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FW: HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - AtTha Mangalaa Charana- Stanza 5

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As indicated in my previous emails I am presenting the

meaning of Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND

ALL for the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held on

the SEP-14-2008.

Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any

queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration. Please check the attached PDF files more info.




AtTha Mangala Charana – Stanza 4


nijaruchi nikaravyApta lokAvakAsho |


bhujeyo.abhyudita dinakarAbhAN^gadADh.hya prakANDe |


gadAgryAmayamiha sumati.nvAyudevovidadhyAt.h |


yativaramahito bhUmibhUshhAmarNime || 5||



Short Explanation


Acharya, you are the avatar of Bheemasena the invincible sun of

Pandu, whose shoulder and arm ornaments sparkle

Like the bright sunshine and whose Mace (the Gada) shines like the sliver

lighting. Acharya, You as the avatar of Sri Vayu and lead us to salvation or





I pray Lord Bhima, whose shoulder ornaments glitter like the rising

sun who holds the massive club with valor and strength I also pray Madhva guru,

the jewel of the world, the endeared Paramahamsa of Yogis who illuminates the

worlds, to give me power to praise the tri-Hanuma, Bhima and Madhva.


Explanation: Bheema, who came to this Earth as the son of

Pandava was the second incarnation of Sri Vayu. He carried a brilliant and

almost radiating personality, commanding universal respect and admiration. The

whole world acknowledged his all pervading prowess. His gigantic stature,

unconquerable strength and indefatigable energy, struck terror in the hearts of

Daityas. He adorned his muscular arms with bright ornaments shedding luster,

like the rising sun. In his broad shoulder he wields the massive ace which

sparkled like lightening. Only the bravest of the brave could lift this Ace

with great difficulty. Our Srimadanand Thirtha is the third incarnation seated

and worshipped in his highest pedestal all the sages and sage likes sanyasins.

He is the light of the three worlds carrying the message of Sri Hari to rouse

the doubting pandits, in inculcate Sathyagyana. He descended to this earth to

dispel the Mithyagyana and to establish Sathyagyana and he is only one who has explained

the correct meaning of Brahmasutrani, Gita and Upanishads. His illimitable

Austerity, inspiring discourses have instilled conviction into many an advaitins

mind and such sincere souls are converted to this true belief of Madhva

Philosophy. I humbly pray to this jewel of this earth, Sri Madhva to wit to

help me to stick up to this faith and to bless me with still deeper knowledge

to propagate this philosophy.



Purushottamacharya G Raichur:

Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri

Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358

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