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shrI Madhva Vijaya, Canto 1, 15 - 39

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||shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha || I am just forwarding the postings by shrI Jayaprakash who is been posting shrI Madhwa Vijaya to SVBM for last 2 years. So far, he has posted 2nd canto 42 verses.

From next postings onwards, he will post to " VMS " list directly. I will be forwarding all his Madhva Vijaya postings until 2nd chapter 42 verses.

haraye namaha, Shobha Srinivasan

gObissamAMditarUpasItaHsvavahninirdagdhapalAshirAshiH |ahO hanUmannavavAridO & sautIrNAMbudhivirShNupadE nanAma ||1.15||gObiH=listening to words or with water (note that samewords are used to convery 2 different things),

rUpasItaH=the sItAkRuti (the duplicate form ofsItAdEvi),samAnaMdita= made very happy,samAnaMditarUpasItaH=samAnaMditA rUpasItA yEna saHsva=with his,vahni=fire from the tail,nirdagdha=burnt,palAshi rAshiH =assembly of (meat eating) daemons or

the trees burnt down by the fire,asau hanUmat= that Hanuman,nava vAridaH=(who is like a) new rain bearing cloud,tIrNAMbudhiH=crossed the ocean,nanAma=(and) prostrated,viShNupadE=at the feet of the nArAyaNa rUpi sri

Ramachandra,ahO=it is surprising (or it is wonderful).The rain from the new rain bearing cloud would makethe crops in field (which is in much need of water)very happy. The same cloud also has the power to burn

down the forest (by thunderbolts etc) and the samecloud can easily cross the ocean by speeding winds.Likewise, Sri Hanuman pleased the sItAkRuti with SriRamachandra's message (words). He burnt down the

daemons by setting the lanka city on the fire. Afterthis he crossed the ocean again and prostrated at thefeet of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Sri Hanuman's works aregreat and surprising to anyone.Note 1: In this shlOka the same words describe the

feature of the Hanuman and rain bearing clouds etc.Just as the rain bearing cloud brings much neededrelief to crops, Hanuman with Sri Ramachandra'smessage brought great happiness to sItAkRuti. gObiH is

used in two sense. One for meaning with words andsecond for meaning with water.Note 2: rUpasItaH means sItAkRuti, the duplicate formof sItAdevi which rAvaNa belived to be genuine.Note 3:Shri Narayana PanditAcharya has captured the total

summary of Shri Sundara kAnda in Shrimadh rAmAyana inthis padya. In other words, by doing the pArAyana withdevotion of this padya, one can get the total benefitof pArAyana of Shri Sundara kAnda.------

apakShapAtI puruShastrilOkyA-mabhOgabhOktA patagAdhirAjam |vishvaMbharaM bibhradasau jigAyatvarAparAkrAMtiShu chitramEtat ||1.16||apakShapAtI=who is impartial or flying without wings(one who is not a bird but still flies),

purushaH=that person,abhOgabhOktA=who has renounced all the wordly things ,who does not eat serpents,asau=that Sri Hanuman,bibhrat=carried,vishvaMbharaM= Sri Ramachandra, SrimannArAyaNa,tvarA parAkrAMtiShu= in speed and valour,

jigAya= won over,patagAdhirAjam=The Garuda (a celestial divine bird),Etat= this,trilOkyAM=in the three worlds,chitraM=is very amazing.The Celestial eagle (garuda) flies with his wings andeats serpents. He carries Lord SrimannArayaNa and he

is very well known for his speed and valor. SriHanuman who is an impartial person, following astrict code of being a bachelor has renounced all theworldly things. Even though he is not like garuda, ithas amazed in all the three worlds that Sri Hanuman

won (or excelled) over garuda in speed and valorcarrying Sri Ramachandra.Note 1: In this shloka same words are used to describegarudu and Hanuman.Note 2: Shri nArAyana panditAcharya says that it is

Shri vAyu the real vAhana (vehical) to Shri mahAVishnu. It also says that Shri Hanumantha is morepowerful than the devine bird Garuda devaru i.e ShrivAyu is superior in tAratamya compared to Shri Garuda.It has to be noted that, in Shri Vishnusahasra nAma,

" vAyu vAhana " is mentioned two times.[addtional notes were also added by Sri Balu from hisreference. Thanks to him]nibadhya sEtuM raghuvaMshakEtu-bhrUbhaMgasAMbhrAMtapayodhimadhyE |

muShTiprahAraM dashakAya sItA-saMtarjanAgryOttaramEShakO & dAt ||1.17||EshakaH= That Sri Hanuman,nibadhyA sEtuM=built the bridge,payOdhi madhyE=In the middle of the (southern) ocean,kEtu=(when)Sri Ramachandra who is like a flag,

raghuvaMsha=in the lineage of king raghu,bhrUbhaMga=with knitted eyebrows,sAMbhrAMta=got angry (on ocean),dashakAya=to ten headed rAvaNa,saMtarjana=who harrassed or scared,sItA= sItAdEvi,AdAt=gave,

