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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Understanding Hari Vayu Stuti

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As sent in my previous emails I am trying present the

meaning of Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND

ALL for the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held

on the SEP-14-2008.


For more details please see below mail trail.



shrI narasimha nakhastutiH


pAntvasmAn puruhUtavairi

balavanmAtaN^ga mAdyadghaTA |


vipATanAdhikapaTu pratyeka vajrAyitAH | shrImatka.nThIravAsya pratata sunakharA

dAritArAtidUra | prad.hdhvastadhvA.nta shA.nta pravitata manasA

bhAvitAnAkivR^i.ndaiH || 1||






Sri Laxminarasimha, just as your fingernails have enough power

to destroy demons of mountainous might such as hiranyakashyapu and his clan, we

pray that, these nails destroy darkness and oceans of ignorance in minds of us

mortals and fill OUT mind with pure ad radiant Haribhakti.






OM! Adorned with Lakshmi, all pervading Lord

Narasimha How shall I praise you, thy greatness and prowess Thy nails are

dazzling like the Vajra of Indra Which smashed the elephantine mountains, the

demons Thy nails wipe enemies like lust and erase ignorance They are ideal for

the penance of gods I praise thy nails O Lord Narasimha Protect the righteous

and destroy our enemies.

Explanation: Formerly mountains had wings; in their flight,

they came down and buried whole cities. So God Indra cut off their wings with

his massive thunderbolt. Daityas- the born enemies of Gods are likened to huge

bodied mountain like elephants and Shri Narasimha is the all powerful lion. The

spacious, sharp claws are compared to Indra's thunderbolt. Each nail is

effectual in smashing the gigantic Demons. These nails are supremely superhuman

and their imperishable, eternal and divine pre-eminence is incessantly mediated

upon by all the Gods with deep sincere devotion for knowledge and light. The

Nails dispel the darkness of ignorance common to souls clothed with perishable

bodies with active organs, which are always sensing pleasures. The whole

structure of this 'Man-Lion' forms the manifestation of 'sat', 'chit',

'ananda-atma' and not the structure of 'prak^ruti = (satva, rajas, tamas)'. So

Nrusimha is apakrutha sharira = vishnu avatara.




Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358







Mullagiri (WT01 - Retail, CPG, Transportation and Services)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1:57 PM

'MadhwaYuvaParishat ';

' '; 'uttaradimath-list '


Understanding Hari Vayu Stuti





Starting from today, I will try to present the meaning

each stanza of Hari Vayu Stuthi with my limited knowledge starting with

introduction, greatness of the Shtorta as a whole and before divulging into

each stanza.


Again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND ALL for

the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held

on the SEP-14-2008.


For more details please see below.



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358







Mullagiri (WT01 - Retail, CPG, Transportation and Services)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1:39 PM

'MadhwaYuvaParishat ';

' '; 'uttaradimath-list '


Understanding Hari Vayu Stuti



|| Hari Sarvottamma || ||

Vaayu Jeevottamma ||









Under the leadership of “Sri Venkatesh



DATE: 14-Sep-2008



9:30 A.M. -12:00 P.M.


Sri Sumadhva Vijaya Soudha, Padmanabha Nagar, Bangalore



FAQ (Updated as of 11-AUG)


1. What is Hari Vayu Stuti?

Hari Vayu Stuti is a very sacred Stotra composed by Sri Trivikrama

Pandita Achar, by seeing the three roopas of Vayu Devaru Humantha, Bheema and

Madhva roopas. So in short, this is explanation of Three Avatars of Vayu

Devaru. Check the photo attached.


2. Who should recite?

All Madhva gents should recite every day.


3. What is the greatness of this Stotra?

By reciting this Stotra, all problems in the life can be removed.

All happiness will stay forever. Infact each stanza of this Stotra has its own power

in removing obstacles we face in day to day life. There are innumerous examples

for this. This is the reason why our elderly have recommended chanting this

Stotra daily. Attached the excel who describes the greatness of each stanza. We

request the members to go through the excel, even if they do not understand the

stanza, the greatness can be easily understood.


4. Who should attend this event?

All Madhva gents should attend.

If you are a

Beginner (no knowledge on Vayu stuti):

By attending this event, you will get the understanding the

Vayustuthi and will be very useful for chanting daily.


Intermediate (Can read by seeing the book):

You will able to correct any mistakes which crop up when reading

the Stotra by seeing the book.

You will also be able to move to advanced level quickly, where in

you can chant Stotra with out seeing the book.


Advanced (can Chant with out seeing the book):

You will able to any small mistakes which may crop up

You will also be able help out your friends who might be at either

Beginner or intermediate level


5. What is covered in the patha?

Since this is first of series, we will limit only to correct

pronunciation of vayu stuthi. Once the members are to the speed, we will try to

understand the meaning of the Vayu Stuthi. To add, if we can correctly

interpret the Vayu Stuthi we can correctly interpret the Dwaitha philosophy. So

we will pace the sessions slowly.


6. What is the mode of registration?

Shoot an email to myp_registration with subject as “Registration



7. Is there any fee associated with this?

No, there is no fee associated with this event.


8. Is this strictly to MYP members?

No, we welcome all Madhva Bandhus for this event.


9. What is the dress code?


Shalya and Panchi. Please note that it will be very difficult to allow the members without the proper dress code.


10.Any Queries?

Shoot an email to myp_registration with subject as “Query

on HVS-PATA”. Common questions will be added

to FAQ and others will be answered at regular intervals.

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