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MYP launches its Logo ! --- piThapuje anusandhana

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|| shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha ||


shrImaddhanumad bhIma madhvAntargata rAma kR^iShNa vedavyAsAtmakashrIlaxmIhayagrIvAya namaH


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:40 AM, MYP- Moderator <myp.moderator wrote:

MYP logo has been designed based on the concept of pIthapUjA explained in tantrasAra.


Though the logo looks simple with ornamental flowery design, it has the minute details in terms of meanings and colours.

In the next following slides we have given the mUla shlOka from tantrasAra and the designed logo with the details.

>>>mUla shlOka from tantrasAra

TantrasAra is written by Sri Hari Himself.

The shloka below is from SarvamUla tantrasAra saMgraha written by Srimad Anandatheertha bhaghavatpAda.

padmamet tatrayaM devI ramaiva bahurUpiNI |sUryasomahutAshAshcha padme shrIstriguNAtmikA || 55 ||AtmAntarAtmaparamaj~nAnAtmAnashcha mUrtayaH |vimalotkarShiNI j~nAnA kriyA yogA tathaiva cha || 56 ||

prahvI satyA tatheshAnA.anugrahA cheti shaktayaH |aShTadixu cha madhye cha svarUpANyeva tA hareH || 57 ||

shrImadAnandatIrthabhaghavatpAda virachita tantrasAra sa~NgrahaH prathamo adhyaaya


Detailed devara puje is posted in Dvaita list. Please use the Dvaita list posting as a guide only The chanting of mantras during devara puje should be perfect pronounciation hence please do not refer the mantras from the posting since it may have typo errors. Hence devara puje should be learnt from a guru.


Here are the urls for devara puje posting.

But when doing piTha puje, the anusandhana as per tantrasara saMgraha by SrimadAcharya.













As per padyamAla by Sri Jayatheertharu,


pUjyascha bhagavAnnityamityadhyAye yathAkramaM |

shrImadhvaguruNA proktaM pIThavaraNapUjanaM ||

sUtratvAtasya bodhArthaM kvachiddvaxyAmi vistaraM || 58 ||

pIThapUjAM vidhAyAtha tatrAvAhyeti sUtrataH |

harimAmAhayetpashchAt.h tadvidhiH prochyate.adhunA || 59 ||


Now begins the pITha pujA. Sri Madhwacharya has described the pITha & AvaraNapUjA in his work TantrasAra sangraha. The description beginning with pUjasya bhagavAnnittyaM given by Him is short but full of meaning.

After finishing the pIThapujA one should invoke the Lord Sri Hari.










Source : Sadachara Sangraha (a collection of dailly rituals & festivals in a year with explaination in English) published by Sri Krishna Sri Raghavendra Trust. Unit of Sri Peshavar Matha, T. Nagar, Chennai 600 017.


We would also like to acknowledge & give respects & thanks to our guru Sri Keshava Rao Tadipatri for explaining in detail.


Also, please see the MYP logo attachment with regard to pITha puje


During devara puje, pITha puje anusandhana as follows


From tantrasAra sa~NgrahaH, prathamo adhyaaya verses 49 onwards, srimad Anandatheertharu has described piTha puje anusandhana.


