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Sri Sujnanendra Thirtaru - More info from Sri Aravind Madhabhavi - Yelhanka Mutt

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Please find herwith a url which has the pdf document with a brief charitre of Sri Sri SujnAnEndra tIrtharu, by VidwAn G Vijaya Vikrama Daasaru, which was released by Sri Gururaja Seva Samiti, Yelhanka.during Sri RAyara ArAdhanA mahOtsava during 2003.


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sudhA sArArthatatwvajnaM suradrumasamaM satAm!surAdhipa guruprakhyaM sujnAneMdra grurm bhajE!!- Sri Sri SudharmEmdra tIrthatru.



for -

Aravinda Madhabhavi


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MadhwaYuvaParishat , "Kale Balkrishna" <kale1972 wrote:>> !!! Sri Gurubhyonamaha !!!> !!! Sri Sri Sujnanendra Theertha Gurubhyonamaha !!!> > Namaskara Srinivasan Avare,> > I am very much thankful to your mail forward. Fortunate are those who have> listened the same from Sri 1008 Sri Suvidendra Theertharu.> > !!! Haraye Namaha !!!> -- > Kale Balkrishna> Vice President - ITMS> Mobile : +91-9849042501> visit my blog : http://kalebala.wordpress.com/> Slogan of the day : Please do Sandhyavandane Daily.> > > On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Srinivasan Ramarao <crs.cbewrote:> > > More information on Sri Sri

Sujnanendra Theertharu:> >> > More Info:> > He was related to Sri Dheerendra teertharu,> > Poorvashram Name: Raghavendracharya.> >> > During his time, the state was under the rule of British. He had to see the> > British officer. But he did not meet him. In stead that British Officer> > himself came and met him. He was impressed by the characteristics of the> > saint and got the mutt work done there itself.> > Sri Sugnaanedra teertha was PranavOpaasaka. He had done Sudha Pravachana> > many times. His work include Chandrika manDana, He spent many years at> > Nanjangud.> >> > One KannaDa song on him by Sri Lakumeesha:> >> > Sugnaanendraarya! Gurusri! Agnaana pariharisayya> > Agnadi mana shiva dhanu magnanali> > Sugnaanavittu Aga majjana maadai !!>

>> >> > [Courtesy; Haridasaru stutisida Manatralaya MaTaDa YativareNyaru by Dr> > Srinivasa Havanur]- Extract from Dvaita list by sri GRR.Rao> >> > Sri Suvidendra Theertharu is now camping at Coimbatore for the chathurmasya> > . He give an upanyasa on the Punya Dina of Sri Sujnanandra Theertharu at the> > Rayar Mutt here.I furnish the details below.> > Sri Sujna nendra Theertharu, a great Tapasvi and pranava upasagaru. He> > lived for 103 years. He had a desire that he should attain Brindavana at> > Mantralaya. He Pryed to Rayaru for the same. However Rayaru appeared in his> > dream and instructed him to go to Nanjangudu and settle there till he leaves> > the mortal coil. Rayaru informed further that the aradane will be done as> > that of his along with his aradane.> > Though he felt his desire has not

fulfilled, he immediately realised the> > graceof Rayaru and accepted it but not left Mantralaya immediately and doing> > the seva there.> > Nanjangudu is by the side of the River Cauvery. A Dhobi who used to wash> > the cloths daily on a solid rock in the river bank and carried his> > life.Strangely to him Rayaru appeared in his dream and informed him that, I> > am residing in this rock and if you turn the rock you can see the carving of> > my image in this and from tomorrow do not wash the cloths on this> > particular rock .Next day he informed the same to the chieftain of the> > village .The chieftain of the village also experienced a stange dream on the> > same day that I am coming to the village and do the necessary arrangement.> > When they turned the rock they found a carving of Sri Rayaru there. Later it> > was

installed in the nearby place. On the day of installation Sri> > Sujnanendra Theertharu reached Nanjangudu to carry out the order of Rayaru> > unexpectedly.> > He was recieved with great honour and asked to take care of the same. Sri> > Sujnenendra Theertharu was overwhelmed by this Karunya of Sri Rayaru. From> > that day he used to sit in a room and do the Thapas.> > On the door of the room there was a small hole and a small sparow> > (Gubbachi) used to come and go frequently making lot of noice.Though the> > swamiji was patient and doing the thapas it was a disturbance in carrying> > out the tapas. Swamiji simply raised his face and saw the sparrow. Instantly> > it fell down and died. Swamiji was very much upset for having killed the> > sparrow instead of showing karunya to the bird and prayed to Rayaru for the> >

shama.> > In the night Sri Rayaru appeared in the dream and informed that the bird is> > in the previous birth was a devotee of him and prayed for Moksha from him.> > and blessed him that he will get it appropriate time. Now he has born as a> > bird and coming round you when you were doing the pranava mantra Japa and> > when you cast your vision on the bird, Pranadevaru in you fulfilled the> > desire of the bird and you need not worry for the same. Such is the karunya> > of Sri Rayaru .> > Another incident:> > One day the king of the Nanjangudu wanted to see the swamiji instantly. The> > sishya's informed that he is doing the japa and meet him later. However the> > king went directly to the room of the swamiji and he could not see the> > swamiji. Then he said to the sishyas why you are telling lie. . But to the> >

surprise all the sishyas were seeing the swamiji in a corner doing the tapas> > and told the king that we are seeing him doing the tapas at the corner of> > the room. That is by his( King's) arrogance he could not see the swamiji.> > Later he appoligised and gave a lot of place and jewels for the Nanjangudu> > mutt.Later he laid his mortal coil on Sravana krishna chathurthi. As Rayaru> > informed swamiji that his Aradane will be done as that of Mine and even now> > in most of the mutts the fourth day aradane is done with great divotion .> > All these were happend just by the grace of Rayaru and by the Tapas of the> > swamiji.> >> >> >> > 2008/8/20 Sandeep B.S. <bss.abc> >> >>> > > >>

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