Agrya=a great,uttaraM = answer (or repay in the present context),muShTiprahAraM=(by the)blow of fist which is verypowerful,Lord Sri Ramachandra looked at the (southern) oceanwhich was in his way to reach sItAdEvi with anger. The

ocean which got afraid prayed to Sri Ramachandra tobuild a bridge across it to reach lanka city. SriHanuman with his army built a bridge across the oceanand reached lanka. (There) Sri Hanuman gave a powerful

blow of fist on the chest of Ten headed rAvaNa who washarassing sItAdEvi to marry him.Notes:The tatva to be understood here is that all the actspeformed by Shri Hanuman is very pleasing to ShriLakshmi nArAyana. vAli and KarthaveerArjuna had easily

won against rAvana. But, the victory of Shri Hanumanis the best compared to the other two and this is theinternal tatva to be understood. By a mere touch ofShri Hanuman to rAvana, the evil rAvana fell down and

became almost dead with blood oozing out of his tenfaces. This is mentioned very clearly by ShrimadhAcharyaru in Shriman MahAbhAratha tAtparya niryana andin vAlmIki rAmAyana.------

jAjvalyamAnOjvalarAghavAgnauchakrE sa sugrIvasuyAyajUkE |AdhvaryavaM yuddhamaKE pratipra-sthAtrA sumitrAtanayEna sAkaM ||1.18||rAghava=Lord Sri Ramachandra who is like,jAjvalyamAna=heavily burning,

ujvala=Glowing,agnau=fire of sacrifice,sugrIva=sugrIva who is,yAyajUke=the yajamAna or the doer of the holysacrifice,yuddhamaKE=in the yajna of the war,sumitrAtanayEna=The son of SumitradEvi, LakshmaNa,

pratiprasthAtrA=who is like the Rutvik by name " pratiprasthAtrA " (the assistant to main priest),sAkaM=along with the,saH=That Sri HanumanchakrE=did theAdhvaryavaM=work of Rutvija by name " adhvaryu " or the

main priest of yAga.Lord Sri Ramachandra who was very angry with rAvaNalooked like a glowing fire of the sacrifice. sugrIvawas the doer (yajamAna) of the sacrifice. SriLakshmaNa was a Rutvija (by name) " pratiprasthAtrA " in

the sacrifice of war. That Sri Hanuman was the one whoperformed the job of main priest (by name) " adhvaryu " .In this way all these people became helpers in the warmeant to kill rAvaNa.Notes:

This war against evil rAvana is itself a great yagnaor sacrifice. This is how Shri Hanuman viewed this waragainst rAvana.rAmArchanE yO nayataH prasUnaMdvAbhyAM karAbhyAmabhavatprayatnaH |EkEna dOShnA nayatO girIMdraM

saMjIvanAdyAshrayamasya nAbhUt ||1.19||rAmArchanE=For Sri Ramachandra's worship,nayataH=carrying,prasUnaM=the flowers,dvAbhyAM karAbhyAM=with two hands,abhayat prayatnaH =had tiredness,yaH=which,

EkEna dOShnA=with one hand,nayataH= (Sri Hanuman)carrying across the sea,girIMdraM=the gaMdhamAdana mountain,AshrayaM=that which is a shelter,saMjIvana=(for) saMjIvana medicine,Adi=and other (herbs),

(saH=that prayatna, tiredness),nAbhUt=did not happen.Lord Hanuman carried the gaMdhamAdana mountain in onehand across the sea which had the very special herbslike saMjIvini to the war field in Lanka to cure the

monkeys and others who were unconscious being hurt bythe arrow of iMdrajit. Whatever the little tirednesshe felt in bringing the flower in his two hands (forthe worship of Lord Sri Ramachandra with greatdevotion), Hanuman did not feel even a little

tiredness carrying the mountain. For Sri Hanumancarrying the heavy mountain is as easy as carryingflowers. Bringing flower for the worship of LordRamachandra was a little bit more tiring for SriHanuman.

Notes:Shri Hanuman used to carry flowers for ShriRamachandra's pooja with great devotion with bothhands having extreme caution as if he is carrying ahumongous mountain(meaning he felt a little tiredness

in this process). But, while getting the saMjIvinimountain across the ocean, Shri Hanuman carried itlike carrying flowers. This shows the great bhakthi ofShri Hanuman towards Shri Ramachandra.---------------

sa dAritAriM paramaM pumAMsaMsamanvayAsInnaradEvaputryA |vahni pravEShAdhigatAtmashuddhyAvirAjitaM kAMchanamAlayEva ||1.20||paramaM=the Supreme,purushaM=Sri Ramachandra,dArita=after killing,

ariM=rAvaNa and other daemons,AtmashuddhyA=for self purity (Atma shuddhi),pravEsha=entering into,vahni=in the fire,adhigata=learning,naradEvaputryA=daughter of the king Janaka, thesItadEvi,kAMchanamAlayEva=like a golden necklace,

virAjitaM=shone,saH=That Sri Hanuman,samanvayAsIt=followed him to ayOdhya..The Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra killed rAvaNa andother daemons. Then for the sake of the world, he madesItAdEvi enter the fire ordeal. After having

demonstrated her purity by a fire ordeal to the worldlike a golden necklace(worn by Sri Ramachandra)shining after being subjected to fire forpurification, sItadEvi returned to ayOdhya with LordSri Ramachandra. Sri Hanuman also followed them to

ayOdhya.Notes:Shri Hanuman always follows Lord Sri Ramachandra. Thevice versa is also true, Shri Ramachandra alwaysprotects Shri Hanuman and never leaves him just like ashadow.shyAmaM smitAsyaM pRuthudIrghahastaM

sarojanEtraM gajarAjayAtraM |vapurjaganmaMgalamESha dRugbhyAMchirAdayOdhyAdhipatEH siShEvE ||1.21||shyAmaM= The dark colored,smita=with a smiling,AsyaM=face,pRuthu=(having a) thick (or robust, sturdy)

dIrgha=long,hastaM= arms,sarOja nEtraM= (and who is)lotus eyed,yAtraM=(and having)Majestic gait, (or with greatconcentration),gajarAja=like IrAvata (the diety iMdrA's elephant),jagat maMgalaM=who gives pleasure and welfare to the

whole world (all lOkA's),ayOdhyAdhipatEH= that crowned king of ayOdhyA, LordSri Ramachandra,vapuH=his body,EshaH=That Sri Hanuman,dRugbhyAM=saw with his eyes,chirAt=for a long time,siShEvE=and served him.

