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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha,


shrI Raghavendra Theertharu gurubhyo namaha



Raghvendra N. Patwari <rgpatwari wrote on Monday, August 18, 2008 6:28:05 AM


Mantralaya Sri RaghavendrateerthaGurusarvabhouma's 337th Year's Aaradhana Special At the outset I offer my due respects and Saashtanga Namaskara toour Yatiraat, Karunaalu Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and pray to

Bless and protect as our Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru has said in the phalashruti of Sri Raghavendra Mangalashtaka:YahaSandhyaaSwaNisham GuruorvratipateheSanMangalasyashtakamSadyaha PaapaharamSwaSeviVidushaamBhaktaivaBaBhaashitam

BhaktyavaktiSuSampadamShubhaPadamDeerghaayurarogyakamKeertimPutraKalatraBaandhavaSuhrunMurtyiheePrayaatiDhruvam. Dear Devotees on this auspicious day of 337th Year's Aaradhana,though the grandeur is at its highest in celebration, our mind will simply

think of those olden days of Mantr alaya of Aug. 11th.1671 Friday and theheart fills with Shraavana - Chaaturmaasa - the incessant rain - theoverflow - the spate of Tungabhadra river - thick gathering of Rayara

Devotees on that day and a feeling of loosing something valuable in lifeThe grief striken Diwan Venkanna acting as per the guidelines of Rayaru inMantralaya. The Nawab of Adoni and his paraphernalia and the Devotees from

all places were in Mantralaya. Rayaru came from Kumbhakonam an environment full of devotionalvalues had begun on the bank of Tungabhadra. It was the Sankalpa of Sri Harithat Sri Raghavendrateertharu came to Bichali and was simply attracted to

see the sacred Japadakatti. Aparokshagnyani Rayaru knew the arrival of Sri Sripadarajaru, SriVyasarajaru, Sri Jitamitraru at this Japadakatti Bichali and highly pleasedto look at the open university at the Japadakatti where the shishyas were

hundreds together from all the places engaged in Veda Adhyayana under ableguidance of a noble great teacher Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru who was aChaturVeda Pandit. The historic meeting of these two great stalwarts, great

guru shishyas Sri Rayaru and Sri Appanacharyaru in Bichali was of greatimportance. The atmosphere, the pleasing panorama, the natural surroundingdivinity of nature's gift, the flow of Tungabhadra, the kind hospitality of

this great Scholar Sri Appanacharya in Bichali, the selfless intense sevaof Appanacharya made Rayaru to stay in Bichali for a long period of thirteenyears. As days passed on they became too dear and near, became close, a sort

of great affection just as a mother and the child. SriAppanacharya experienced in Rayaru the mother's care and affection.Friendship grew like a big tree. It reached to an extent that they cannotseparate with each other. Bichali Japadakatti became the central point,

divine platform to spend the time at leisure on the bank of Tungabhadra toSri Raghavendrateertharu with Sri Appanacharya. In the river Tungabhadrathere is a big rock, comfortable to sit. After the food Rayaru and

Appanacharyru used to sit daily and discuss various points pertaining tothe philosophy of our great Sri Acharya Madhwaru. That rock is very famousas Sannyasi Katti even to this day. The days spent in Bichali were highly

memorable to Sri GuruRaghavendrateertharu and Sri Appanacharyaru and thuswe can say that the most important and the happy days they lived togetherin Bichali. Affectionate Seva, massaging the sacred legs and feet of Rayaru

by Appanacharya and always living together made Rayaru to think seriousabout his Brindavana pravesha, as Appanacharya was very close and highlyattached to Rayaru. In the presence of Appanacharya the Brindavana pravesha

is very difficult, first of all he will not tolerate that scene, secondly heknows the divine power and the punya of Rayaru. While entering theBrindavana, Appannacharya may simply hold the hand and bring him outside

and request to continue to live. So Rayaru tactfully avoided his presence atthat moment. Though Rayaru knew everything, decided to obey theManudharma as per the sankalpa of Sri Hari and indulge in the long japa of

