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sAri bhajisiro tIkacharyaraMgriya- Devurunama by Sri Vijayadasaru

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Hare Srinivasa !


Sri Vijayadasaru has composed many songs on Sri Jayatheertharu.


sAri bhajisirO, jayarAyara nODiro,tIkAchAryara pAda sOkida kONe dhUli tAkida manujarige are some of the devaranamas. He has also composed one suladhi where he speaks to JayarAyaru as if in a direct speech. He praises Jayatheertharu as

jayarAya jayarAya jayadEvi arasannAshrayamADi koMda tapOvittapa

bhayava pariharisi bhavadhoorara mADi haribhaktiya koDu jNAna vairAgyadoDaNe

"Oh Jayaraya who has obtained the shelter of Jayapathi Sankarushana and who is the very emobodiment of tapasya,please remove my fear and make me free from this samsaara by giving me hari bhakthi along with jNAna and vairAgya."


On this day of the aaradhana of Sri Jayatheertharu let us follow Vijayadasaru and seek the grace of Jayaraya. Please visit




to listen and sing along in praise of the guru as directed by our great Haridasas .


sAri bhajisirO tIkachAryar aMgriya

ghOra pAtakAMbudiya tAra mAlpara


Vijayadasaru is giving a call to all to sing the praise of TIkacharya . He says that one must contemplate on the glorious deeds and special contributions of Tikacharya while doing the bhajana of his feet as indicated by the word- sAri. One who does so can rest assured that the vast ocean of ignorance that is covering one from time immemorial will vanish and one will be able to cross the ocean of samsaara with ease.


mOdatheerthara matava sAdhisuvara

pAdasEvyara durbhOdha kalevara


He is the great yati who has frimly established the truth of the tennets of Madhva's philosophy . He had tackled many an Advaita scholar in debates of crucial tennets and has been victorious. There is a pillar erected in Kolhapur where he won against the Advaita scholar-Vidyaranya. To one who does the seva of the feet of such a great yati, he will remove thier wrong knowledge . Absence of knowledge ie igorance is bad. But even worse is having knowledge which does not confirm to the Agamas, pratyaxa and anumana. Sri Jayatheertha has written the Tika - Nyaya Sudha on the Anuvyakyana of Sri Madhvacharya which is the correct interpretation of the Brahma Sutras. He has clarfied interpretations of key verses by different philosophies explaining clearly why they are not

correct and why Srimad Acharya's viewpoint on the same is perfect. It is extremely essential to be free from viparItajNAna and Jayatheertharu blesses his devotees with this great boon.


bhAshya tatvava vishEsha mAlpara

dOshadUrara AdisEsharUpara

Sri Vijayadasaru is glorifying this great yati as the one who can bring out the special and intended interpretation of the Bhasyas of Sri Madhva. 'dOsha' is the cause for imperfection or is the imperfection itself . In order to understand a text correctly one has to become free from the imperfections of the mind, intellect and antarkaraNa - inner store of memory. Contemplating on the purity of Sri Jayatheertharu will make the mind ready to understand the correct purport of the scriptures. He has the Avesha of Sri Shesha devuru. Sri Jayatheertharu is an amsha of ArjuNa with the special grace of Sri Shesha devuru .


kAmavEdhyara hariya prEma pUrNara

nEmanishTara nishkAmanAvara

Sri Jayatheertha was forced by his family into wedlock. But he had complete vairagya and came out of it by showing himself as a snake with Shesha devuru's grace. He is one who has killed desire ie., overcome desire for worldly pleasures. He is full of love for the divine Lord Sri Hari. He led a disciplined life doing the ordained duties of sainthood and traversing the entire country to establish the fact that Srimad Acharya's philosophy is imacculate as well as practical. He implemented the main import of the teachings of Gita -NishkAma karma by living a life conforming to this ideal.


mOkshadAtara akshObyatheerthara

sAkshili iruvara apEksha rahitara


Since Sri Vijayadasaru has already proclaimed that SriJayatheertharu will remove ignorance in the minds of his devotees, it follows that he bestows right knowledge which goes hand in hand with bhakthi and vairagya. The stage of mukthi is already set , so Jayatheertharu is glorified as mOkshadAta. He shows the path to take. He is the sishya of Akshobya theertharu . Akshobya theertharu is an amsha of Rudra devuru and being in the presence of such a virakta shikAmani , he too followed the same and was devoid of any kind of motive to do any karma. He always did things only to please the Lord.


vijayaviTTalaMgri bhajaNe mAlpare

kujana bhaMjara digvijayarayarA


He is always contemplating on the lotus feet of Sri Vijayavittala. He destroys the evil people without any trace and he is well known for having had victory after victory in proclaiming and establishing the truth. At the same time he was most humble and has submitted his granthas as the words of his guru given to the world through him.


Following the direction of Sri Vijayadasaru let us submit ourselves to this great yati and offer our obesiances . At the same time, studying his works through the works of his disciples, through the works of Haridasas and implementing some part of it is our bounden duty and is the best kind of seva that can be done to a guru. This has been proclaimed clearly by Sri Raghavendra theertharu during his last speech.


sri krishNArpaNa mastu


I am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doer

Whatever He makes me do is His seva by His grace



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