Sri Ramachandra's body was dark colored. His face hada smile and his arms were sturdy and long. SriRamachandra was lotus eyed having the majestic gait ofiMdrA's elephant irAvata. The vision of his body gave

pleasure and welfare to the whole world. The crownedking of ayOdhya, Lord Sri Ramachandra was servedconstantly by Sri Hanuman for a long period of time.Note1: In this and subsequent shlOka's we can see how

Sri Hanuman's devotion towards Lord Sri Ramachandra isnatural. He does not need any material stuff from Lordbut his blessings and more devotion towards him (1.22onwards till end of Sri Hanuman avatara Sri Narayana

Panditacharya explains this beautifully).--------------------------rAjyAbhiShEkE & vasitE & tra sItAprEShtAya nastAM bhajatAM dishEti |rAmasya vANyA maNimaMjumAlA-vyAjEna dIrghAM karuNAM babaMdha ||1.22||

avasitE=after the completion,rAjyAbhiShEkE=Crowning of the King,vANyA= words,iti rAmasya=(of) this Sri Ramachandra,disha=give,tAm=that (necklace),maNi maMju mAlA=necklace made of precious jewels,

bhajatAM=among many serving,naH=us,prEShtAya=one who is dearest,vyAjEna=with that reason,sIta=sItAdEvi,babaMdha=endowed.dIrghAM=full and eternal,karuNAM=blessings,atra=on Sri Hanuman

After the completion of crowning of Lord SriRamachandra as the King of ayOdhya (pattAbhishEka), heasked sItAdEvi to give the precious necklace of her tothe one who was dearest and who has served them (SriRamachandra and sItAdEvi) the best. sItAdEvi under the

guise of giving him the necklace, endowed Sri Hanumanwith full and eternal divine blessings for havingserved them in all possible ways.Note2: In madhvanAma by Sri SripAdarAja this ismentioned slightly differently. In the verse number 11

it is mentioned asvijaya raghupati mechchi dharaNisuteyaLigIyebhajisi mouktikada hAravanu paDeda ..Meaning: When the victorious king Sri Ramachandra gavesItAdEvi a pearl necklace Sri Hanuman prayed for and

obtained it..The actual meaning to the above is Shri Ramachandragave a beautiful necklace made of diamonds to sItAdEviand directed her to bless the necklace to the one whois the dearest to them. Shri sItadEvi blessed the

necklace by tieing the necklace to the neck of ShriHanuman. This shows that Shri Hanumantha is thedearest to both Shri Ramachandra and sItAdEvi. ShriRamachandra's and sItadEvi's manO bhAva was one and

the same.hRudOrusouhArdabhRutAdhimouli-nyastEna hastEna dayArdradRuShTyA |sEvAprasannO & mRutakalpavAchAdidEsha dEvaH sahabhOgamasmai ||1.23||uru=With lot of,souhArda=love and friendsip,

bhRutA hRudA=in his heart,nyastEna=placed,hastEna=hands,adhimouli=on Sri Hanuman's head,dRuShtyA=seeing,dayArdra=with great kindness,vAchA=with kind words,amRutakalpa=equivalent to 'amRuta' (nectar),

sEvAprasannaH=being very happy with his service,dEvaH=Lord Sri Ramachandra,didEsha=gave,sahabhOgaM=The Lordship of satyalOka, (The postion ofBrahma is called sahabhOga.Please see the additional notes).

asmai=To that Sri Hanuman.Lord Sri Ramachandra became very happy with the greatservice rendered by Sri Hanuman. His Heart was filledwith great love (for Sri Hanuman). Sri Ramachandralooked at him with great kindness. He praised Sri

Hanuman with nectar filled words. Sri Ramachandraplaced his hands on Sri Hanuman and bestowed upon himthe Lordship of SatyalOka (i.e, to become chaturmuKabrahma in the next brahma kalpa).Notes: In MBTN Canto 8 Verse 240 - 242

atO hanUmAnpadamEtu dhAturmadAg.nayA sRuShtyavanAdikarmamOkSham cha lOkasya sadaiva kurvanmuktashchamuktAnsukhayan pravartAmLet Sri Hanuman take brahma's post (of lordship oversatya lOka). From there, on my orders, let him perform

the tasks of Creation, sustainance and destruction,and granting of mukti too. At his preordained time lethim get liberated, and grant the happiness associatedwith liberation to other eligible souls. You have to

remember that this was not a impulsive gesture made bya grateful rAma, based on services rendered by SriHanuman in just one life. This was based on SriHanuman's sAdhana (accomplishment) over hundredkalpas, and because of his intrinsic worth.