Sri Hari sitting in the sacred Neela Brindavana in Mantralaya as per thewill and wish of Sri Hari and to do the uddhaara of the devotees of theworld. As already devotees know that Sri Sheshadevaru was daily coming in

the house of Appanacharya in Bichali and drink the milk offered in thesilver harivaana by Rayaru after the pooja of Sri Moola Ramadevaru andSheshadevaru was dwelling in the snake bill at the back yard ofAppanacharya's house.Sri Sheshadevaru was a black serpent long and large.

Rayaru thought that after his Brindavana pravesha satvikas may befrightened to see the Serpent, so after a long prayer to SheshadevaruRayaru dismantled the snake bill. While dismantling there appeared a black

stone - Naga Shila. Sheshadevaru at the request Rayaru appeared on thatblack stone. Rayaru installed that where the snake bill was existing. Thismade Sri Appanacharya to think more. Why his Guru has dismantled, when

Sheshadevaru was daily coming and accepting the milk offered by Rayaru afterthe pooja of Sri Moola Ramadevaru. In the meanwhile the Nawab of Adoni andDiwan Venkanna both cameto Bichali. From Adoni they came to Mantralaya. In Mantralaya they have to

cross the river Tungabhadra by native boat in kannada we say Naada Doni viaChikka Manchali, enroute Ganadhaala Panchamukhi reached Bichali -Bhikshaalaya. Met the Divine Chetana Sri Raghavendrateertharu and detailed

the progress of the set up of Mantralaya, the construction of Kulaswami SriSrinivasa Temple is completed including the construction of the Brahminhouses. By the arrival of the Nawab of Adoni and Diwan Venkanna pantha to

Bichali Sri Appanacharya was really surprised. After all the formalhospitality, pooja, Naivedya and Mangalarati they all took the Maha Prasadaon that day. Sri Raghavendrateertharu called his dear Appanacharya and

asked him to go to Madhwa Sanchara. Appanacharya said ok, obeyed the wordings of his dear Guru and wentfor Madhwa Sanchara. But then made him to think that why, Rayaru asked himonly to go to Madhwa Sanchara even though the rainy season is there. After

the departure of Appanacharya for Madhwa Sanchara Rayaru went to Mantralayaalong with his paraphernalia of the Sri Mutt. Asked Diwan Venkanna toannounce the day and the date of Brindavana Pravesha to the devotees of the

world. Called his near and dear relatives from Bhuvanagiri, Kumbhakonam,Madhurai and Tanjore. Rayaru decided to make his successor hispoorvashrama's elder brother Sri Gururajacharya's grandson, his own parama

shishya studied in the Vidya Mutt Sri Venkannacharya. Sworn him as hissuccessor and named as Sri Yogeendraateertharu. Both the yatis observed thesacred Chaaturmaasa in Mantralaya in the temple of Sri Venkateshwara newly

built by Diwan Venkanna panth.It is heartening to know that Gururayaruhimself chose the stone of Brindavana along with Diwan Venkanna which wasin Madhavaram. Perhaps this is the last sanchara of our Sri GuruRaghavendraru. Rayaru did not accept the Brindavana which was made ready by

Venkanna and said, let it be used for the next pontiffs Shraavan Bahula Dwiteeya August 11th.1671, Friday devotees from allthe places rushed to Mantralaya to get the Last Darshana of our SriRaghavendrateertharu, as Diwan Venkanna already announced as per the

wordings of Rayaru. Rayaru Never perturbed nor afraid of anything. On thecontrary Rayaru was quite happy talking with smile to all the gathereddevotees Blessing them whole heartedly. On Shraavana Bahula Pratipada i.e.

