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HARI VAYU STUTHI PATA - AtTha Mangalaa Charana- Stanza 22,23

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As indicated in my previous emails I am presenting the

meaning of Vayu Stuthi. Once again, we (MYP CORE TEAM) cordially invite ONE AND

ALL for the HARI

VAYUSTUTHI PATA due to be held

on the OCT-02-2008.

Please check the mail attached for more details.



!! Please register in bigger numbers and

Make this event


Grand success!!


For any

queries/registrations please send an email to myp_registration (Subject as HVS Patha)


Please check

the attached PDF files more info.


Source: Purushottamacharya G Raichur: Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Acharya Prakashana Gruha, 1986.


Kulkarni GV (Jeevi) Trivikrama Panditacharya's Sri

Vayustuti, Bangalore,

Ananda Teertha Prakashana, 1996

Special Thanks: Sri Sreenivasa Vaidya Achar, Hyderabad for his continued

support to MYP. Our gratitude and admirations to his

creative & contextual pictures we have seen so far, helping

us visualize most of the Madhwa

Siddhanta related episodes. The attached picture is one of his many creations.




Stanza 22



bahulabalabakadhva.nsa nAdyenashochat.h |


pAshairasu vidhR^iti sukhasyaikachakrAjanAnAm.h |


kuma.rH kurukulapataye kama.rNAchapraNAmAn.h |


duma.rtInAM prathamaM atha cha yo nama.rNA nima.rmAtha || 22||


Short Explanation


you took shelter in the house of a Brahmin in a village called Ekchakrapura. Taking

pity on your poor Brahmin host, you opted yourself for the compulsory sacrifice

for the demon Bakasura with a cartload of rice, two oxen in the process, you

killed Bakarsura and his brother, Kirmira. In the forest. In the terrible war

that followed soon after, you destroyed the Kauravas. We are overawed with your

accomplishments and pay


to you.




Oh, Mukhyaprana, let me praise your deeds as Bheemasena in Ekachakra-nagari you

saved a poor Brahmin family By killing the demon Bakasura who was a menace

there The citizens heaved a sigh of relief in the death of the demon Baka's

brother Kirmira was also killed by you, the mighty one You were the master of

Kurukula, we bow down to you



Oh! Vayu coming now to your second incarnation, we find that you

stood a great as devotee to Sri Krishna as firm as Hanuman were to Sri Rama.

When Sri Vedavyasa took the Pandava princess for a short sojourn in a

Brahmana's house in the town called Ekachakra, you all stayed there in

obedience to the Lord's wishes and begged their food from door to door. One day

when the four brothers had gone out, Bhima was slowly pacing up and down on the

floor; he heard the cry of lamentations from inside the house. The whole family

was plunged grief. Bema learnt the cause of grief. The city had entered into an

unavoidable contract of supplying a cart-full of boiled rice, jar of ghee, milk

and curds, two bullocks and a man to feed the giant demon Baka and by rotation

that day the turn had befallen this family. Bheema was moved to compassion and

undertook to grant them succor. He drove the cart full of food and sumptuously

ate up all the food to his hearts content and when challenged, he dealt mortal

blows on Baka and splitting him in two parts, hung him at the city gate and

saved the citizens from that blood boiling perpetual anxiety. Grateful citizens

heaved a sigh of relief. Oh! Vayuputra Bheema, you also easily killed Kirmira,

Baka's brother when in anger, he approached you for retaliation. These and

other super-human-powers earned by you from Sri Krishna's graces evoke our

respectful admiration and we humbly submit our heart-felt obeisance at your

feet and pray for your blessings.





yatna.n vijaravara jarAsa.ndha kAyAsthisandhIn.h |

yuddhe tva.n

svadhvare vApashumivadamayan.h vishhNu paxadviDIsham.h |


bhUta.n nikhilamakhabhuja.n tapa.ryAmAsithAsau |


tR^iptyAkimuvada bhaghavan.h rAjasUyAshvamedhe || 23||






Mukhyaprana, the ever young supreme god of gods You exhibited your valor in the

yajna of fist-fight Krishna's enemy Jarasandha was made a yagna-pashu by you

Lord Vishnu was satisfied by the oblations you offered Your oblation was much

better than Rajasuya and Horse-sacrifice Because you killed Vishnu-haters and

offered them to the Lord.






You the great Bheema are the first and foremost of the Gods. Your chief aim, in

all three avatar's has been the extirpation of the reach of Daitya's and in

this Bheema avatar, you found Jarasanda as the bitterest enemy of Sri Vishnu

and Vishnu Bhaktas, Jarasanda carried an array of followers of his own thinking

and laid siege on Dwarka 18 times but was utterly routed. Challenged by

Jarasanda, you fought with him with mace in hand and successfully brought him

down without much difficulty and splitting him into two parts and threw them.

The peculiar structure of his body had to be disjoined as under, and the parts

kept one against the other. You thus terminated the turbulent Daitya the most

egoistic among his race. This valorous feat was exhibited in the presence of

Sri Krishna whose graces you tremendously deserved. This act propitiated the

Lord, as I construe, in a greater degree than your performance in Rajasuya sacrifice

wherein you worshipped the lord with vast offerings to the fire-god. The

destruction of the enemies of Sri Vishnu is more sacred and congenial to the

lord than the recital of Vedic texts and the offerings of vast quantities of

the ghee poured in fire.




Thanks and Regards,


Ph: 91-80-30292358

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