bhOgAshcha yE yAni cha karma jAtAnyanAdyanantAnimamEha santimadAg.nyayA tAnyakhilAni santi dhAtuhu padEtatsahabhOganAmaEtAdRusham mE sahabhOjanam tE mayA pradattam hanumansadaiva(MBTN Canto 8 Verse 240 - 242)

" The enjoyments that I have, the actions that arethere in this world, that are without creation anddestruction, accrue to me alone. However, based on myorders, they are available to the one holding the post

of brahma also. That is why the brahma post is called'saha bhOga'. In other words, the essence of all gooddeeds done by pious souls is accepted by hari, actingthrough brahma. Since brahma also gets a share of this

essence, it is called sahabhOga.Source for the Notes: Madhvanama of Sripadarajaru: Astudy By Sri Hunsur Sriprasad available inTatvavada.org in E-text section.------------------------------prEShThO na rAmasya babhOva tasmA-

nna rAmarAjyE & sulabhaM cha kiMchit |tatpAdasEvAratirEsha naicCa-ttathApi bhOgAnnanu sA viraktiH ||1.24||rAmasya=For Sri Ramachandra,na babhOva=There was none,prEShThH=More likable(devotee),

tasmAt= than Sri Hanuman,rAmarAjyE=In Lord Sri Ramachandra's kingdom,kiMchit cha=there was nothing,na asulabhaM= that he could not get,tathA api= even then,EshaH=That Sri Hanuman,na icCat=did not want that,

bhOgAn=Material happiness,ratiH=was interested,sEvA=in service of,pAda=Feet of,tat=That (Lord Sri Ramachandra),sA=That,viraktiH nanu=is (called) the renouncement.Among the devotees, Lord Sri Ramachandra had none who

was more dearer than Sri Hanuman. In the Kingdom ofLord Sri Ramachandra there was nothing that he couldnot get. Even then, Sri Hanuman was only interestedin serving the feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra and was

not interested in the material wealth at all. Notbeing interested in the material happiness and beingalways engrossed in serving the Lord is indeed thetruest form of renounciation (vairAgya).Notes: From MBTN Canto 8 Verse 247, after Sri

Ramachandra bestows upon Sri Hanuman the post ofBrahma, Sri Hanuman sayspravardhatAm bhaktiralam kShaNE kShaNE tvayIsha mEhrAsavivrjitA sadAanugrahastE mayI chaivamEva niroupadhou tou mamasarvakAmah "

" O Lord Sri Ramachandra, let my devotion to you keepgrowing from instant to instant, let it be without anydefect or imperfection. My devotion and your graceshould both be both without any equal or superior " .

Such is the selfless, untainted, pure devotion thathanumanta has towards Sri Ramachandra.Source for the Notes: Madhvanama of Sripadarajaru: Astudy By Sri Hunsur Sriprasad available inTatvavada.org in E-text section.

Additional Notes: Shri Hanuman's vairAgya is the realtrue vAirAgya. When there was all opportunity to enjoylife, treating all these worldly pleasures asuseless, this is the bhAva Sri Hanuman, who has the

true vairAgya towards worldly pleasures and thehighest devotion among all jeevas in this universetowards Shri Ramachandra.namO namO nAtha namO namastEnamO namO rAma namO namastE |punaH punastE charaNAraviMdaM

namAmi nAthEti naman sa rEmE ||1.25||saH=That Sri Hanuman,nAtha = Lord (Sri Ramachandra),tE= To you,namaH namaH namaH namaH=Prostrations (repeatedly saidby Sri Hanuman),rAma=Lord Sri Ramachandra,

tE= To you,namaH namaH namaH namaH= Prostrations,nAtha tE=To your,charaNAraviMdaM=Lotus like feet,punaH punaH= again and again,namAmi= I prostrate,iti= In this way,san=by prostrating,rEmE=rejoiced.

Sri Hanuman said " Oh! Lord many prostrations to yourfeet. Lord Sri Ramachandra, Prostrations to your feet.Oh! Lord I prostrate to your lotus like feet again andagain " .In this way Sri Hanuman rejoiced in repeatedly

chanting the name of Lord Sri Ramachandra.Notes: We already saw that Sri Hanuman does not wantanything but devotion at the feet of Lord SriRamachandra from the above shlOkA's.The same spirit is beautifully captured by

PurandaradAsaru in his inimitable manner. Part of itgoes like this. (Thanks to our haridasa egroup membersfor helping me with the original song).(Coded in baraha 6.0)sEvakatanada ruchiyEnaridyO.udadhiyanu dATi sIteyanu kaMdu baMdAga

maduveyanu mADennabAraditte..kShaNadalli saMjIvanada parvata taMdAgahaNa honnugaLa bEDabAraditte..sArvabhoumanu tAne mecci baLigaidAgaUrviyanu bEDadiDe koDadihanesarvava toredu shrI puraMdara viThalana

nirvyAja bhakutiya bEDi koDyallade ||He says, " Sri Hanuman, you could have asked for somany things - a happy marraige, kingdom, riches etc.For the Lord, none of this would have been difficult.Yet you chose to ask for even more devotion that is

forever increasing, completely free from all blemishesand conditionalities " .Ref: Madhvanama of Sripadarajaru: A study By SriHunsur Sriprasad available in Tatvavada.org in E-textsection.------------------

kiM varNayAmaH paramaM prasAdaMsItApatEstatra hariprabarhE |muMchanmahIM nityaniShEvaNArthaMsvAtmAnamEvaiSha dadau yadasmai ||1.26||yat=When (For the reason),EshaH=Lord Sri Ramachandra,muMchan (san)=left (concluded),

mahIM=This earth,dadau=gave,asmai=To that Hanuman,niShEvaNArthaM=For the worship,nityaM=always (eternal),AtmAnaM Eva=himself,hariprabarhE=Superior among monkey's (kapi-shrEShTa),(hariShu prabarhaH=hariprabarhaH, tasmin.)

