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Sri Madhva Vijaya Second Canto: shlOka's 45 & 46 english translation

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puchChAMtamachChamavalaMbya kadAchidEShaH

prAtarvajAdvrajata Eva nijarShabhasya |

prAyatpriyasya sahasA svajanairadRuShTO

nAnAvanEShu charatashcharatastRuNAni ||2.45||


svajanaiH= including his father and the loved one,

adRuShTa=not being seen,

EshaH=that boy,

kadAchit=one some day,

prAtaH=in the morning,

vrajAt=from house,

vrajataH Eva=while leaving,

priyasya=the one dearer to him,

nAnAvanEShu=in many forests,


tRuNAni=the grass,


nijarShabhasya=their ox,

achChaM puchChAMtaM=the clean tail end,

avalaMbya=holding or following,

sahasA prAyAt=left quickly.


There was an ox in the house of MadhyagEha bhatta. When the ox was let out for

wandering and grazing in the forest, the little boy, unseen by his father and

loved ones, one day, held on to the tail end of his dear ox and left for the

forest quickly in the early morning.



1. This and the following couple of shlOka’s narrates an incidence that

happened while vAsudEva was a little boy.

2. ‘ox is the index of dharma, mind is the index of shAstra’ proclaims

the scripture; while performing once dharma, one should study shAstra; this is

indicated by ‘holding onto tail of ox and wandering’.


uttuMgashRuMgalasitasya mahiShThamUrthEH

pAdAvRutAvanitalasya surEMdhrakasya |

Ashritya tasya shushubhE & vayavaikadEshaM

bAlO dIvAkara ivOdayaparvatasya ||2.46||


bAlaH=the boy,

uttuMga shRuMga= big horns or mountain peaks,

lasitasya=the shining or the bright,

mahiShThaH= very big,

murthEH=having the body(i.e., having a very big body),

pAda=the legs or narrow valley’s (kannada=tappalugaLu),

AvRuta=being covered or enclosed,


suraMdhra kasya=the openinings (orifices of right shapes), or big caves,


avayavaikadEShaM=the tail end,


udaya parvatasya=the udayAchala mountain’s,

avayavaikadEShaM=one part,

Ashritya=holding onto,

bAlaH divAkaraH iva=boy was like sun,



That boy wandered holding onto a small part of the body (tail end) of that ox,

which had long horns, big body, wide feet, with orifices of right shapes

(navadvAra). That boy shone like a raising sun in udayAchala mountain having

high mountain peaks (kannada=shiKara), narrow valleys and big caves.


1. This indicates that the boy was not an ordinary person (who could wander

around freely, without any fear in the mountain peaks holding onto tail end of

the ox).

2. All the adjectives used to describe ox also apply to udayAchala mountain.

Example: shrUMga can be applied to both big horns of ox and rising peaks of

udayAchala. ‘pAda’ means feet as well as ‘narrow valleys of mountain’.

pAdascha pratyaMtaparvatAshcha | (BhA.pra.)

3. In this way he also showed by holding onto ox’s tail that he is a deity

who protects dharma: dharmO & si vRuSharUpadhrRk (bhAgavata 1/17/22).

4. Even today on the mountain south east of pAjaka, one could see the

footmarks (foot-print) of boy vAsudEva. Many of such signs or marks have been

destroyed today due to illegal mining in and around that mountain.


... to be continued


bhAratIramaNamuKhyaprANAMtargata Sri


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