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24 keshavAdi rupagala varnane- Vishnu, Madhusudhana- 4

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hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha




Taken from different books

1. Main source: haridAsaru kanDhante KeshavAdhi rUpagala varNane

SampAdakaru- Sri. dhIraNNa Vaidya, Source: TantrasAra sangraha by Jagatguru Sri Madhwacharya

Publisher: Jagatguru Sri Madhvacharya mUla mahasamsthana shrI Raghavendra Swamigalu Matha, Mantralaya


2. Vishnu sahasranama published by Achara Vichara (English magazine) (Pejawar matha, Chennai)



3. Vishnu sahasranama with meanings in Sanskrit & English according to Tatvasara commentary in sanskrit of Brihati sahasram by Sri Paada Rao published by Sri Sri Madhava Theertharu Moola Maha Samsthana.


Chaturvimshati-mûrtibheda-stotram by shrI vAdiraja theertharu



Acknowledgement: Our thanks to Smt Pramodini & Sri Venkatesh Mutalik who provided us with 24 rupagaLu picture & book (above source)






This picture of Chaturvimshati rupas from the above link is very specific and focussed chintana of the vishesha vishishta24 vyUha rUpa-s as in Gayatri, achamana etc. How these vishesha

rUpa-s should be thought of has been given in the above works byour Acharya-s based on hArIta and other smR^iti-s. This is forvishesha jnana. During mantra, achamana, dhyana etc., dhyeya mUrti-s has to

be thought of with specific laxanas. This is part of vishesha jnAna.





5. OM viShNave namaH - padma, shankha, chakra, gadA

All pervading


kaumodakyaraviMdashaMkhavidadhachchakrashcha viShNurmudA | (shrI vAdirajaru kR^iti)


padmashaMkhau chakragadebibhradviShNuH sadA.avatu |

viShNupatnI padminI sA vidvAMsaM vitanotu mAm.h || (shrI samatIMdra kR^iti)



(Meaning of Vishnu from Vishnu Sahasranama)

preraNArthaM sarvaM vishati iti viShNuH | sarvaM veveShTi- vyAprotIti viShNuH | vishanti pratipAdakatayA sakalanAmAni asminniti viShNuH | visha praveshane |

The Lord is named Vishnu because He pervades everywhere as the indweller, activating all.

The Lord pervades the entire universe being present everywhere within as much as without. This quality is represented by the epithet VishnuH, which is the Lord Himself.

The Lord is named VishnuH because all names (primarily) denote [only] Him


('Tatvasara' commentary on Brihatee sahasraM)visheSheNa prANicheShTakatvadAdyaishvaryabalAdi ShaDguNayogAt.h viShNuH

vi vishiShTau ShakAra NakAra vAchyau balacheShTAdi pumarthao yasmAt.h saH-viShNuHvisheSheNa bhaktAM andhAMsi andhAMsi dadAdi iti --viShNuHPossessor of collection of six auspicious attributes especially

a. Causing motion in the living beings, supremacy, might & divinefaculties such as omnipotence, omnipresence etc...Conferror of strength & source for the movements spoken of by the lettersSha & Na, which are the principal objects of life.

Provides foods, especially to the devotees.



niyamaka rUpa: Vishnu

Place left palm on right palm


ramArupa : padmini

tatva: ear (shrOtratatva)

*Abhimani devatha* : savitha (dhikdevatas: iMdra; AgnEya (SE)- Agni; daxiNa (S)- yama; nairutya (SW)- niruR^iti; pashchima (W)- varuNa; vAyuvya (NW)- pravahavAyu; uttara (N)- kubEra; IshAnya (NE)- R^idra;

gAyathri-varNa *Abhimani devatha*: va- savitha

naivedya item-*Abhimani devatha*: hAlu- Saraswathi

nakshatra- rAshi: mR^igashira- mithuna

mAsa: chaitra

paksha: shukla

nADi: udara bhalabhAga

Ruthu: vasanta

nityakarmagaLu: Tulasi vandane

AkArarupa: rakta

pApanAshana: moving with another man's wife (paradArAdikR^ita)



bhrashtanenisabEda Krishna istu mAtra bEdikOmbe shishtarolage ittu kastabidisO VISHNAVE (5) ***


Krishna ! Please do not consider me as a fallen person. If You do so, I will lose the company of virtuous people. If I am far from noble people, I am also far from You. Krishna, I ask You to pull me away from wicked people & place me in the midst of the virtuous & free me from difficulties, O Vishnu



6. OM madhusUdhanAya namaH- gadA, padma, shankha, chakra

Killer of an Asura named 'Madhu'


chakrAMko madhusUdano dadhadasau shaMkhAbjakaumodakIH | (shrI vAdirajaru)


shaMkhapadmagadAchakradhAryavAn.h madhusUdanaH |

madhusUdanabhAryAstu sharaNaM kamalAlayA || (shrI sumathIrMdra thIrtha)


(Meaning of Madhusudhana from Vishnu Sahasranama)

madhUni - pR^ithivyAdiviShayAn.h sUdayati- nAshayati iti madhusUdanaH |

'Madhu' denotes figuratively the earth & actually the material world from which one derives joy; for the sAdhaka's benefit, the Lord destroys [at the appropriate time] the sAdhaka's attraction towards the material world [so that they can work towards salvation]. For this reason, He is hailed as MadhusudhanaH.