tatra=In that Sri Hanuman,kiM varNayAmaH=how can we describe?sItApatEH=Lord Sri Ramachandra's,paramaM=greater,prasAdaM=boonLord Sri Ramachandra concluded his avatAra and wasabout to return to his permanent abode (vaikuMTa). At

that time, he gave a himself (a form of self) to hisdearest devotee Sri Hanuman for the eternal worship.How can we describe the grace and blessings that LordSri Ramachandra bestowed on Sri Hanuman?Notes: There can not be a greater boon than giving a

form of Lord to his devotee. i.e, anyother gift wouldbe inferior to a gift of Himself being availablealways to his dearest devotee. Sri Hanuman who alwaysdoes the atmArpana at the lotus feet of SriRamachandra, the Lord gave himself to Sri Hanuman. In

the same way, Sri Hanuman wants devotion towards LordSri Ramachandra and nothing else. This is how eeShadAsa relationship is between Sri Ramachandra and ShriHanuman.svAnaMdahEtau bhajatAM janAnAM

magnassadA rAmakathAsudhAyAm |asAvidAnIM cha niShEvamANOrAmaM patiM kiMpuruShE kilAstE ||1.27||janAnAM=(Those) people ,bhajatAM= who conteplate (recite),hEtau=reason,sudhAyAM=nectar like,rAmakathA=Sri Ramachandra's story,

svAnaMda=realization of one's own essential bliss(mOkSha),asau=This Sri Hanuman,idAnIM cha=even now,sadA=always,magnaH=immersed in,patiM=the Lord,rAmaM=Sri Ramachandra's,niShEvamANaH=serving,

kiMpuruShE=in the place called kiMpuruSha,AstE kila=stay.For the true devotees, reciting Lord Sri Ramachandra'snectar like story gives the liberation or mOkSha whichis the realization of one's own essential bliss. Sri

Hanuman continues to stay even now in kiMpurushaKandaalways worshipping his master Lord Sri Ramachandra andconteplating his nectar like stories(Shri rAma kathA).Notes: From Shrimadh bhAgavatha panchama skanda, we

learn that Sri Hanuman is in kiMpurusha Kanda alwaysengrossed in the sEva of Lord Sri Ramachandra. Themain crux of this shloka is that the evil rAvana withall his huge extra efforts, could not get thechiranjeevi or immortal state. But, with the divine

grace of Sri Ramachandra, Sri Hanuman always ever hasthe immortal status. With this shlOka Sri NarayanaPanditacharya completes Sri Hanuman's incarnation andstarts narrating the incarnation of muKyaprANa as Sri

Bhimasena in dwAparAyuga.purE kumArAnalasAn vihArA-nnirIkShya sarvAnapi maMdalIlaH |kaishOralIlAM hatasiMhasaMghAMvanE pravruttAM smarati sma sUtkaH ||1.30||(That Sri Bhimasena),purE=in hastinApura,

maMdalInaH api=Even when demonstrating a very smallpart of his strength,vihArAt= (while) playing,sarvAn=all,kumArAn=princes including duryOdhana and others,alasAN=got tired,nirIkShya=seeing this,

vanE=in the forest,pravruttAM=that which happened,hata=killing,siMhasaMghAM=herds of lions (group of lions),kaishOra=while he was a boy (boyhood),sUtkaH (saN)=very keenly,smarati sma=remembered.

lIlAM=memories (of the past),That Sri Bhimasena used to play with duryOdhana andothers princes in HastinApura. Even whiledemonstrating a very small part of his(SriBhimasena's) strength, duryOdhana and other princes

used get tired. Seeing this Sri Bhimasena rememberedvery keenly the fond memories of playing and killingherds of lions in shata shRuMga mountain while he wasa only a boy.Notes: Most of these shlokA's (including the later

ones) shows very clearly the strength of Sri Bhimasenaand how easily he can overcome any situation (howeverdifficult it is) to him.Sri Bhimasena used to think that instead of playingwith useless/helpless prince(s) like evil duryOdhana,

it is better off to play with powerful lions. Thisshows the ultimate strength of Sri Bhimasena who isindeed jeevOthamma.-------------bhuktaM cha jIrNaM paripaMthidattaMvishaM vishaNNO vishabhRudguNO & taH |

pramANakOTEH sa hi hElayAgA-nnEdaM jagajjIvanadE & tra chitram ||1.31||paripaMthi=From the enemies like duryOdhana andothers,bhuktaM cha=even after eating,viShaM=the posion,dattaM=given,jIrNaM=got digested,

ataH=from this Sri Bhimasena,vishabhRudguNaH=herds of snakes,vishaNNaH=were shattered,saH=he (Sri Bhimasena),AgAt hi=came out,pramANakOTEH=a very deep whirlpool called'pramANAkOTE',hElayA=without any sufferings,

idaM jagat=this one to the world,chitram na=(is)not surprising.jIvanade=the giver of the life to all beings (SrimukhysprANA's),atra=this Sri Bhimasena,DuryOdhana and others with an intention of killing Sri

