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eMdu kAMbeno enna salahuva-Devaranama by Sri Prasanna Venkata dasaru

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Hare Srinivasa !



prasanna veMkata dasa gurubhoy namah!


kAmbeno enna salahuva taMde uDupiya jAnana




This song "eMdu kAmbeno" by Dasaru makes one imagine oneself as a deep sea diver,

who has lost direction. He is deep under the sea of samsaara and does

not know how to reach the top and move to the bank where the Lord is



says ," I don't know when I shall see my Lord ,nay my

father,Udupiya jANa , the smart one at Udupi who has a beautiful

smile on His serene face and who is the most auspicious and who

pervades everywhere. He is the one who gives bliss to his consorts

-Sri and Bhu devi. I know that He is the one who shall save me and I

hanker after seeing him "



kAmbeno enna salhuva taMde udupiya jAnana


hAsa praveeNana iMdira bhUramaNana




daDadolu eseva raMGaMna kaDagolEna piDidana


oDeyana iraDigalali siraviDuvenA

" My Lord Krishna, is holding the churning stick-kaDagolu which is the

symbol to show that one has to churn the shastras -meaning to gain a thorough understanding of the Truth after proper study and contemplation, and obtain the

butter that is love and devotion to the Lord. The churning stick in

His hand shows that He is the controller even of that mathana ie the

sadhana of the jiva depends entirely on Him. He is standing much much

higher and I am despairing of ever moving high enough even to see

His feet ."



a beautiful way to visually describe the Lord's vyApthi and sarvottamatva. He

is so high in attributes that we can never even think of being able

to cognize them even a little. Even to understand His

omnipotence,omnipresence within our limited ability , we need His

grace. Even to know that one cannot ever know Him fully , we need His




the HKAS Vyapthi sandhi 3.2 Dasaru says,



ivana mahA mahime kaDe gAnaru aja bhava shakra mukharu


manavrige alavuDuvade vichArisalu


mahima is so immense and vast that Brahma,Shiva, Indra and others,inspite of being engaged in

contemplating on His mahima for kalpa after kalpa with all their

might and patience they have never reached any endpoint. Is it

possible for a human being to visualize even a little of His mahima?'

Dasaru uses rhetoric to indicate the vast difference in the ability

of comprehension of the humans when compared to the BrahmAdi devathas . Even then Dasaru

hints that one should continue to do so to the best of one's ability.


by referring to the Lord as the oDeya of mriDa- Shiva and

puraMdara-IMdra, Dasaru is referring to the manObhimani dieties. Both

of them are pleased when praised in this way ie praised that they

know and accept the Lord as thier master and they will surely give

the correct inspiration for the jiva to make the required efforts to

reach the bank .



jaTaradali baMdana Ava pariyali niMdana


kamsana koMdana kAmanaiyya mukuMdana


He is the Lord who showed himself as Devaki's son in Krishnaavatara.



also means those who enjoy the bliss through contemplation the Lord. So this also means He who takes birth in the stomachs of the jNAnis."

What is the significane of this?"


bottom of the stomach is the nAbhi - it is at this place that all

sound is generated. The jNAni's create the Lord's image in thier

minds through the singing of His praises, through the contemplation

of Him by singing the shruthis all of which emante from the nAbhi

etc. There is also the aprAkritha nAda which is generated here and

can be discerned by the jNAnis in thier minds. This is devakaiya

jaTaradali baMdana...


is standing there ie in Mathura. He killed His maternal uncle

-kamsa who imprisoned His parents and made innumerable attempts to

kill Him. Kamsa was a daitya by name Kalanemi and he deserved to be

destroyed by the Lord. He is also the daitya who exists in the minds

of people and moots unwanted desires and makes people hanker after

objects which take them away from the spiritual path. So unless the Lord destroys this

Kalanemi in our minds, we cannot swim towards the shore of this dark

sea called the samsaara.



is the father of kAma the devatha of love. kAma is of two types one

which is worldly and one which is tuned towards the Lord. This

devatha is the cause for desires to pop up in our minds based on our

previous stores of karma and our swabhava. But revering this devatha

as the son of the Lord, as the servant of the Lord, pleases him and

he squashes the worldly desires the moment they try to pop up and

instead gives only good desires which take us forward in our




see from the above how dependent we are on so many things, on so many

entities to do anything. Even a simple thought is not solely in our




prajNarigolidu dwArakeya manninali prakaTisidana


plavanAda prasanna veMkaTa krishnana



is the Lord, who graced Poorna prajNya. He manifested Himself in the

clod of gopichandana that a ship's captain gave to Srimad

Anandatheertha as a token of gratitude for saving the ship from the

stormy waters off Malpe. Srimad Acharya is called 'Poorna prajNya as

He has the highest knowledge among all jivas, his knowledge of the

universe, embodied jivas etc is complete and flawless at all times

and his knowledge of the Lord is also complete and flawless within

his ability. As stated he is the jivOttama and is the guru of the

devathas itself.



guruvenisutiha mAruthana nijapatni


is verse from the HKAS where 'Bharathi devi' is glorified as the

consort of the guru of the Devathas -Maruta."



anusandhana here is that we seek the Lord through the

guru-Poornapragjna and beseech Him to shower His grace on us because

we are the devotees of His perfect devotee-Sri Poornapragjna."


this huge ocean that is samsaara, the Lord Prasanna Venkata Krishna

is the boat which can take us accross and I hanker to see His

beautiful lotus feet."



same sentiment is echoed by Sri Purandara Dasaru in 'ambika

nA ninna naMbide'

sri krishnArpanamastu

I am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doer

Whatever He makes me do is His worship by His grace






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