Thursday Rayaru as usual woke up to the Brahmimuhurta, finished thepraatarvidhis and engaged in Japa Aahneeka, after that Paatha to thestudents of the Vidya Mutt, interacted with the devotees, answered manyquestions and at sharp 11.30 started the pooja of Sri Moola Ramadevaru as

tomorrow Rayaru was entering the Brindavana a large number of devoteeswitnessed the most holy pooja, and actually shed tears that from tomorrowthat they cannot see Rayaru. Sri Raghavendrateertharu after Naivedya took

Bhiksha with all and afterthat talked with Diwan Venkanna and others regarding the programme oftomorrow Shraavana bhaula dwiteeya. In the evening Sri Gururaya heldmeeting with the devotees and Blessed them with phala mantraklshate. Again

Paatha to the students of our Vidya Mutt. Devotees our heart simply criesfor this great Saint, what an amount of patience and tolerance our Rayaruwas having. Till to the pravesha of Brindavana Rayaru has practically

followed the wordings of our Sri Geetacharya Sri Krishna:Yogaha Karma SukoushyalowEach and every work Rayaru has completed with efficiency that it self is theYoga. The dawn of the day of Shraavana Bahula Dwiteeya even the Sun was

also unwilling to brighten the world, owing to the Brindavana pravesha theclouds were simply shedding tears, River Tungamma was in full spate andexpressed her displeasure towards the disappearance of Rayaru. Though the

rain was incessant on that day Diwan Venkanna came to Sri Venkateshwaratemple and with tears said Gururaya everything is ready as per your wish andorder. All the relatives, poorvashrama son Sri Laxminarayancharya nephew

Sri Narayancharya, Diwan Venkanna panth were all there. Holding the hand ofSri Yogeendrateertharu Rayaru came out of the temple. Elephant Maandhaatawas waiting outside and welcomed Rayaru with grief. Maandhaata bent for a

while to facilitate Rayaru to sit. Poorvashrama Nephew Sri Narayanacharya,the author of Sri Raghavendra Vijaya who was holding the pooja pettige ofSri MoolaRamadevaru gave it Rayaru. Now Rayaru holding the Sri

MoolaRamadevara Pettige sat on Maandhaata, the musicians, mangalavadyas, theDasas,Devotees,the entire religious heads, the family of the Nawab of Adoniattended the final and the noble procession. Diwan Venkanna was weeping and

holding the Shweta Chhatra to Rayaru. The procession which left SriVenkateshwara temple crossed all the houses of Manchali and the maingate(Agasi Baagilu) of Manchali. Straight away arrived the sacred bank ofTungabhadra. Already Garbhaalaya was ready with the roof .At the border of

the roof Rayaru asked Diwan Venkanna to have a minar mark, as a mark ofrespect to the Nawab who has donated Manchali. Devotees see how Rayaru isgrateful and expressed gratitude in this way to the Nawab.Even the minute

things are keenly observed by Rayaru. Standing there Rayaru looked thedevotees with a divine kind sight. A lame man got his legs, a dumb attainedthe power of speech. Seeing all this a dalit woman cried Gururaya look at

my son he is only eight years old, suffering from the incurable leprosy.Rayaru listened to her. Prayed Sri Moola Rama to cure this .Soon the boybecame healthy and normal. Everybody praised Rayaru: NAMO NAMO GURURAGHAVENDRA KARUNAALU KAAPAADU.

Next moment they were in grief that from this day onwards we will not beseeing with our eyes the karunaalu Rayaru. Rayaru asked Venkanna to makeshelter to the devotees as the rain was nonstop. Arranged to bring the big

branches of logs and provided shade and shelter. Shaamiyaanas were notthere at time. At one stage the devotees went to the extent of collectionof the soil and the mud where Rayaru was standing. Rayaru said do not worry.