pUjyascha bhagavAnnityaM chakrAbjAdikamaNDale |

hR^idaya vA chale vA.api jale vA kevale sthale || 48 ||

aShTAxareNe sampUjaya prathamaM devatAM parAM |

madhye savye gurUMshchaiva daxiNe sarva devatAH || 49 ||

punaH savye sarvagurUnAgneyAdiShu cha kramAt.h |

garuDaM vyAsadevaM cha durgAM chaiva sarasvatIM || 50 ||

dharmaM j~nAnaM cha vairAgyamaishvaryaM chaiva koNagAn.h |

tadantaH pUrvadikpUrvamadharmAdIMshcha pUjayet.h || 51 ||

apUjitA adharmAdidAtAraste tathA.abhidhAH |

nirrRutishchaiva durgA cha kAmo rudrashcha devatAH || 52 ||

yamavAyushivendrAshcha j~neyA dharmAdidevatAH |

paramaH puruSho madhye shaktirAdhArarUpiNI || 53 ||

kUrmo.anantascha pR^ithivI xIrasAgara eva cha |

shvetadvIpo maNTapashcha divyaratnamayo mahAn.h || 54 ||

padmametattrayaM devI ramaiva bahurUpiNI |

sUryasomahutAshAshcha padme shrIstriguNAtmikA || 55 ||

padmametattrayaM devI ramaiva bahurUpiNI |

sUryasomahutAshashcha padme shrIstriguNAtmikA || 56 ||

AtmAntarAtmaparamaj~nAnAtmAnashcha mUrtayaH |

vimalotkarShiNI j~nAnA kriyA yogA tathaiva cha || 57 ||

prahvI satyA tatheshAnA.anugrahA cheti shaktayaH |

aShTadixu cha madhye cha svarUpANyeva tA hareH || 58 ||

tato.anantaM yogapIThasvarUpaM pUjayeddhareH |



(may not be exact word to word English translation of the above verses but a gist)


Meditate on the paradevata (Lord Vishnu) at the center of the pITha. On the left side of the piTha, meditate on vAyu who is the lokaguru. On the right side Brahma, siva & all devatas. On the left side again, meditate on Sanaka, Sanandana rishi who are our guru. At the four corners of the base of piTha, invoke garuda (south east- Agneya), vEdavyAsa (south west- nairutya), Durga (North west-vAyuvya) & Saraswathi (northeast- iishAnya).


In the four corners of the upper portion of the piTha, invoke dharmaadhipathi Yama (south east), jnAnadhipati vAyu (southwest), vairaghyadhipati Rudra (Northwest), AishvaryAdhipati Indra (northeast).


Again, in the upper portion invoke adharmAdhipathi Nirti (east), AjnAnadhipati Durga (south), AvairAgyAdhipati Rudra (west), anaishvaryAdhipati (Kama), north.


At the base of the brahmanda is the paramapurusha NArayana who holds the brahmanda on His head. Above Him is the adharasakti lakshmi. Above Her is VishnukUrma. Above Vishnukurma is vAyukurma. On top of the tail of vAyukUrma rests Adishesha.


On the hood of Adisesha is prakrtyabhimAni varuna. In this sAgara is svetadvipa which is a form of Lakshmi. In this dvIpa is a ratnamantapa which is a form of Lakshmi. In this mantapa, meditate on the piTha.


In this piTha, there is the six petalled lotus which is the form of Lakshmi. In this lotus, invoke Surya as light form in the front petal to the right of the Lord & Chandra in the front petal to the left of the Lord.


In the central petal at the front, invoke agnimandala. At the back of the Lord, invoke sattvaabhimani Sridevi in the left petal, rajobhimani bhudevi in the right petal, & tamobhimani durga in the central petal.


At the four corners of the lotus, invoke Atma, antaratma, paramatma, jnAnatma in clockwise direction. Above this lotus is a eight petalled lotus which is a form of Lakshmi. In this lotus, starting from east, invoke chatra, chAmara, vyajana, darpana, gAna, nrtya, vAdya, stothra as performed by vimalA, utkarsini, jnAna, kriyA, yoga, prthvi, satya, Ishana (eight shakti) in the eight directions.


In the middle of the lotus, invoke anugrahasakthi who is the asana of Lord Vishnu. Above this sakthi is Lord Sesha who is the yogapiTha of Lord Vishnu.


Following this concept in mind, perform pITha puja.


(There may be errors in this mail. I have not proofread)



bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu




On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:40 AM, MYP- Moderator <myp.moderator wrote:














The detailed explaination behind the logo is already sent to all our Madhwa Bandhus, over last few days.... however we are pleased to furnish it once again to you all.



jayajayathu thrijagadhvilakShaNa

jayajayathu jagadhEka kAraNa jayajayathu jAnakIramaNa niRgathajarAmarana | jayajayathu jAnhavi janaka jayajayathu dhaithyakulAmthaka bhavAmayara jagannAThaviTala pAhimAm sathatha||HKAS 32-56



MYP Moderator



HKAS - http://www.scribd.com/doc/3522013/harikathAmrutha-sAra


D5 - MadhwaYuvaParishat/message/4067

D4 - MadhwaYuvaParishat/message/4077

D3 - MadhwaYuvaParishat/message/4089

D2 - MadhwaYuvaParishat/message/4111

D1 - MadhwaYuvaParishat/message/4117

Please send in your feedback to - harishdrao
















-- *shriishaH sharaNam.h*mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha

*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishenakiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,

sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAti

taddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaMtasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaMmAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhokta

sarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUrasarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareyasarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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