('Tatvasara' commentary on Brihatee sahasraM)ApAtataH madhuvat.h ramaNIyatvAt.h vA maM j~nAnaM sukhaM vA dhunoti iti madhusUdanaH | madhUni aj~nAnAdini vR^itrAdIni vA sUdayati iti madhusUdanaH

Kindler (brightener) of knowledge & happiness which are pleasant like honey. Destroyer of ignorance & demons like Vritra.




niyamaka rUpa: madhusUdhana

Touch right cheek with right fore finger


ramArupa : kamala

tatva-*Abhimani devatha* : mR^itala tvak (core skin)-ahaMkArika prANA

gAyathri-varNa *Abhimani devatha*: rE- Bruhaspathi

naivedya item- *Abhimani devatha.*: Mandige- Brahma

nakshatra- rAshi: AridrA, mithuna

mAsa: vaishAkha

paksha: shukla

nADi: hastini

Ruthu: vasanta ruthu


AkArarupa: rakta

pApanAshana: gurvAngana



madananayya ninnanmahime vadanadinda nudiyuvante hridayadalli hudugisayyaMADHUSUDHANA (6) ***




O Madhusudhana! Before anything else I worship Your feet with joy & happiness. You, who ever resides in my heart, make me aware of Your presence. May I behold You in my heart.








Understanding different rupas of Sri Hari




oMdu guNadoLaganaMta guNagaLu oMdu rUpadoLihavu lOkagaLoMdu rUpadi dharisi tadgata padhArthadoLahoragebAMdaLadavOliddu bahu pesariMda karesuta pUrNaj~nyAnA

naMdamaya paripari vihArava mADi mADisuva……………HKS_03-31

Taken from http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2005-March/000522.html


ParamAtma's has endless and boundless supremacy in guNa, rUpa and kriyaposesses infinite virtuous qualities. In one particular guNa there are

many guNa-s and each guna is complete by itself. If we meditate on anyone of His guNa, among those happiness, knowledge, strength, beauty andother guNa-s are all complete by themselves and many in numbers. In one

rUpa He has many rUpas-s and in one type of kriya there are manykriya-s. This is His amazing strength. He has the capability to causesurprising incidents/events not occurred in the past. There is no difference between the function of one part of His body with

the other. Any part of His body can perform any function He so desires.He can see with his ears, walk on his hands, smell with his foot etc..He is Himself present in His aMtaryAmi rUpa-s and His biMba rUpa-s. shrI

hari is complete in all respects thus – svagatbhEdavivarjita. He isexclusively knowledgeable and ever happy. He has names of differentsounds and words and known by those suitably related names. The entire body of ParamAtma and every other part such as His nails and

hair are exorbitantly filled with infinite virtuous qualities. There isno defect in any part.







The various rupas mentioned in the various avataras, Vyuhas and the Sri Vishnu Sahasranama are " different " via the strength of Vishesha (for example, associating Rama with only Sita during Ramaavatara et al.....)


For example, the same namas mentioned in the Dashavataras such as Vamana/Trivikrama and Narasimha and Sri Krishna are " different " from thoase mentioned in the 24 Keshavadi Namas.

Also for example, the sankarshana, aniruddha, pradyumna, vasudeva and narayana rupas are " different " from the same names mentioned in the 24 Keshavadi Namas. These are " distinguished " where the color of specific rupas are sometimes mentioned to enable one to make out that it is the pancha vyuha vs. the 24 vyuha etc etc.

And within the Sri Vishnu Sahasranama itself, there are multiple repetitions, which are " different " as well.

While doing the Kalasha puja where we invoke the 51 matrikas rupas , the 24 keshavadi rupas, the 10 avatara rupas, the 4 vAsudevadi rupas (Vasudeva, Pradhyumna, Sankarshana, Anirudha), the 4 vishvAdi (Vishwa, tejasa, pragnyA, turya) rupas and the 4 Atmadi (atma, antaraatma, paramathma, jnAnAthma) rupas along with Vedavyasa, dattatreya and Simshumara rupas as being repetitive!



Paramathma has neither birth nor death; neither growth nor decline and is devoid of all limitations and blemishes. He has hands and legs, head and eyes and other limbs everywhere. Our eyes can see only but cannot hear,smell, taste and so on, but there is no difference between Himself and

various parts of His body like limbs, nails, hair etc nor His variousaMtaryAmi rUpa-s. (svagata beda vivarjitha concept). shrI Jagannatha dAsaru in his Magnus opus Harikathamruthasaara, 2nd chapter, 8th, 9th verse....


jagavanellava nirmisuva nAlmoganoLage tAniddu salahuvagaganakeshanoLiddu samharisuvanu lOkagaLa

swagata bhedavivarjitanu sarvaga sadAnaMdaikadehanu bagebageya nAmadali karesuta bhakutarannu poreva

Obbanali niMtAduvanu hari mattobbanali noDuvanu,beduva nobbanali nIDuvavanu mAtADuvanu beragAgi abbarada heddaivaniva mattobbaranu lekkisanu lokadoLabbane tA bAdhya bAdhakanAha nirbhita

In the feet, via JayaMta (pAdAbhimani), as dAmOdara rUpi ParamAtma Hedoes the function of movement or standing and gives the feeling to the

jIva that he is doing this activity. In the eyes via sUrya (nEtrAbhimAni), as madhusUsadana rUpi ParamAtma Hedoes the function of sight i.e. He sees and makes us see.In the hands as daxaprajapati (hastAbhimAni), as padmanAbha rUpi

ParamAtma He does the function of accepting or giving gifts.

Similarly, all functions are carried out by the body with the help of Paramathma itself. Paramathma is capable of carrying out impossible & extra ordinary tasks.

There is neither real difference between Him and His various forms, attributes and actions nor among themselves.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu


-- *shriishaH sharaNam.h*mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishenakiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,

sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,

sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAtitaddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaMtasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaM

mAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhoktasarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUrasarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareya

sarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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