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Sri Madhva Vijaya Second Canto: shlOka's 47-49 english translation

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lIlAM karOti nu gRuhAMtaragO nu bAlaH

kUpAMtarE nu patitaH prakRutisvataMtraH

itatthaM vichiMtya sa muhuH svajanO vimRugya

haMtAnavEkshya tanayaM hRudi tApamApa ||2.47||



svajanaH=father and other loved ones,

prakRutisvataMtraH=who is free by nature,

bAlaH=that boy,

lIlAM karOti nu=is he playing?,

gRuhAMtaragaH nu=is he inside house?,

kUpAtare patitaH nu=did he fall into a well?

itThaM=in this way

muhuH vichiMtya=thinking a lot(in different ways),


vimRugya=after searching,

anavEkShya=not seeing,

haMta=oh! (thinking oh!..),

hRudi tApaM Apa=felt very concerend in their mind.


His parents and loved ones thought that since he’s still a boy, he feels free

by nature(i.e, independent minded). Is he playing (joking)with us by hiding

inside the house somewhere? Or has he fallen into a well? After failing to

search for him, they were very anxious and were very concerned.



1. Since the boy was very young, they did not even think that he might have gone

to any far off place and thought he would be hiding somewhere around and they

searched for him locally.


bAlasya bAlaparilaMbanagOcharaM tadvya-

shvasyatApi vachanaM vanagOcharOktaM |

yat sAyamaikShata janaH shishumAvrajaMta-

mEkAbdakaM vRuShabhabAlakRutAvalaMbam ||2.48||


janaH=father, mother and other relatives,

sAyaM=in the evening,

EkAbdaM=one year old,

vRuShabhabAla kruta=ox’s tail,


AvrajaMtaM=coming back,


yat aikShata=when they saw,

tat bAlasya=that child’s,

bAlaparilaMbanagOcharaM=story of holding onto ox’s tail,

vanagOchara=the cowherd wandering in the forest,

uktaM vachanaM=information given,

vyashvasyata=believed (him).


The parents and relatives, who have been looking for the child, saw the one year

old come back home holding the tail end of the ox. From this, they now believed

the information given by the cow-herd who wanders around in the forest that he

saw the child holding onto the tail of the ox grazing and wandering.


1. How can a one year old child wander around in forest, that too holding the

tail of the ox? This is what everyone thought, when earlier in the day, a

cow-herd who did see vAsudEva informed them. They only believed him when they

saw little vAsudEva return home in the evening holding on to the tail end of the



chiMtAmaNIMdramiva chiMtitadaM daridrO

vij~jAnamArgamiva viShNuparaM mumukShuH |

naShTaM cha naMdanamiti svajanO & sya labdhvA

nAthasya tasya tamanugrahamEva mEnE ||2.49||


daridraH=the poor man,

chImtitadaM=giving whatever one wished for,

chiMtAmaNIMdra iva=like a pure chIMtAmaNi stone,

mumukShuH=one who yearns for liberation,

viShNuparaM=Lord viShNu’s supremacy’s,

vij~jAnamArgaM iva=like a special (doctrinal) knowledge(i.e., by the way of

tatvaj~jAna or doctrinal knowledge),

asya=that child’s,

svajanaH=parents and other relatives,

iti=in this way,


chiMtitadaM=giving whatever one wished for,

viShNuparaM=being only interested in Lord nArAyaNa,

naMdanaM cha=the child too,



tasya nAthasya=That Lord anaMtAsanA’s,

anugrahaM Eva mEnE=thought as (his)grace only.


Those parents saw vAsudEva (who is not to be seen since morning), only in the

evening. This was like a very poor man getting the chiMtAmaNi stone which gives

whatever one wishes for; this was like getting the special knowledge (doctrinal

knowledge) about the supremacy of Lord viShNu for one desirous of liberation.

The parents and the relatives thought that it was the grace of Lord anaMtAsana

only that they found their child safe.



1. The way the people became happy seeing little vAsudEva is illustrated so

beautifully in this shlOka.

2. Sri Madhva is truly like a chiMtAmaNi stone who grants every wish of his

ardent devotee and who shows such devotees the path of liberation.


... to be continued


bhAratIramaNamuKhyaprANAMtargata Sri


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