Bhimasena gave poisoned food to him thru' the cooks.He easily digested the given poisoned food. While SriBhimasena was sleeping, the enemies tried to kill himby using the poisonous snakes. He easily shattered

those poisonous along with the ones who used itagainist him. Enemies pushed him to to deep whirlpoolcalled pramANAkOTe. He easily cameout of that withoutany suffereings (or injuries). This is not surprising

in the matters concerning Sri mukhyaprANa since he isthe lord of life.Notes: It is simply a mere joke to think that SriBhimasena saved his life who is the lord of lifehimself (Shri Mukya prAna). This is no surprise that

Sri Bhimasena easily digested the deadly poison in thefood as he himself is superior to Shri Rudra devaru(who just tasted the poison during samudra mathana)and is indeed Shri vAyu devaru.dagdhvA puraM yogabalAt sa niryan

dharmAniva svAn sahajAn dadhAnaH |adAribhAvEna jagatsu pUjyOyOgIva nArAyaNamAsasAda ||1.32||Please note that in this shlOka the same set of wordsare used by Sri Narayana Panditacharya to describe the

actions of Sri Bhimasena and a yOgin.balAt=with the help of (with the power of),yOga=a clever plan or fruitfulness of deep meditation(samAdhi),dagdhvA=burnt,puraM=the Lac house or the city of enemy, or the body,

niryan=while leaving,svAn=his (carried his),sahajAn=brothers,dharmAn iva=like dharma,dadhAnaH=wearing,adAribhAvEna=from the enimity of hidiMba rAkShasa orone who has NO defeat ever from his enemies or one

whose body cannot be cut,jagatsu=in the different lOkA's,pUjyaH=respected,saH=that Sri Bhimasena,yOgI iva=like person having a great plan or like aperson who has done yOga,nArAyaNaM=to Lord Sri VedavyAsa or Lord Sri Vishnu,

AsasAda=reachedA person with the help of a clever plan will destoryhis enemies place (city) and leaves that place. By hisluck of not having the troubles from his enemies (anyfurther) he reaches his swAmin and hence will become a

respected person on this earth. The person who is atrue yOgin with the power of his deep meditation(dhyAna shakti) and accumulated puNya burns off hisbody, leaves this world and reaches his biMbarUpi. Inthe same way Sri Bhimasena with his clever plan burnt

burnt off the lac house(kannada: aragina mane) thatduryOdhana built to kill pAMdavA's. Then he left theplace carrying his brothers and later destroyed daemonby name hidiMba without suffering any pain and became

very respected in the world. He then met SriVedavyasa.Notes: The incidence of Sri Bhimasena who burnt thehouse made of lac (aragina mane) and finally reachedShri vEda vyAsa is so well described in the above

shloka having a great tAtvika meaning----------------samarpya kRutyAni kRutI kRutAnivyAsAya bhUmnE sukRutAni tAvat |kariShyamANAni cha tasya pUjAMsaMkalpayAmAsa sa shuddha buddhiH ||1.33||kRutI=One who is clever (chatura),

shuddha buddhiH=having ones mind set constantly onLord,saH=That Sri Bhimasena,sukRutAni=doing in a better manner,kRutyAni=that which deserves to be executed,kRutAni=the duties (jobs),bhUmnE vyAsAya=To that Lord Sri Vedavyasa who is pUrNa

(full),tAvat=all (in full, in pUrNa pramANa),samarpya=submit,kariShyamANAni cha=that duties which are going to beexecuted in future too,tasya=That Lord Vedavyasa's,pUjAM=(act of) worship,saMkalpayAmAsa=did the saMkalpa (i.e, took a oath).

That Sri Bhimasena who is having a great knowledge andwhose mind is constantly set on Lord, submitted at theholy feet of Lord Sri Vedavyasa(who is pUrNa), all thedeeds like destryoing hidiMba daemon etc. He also did

the saMkalpa (took oath) that all the future duties ordeeds which are going to be done by him like killingbakAsura etc as an act of worship of the Supreme beingLord Sri Vedavyasa.Notes: Offering all the karmas(dvaMdva karmA's) with

the notion of submission at the feet of Lord is thereal worship of our Lord Shri Hari. This is the kindof worship Sri Bhimasena is always performing at thefeet of Shri Hari. It has to be seriously noted that

all the karmas that are performed by all the jeevasare done through Shri Mukhya prAna with the notion ofShri KrishnArpana. That Shri vAyu deva is the sameShri Bhimasena of dwApara ageand this is explicitly

shown in the above shloka.---------------------------viShNOH padashridbakasannirAsIkShiptAnyapakShiprakaraH supakShaH |sasOdarO & thAdita rAjahaMsaHsa rAjahaMsImiva rAjakanyAm ||1.34||Note in this shlOka also same words convey different

meanings.atha=in the same way (similarly then),padashrid=sheltered in the (lotus like) feet orsheltered (rather dependent) on sky,viShNOH=Lord Sri nArAyaNA's,baka=a demon named bakAsura ,sannirAsI=killed,

kShipta=rejected,anyapakShiprakaraH=helpers to enemie's army or peoplebelieving in other schools of thought (siddhaMta) orthe flocks of other birds,supakShaH=having the help of Lord Sri kRuShNa orbelieving in right philosophy or having the great

