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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Atahha Moola Vaayu Stuthihi Stanza 7,8,9

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As indicated in my previous emails I am presenting the

meaning of Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND

ALL for the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held

on the SEP-14-2008.

Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any

queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration. Please check the attached PDF files more info.






dR^iDhataramihate badhyate ba.ndhapAsha |


sukhAnA.n bhajati bhuvi bhavishhyadvidhAtre dyubhatre.r |


sa.ntata.n tvaM pradisha padayuge hanta sa.ntApa bhAjAm.h |


bhaktimekA.n bhagavata utate mAdhavasyAtha vAyoH || 7||



Short Explanation

Acharya, we plead with you and Shree Hari to release us from

the problems and attachment of present mundane world and lead us through to the

path and destination of moksha


Oh Lord Mukhyaprana, you are the lord of Bharati And you are

the great Brahma of the next Kalpa You can untie the knot of worldly bondage of

your devotees I fold both my hands and prostrate before thee You protect me; I

am an abode of three miseries to grant me an unshakable devotion in Lord Hari

and in you


With folded hands, forming a cavity and held on my head, bent

in deep reverence with full belief in your powers of releasing the merited

souls from the tight bonds of attachments of this world, I humbly pray to you,

O Ananda Theertha to bestow upon me your favors, so that I may be enabled to

cut the chords of binding me to this Samsara and instill in me deep devotion

towards yourself and your Lord Sri Hari. Bhakthi= Devotion presupposes: (1)

Full knowledge of Shastras (2) Full Belief about the supremacy of Sri Hari (3)

An adhering and ever-increasing effort to know him more and more and to forget

the erstwhile pleasures in the enjoyment of senses. Such a soul, attaining to

that perfection is a true Mahatma. Sri Madhva is unequalled by anybody in Gyana,

Vairagya, Haribhakthibava, Druthi-Stuti-Prana, Bala and Yoga. May Sri Madhva

bless me with deep devotion to deserve Sri Hari's anugraha.




shubhraprabhamabhayanabho bhUribhUbhR^idvibhUtiH |


bhavanamapi vibho.abhedibabhrebabhUve |


bhramayatusubhR^isha.n babhruvaddubhR^i.rtAshAn.h |


bhAsastvitibhayamabhi bhobhU.rxyatomAyibhixUn.h || 8||


Short Explanation

Vayudeva, you are the life giving force, whose kingdom extends

in the entire earthly world, the planets and heaven (Swarga). You who gave birth

to these kingdoms, sustained and ruled have the ability to destroy as well. We

plead with you to destroy the charlatans and lead us to moksha.


The earth, betraying the riches of Kings and monarchs The sky,

dominated by the clouds, the sun and the moon The heaven, the abode of Gods, -

all these three worlds Get created, protected and destroyed by thee,

Mukhyaprana. Those who call our doctrines. 'World is true, soul and God not

one' as false are like cats in the Yagna who steal the oblations


OH! the powerful Vayu! Deriving vast powers from Sri Hari, you

can bring into existence; you can protect and destroy the three worlds

comprising the earth, the sky and the heaven. These three worlds are rich in

their respective splendor:

(1) The earth yields a bumper harvest of diverse types of

food, for the diverse tastes of all animal kingdom. Farmers contribute some

amount of their profit earned by labor. These contributions swell the Royal

coffers- to be utilized by the king whose prestige is maintained by allowing

him to live like a lord in a gorgeous mansion, to ride on richly bedecked

elephants or palanguins. They carry the Divine mission of protecting the

subjects; (2) The sky houses, in its vast vacuum rich clouds to water the earth

the bright sun to ripen the growth the snow-white moon to fill the fruits with

juice and a galaxy of shining stars to lend enhancement to the view

(3) The Heaven the Abode of the fortunate band of immortal Gods

presided over by Indra who is helped by Agni and Varuna.

These three worlds are controlled by Vayu who with his massive

Ace protect the residents of these regions from being defiled or invaded. Often

times Sri Hari invests some demon or demons with power to go down to this earth

and preach other philosophy and confuse the minds of Vaishnava devotees who

pray for succor. Our Sri Acharya in his natural kindness invites them for a

fair and impartial consideration and with his lucid arguments proves the

eternal truth, ie Sathya Jagat, Hari Sarvottama, Jiva Bhinnah and others are

convinced that their stand is untenable and look aghas at the authorities

placed by Sri Madhva and walk away murmuring that their philosophy has been

smashed threadbare.



suramukhasujanArAdhita.n te tR^itIyam.h |


bhAsuraiste sahacharachalitaishchAmaraishchAruveshAH |


kaNThalagna sthirashuchi vilasatkA.nti tAruNyalIlA |


pUrNakA.ntA kuchabharasulabhAshleshhasammodasA.ndrAH || 9||


Short Explanation:

The Satwik (righteous people) after serving their elders and

gurus lead a wonderful life in Vaikuntha where they are served by servants and

enjoy the company of beautiful damsels and frequent Darshon of Shree Hari.


Those who adore and worship with all devotion the third

incarnation which is worshipped by gods Will be honored in the heaven,

Vaikunthaloka They get delightful divine robes and all the comforts The

heavenly servants provide cool breeze with chamaras Divine damsels will hug

them and provide the charms of embrace.



Sri Ananda Thirtha is the third incarnation of Sri Vayu.

Reverential homage at his lotus feet is the prime requisite for earning his

good graces. Homage comes of a heart that tacitly believes in his greatness. To

regard him as the greatest Guru, an intelligent grasp of his authoritative

works on Dvaita Philosophy is absolutely indispensable. They, who worship him

as such, enhance their joy in Moksha. Our Acharya is thus worshipped by Gods

and sages alike. These blessed devotees of Sri Vayu are dressed in lustrous

robes and decked with diamonds and jewellery by the divine attendants who fan

the pleasures of these Mukti yogyas. In Vaikuntha staying with their swaroopa

deva (void of all flesh and blood) they become and recipients of full-some joy

in the close embrace of youthful damsels of dazzling beauty and per force they

feel their joy enhanced with philosophical appreciation of Sri Hari's and Sri

Vayu's graces in the form of these mysterious jokes. Devotees, who were

destined to an eternal stay in Vaikunta, can never dream of any sense of casual

pleasures of the Earth. They are in Muktha Prapancha. They are permanently

severed from the bonds of prakruthi.



Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore, Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri

Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358


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