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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - Atahha Moola Vaayu Stuthihi Stanza 19,20,21

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|| Hari Sarvotthama


|| Vayu Jeevotthama ||

Namaskara, as

indicated in the previous emails we are presenting the meaning of

Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP Core Team) cordially invite ONE AND ALL for

the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held on the SEP-14-2008.

!! Please

register in bigger numbers and

Make this



Grand success!!

For any queries/registrations

please send an email to myp_registration .

Source: Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.

Kulkarni GV (Jeevi)

Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri Vayustuti, Bangalore, Ananda Teertha

Prakashana, 1996

Special Thanks: Sri Sreenivasa Vaidya Achar, Hyderabad for his continued support to

MYP. Our gratitude and admirations to his

creative & contextual pictures we have seen so far, helping

us visualize most of the Madhwa

Siddhanta related episodes. The attached picture is one of his many creations.

xiptaH pashchAtsatsalIla.n shatamatulamate yojanAnA.n sa |



va.nshchyApi upalalavaiva vyagrabuddhyA tvayAtaH |


sthirashakala shilAjAla sa.nshleshha nashhTa |


prAgivAbhUt.h kapivaravapushhaste namaH kaushalAya || 19||

Short Explanation: Sanjeeva, you brought the Gandhamadhana Mountain

to Lanka after which Laxamnna and scores of Sri Ram’s soldiers (Vanaras)

were brought back to life. Under Sri Rama’s instructions, you threw the

mountain from Lanka back to its original Place. Just as a child throws small

stones with the least energy, you threw the mountain back to its place, without

disturbing a Single boulder on the mountain. We marvel at your aim and strength

and pay our obeisance to you.

Translation: Oh! Mukhyaprana, the most intelligent and powerful

one As you were treating the affected ones with the Sanjeevini Your mind was

engaged in praising the virtues of Sri Rama You lifted and threw back the

mountain, huge and wide It reached its place, not a stone was misplaced, all

intact What skill, what strength you possess, O divine Kapi.

Explanation: When the purpose of receiving the unconscious was

served, you the monkey shaped Hanuman threw back the mountain to resume its

former position and you did so in a sporting manner, that you appeared to be

flinging a pebble. No aim or bodily exertion was visible. The wonder of it all

was that the big mountain flew back to occupy its former position and filled

the void, created by its removal, so exactly that not a pebble was missing nor

a hole or a crack was visible. Thus you have proved that you are the Great

Vayu! I humbly offer my salutations to you and to your Valor. The Divine

entrustment of vast abilities upon his devotees is well known. Being the first

and foremost devotee, Sri Hanuman is ever alert in his obedience to Sri Rama

who Hanuman regards as his backbone and sure guide and is continuously chanting

and sacred Rama-Nama in non stop process. None else can covet this supreme

stature of Hanuman.


dR^ishhTAdhiporaH sphuTitakanaka sadvama.r ghR^ishhTAsthikUTam.h |


hATakAdri prakaTa taTa taTAkAti shaN^ko jano.abhUt.h |


rAvaNAripriyanaTanapaTumu.rshhTirishhTa.n pradeshhTum.h |

ki.nneshhTe me sa

te.ashhTApadakaTa kataTitkoTi bhAmR^ishhTa kAshhThaH || 20 ||

Short Explanation:

When laxmana was defeated by Indrajit, Ravana tried to

snatch Laxmana away to his camp. You stopped his maneuver by hitting his chest

with your fist. The force of your fist was so hard that blood came out of all

his ten mouths and ears and he temporarily lost consciousness. Just as Your

power packed fists move like lightning to protect and carry out’ Sri Rama’s

instructions, We pray to You to let these fists also protect us.

Translation: Wicked Ravana's chest with its golden armor was

shattered by the blow of your adamantine fist People wondered, 'How a pond is

formed in the golden mount' The gold bracelet in your wrist glittered and

glowed You are ever ready to obey the orders of Sri Rama Your fist is strong

enough to grant our wishes.

Explanation: When Vibheeshana respectfully appealed to Ravana to

release Sita and stop the impending war with Sri Rama, Ravana proudly rejected

his brother's advice and banished Vibheeshana from his kingdom. The war broke

out and you, Oh! Ramabhaktha advanced and invaded Lanka with your vast army of

Valorous monkeys. Throwing yourself into the midst of the enemy's tremendous

hordes of Demons, you struck terror into their hearts and smashing whatever

came your way. You pluckily caught Ravana the war-hero and dealt heavy blows

upon the Demon-king. With your incomparably strong fists, you pounded the ribs

of that giant and created almost a crack on his chest which, on that massive

body, resembled a lake on the low-lying part of the Gold-mountain. A feeling of

great astonishment was universally felt. Hanuman you identified yourself with

Sri Rama's work and your whole-hearted service to Sri Rama was fully

appreciated by the supreme lord who invested you with vast powers. So

obediently responsive were your activities to propitiate Sri Ramachandra that

your fists flourish with the dazzling hue of gold shedding lustre in all

directions. O! Great Hanuman cannot those blessed and gifted fists confer upon

me-your trusted devotee-my coveted treasure which is nothing but firm and

lasting devotion at the lotus-feet of Sri Rama and yourself and I pray and I wait

with fond hopes.


praNIti dR^ihiNa haravarAvadya raxo vighAtA|


sahabhujamakarodrAmanAmA muku.ndaH |


pArameshhTh.hye karatalamatula.n mUdhi.rvinyasya dhanyam.h |


prabhUta praNaya vikasitAbjexaNastvexamANaH || 21||

Short Explanation: Hanuma, It was due to the blessings of Sri Rama that

you were able to destroy the rakshashas, who were given the cloak of

invincibility by Brahma and Rudra. Due to Your selfless action Sri Rama who is

Sri Hari himself, has blessed you with the position of the Creator (Brahma) in

the next cycle of creation.

Translation: You carried Rama's message to Sita who was in

Ashokvan you conveyed her prayer to Sri Rama after your return you killed Akshya

and other demons that were against Sri Rama. Sri Rama was pleased with your

performance He blessed you with the unique Brahma Padavi As he put his hand on

your head with love and admiration.

Explanation: Your knowledge about Sri Rama being the entire

incarnation of Sri Vishnu is derived directly from the Vedas and Upanishads

which you closely studied and authoritatively proved beyond doubt after

smashing the perverse interpretations of 21 types. So your decision is an

unassailable siddantha. Your staunch belief in Sri Rama's supremacy has enabled

to nourish a devote mind, a stout will-power and a prompt and unceasing

activity. All these enviable qualities were exhibited in the grand

accomplishment of the most difficult search of Sitadevi who was confined in

Ravana's strictly - guarded Ashokavana which was unapproachable by any human

being. With your unmatched magnetic powers, you could gain an audience with the

goddess mother and convey to her Sri Rama's message with the presentation of

ring inscribed with the sacred Sri Rama Nama. During this campaign, you killed

Akshyakumar and several demons who offered a fight with you. These demons had

been invested with the power of invincibility under the influence of a boon

from Brahma and Rudra. Your selfless service bringing such a crowning victory

was so grand-eloquently appreciated and eulogized by Sri Rama, that, when you

fell prostrate at his Lotus feet, the lord picked you up and looked upon your

face with his kind eye and a sweet, rejoicing smile. Placing his lotus like,

soothing hand on your head, the lord made you feel blessed at heart by openly

declaring you to be the next successor of God Brahma when the latter's term

would expire.


Thanks and Regards,



Ph: 91-80-30292358




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