shining wings,sasOdaraH=being with brothers,saH=that Sri Bhimasena,rAjahaMsaH=that king swan,rAjahaMsIM iva=the (similar) mate of the the kingswan,rAjakanyAm Adita= married the daughter of king drupada

the Draupadi devi,The swan flies in the sky and chases away the cranes.It disperses (wins over) the flocks of other birds.Such a great king swan having a brilliant shiningwings takes a similar mate. (Similarly) Sri Bhimasena

is the great devotee of Lord SrimannArAyaNa. He is theone who killed the demon by name bakAsura. Won overenemies and always upheld the right philosophy. ThatSri Bhimasena together with his brothers married the

daughter of king drupada, the Draupadi dEvi (who issimilar to himself in worth).Note: similar in worth not to be taken as equal inworth in the last sentence. The four pAndavas viz.DharmarAja, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva married their

concerts(residing in Shri Draupadi's body) namelysyAmala, Sachi devi and ashwni patnIs. Truely, forShri Draupadi devi who is Shri BhArathI devi, SriBhimasena is the real husband. This is conveyed sonicely with similarities as rAja hamsa (Shri bhIma)

and rAja hamsI (Shri Draupadi dEvi).-----------------iMdIvarashrIjayisuMdarAbhaMsmErAnanEMduM jayituM mukuMdam |svamAtulEyaM kamalAyatAkShaMsamabhyanaMdatsuchirAya bhImaH ||1.35||bhImaH=Sri Bhimasena,

mukuMdaM=(seeing) Lord Sri Krishna,iMdIvarashrI=having an effulgence that of 'kannaidile'flower (sorry I don't know how to translate thiskannaidile flower. If you know please let me know).jayi=(that which can) win,

suMdara= beautiful,AbhaM=(having)effulgence,iMduM=the moon (like),smEra anana= smiling face,dayitaM=one who is most dear,sva=his,mAtulEyaM=maternal uncle vAsudEvA's son,kamala=like a lotus flower,

Ayata=wide,akShaM=eyes,samabhyanaMdat=rejoiced,suchirAya=for a long time,OrmukuMdaM=Lord Sri Krishna's,suchirAya=for a long time,samabhyanaMdat=made him happy.In Draupadi dEvi's swayaMvara , Seeing Lord Sri

KruShna, who is bluish complexioned excelling that ofa 'kannaidile' flower, (one who is) having a full moonlike smiling face, (and one who is) very dearer tohim, (one who is the) maternal uncle vAsudEva's son,

having a wide lotus shaped eyes, Sri Bhimasenarejoiced for a long time. (Or In Draupadi dEvi'sswayaMvara, after defeating all the kings who foughtagainst him, Sri Bhimasena made Lord Sri Krishna veryhappy).

Notes:During the auspicious moment of Shri Draupadiswayamvara, Sri Bhimasena got the divya darushana ofLord Shri Krishna. Sri Bhimasena experienced greatbliss by looking at Shri Krishna. For Sri Bhimasena,

nothing is equal or superior than the task of havingthe darushana of our Lord Shri Krishna.mahAgadaM chaMdaraNaM pRuthivyAMbAhardrathaM maMkShu nirasya vIraH |rAjAnamatyujvalarAjasUyaMchakAra gOviMdasurEMdrajAbhyAM ||1.36||

vIraH=The valorous Sri Bhimasena,mahAgadaM=with a powerful big mace,pRuthivyAM=on this earth,chaMdaraNaM=tough war,bAhardrathaM=the son of king bRuhadRutha, the eviljarAsandha,OR it could also mean,

mahAgadaM=capable of destroying a big mountain,bAhardrathaM=having a huge chariot,chaMdaraNaM=the war against the powerful kIchaka andothers,gOviMda=Sri Krishna,surEMdrajAbhyAM=with Arjuna and others,

maMkShu=fast (or earliest),nirasya=killing,rAjAnAm=king YudhishtirA's,atyujvala= brilliant manner,rAjasUyaM= a yagna ritual called 'rAjasUya',chakAra=made him perform.That valorous Sri Bhimasena, along with Sri Krishna,

Arjuna and others, fought and killed the son of kingbRuhadRutha the jarAsandha who was fighting with apowerful big mace on this earth. Sri Bhimasena alsodefeated and made kIchaka and others to run away from

the battle who were in their huge chariots and arecapable of destroying even the big mountains. Then SriBhimasena made king Yudhishtira perform yagna called'rAjasUya' in a brilliant manner.Notes: Although the rAjasuya yAga was done by Shri

Dharmaraja, the main role in this yagna was from SriBhimasena. The reason being, to be victorious in thisyagna, Sri Bhimasena effortlessly eradicated evilpersons like jarasandha, keechaka etc.----------

dushyAsanEnAkulitAn priyAyAHsUkShmAnarAlAnasitAMshcha kEshAn |jighAMsayA vairijanasya tIkShNaHsa kRuShNasarpAniva saMchikAya ||1.37||saH=That Sri Bhimasena,dushyAsanEna=from dushyAsana,AkulitAn=touched/disturbed/got pulled,

priyAyAH=of his wife Draupadi dEvi'ssUkShmAn=that which is very soft,aralAn=curly,asitAn=black colored,kEshAn=hairs,vairijanasya=the enemies,jighAMsayA=with the intention of killing (willing to

kill),tIkShNaH=one who has learnt the 'garuda maMtra',kRuShNasarpAn iva=like a set of black snakes,saMchikAya=united it (brought them together).The evil dushyAsana the brother of duryOdhana, pulled

