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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Atahha Moola Vaayu Stuthihi Stanza 13, 14 & 15 - msg on behalf of Sreenivas Mullagiri

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|| Hari Sarvotthama || || Vayu Jeevotthama ||




As indicated in the previous emails we are presenting the meaning of Vayu Stuthi.

Once again, we (MYP Core Team) cordially invite ONE AND ALL for the HARI VAYUSTUTHI PATA

due to be held on the SEP-14-2008. Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration.



Source: Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore, Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri Vayustuti, Bangalore, Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996

We also sincerely thank Smt Shobha Srinivasan for all her continued support to MYP and contributions.




xut.h xAmAn.h rUxaraxo radakharanakhara xuNNavixobhitAxAn.h |

AmagnAnA.ndhakUpe xuramukhamukharaiH paxibhivi.rxatAN^gAn.h |

pUyAsR^inmUtra vishhThA krimikulakaliletatxaNaxipta shaktyAdyastra |

vrAtAdi.rtAn.h stvadvishha upajihate vajrakalpA jalUkAH || 13||


Short Explanation:

Vayudeva, your enemies, the Tamasic set of people, with their sharp fingernails and teeth gouge out their eyes and

spit as they are perpetually famished. These people arc covered in urine and blood and drown in the boiling waters in deep Hell filled with vicious microscopic life forms (Krimigalu), all the while shouting in horrible voices. While their bodies are being

attacked by vicious eagles, mad dogs and crows, during this painfrul period, your loyal servants, O Vayudeva, attack these

people mercilessly with any weapon. .

PhaIastuti: This shloka removes poverty and destroys enemies



Your enemies the advocates of untruth, suffer from Hunger and thirst as the devils bite them with teeth and jaws. Vultures pierce and cut them with sword-like beaks To add torture they are attacked by sharp weapons, then, They are thrown into a pond of blood-urine-filth and germs Vampires suck their blood as they are being thus tortured.



This verse is in continuation of 11 ie Hell-the eternal doom of Daityas the dead haters of Vishnu and Vaishnu bhaktas, is described in this verse. Oh! Sri Vayu thy enemies suffer restless agony from the fierce piercing thrust of sharp, keen-edged beaks as hard as diamonds- by the blood-sucking monstrous creatures. While simultaneously cuts are administered with sharp instruments. Hungry and thirsty emaciated with parched throats, these Daityas clamour for help, while hideouts looking vultures pounce upon them mercilessly the deal fresh thrusts with their sharp pointed beaks. Condemned to that dark dungeon, they are forced to swim in the stinking water which is an admixture of puss, blood, urine, excreta, while a long array of germs crowd over their bodies. Feirce looking servants of Yama in

various form are employed to cut and bite the Daitya's with sharp fangles and paws. Such is that adominable hell.




mAtarme.rmAtarishvan.h pitaratulaguro bhrAtarishhTAptaba.ndho | svAminsavA.rntarAtmannajarajarayitaH janmamR^ityAmayAnAm.h |

govi.nde dehibhakti.n bhavaticha bhagavannUji.rtA.n nini.rmittAm.h | nivyA.rjA.n nishchalAM sadguNagaNa bR^ihatIM shAshvatImAshudeva || 14||


Short Explanation:

Sri Vayudeva, You my father, my mother, invisible teacher, my favourite relntive and God. You are omnipresent

and YOU are responsible for my life, death and my happiness and I turn to You to remove my sorrows. We plead with You to offer us everlasting and permanent bhakli.


PhaIastuti: This shloka helps develop respect and obedience to one's parents, elders and gain respect among the people and society in geenral



Oh! Matarishwa, the wind-god, you are the nourishing mother Protecting father, guiding teacher, a friend-philosopher-guide Remove the pangs of birth and death, O Lord Grant me true devotion for Lord Krishna which is free from Desire, lust and pride and which is ever increasing Oh the omnipresent, the most revered of the revered.



Oh! Sri Madananda Thirtha, you are the only saviour from this Samsar. You stand loftiest and rank the highest in the hierarchy of Gods. Devotional Yogi's ardently seek thy good graces for their uplift. Shastras proclaim thy constant presence with Sri Hari. Without your direct help, no soul can have a release from this cycle of births and deaths. So I humbly pray to you to lead me on : (1) Like Mother with caressing care (2) Like a father for my upbringing mentally and educationally (3) Like a brother hugging me to your bosom with love (4) Like a preceptor imparting knowledge and intutional faith (5) And lastly as the nearest and dearest relative. Oh! Vayu you are staying in the heart of all souls along with Sri Hari Bimba. You are inherently authorised to keep this soul free from birth, death or

bodily ailments. I fervently pray for the gift of that rarity, termed Satvika Bhakthi towards yourself. Pray grant me the power to grasp shastras, develop in me an ever-growing desire to know more and more about the supreme being and raise me higher and higher to reach my individual inherent stature to deserve the graces and be my guide for all time to come.




vishhNorattyuttamatvAdakhilaguNagaNaistatra bhakti.ngarishhThAm.h | sa.nshlishhTe shrIdharAbhyAmamumatha parivArAtmanA sevakeshhu |

yaH sa.ndhatte viri.nchi shvasana vihagapAna.nta rudrendra pUve.r | shhvAdhyAya.nstAratamyan sphuTamavati sadA vAyurasmadgurustam.h || 15||


Short Explanation:

Vayudeva You recognize that Sri Hari is the Sarvottama (The Highest) and that being the flag bearer of their

destinies, you ensure all the gods, including Bhoodevi, garuda, rudra, indra follow the rules of protocol and differentiation


PhaIastuti: This shloka helps develop awareness and greatness of GOD



Those devotees who show unflinching devotion in Lord Vishnu The supreme God, the consort of Sridevi and Bhudevi And show devotion in right proportion to other gods like Brahma, Vayu, Shiva, Garuda, Rudra, Indra and others Our master teacher Mukhyaprana will show mercy on them He will protect them and bless them, that is certain.



It is absolutely necessary for every Vishnu devotee to understand intelligently and to believe sincerely and to deeply feel intuitionally that Sri Vishnu is supreme with all the best attributes (akhilagunagana) that he is the fountain head of all that is good and that he is ever devotionally embraced by Goddess Mahalakshmi and Goddess Earth (Bhudevi); who are twin forms of eternal prakruti. With robust faith in his supremacy and with a tacit belief that Gods Brahma, Vayu, Garuda, Shesha, Indra and other Gods are always at his service, though deserving of service at the hands of Vaishanava devotees. Our Anandathirtha has set down definite rules for the worship of Sri Vishnu and all sincere minded devotees must worship the supreme as Para Brahma and other Gods as his attendant servants taking care

to see that they never infringe the graded seniority list. This done with scrupulous care, will please our Acharya and he will lead us on. Great efforts must be made to reap rich reward and Sri Vayu's anugraha is the richest reward.



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358


PS: The picture attached with this mail is that of Avatara Thraya Sri Mukhya Prana, which is consecreted by

yathi thrayaru - Sri Brahmanya Theertharu, Sri Sripadarajaru and Sri Vyasarajaru at Brahmanya Pura (5kms from Channapatna).

The significane of this idol is that, it also has the presence of Lakshmana, Seetha Devi and Sri Ramachandra on top.


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