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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - AtTha Mangdaa Charana- Stanza 1

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As indicated in my previous emails I am presenting the

meaning of Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND

ALL for the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held

on the SEP-14-2008.

Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any

queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration. Please check the attached PDF files more info.



AtTha Mangdaa Charana



nishhThA atiguNagurutama shrImadAna.ndatIrtha |


pAdojjvala jalajalasat.h pA.nsavo.asmAnpuna.ntu |


shAradA shArade.nduH |


shrIdhavaLitakakubhApremabhAra.nbabhAra || 1||


Short Explanation

Shremadananda Teertha, your smile is as radiant as a moonlit

night of Sharad ritu. Bharathi Devi the custodian of the vedas and respected in

all the three worlds worships. Shremadananda Teertha the dust generated from your

foot steps is enough to protect and cleanse me.


Oh Master Anandateertha, you are the Acharya of the three

worlds You have unflinching devotion in the holy feet of Lord Vishnu Let the

holy dust of thy lotus feet gracefully purify us. Bharati devi, the goddess of

speech, worshipped by the three worlds with her moon-lit smile showed love,

devotion in thy holy feet Let the dust of thy feet always purge and purify us


The greatest Virtue of an accomplished Vaishnava Devotee is his

lasting and robust devotion towards the lotus feet of Sri Vishnu as the Supreme

Lord of Universe. Possessing this Virtue in amplitude, our Acharya stands as

the greatest guru of three worlds with His implicit and explicit expanding of

'Dvaita' philosophy, supported and strengthened with the rich texts in Vedas,

Upanishads, Panch Ratragamas and Puranas. His lotus feet emit captivating aroma

and striking luster. May the Dust of these Lustrous Lotus feet purify us. His

profound proficiency has evoked even the admiration of Sharada. Goddess of

Learning who is adored even by Gods and Sages as the Master Leader of all Lores,

as the prompter and promoter of speech to human beings by imparting and

inspiring knowledge to expound the time-honored and immortal sacred lore the

Vedas. Such an enlightened and eminent one - the Goddess Bharati is fired by

piety and devotion and perforce drawn to our Sri Ananda Thirtha charya and

accepts him as her Lord and natural and eternal husband and adores Him for His

born erudition and depth of devotion for his Lord Sri Vishnu who is




Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358







shrI Narasimha nakhastuti



puruhUtavairi balavanmAtaN^ga mAdyadghaTA |


vipATanAdhikapaTu pratyeka vajrAyitAH |


pratata sunakharA dAritArAtidUra |


shA.nta pravitata manasA bhAvitAnAkivR^i.ndaiH || 1||






Sri Laxminarasimha, just as your fingernails have enough power

to destroy demons of mountainous might such as hiranyakashyapu and his clan, we

pray that, these nails destroy darkness and oceans of ignorance in minds of us

mortals and fill OUT mind with pure ad radiant Haribhakti.






OM! Adorned with Lakshmi, all pervading Lord Narasimha

How shall I praise you, thy greatness and prowess Thy nails are dazzling like

the Vajra of Indra Which smashed the elephantine mountains, the demons Thy

nails wipe enemies like lust and erase ignorance They are ideal for the penance

of gods I praise thy nails O Lord Narasimha Protect the righteous and destroy

our enemies.

Explanation: Formerly mountains had wings; in their flight,

they came down and buried whole cities. So God Indra cut off their wings with

his massive thunderbolt. Daityas- the born enemies of Gods are likened to huge

bodied mountain like elephants and Shri Narasimha is the all powerful lion. The

spacious, sharp claws are compared to Indra's thunderbolt. Each nail is

effectual in smashing the gigantic Demons. These nails are supremely superhuman

and their imperishable, eternal and divine pre-eminence is incessantly mediated

upon by all the Gods with deep sincere devotion for knowledge and light. The

Nails dispel the darkness of ignorance common to souls clothed with perishable

bodies with active organs, which are always sensing pleasures. The whole

structure of this 'Man-Lion' forms the manifestation of 'sat', 'chit',

'ananda-atma' and not the structure of 'prak^ruti = (satva, rajas, tamas)'. So

Nrusimha is apakrutha sharira = vishnu avatara.




sama.ntato.apikalayan.h naiveshituste samam.h |


vastu dUrataratopAsta.n rasoyo.ashhTamaH |


daksha netra kuTila prA.ntotthitAgni sphurat.h |


visphuliN^gabhasitA brahmeshashakrotkarAH || 2||




Of all the the avataras of Shree Hari or Vishnu, Narasimha, is

the most powerful and violent. In the entire

pantheon of god and goddesses

there is no one who is greater than or equal to Narasimha,

hence this shloka is dedicated solely to “Lakshnkanta”.



I delved deep into space and time; Vedas, Shastras and

Puranas I couldn't find matter better than thee for songs and prayers The taste

of thy name is unique, its eight RASA Oh Lord of Lakshmi, the ultimate Reality,

I chant thy merits When furious, a wink of thy right eye emits fire of Pralaya

in that fire gods like Brahma, Rudra and Indra burn like moths You are the

creator, protector and Destroyer, the Omnipotent You are Omniscient,

Omnipresent; I remain thy proud Bhakta. Explanation: Oh! Lord of Goddess

Lakshmi, a searching study of all the shastraas and a deep contemplation and

devoted thoughts have proved that you are the only supreme being, there being

none equal to you and we cannot have a seventh 'rasa' to add to the recognized

'shat rasa' and the 'astama rasa' is an absolute impossibility. The Lord is the

Creator, Protector and Destroyer of the Universe and when He sends forth even a

glow worm-like spark from His eye; that spark will reduce God Brahma, Indra and

everything under them to ashes. So Sri Narasimha kind graces should be sought

after by all devoted souls.


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