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Sri Krishna Janmashtami - US Specific Timings, rituals and arghya mantra etc .... resending the original mails ...

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|| Sri Krishnaya Namaha ||


namaste all,


few people have asked repetedly about the US specific timings and rituals along with the mantras.

I am furnishing two of the mails sent by Smt Shobha Srinivasan and Sri Balakrishna.


Incase someone feels this is a repeat mail, pls do accomodate them in the best interest of the people

who are keen to observe the rituals and carry on our tradition.




In USA, Asthami thithi starts 9 am eastern time Saturday ends on Sunday 6:40 am

Hence, In India, Ashthami thithi starts 6:30 pm IST & ends on Sunday approximately at 4 pm


In USA, Rohini nakshatra starts Saturday after midnight at 12:30 am (Sunday) Eastern time & ends on Sunday at 11pm

Hence, In India, Rohini nakshatra starts on Sunday morning 10 am & ends on Monday morning 8:30 am


Hence we don't fast till Rohini nakshatra ends this time.


(Please note: There are Surya siddhantha, dhrikganitha panchanga calculation. Hence there maybe small difference of 15 or 20 minutes in timings between the two calculations)


If anyone interested, you can check beginning/ending timings of thithi or Nakshatra from http://www.leoastro.com/


Or The actual time is mentioned in panchanga in English calender.




haraye namaha,

Shobha Srinivasan

----- End of message----------



Sri GuruBhyo namaha Sri Harihi OMSri hanuma bhEma madhva antargata Sri rAma Krishna veda vyAsAtmaka Sri Lakshmi HayagrIva abhinna shriman mUla vENu gOpAla Krishna abinna Sri Lakshmi NarasimhAya namaha Saturday (08/23/2008 for all USA) is Sri Krishna Jayanti. Asper Sri Jayanti nirnaya from Sarva mUla of Srimadh Acharyaru, onthe day of astami of Krishna paksha during mid night having RohiniNaxatra is extremely auspicious. It was on this day our lordSri Vishnu incarnated as Sri Krishna around 5200 years ago.This Saturday 08/23 midnight we have both rOhiNi naxatra and asTami thithiand it's Shri Krishna JayanTi.08/23/2008 : Shri Krishna JayanTi upavAsa08/24/2008 : Shri Krishna JayanTi pAraNa08/25/2008 : Dashami08/26/2008 :

EkadashiEkadashi List for Shri SarvadhAri nAma Samvathsara :http://sites.google.com/site/ekadashidates/ Care has been taken to make sure the dates are correct. In case of any mistakes, my apologies in advance.08/27/2008 : DwAdashiThe fast is to be observed on Saturday 08/23/2008, do Sri Krishna poojaand give Argya preferably during moon rise time Saturday mid night. Here are the details....Duties to be performed on Sri Krishna Astami / Jayanti day.This day is extremely auspicious and every oneirrespective of caste and creed has to observe nirjalaupavAsa to please Sri Krishna devaru.On this day, if one does the snAna by smearing ellupowder(sesame) and nalli kAyi

pudi(goose berry powder)on the head gets punya equivalent to doing snana in kOti thiirthaDuring taking bath one has to chant this mantrasamastha jagadAdhAra shanka chakra gadhA dharadEva dEhi mamAnugnAm yushmaThiirtha nivEshaNeAfter snAna, perform Sri Hari pooja like EkAdashipooja and chant this mantra in front of Sri Krishna.This mantra is chanted to get the grace or Sri Krishnato remove all the obstacles.adya stitvA nirAhAraha shvOBUthe parameshwaraBho kshmyAmi pundarEkAksha asmin janmAstami vratheAs evening approaches, decorate mantapa and placebutter in a silver plate and place Sri Krishna's iconon top of butter and decorate in all ways.Wait till late night, wear madi and remember aditi,kashyapa rushi galu, nanda gOpa and yashOdhe. Thenremember all the avatAras of Sri Vishnu especially

SrikrishnAvatAra and chant this mantravAnchitam kuru may dEva sumsArArthi BhayApahaDuring moon rise have dakshina, phala(nimbe hannu),flowers and shanka with pure water filled in it andhold all of them in right hand and give argya to Sri Krishna devaru.Do sankalpa and then give argya.Argya mantrajAthah kamsa vaDhArthAya bhoo bHArOthAraNAyachakouravANAM vinAshAya daityAnAm nidhanAyachapAndavAnAm hithArthAya dharma samsthApanAyachagruhAnArgyam mayA dhattam dEvakyA sahithO haridEvakI sahita Sri bAla KrishnAya namaha By chanting this mantra give argya to the lord.Sri Krishna took avatAra in Chandra vamsha. So giveargya to chandra dEvaru by chanting this mantra. SinceChandra was born in kshIra sAgara, give argya tochandra in

milk.prartana MantrajyotsnApathe namasthuBhyam namaste jyothishAm pathenamaste rOhinI kAnta sudha kumbha namostute.Chandra Argya mantrakshIrOdArnava sambhoota atri nEtra samudh bhavagruhAnArgyam mayA dhatam rOhiNyAha sahitaha shashin The main purpose of this vrata is to get sujnAna andfinally moksha. Pray the lord Sri Krishna with this mantra.pushya rAksha nimagnOhum mahatya jnAna sAgarEtrAhi maam dEva dEvEsha mahA sumsAra sAgarAthAfter chanting this mantra, if possible, be awake tillmorning, read Shrimadh Bhagavadh Geeta, bhAgavata, hari vamsha, SriJayanti nirnaya and other purAnas.Next day morning (Sunday, 08/24/2008), perform devarapooja, do pArane offer bhOjana to brahmanasuvAsinis and do Sri krishnArpana mastu.In the seva of Sri Hari vAyu and gurugalu.Regards,Bala







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