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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Atahha Moola Vaayu Stuthihi Stanza 16, 17 & 18 - msg by Sreenivas Mullagiri

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|| Hari Sarvotthama || || Vayu Jeevotthama ||




As indicated in the previous emails we are presenting the meaning of Vayu Stuthi.

Once again, we (MYP Core Team) cordially invite ONE AND ALL for the HARI VAYUSTUTHI PATA

due to be held on the SEP-14-2008. Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration.



Source: Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore, Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri Vayustuti, Bangalore, Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996

Our sincere thanks to Sri Sreenivasa Vaidya Achar, Hyderabad for his continued support to MYP.

Our gratitudes and admirations to his creative & contextual pictures we have seen so far, helping us visualize most of the

Madhwa Siddhanta related episodes. The attached picture is one of his many creations.



tattvaGYAn.h muktibhAjaH sukhayisi hi guro yogyatAtAratamyAt.h |

Adhatse mishrabuddhi.n stridivanirayabhUgocharAnnityabaddhAn.h |

tAmisrA.ndhAdikAkhye tamasisubahula.n duHkhayasyanyathAGYAn.h | vishhNorAGYAbhiritthaM shR^iti shatamitihAsAdi chAkaNa.ryAmaH || 16||


Short Explanation:

Acharya, Having understood the mukti gyana from Sri Hari Himself, You create the path for obtaining Mukti, under

His instructions, according to the rules of protocol. You, having understood the subtleties of Muktigyana, decide who goes

through the endless cycle of life and death(Andhantammassu) and who enter the gateway to Vaikuntha (Moksha).

PhaIastuti: This shloka helps in attaining moksha



Oh! prime Guru Mukhyaprana, by the order of Lord Vishnu You give all comforts to those who desire Mukti, salvation You rotate the Nityabaddhas in heaven-hell-earth cycle And to those wicked who are filled with wrong knowledge You send them to the depths of inferno, the Andhatamisra, This act of yours is supported by Shurtis and itihasas.



Hundreds of the countless shrutis and historical happenings of the immemorial past unequivocally prove that you have been invested with vast powers by Sri Hari who has accepted you as his accredited most trusted, obedient, self less and impartial adjudicator over the destinies of the souls who are sent to play their part. These souls are of three types : (1) The high souled, who qualify themselves for selection to permanently enjoy eternal bliss in the presence of Sri Hari whose graces they have earned. Among such-high placed souls, the limit of joy is graded according to the amount of merit reaped by each. But each has the good sense of respecting the higher merited souls, while jealousy has absolutely no place there. (2) Nityasamsari is the second types of souls, who revel in sensual enjoyment

and are always enamoured of beautiful damsels and madly rush after them and find no time to think of the creator. When the end comes they quit this body with desires unfulfilled. Sri Vayu gives them a new body to pursue their mad attempts at pleasure. Few of the souls of this second type have generous heart, a religious bent but their object is to enjoy heavenly pleasures and they are kept in Heaven where they enjoy pleasures untill their merit is exhausted. Some evil doers immoral wrteches and unbelievers are sent to hell for a time. (3) The third and last type of souls consists of haters of Sri Vishnu and Vaishnavas. They say: Vishwam Mithya, Vibhuh Agunavan, Jiva-Brahma Abheda etc. They are the particles of kali and they are doomed to derision by all. Our Anandathirtha who has after a thorough and dispassionate research, established Sri Hari as Anandagyana Deva, Jiva-Jada Bhinnah, Sarvottama, Sakalaloka pravartaka and takes his cudgels and sending

them to Andhatamas, punishes them to rot in eternal misery.




va.nde.aha.n ta.n hanUmAniti mahitamahApaurushho bAhushAli |

khyAtaste.agryo.avatAraH sahita iha bahubrahmachayA.rdi dharmaiH |

sasnehAnA.n sahasvAnaharaharahita.n nirdahan.h dehabhAjAm.h |

a.nhomohApaho yaH spR^ihayati mahatI.n bhaktimadyApi rAme || 17||


Short Explanation:

Vayudeva, Of all the three avatars of Hanuma, Bheema and Madhva, Your first avatara is Hanumantha.

