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Sri Vijayadasaru's compositions-Part 1 sadA enna hrudayadalli

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Hare Srinivasa !

In view of the upcoming aaradhana of Sri VijayaDasaru on Nov 8th 2008, a little chintana on some of his devaranams and suladhis. Here's the first devaranama.


Sri Vijayadasa gurubhoyh namah!


sadA ennA hrudayadalli

vAsa mADo sriharI


nAdamuruthi ninna pAda mOdadiMda bhajisuveno


jNAnaveMbo navaratnada maMTapada madhyadalli

gAnalOlana kuLLirisi dhyAnadiMda bhajisuveno


bhakthirasa veMbo muttu maniKyada harivAnadalli

muktanAgabekuyeMdu muttinArati yettuveno


ninna nAnu biDuvenalla enna nInu biDalusalla

gannamahima vijayaviTTala kelO ninna bhaktara solla


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jNAna, bhakthi and vairagya are the means to release from bondage. They are the means to reach the lotus feet of the Lord and revel in His devotion without being plagued constantly by the worries/travails of samsaara.



sadA ennA hrudayadalli

vAsa mADo sriharI

"Sri Hari, please reside in my heart always."

But irrespective of what one wants, the Lord always resides in the heart of every jiva. We know this from the Bhagavad Gita 15.15 "sarvasya chaham hriddi sannivishTO.." The Lord is the heart of the lowest forms of jivas as well as the highest jiva-Chatumukha Brahma, Vayu. Then why is Dasaru asking the Lord for what is already there? The answer lies in the fact that the awareness of the Lord in one's heart lotus is the objective to be acheived through sadhana.


What is this sadhana ?

The first step of the sadhana is disclosed with the reference to the Lord as nAdamuruthi.

The Lord is nAdamurthi - the personification of the sound 'OM' . 'OM' is the simplification of the 'Gayathri mantra. The Gayathri also called tripada is the simplification of the Vedas. The Lord is the ONE to be known from a thorough study of the Vedas. He has declared so in the BG

"vedaishcha sarve ahamEva vEdyam..." 15.15


Srimad Acharya has said in Vishnutatva nirnaya

'sadAgamaika vigNeyam ....."

"He is know by the sadagamas means the Vedas which are authorless and eternal."

Vijayadasaru tells, "O nAdamuruthi, I shall sincerely and with great happiness worship Your lotus feet, please do make me aware of Your presence in my heart lotus."

By saying that "I worship Your Lotus feet....not I worhip You." Dasaru indicates the inability of the jiva to comprehend the Vedas in entierity and thereby the inability to comprehend even a little of the Lord. But the assurance is that even a little if comprehended correctly is sufficient to please the Lord.

Prasanna Venkata dasaru says , eMdu kAMbeno ....... mriDa puraMDarara oDeyana IraDigalali siraviDuvenA"

Purandara Dasaru says ," Madhukara vritti yennadu. padumanAbhana pAda padumamadhupa veMba..."

Acharyaru describes Lord Narasimha's nail in Narasimha nakha stuthi and emphasises the brilliance there by comparing it to a thousands of lightening bolts striking at the same time.

Every limb of the Lord is infinitely potent and each one has the capability to do all the functions of any other limbs. This referred to as swagabhEdavivarjitha.


Proceeding from here Sri Vijaydasaru moves on to describe how he is planning to accomplish his goal. He says ," I shall worship gAnalOla by offering Him the one and only special seat made of knowledge (jNAna) in the grand mantapa made of nine precious stones."

Why should the seat be made of knowledge?

It is because a seat for the Lord needs to be pure and holy and nothing is more pure and holy than knowledge. In the BG 4.38 Lord Krishna says , "na hi jNAnena sadrisham pavitram iha vidyate..." ."Nothing is so purifying as Wisdom. It washes off all our sins.

What are these nine precious stones used to build the manTApa of knowledge?


To emphasise the rarity of these stones we recollect ,Purandara Dasaru 's words...

navarathnagaLu kaMDa kaMDa DAvinalluMTE ?

nava vidha bhakuthi kaMDa kaMDallumTe?

dEva ninna bhakuthi kaMDare bAradu , kalithare bAradu

puraMdara viTTala ninna dhayavAgadanaka

" Is is possble that the navaratnas can be found in any Dhavu- The stone bedecked belt worn around the waist. Is it possible that anyone and everyone can profess to have the nava vidha bhakuthi? Purandara Dasaru so questions the Lord and then proclaims that it is not possible to obtain these navaratnas just by reading, just by learning but only by the grace of the Lord."


jNAna is composed of nine jewels which can be found in the saint who has been blessed by the Lord and should be strived for by all sadhakas.