When I sit in the Brindavana the top will be filled with soil you can takeand use, that as Mruttika. Rayaru went on consoling the gathered devotees. I will be in the Neela Brindavana for seven hundred years in the long

japa of Sri Hari. Call me in times of necessity I will come there and helpyou, though not visible to your naked eyes. Then Rayaru gave his padukas toSri Yogeendrateertharu, Blessed him and asked to continue the same

traditional rich heritage of Acharya Peetha. Bade farewell to all withAbhaya Hasta and stepped into the Garbhaalaya, spreading the krishnajina satin Padmaasana, which was 6x6 in size, Chanting OM Pravana Mantra with a loud

voice, while listening that Om Om only they drag the koormaasana slab asalready said by Rayaru. Amidst the Jayakara of Jai Sri Raghavendra GuruRaghavendra, the seventeenth pontiff of our Sri Madacharya Peetha, Avatara

Chetana, Sri Prahlad,Baahleeka, Sri Vyasarajaravatari Sri RaghavendrateerthaGurusarvabhoumaru disappeared from our sight permanently resided in theNeela Brindavana of the most Siddhi Kshetra Mantralaya. The Devotees grief knew no bonds, no words to describe.

Our Shridavithalaru has rightly said:Kundade Vara MantralayadalliruvaKaredallige BaruvaRaghavendra Gururayara Sevisiro Neev Soukhyadi Jeevisiro Bichali Sri Appanacharya a great devotee of Mantralaya Rayaru, sitting

near the sanctum of Japadakatti composed Sri Raghavendra Mangalshtaka hassaid : RangottungaTarangaMangalakaraSri Tungabhadra TataPratyasthaDwijaPungavaalayalasanMantralayakhyapureNavyendropalaNeelaBhavyakaraSadBrindavanantaragaha

SriMatSadguruRaghavendraYatiraatKuryaatDhruvamMangalam. As already described Bichali Appanacharya was inMadhwaSanchara on the day of Brindavana Pravesha. Hearing the shocking newsof his guru straight away came to Bichali Japadakatti the river Tungabhadra

was in full of spate, rolling tears from his eyes, Appanacharya decided tocross Tungabhadra in that state only. Started to say the world famous SriRaghavendra Gurustotra through Ashukavitva, Tungamma paved the way, thus

reached the Mantralaya but could not see his beloved guru Adhidaiva Rayaru,the stotra was continuing, Said:YoBhaktyaGuruRaghavendraCharanaDwandamSmaranYahaPathetStotramDivyamidamSadaNahiBhavetTasyaAsukhamKinchana

KimtvishtaarthaSamruddhirevaKamalanathaPrasadodayaatKeertihiDigviditaVibhutiratula.......Could not pronounce anything more,Appanacharya was in great sorrow, becamemum for a while, then Kind Rayaru pronounced:

SaaksheeHayastotrahiand completed the stotra. Rayaru sitting in the Brindavana only intenselylistened the Appanacharya's Stotra. So Bichali Sri Appanacharya's Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra is the

world famous stotra A STOTRA OF ALL TIMES. Where Rayaru is there SriAppanacharyaru is there, they are the two faces of coin,Bhagavadaparokshagnyani Bichali Appanacharyaru is always chantingremembering Mantralaya Rayaru:

Om Sri Raghavendraya Namaha. The Beejakshara Mantra of Rayaru by his strongand staunch devotee. Today we Devotees express our Gratitude saying:BICHALI SRIAPPANACHARYAPRIYA MANTRALAYASRIRAGHAVENDRATEERTHAGURUBHYONAMAHA.

We remember both of them. It is also believed that BichaliSri Appanacharyaru was Ahlaada during the Prahlada Avatara. Ahlaada Prahalad Saahlaada were the sons of Hirannyakashyapu. Brothers of Prahlada. Ahlaada

Appanacharya and Saahlada Sri Jagannathadasaru.Jai Guru Raghavendra Mantralaya Gurusarvabhouma. Raghvendra Patwari.********************************************Visit www.gururaghavendra.org for Information, videos, Pictures and downloads on Guru Raghavendra

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------------------------------ *shriishaH sharaNam.h*mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishena

kiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,

sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAtitaddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaM

tasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaMmAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhoktasarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUra

sarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareyasarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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