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Sri BaLitthA sooktha - on the auspicious day of Sri Madhwa Jayanthi.

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|| Sri Hari Vayu GurubhyO nama: ||



Text of the BaLitthA Suukta


The Rishis for this mantra are Auchatya, Dheerghathama & Brighu.

Pranagni is the devatha. The Mantra is in Jagathi Chandas.

baLitthA tad.hvapushhedhAyi darshataM devasya bhargaH sahaso yato.ajani |yadImupahvarate sAdhate matirR^itasya dhenA anayanta sasrutaH || 1 ||



The Moola roopa of Sri Mukhyaprana is full of strength & knowledge. Protecting us by making us breathe in & out, he leads us unto liberation. Having the capacity to hold the entire world on his back through his Vayu Kurma form, & having the strength to annihilate Kali, this Vayudeva of the name of Sahas has taken three forms (incarnations) as per the directive of Lord Hari. Since Lord Hari of the form of Bharga has incarnated as Rama, Krishna & Vedavyasa, Vayudeva incarnated as Hanuman, Bhima & Madhva to serve the Lord. Hanuman of great knowledge stands humbly in front of Rama in Kishkinda & in front of Sita in Lanka. Hanuman who does Rama's work conveyed Rama's nectar like words to Sita & Sita's heart rending message of Rama. Hanuman took to his heart Rama's nectar like words of advice & conveyed them to the Devas & Gandharvas


pR^ixo vapuH pitumAnnitya Ashaye dvitIyamAsaptashivAsu mAtR^ishhu |tR^itIyamasya vR^ishhabhasya dohase dashapramatiM janayantayoshhaNaH || 2 ||


The Bheema of Vayudeva, which annihilates the enemy armies & which eats cartloads of food, & which has ever alert mind which does not rest even during the deluge, analysed the concepts of food & which has ever alert mind which does not rest even during the deluge, analysed the concepts of Panchabheda, Para & Apara Tattva through the seven sacred shAstras which include the Vedas. 'Dashapramathi' refers to the Sarvajnacharya. To bring forth the milk of tattvajnana from the cow in the form of Vedas, Sri BhU & Druga forms of Lakshmi were present in the body of Madhyageha Bhatta's wife so that Madhwacharya could be born.niryadIM budhnAnmahishhasya varpasa IshAnAsaH shavasA krantasUrayaH |yadImanupradivo madhva Adhave guhAsantaM mAtarishvA mathAyati || 3 ||


Because of this Sarvajna (Madhvacharya), Rudra & other devathas came to know of the auspicious qualities of the Lord & attained liberation. Madhvacharya thoroughly analysed the scriptures & brought forth & revealed to mankind the omniscience of Lord Hari who resides in everyone's heart (just like butter is churned out).prayatpituH paramAnnIyateparyApR^ixudho vIrudho da.nsu rohati |ubhAyasya janushhaM yadinvata AdidyabishhTho abhavad.hdhR^iNa shuchiH || 4 ||


Knowing the wishes (Sankalpa) of his father, Narayana, Madhvacharya acts accordingly.

He found fault with & dismissed with contempt the devious & impertinent questions of his opponents. Having incarnated as per the orders of Lakshmi & Narayana,

He took to sanyasa at a young age, practiced Ahimsa & thus came to be known as sacred.AdinmAtR^irAvishadyAsvA shuchirahiMsyamAna urviyA vivAvR^idhe |anuyatpUrvA aruhastanAjuvoni navyasIshhva varAsu dhAvate || 5 ||


Madhwacharya entered his mother's womb after expelling the fully grown foetus. Thus he did not experience any pains. He came into the world pure & without the influence of Kali & grew likewise The ' Abhimani' of the Vedas, he analysed the vedas without violating the rules laid down for the purpose (keeping in mind upakrama, upasamhara Yukti). He gained the correct knowledge of Mahabharata, Ramayana etc... (which came after the Veda) because he learnt them directly from

the Lord.


- sadachara sangraha.



shrI Shrisha Rao of Dvaita list has posted Sri Balitta Suktha meanings with commentaries, word to word meanings. Please look at the translation.

http://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00080.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00120.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00121.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00122.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00123.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00126.htmlhttp://www.dvaita.org/list/ list_00/msg00127.htmluser ID and password [both]: dvaita




Collection: SS

Picture Courtesy: Sri Madhava Upadhya, Chief Priest, Pajaka

Others - from the camera of Sri Hari Bhaktaru


Please note the significance of the picture attached (PJK2). This would give you a virtual tour of entire Pajaka kshEtra on this auspicious day of Madhwa Jayanthi, the day, the place the event of his avatara taking place.


The picture shows on top, Sri Anantheshwara, Aradhya daiva of Sri Madhwa & his parents and primary GOD of Rajathapeeta pura. On either side you have Sri Parashurama dEvaru, who happens to own the entire stretch of land - parashu kshetra, who also gave the piece of land to

Sri Durge, situated on Kunjaru Giri right opposite to his own premises(temple).


The bottom portion shows the original 4 theerthas created by Sri Parashurama using his weapons,

bANa theertha, gadhA theertha, dhanus theertha and parashu theertha. At the bottom center, you have the vAsudEva theertha which is created by Acharya Madhwa for his parents, which has the presence of the above four theerthas.


At the center is our celebrity, Sri Acharya Madhwa, consecrated by Sri Vadirajaru.


The other three pics give a glipmse of Kunjaru Giri View, the avatara thraya shilpa at the place

where Sri Madhwa killed Manimantha in the form of a snake and the close up picture of Sri Parashurama, whose temple is right opposite to Kunjaru Giri.


MYP wishes all its members a sAdhana oriented Vijaya Dashami.

|| Sri bhAratI ramaNa mukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu ||



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