1.Listening to the glory of the Lord and tasting its sweetness with the mind

2.Singing and extolling the glory of the Lord and becoming exuburent with joy.

3. Smaranam - It progresses to includes the thoughts of the Lord while doing any activity be it a mundane or spiritual and seeing the Lord's hand behind everything.

4.Doing the seva of the Lord with one's karmEndriyas like doing abhisheka, decorating,serving His devotees, menial duties done with the thoughts of selfless service and feeling a sense of peace and contentment .

5.The fourth ratna is "Archana". Offering beautiful flowers with fragrance to the Lord with the humility that He is the doer and we are the instruments.

ahimsa pratamam pushpam

pushpam indriya nigraham

sarva bhuta daya pushpam

kshama pushpam visheshataH

gyana pushpam

tapah pushpam

dyAna pushpam

tadancha satyam ashTavida pushpam

vishnOh prItikaram bhavEt ||

The knowledge of the existence and necessity of these flowers for propitating the Lord,as well as the implementation of these principles in life and the thoughts of humility(nA aham karta hari karta) during implementation constitute the fourth navaratna.

6. Vandana is offering one's entire self to the Lord. This refers to 'sAshTAnga

namaskAra'. The 'ashTa' or eight aspects of this are:

- eyes should be watching with reverence the object of


-for men- forehead, chest, hands, legs and knees should be touching the ground

For ladies the forehead, hands, legs, knees should touch the ground .

- mind should be contemplating with reverence the object of worship

- mouth should be extolling the object of worship.

7.dAsyam - To obey the bidding of the Lord with one's entire being without a doubt. This is accomplished by accepting the deals meted out by the Lord with zero resistence but with joy at heart because the Lord does everything out of His benevolence to uplift the jiva.

8.sakyam- The Lord does not want just a faithful slave. He accepts someone who talks to Him as one would to a friend, who trusts Him as one would trust a close friend. The openness of heart towards the Lord during any form of worship.

9.Atmanivedanam : With the above 8 navaratnas if one remembers the Lord as the propeller of the jiva's existence and identity and acknowledges the total dependence of the jiva on the Lord and entreats the Lord to accept oneself as His instrument .


In all of the above the motive should not be any mundane desire. The motive should be exclusively, to please the Lord .

Once the manTapa is so constructed then Dasaru says He sings and worships the Lord who always comes without fail if the conditions are right.

In the second charanam Dasaru says ,"I now have a little of the requirements to express my devotion to the Lord. My love for the Lord is like a big golden plate decked with pearls and jewels and bearing the lights of jNana .I use this beautiful plate to perform aarathi to the Lord. The arathi to the Lord is performed to show that the Lord is the beginning of creation and the end too. He makes the jivas come into existences, controls them and makes them enjoy/suffer as per thier karma . He is the inner controller of everyone. He exists in the idol and the light of the arathi, in the plate which is composed of bhakthi, in the person as His antaryAmi.


In the third charanam, Dasaru says that he will not leave the Lord and will neither allow the Lord to leave Him. He praises the Lord as one with great mahimas- extreme greatness and asks the Lord to listen to His devotee's entreaties.

The third charanam brings out the third component of sadhana -vairagya. The normal mortal forsakes the Lord during times of happiness because one attributes ones success to one's own prowess and hardwork. During times of grief they take to the Lord but seek other recourses if they don't find what they want. Vijayadasaru says,"Becoming fully aware that You are responsible for everything through jNAna from the scriptures and then worshipping You with the nine forms of devotions has inculcated a taste for the sweet juice of bhakthi and this is too blissful for me to forsake."

It also shows the permanance of such jNAna and bhakthi once acquired though the Lord's grace it grows with sadhana and never diminishes. This is confirmed by Lord Krishna in Chapter 6.44 .DhyAna yOga performed in a previous lifetime contrains one to toe the same line, though now not in tune with it. With sheer intellectual curiosity about Dhyana yoga one can transcend the Vedic injunctions and attain liberation. There is no doubt that one who practises it for some time with definitely attain perfection in due course.

So the question of the Lord going away from Dasaru never arises. Dasaru tells this in a friendly way,"enna ninu biDalu salla". He continues...

" You relax on the serpent bed as Pannagashayana and You are the same Lord who resides in my heart as "VijayavitTala" .Please listen to my words and show Yourself in my heart."


sri krishNArpaNamastu


I am not the doer, Lord Hari is the doer

Whatever He makes me do is His worship by His grace



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