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Why bhajans?

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Namaskara,I found an interesting topic in one of websites and thought of sharing it to all haribhaktas.

Harey srinivasaRole of Dasa Sahitya in Sadhana


The jeeva is bound in samsara since time immemorial. Bound signifies that the jeeva cannot undo the bond on his own and is being controlled by another powerful independent source. Samsara is that state of the jeeva wherein he has to bear the fruit of his previous karma and involves both happiness and misery whereas moksha is a state of total happiness only. The obvious choice is the state of mukti for the eligible jeevas.

In order to break free from the shackles of samsara, the jeeva needs the grace of One who is not in the same state as him. The scriptures tell us that Sri Hari is all powerful and supreme. He is endowed with infinite glorious attributes and is free from defects. He has been so since time immemorial. So we need the grace of Lord Sri Hari to attain the state of mukti which is freedom from birth and death.

To attain mukthi we need the grace of the Lord Sri Hari. To obtain His grace we need bhakthi. To practice devotion/bhakthi we need knowledge about the Lord and his leelas.






To secure knowledge we need to study the scriptures. To study the scriptures one has to be eligible for it and also needs an indepth understanding of the Sanskrit language. The compositions of the great Haridasas give the common man access to knowledge about the glory of the Lord and His creation.


To secure knowledge one needs to have a pure mind. To make one's mind pure , one needs to constantly contemplate on the infinite glorious attributes of the Lord. To enable a common man who is not well-versed in the art of Dhyana ,the great Haridasas composed songs describing the various aspects of sadhana, the leelas of God in his various avataaras etc in a language which the masses could understand.


The Haridasa Sahitya can be sung as bhajans in various ragas to evoke the feeling associated with the meaning of the verse. It leads one step by step towards the final goal of mukthi. The only requirement is a sincere effort by the devotee and the faith that the teachings of the Guru will definitely lead one to the chosen objective.

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