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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Atahha Moola Vaayu Stuthihi Stanza 10, 11 & 12 - sent on behalf of Sreenivas Mullagiri

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As indicated in the previous emails we are presenting the meaning of Vayu Stuthi.

Once again, we (MYP Core Team) cordially invite ONE AND ALL for the HARI VAYUSTUTHI PATA

due to be held on the SEP-14-2008. Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration. Please check the attached PDF files more info.




Source: Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore, Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri Vayustuti, Bangalore, Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996

We also sincerely thank Smt Shobha Srinivasan for all her continued support to MYP and contributions.


Ana.ndAnma.ndama.ndA dadati hi marutaH ku.ndama.ndArana.ndyAvatA.r |

..amodAn.h dadhAnAM mR^idupada muditodgItakaiH su.ndarINAm.h |

vR^i.ndairAva.ndya muktendvahimagu madanAhI.ndra devendrasevye |

mauku.nde mandare.asminnaviratamudayanmodinAM deva deva || 10||


Short Explanation:

The (Satwik) righteous people after serving their elders and gurus lead a wonderful life in Vaikuntha where they are served by servants and enjoy the company of beautiful damsels and frequcnt Darshan of Sri Hari.

Phala Stuti Ihis Shloka gives enjoyment from children and general happiness




Oh Lord Mukhyaprana, you are worshipped by gods like- Chandra, Soorya, Shesha, Madana and the King of Gods, Devendra, "mandira (or home) of Mukunda", abounds with bewitching dance Devine damsels provide music which is enchanting The wind carries the fragrance of Kunda and Mandara flowers For the blessed Vaikuntha is the ideal place to reside.



Moksha is eternal blessful joy, this joy is experienced by the select blessed souls even when they stay in this mortal body. They are just like (Kapala Nirmuktha, Narikela Palavat) though staying inside. When the body falls down, these fortunate souls are picked up by Sri Hari and Vayu and housed permanently in Mukunda Mandira (Sri Hari's Mansion). Such souls have exerted themselves to curbs their minds after and controlling their tongues have resisted all temptations to enjoy bodily pleasures and in many birth have earned merit to qualify themselves for this worthy prize. There in Moksha they enjoy the celestial joy with their equals, dance with Muktha. Damsels relishing the welcome fragrance of heavenly flowers, to wit, Kunda, Mandara and served with slow- blowing breezes laden with joy-giving

fragrance. All the while, they are feeling greatful to the tender mercies of Sri Hari and Vayu. This feeling is ever enhanced by the sight of their acknowledged superiors, to wit the Muktha Gods, Surya Madana, Shesha and Indra who are ever extolling Sri Hari's greatness and incessantly singing melodiously in praise of Sri Hari. They never for a moment even, feel any monotony exertion by this continuous activity.



uttaptAtyutkaTatviT.h prakaTakaTakaTa dhvAnasaN^ghaTTanodyad.h | vidyudvyUDhasphuliN^ga prakara vikiraNotkvAthite bAdhitAN^gAn.h | udgADha.npAtyamAnA tamasi tata itaH ki.nkaraiH pa.nkilete |

pa.nktigrA.rvNA.n garimNAM glapayati hi bhavadveshhiNo vidvadAdya || 11||


Short Explanation:

The (Tamasa) enemies of Shree Hari and Vayu are pushed into the boiling muddy waters of Hell with large boulders being thrown on them by the loyal servants of Shree Hari and Vayu. Even microscopic life forms (Jalookadi) do not spare such enemies.

Phala Stuti Ihis Shloka gives victory over one's enemies




The ultimate in knowledge, O Mukhyaprana Those who hate you and defy your supreme knowledge Will be sent to Andha Tamas, the lowest of hells There the stones are hurled at them by thy servants The stones emit blazing fire and everything boils there They have in store endless agony, torture and misery.



Oh! you Preceptor of Perceptors in the three worlds, Daityas are your enemies who hate Sri Vishnu and His devotees and their accursed lot is an untold, never ending misery: They are thrust into the abominable hell, where pitch darkness prevails. There, they are forced to swim in the miry stinking sea of which the water is always boiling and they have to face an incessant flow of heavy hot stones, hurled at them in a continuous and bewildering pour by Yamas fierce-looking servants. Mighty stones, with long tongues breathing fire, hover around them, striking terror into the hearts of these Daityas. There is no escape, from this terrible toil of this hell for those that stand to hate Sri Hari, Vayu and Vaishnavas.




asminnasmadgurUNA.n haricharaNa chiradhyAna sanmaN^galAnAm.h |

yushhmAka.n pAshhva.rbhUmi.n dhR^itaraNaraNikaH svagi.rsevyAMprapannaH |

yastUdAste sa Aste.adhibhavamasulabha klesha nimU.rkamasta |

prAyAna.nda.n katha.n chinnavasati satata.n pa.nchakashhTe.atikashhTe || 12||


Short Explanation:

The (Rajasa) set of people, who understand but care less about the teachings of Shree Acharya, though on account of their vicinity of Acharya and his three forms (avataras), lead relatively trouble free lives.

Phala Stuti : This Shloka removes lethargy, listlessness and help fruictify bhakti to GOD (Hari Bhakti Siddhi)



When our Guru mediates deeply on the Lord Sri Hari Even the heaven-dwellers desire to stay in his vicinity Those who are disinterested in nectar-like teachings of Acharya Are middle ones, the householders who drown in the sea of agony They will not be sent to the hell like the hostile ones However, they are deprived of the supreme bliss, Ananda.



In this world with a short span of life, if a born Vaishnava remains inactive and ignores his primary duty of knowing what a Vaishnava is or should be, he certainly loses the much-prized graces of Sri Hari and Vayu. He is a dunce. By virtue of his birth from Vaishanava parents, he entitles himself to be initiated into the sweet secrets of Madhva Philosophy and pursuing that, he qualifies himself to successfully and satisfactorily inculcate and propagate the rich store of Dvaita philosophy among aspiring students. Thus only can he earn the blessings of Sri Hari, Vayu and Guru. If, unfortunately, he ignores his Vaishnava birth and stays uninitiated, he must blame himself for having lost the best opportunity of relishing the sweet dish of satYaGYana. His fate will be punarapi janaM, punarapi maraNaM,

purarapi janani jaTarE ShayanaM. He will be devoid of bliss. Who ever refuses to embrace Bliss? The cherished goal of mankind is freedom from misery and attainment of bliss. So every Vaishanava must try to know himself by studying Vayushastra and become Sri Hari Priya. Sri Madhva has sympathy for Madhva's and no Madhva is ever thrown into prediction for failure to drink deep at Madhvashastrabhudi. All born Madhvas must understand and deeply study Madhvashastra so that they will always be sincere devotees of Sri Hari whose greatness is so eloguently sung by our Acharya who, Himself in His three Avatars, danced with ecstatic joy, singing the enrapturing names of Sri Hari. The Gods in heaven seek Vayu's graces and hold him as their Saviour and worship him as the greatest in their heirarchy.



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358


PS: The rekha chitra of Avatara Traya attached with this mail is the one which is put up at Sri Uttaradi Mutt at Mysore.

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