Draupadi dEvi by her hair which was soft, dark andcurley in the sabhA organized by bhIShma and others.The enraged Sri Bhimasena sworn that he would kill hisenemies and collected those hairs (and kept it till

the death of evil dushyAsana). This was like a personwho had learnt the garuda maMtra and by the power ofsame making the set of black snakes run away from cageand another person who had learn the garuda maMtra

arresting the same set of black snakes in a cage forkilling the enemies later.Notes: Soft, irregular and black apples to blacksnakes. Sri Draupadi dEvi's hair which is like akrishna sarpa (black cobra), became fatal to the evil

kourava clan.jAjvalyamAnasya vanE vanE & laMdidhakShataH pArthivasArthamugram |satvAni puMsAM bhayadAni nAshaMvRukOdarAgnErgu(ru) rutEjasApuH ||1.38||vanE vanE=In all the forests,alaM jAjvalyamAnasya= hugely(heavily) glowing,

ugraM=with fierce,pArthivasArthaM=gathering of king kirmIra and othersor group of trees (forest),didhakShataH=desire of burning,vRukOdarAgnEH=a fire called Sri Bhimasena (to be takeas from the firestorm of Sri Bhimasena),

gu(u)rutEjasA=superior valour or great radiance,puMsAM=to people (beings),bhayadAni=creating fear,satvAni=kirmIra and others or lion and other wildanimals,nAshaM ApuH =got killed.In all the forests, the fiercely and wildly glowing

forest fire will burn the forest and kill lion andother wild animals which create fear in people.Similarly, Sri Bhimasena having a great effulgance andsuperior valour who desire to kill evil kings, duringhis stay in forest (because of vanavAsa) killed evil

kirmIra and others who created terror in people.Notes: The reason to take vana vAsa by Sri Bhimasenawas to eradicate kirmErAdi evil forces and laterdestroy DuryOdhana and his brothers. Shri Bhima killedthese evil forces during vana vAsa and offered as an

yagna at the lotus feet of Lord Shri vEda vyAsa.-----------------bhOgAdikAbhOgavatO & ruNAkShA-nitastataH saMchalatO dharEMdrE |bahUndvijihvAn maNimatpurOgAnasau kaTUn krOdhavashAn jaghAna ||1.39||

asau=That Sri Bhimasena,jaghAna=killed,krOdhavashAn=the demons called 'krOdhavashA's'bahUn=and other lot,bhOgAdika=having excessive desire for enjoyment,abhOgavataH=with tremendous strength,

aruNAkShAn=having red eyes,dharEMdrE=in a mountain called 'gaMdhamAdana',saMchalataH=wandering,itastataH=here and there,dvijihvAn=(having)two tongued (i.e, one who saysopposite things) or having hatred,

katUn=tough,maNimatpurOgAn=snakes which has maNi's(pearl) on itshead (the head of snakes called maNimAn).The wild forest fire burnt the snakes wandering hereand there in the gaMdhamAdana mountain. Those snakes

were very huge, powerful, red-eyed, two tongued, verywild, very vengeful and were having 'maNi' (pearl) ontheir head. Like wise Sri Bhimasena, killed a largegroup of demons called 'krOdhavashA's' who were headed

by maNimAn.Those demons were desirous of excessiveenjoyment, very powerful, red eyed, very tough ones,wondering here and there in gaMdhamAdana mountain andwere very vengeful.Notes: Like poisonous snakes, these krOdavashas were

bothering good people on Earthand Sri Bhimasena killed these evil forces and becamevery famous. On the outside, these krOdavashas wereposing like bhaktas. Internally, these krOdavashaswere enemies of Lord Shri Vishnu and Sri Bhimasena

killed Manimantha who was the leader of krOdavashas.



bhArathiramana mukhyapraNANtargata shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu-- *shriishaH sharaNam.h*mama svAmI harirnityaMsarvasya patireva cha*xemaM vidhAsyati sa no bhagavAn.h tryadhIshaH | trAtAsmadIyavimR^ishena

kiyAnihArthaH*sarvAdhAraH, sarvakAraH, sarvaprerakaH, sarvasattApradaH,sarvashabdavAchyaH, sarvAchintyaH, sarvakarmakartA, sarvakarmapUjyaH, sarvakarmasAxI,sarvadevAdivandyaHviShNuH sarvottamaH, anantaguNapUrNaH, doShadUraH, svatantraH, sarvasvAmI,

sarvasR^iShTyAdikartA, sarvAntaryamI, sarvavyAptaH, mama anantopakArakaH,sa eva gurudevatAntargataH san.h pApAdi nAshayati, bhaktiGYAnAdi anugR^iNAtitaddAsohaM, nAhaM svatantraH na mama kArakANi, sarvANi taddattAnyeva, sarvaM

tasmin.h samarpyatepUrNaH preShThaH paraH svAmI vyAptaH kartA upakArakaH | raxatyeva tadIyaMmAM karmArchyo gurudevagaHsarvarige preraka sarvakartabhoktasarvatradali vyApta sarvashabda vAchasarvaguNa paripUrNa sarvadoShadUra

sarvaGYAnagamya sarvashakta mUrtisarvesha cheluva gopAlaviThalareyasarvAntariyAmi sarvabauma namo

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