As Hanumntha, You have earned the title of “chiranjeevi”, been credited with gaining the highest knowledge,

being a “Brahmacharya”. Being the highest of the jeevas, You are also called “Mukhya Praana” and “Jeevotthama”. You have accomplished a wide variety of extremely difficult tasks, under the instructions of Shree Hari. In the process you have conquered Six Sins - Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (Greed), moha (mundane attachment), Madha (intoxicants) and matsara (revenge). Hunumantha, we pay obeisance to you

PhaIastuti: This shloka helps performing impossible tasks



Oh Lord Vayu, I bow down to your first Avatara I worship Hanuman, the strong and sturdy God You burn down all the calamities of the devotees You remove their sin, passion and ignorance You always show ideal devotion at the feet of Rama Immortal, celibate, powerful Hanuman, I bow down to you.



I humbly bend myself low at the lotus feet of Sri Vayu who with his illimitable, innate devotion for Sri Hari weilds that prominently profound personality so ardently and with such reverence, praised and hailed by Gods for all his accomplishment in his meritorious service of Sri Hari, by exhibiting his deep devotion, untiring energy, ready wittedness, unbeaten will-power and match-less valour. Sri Vayu came down to this earth as Hanuman. By leading the life of a confirmed celebate, he stood as a monument of selfless service to Sri Ramachandra who finally adjudged Hanuman as the greatest Gyani, as second to none in his non-attachment to worldly objects, as the loftiest in his devotion to Sri Hari and as the best of Yogi's. Mortals flocked to him to know more and more of Sri Hari's Sarvottamatva and

many grasped the sweetness of Sri Rama's service and became the staunch devotees by shaking off their ego. Hanuman thus transformed many an erring soul into strict devotees. Hanuman is invested with the power of purifying the sincere minded people by destroying their ego and making them humble devotees. So great is Hanuman's devotion that he is still repeating the sacred Rama nama and still craving for enchancement of his devotion towards Rama.




prAkpa.nchAshatsahasraivya.rvahitamahita.n yojanaiH pava.rta.n tvam.h |

yAvatsa.njIvanAdyaushhadha nidhimadhikaprANala.nkAmanaishhiH |

adrAxIdutpata.nta.n tata uta girimutpATaya.nta.n gR^ihItvA |

yA.nta.n khe rAghavA.nghrau praNatamapi tadaikaxaNe tvA.nhilokaH || 18||




Short Explanation:

Mukhya Praana, You are Sri Hari’s (Sri Rama) messenger and His Fall Guy. During the fierce war in Lanka, when

Laxmana was felled by indrajit’s weapons, You flew over the oceans to bring the Gandhamadana mountain itself which carried

the antidote against Death, the Sanjeevani tree and presented it to Sri Rama. Hanumaptha, we pay obeisance to you.

PhaIastuti: This shloka acts as an antidote against many dreaded diseases


Translation: Oh! Mukhyaprana, how shall I praise your deeds? In the past you flew from Lanka a thousand miles To bring the life-saving Sanjeevini from Gandhamana mounts You lifted the mountain and carried it on your shoulder You flew through the sky in minutes as everyone saw You kept it at the feet of Rama and bowed down to him. Explanation: Hanuman is the wind-god. It is universal experience that the wind can uproot gigantic oaktrees and shake portion of big mountains. Vast and heavy clouds, laden and water, are easily moved from place to place by wind. Assuming the form of tempest, the wind can sweep vast cities. This common knowledge should convince doubting minds about the immense and invincible power of Hanuman as described in the above verse. Oh! you Great Hanuman! When war in Lanka was on,

Laxman and many warrior monkeys were struck by Indrajit and lay unconscious. You flew to the North and picked up a portion of the Gigantic Himalayas which had stored Sanjeevini and other medicinal herbs and brought it to Lanka. The air bearing the essence of the herbs brought the unconsious to life's activity. You then fell prostrate at the Lotus feet of Sri Ramachandra who blesses you. This super human feat, of your flying in the sky, with speed and your lifting of Gandamadana and bringing it in your hand, was observed by the people with awe and reverence. That the mount is 50,000 yojanas as distant from Lanka makes your feet almost bewilderingly wonderful. This spectacular achievement evoked respectful acclamations of joy from the admiring crowds who had the honour of witnessing Sri Rama's appreciating smile.



Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358

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