrI jayathIrtha stuti- 4

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha


" Jayatheertha Stuti by Sri Sathyapriya theertharu " . English meanings written by Sri Hunsur Sriprasad LIFE HISTORY OF SRI JAYATHEERTHARU:




pakshIshAsana pAda pUjana rataH kakshIkR^itodyad.h dayo

lakshIkR^itya sabhA tale raTadasat.h pakshIshvarAnakshipat.h |

akshINa pratibhA bhAro vidhi sarojAkshI vihArAkaro

lakshmIM naH kalayejjayI suchiramadhyakshIkR^itAkshobhaNAM || 13 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


pakshIsha Asana pAda pUjana rataH

kakshI kR^ita udyad.h dayo

raTat.h asat.h pakshi Ishvaran lakshIkR^itya sabhA tale akshipat.h

akshINa pratibhA bhAro

vidhi sarojAkshI vihAra Akaro

(sa) jayI suchiram adhyakshIkR^ita kshobhaNAM lakshmIM naH kalayet.h


Word-by-word meaning:


pakshIsha = king of birds (Garuda), Asana = seat (or vehicle), pAda = feet, pUjana = worshipping, rataH = engrossed, kakshI kR^ita = angIkR^ita = accepted, udyad.h = rising, dayah = mercy or kindness, raTat.h = shouting or screaming, asat.h = false or wrong, pakshi = pratipakshi = opponent, Ishvaran = leaders, lakshIkR^itya = to target, sabhA tale = at the bottom of the sabha or gathering, akshipat.h = to put them down, akshINa = never fading or ending, pratibhA = talent, bhAro = to bear, vidhi = Chaturmukha brahma, sarojAkshI = wife (vidhi sarojAkshI = Saraswati), vihAra = playground, Akarah = mine, sa = that, jayI = JayatIrtha, suchiram = for a long time, adhyakshIkR^ita = pratyakshikR^ita = to see with own eyes, kshobhaNAM = Narayana's, lakshmIM = wealth (here " wealth " refers to the wealth of knowledge), naH = us, kalayet.h = associate or join.




He is engrossed in worshipping the Lotus feet of the Lord who sits on the king of birds (garuda is the king of birds, and Narayana uses him as his vehicle). Kindness and mercy rise like tides within his mind and he acts on these thoughts. He targets the leaders of opposing debaters who shout and scream their wrong doctines, and defeats them soundly. He is a mine of limitless talent. He is the playground of Sarsawathi, the wife of Chaturmukha Brahma . May that JayatIrtha bless us with the never-ending wealth of extrasensory knowledge about the Lord (that comes by seeing Him with one's own eyes).


May JayatIrtha

· who is engrossed in worshipping the Lotus feet of the one who sits on the king of birds

· who acts on Kindness and mercy that well up within him

· who targets the leaders of opposing debaters who shout and scream their wrong doctines, and defeats them soundly

· who is a mine of limitless talent

· who is the playground of Sarsawathi, the wife of Chaturmukha Brahma


May that JayatIrtha bless us with the never-ending wealth of extrasensory knowledge about the Lord (that comes by seeing Him with one's own eyes).




Garuda is the king of birds, and Narayana uses him as his vehicle.



yenAgAhi samasta shAstra pR^itanA ratnAkaro lIlayA

yenAkhaMDi kuvAdi sarva subhaTa stomo vachaH sAyakaiH |

yenAsthApi cha madhva shAstra vijaya staMbho dharA maMDale

taM seve jayatIrtha vIramanishaM madhvAkhya rAjAdR^itam.h || 14 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


yena samasta shAstra pR^itanA ratnAkaraH lIlayA AgAhi

yena vachaH sAyakaiH kuvAdi sarva subhaTa stomaH AkhaMDi

cha yena dharA maMDale madhva shAstra vijaya staMbhaH asthApi

madhvAkhya rAja AdR^itam.h

taM jayatIrthavIram anishaM seve


Word-by-word meaning:


yena = by whom, samasta = entire, shAstra = Shastra, pR^itanA = army, ratnAkaraH = ocean, lIlayA = with ease (like a sport), AgAhi = was gauged (to get the measure of), yena = by whom, vachaH = words, sAyakaiH = arrows, kuvAdi = one who argues in favor of wrong doctrines, sarva = all, subhaTa = soldiers, stomaH = groups, AkhaMDi = defeated, cha = and or also, yena = by whom, dharA maMDale = in the earth, madhva shAstra = Dvaita or tattvavAda, vijaya = victory, staMbhaH = pillar, asthApi = established, madhvAkhya = well known as Madhva, rAja = king, AdR^itam.h = honored, taM = that, jayatIrthavIram = the great warrior Shri JayatIrtha, anishaM = day and night, or always, seve = I will (or want to) serve.




I want to always serve that great warrior Shri Jayatirtha

· Who was honored by King MadhvAchArya

· Who easily gauged the army-like ocean of shAstras

· Who defeated hordes of opposing debaters with his logic arrows

· Who established the victory pillar of Madhva shastra on Earth.




The metaphors are mixed and a little difficult to comprehend. Shastras are compared to the ocean and an army. The comparison to ocean is very appropriate on several counts. Shastras are deep, vast and difficult to cross, contain many apparently misleading or contradictory concepts (just as the ocean contains sharks and other dangerous animals). In addition, one has to delve very deep into the shastras to obtain pearls of wisdom , and nothing is available on a superficial basis. The comparison to an army is justified because of the hostile debates.


yadIya vAk.h taraMgANAM vipluSho viduShAM giraH |

jayati shrIdharAvAsaH jayatIrtha sudhAkaraH || 15 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


viduShAM giraH yadIya vAk.h taraMgANAM vipluShaH

jayati shrIdhara AvAsaH jayatIrtha sudha AkaraH


Word-by-word meaning:


viduShAM = (belonging to) scholars, giraH = words, yadIya = whose, vAk.h = speech, taraMgANAM = on the waves, vipluShaH = droplets, jayati = to excel, shrIdhara = Lord Sridhara, AvAsaH = home or abode, jayatIrtha = Shri JayatIrtha, sudha = nectar, AkaraH = ocean.




The words of all other scholars are mere droplets on the speech waves of the ocean of nectar, called JayatIrtha, who excels as the abode of Sripati.


satyapriya yati proktaM shrI jayArya stavaM shubhaM |

paThan.h sabhAsu vijayI lokeShUttamatAM vrajet.h || 16 ||



PadaCheda and Anvaya


satyapriya yati proktaM shrI jayArya shubhaM stavaM |

paThan.h sabhAsu vijayI lokeShu uttamatAM vrajet.h ||


Word-by-word meaning:


satyapriya = Shri Satyapriya Tirtha, yati = ascetic, proktaM = uttered or said, shrI jayArya = the venerable JayatIrtha's, shubhaM = auspicious, stavaM = stotra or hymn, paThan.h = by reading, sabhAsu = in assemblies, vijayI = victorious, lokeShu = in all worlds, uttamatAM = greatness or excellence, vrajet.h = obtain or achieve.




The person who reads this auspicious stotra of Shri Jayatirtha by Sri Satyapriya yati, will become victorious in assemblies and achieve greatness in all (the 3) worlds.



The following verse is there only in the book by Shri PrabhanjanAchArya. Another point against it is that it says the author is some AnappAcharya and not Satya priya tIrtha. So we are merely reproducing it without any comment or translation.


[nikhila nigama sUtrAM nirmalAM nyApushpAM

sakala chaturAbhIShTAM prauDa gaMdhAM sumAlyAM

sakala mati subaddhAM prArpya yaH shrInivAse

nija vachana manobhyAM so.avatAchChrI jayAryaH

AnappAchArya viduShA kR^itA jayatIrtha saMstutiH

sujanAnAM cha paThatAM sarvAghaugha vinAshanI ]


|| iti shrI satyapriya tIrtha virachitA shrI jayatIrtha stutiH samAptA ||


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu

-- *shriishaH sharaNam.h*

mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishenakiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,

sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAti

taddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaMtasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaMmAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhokta

sarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUrasarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareyasarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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