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Fw: shrI Jagannatha dAsaryarakR^ita HarikathAmruta sArokta shrI Narasimha stuti- 1/3

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||shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha ||   nArasimhanembha

devanu naMbidaMta naraharigella varava koDuvanu Dear krishNa bhaktas,      This compilation of Sri Narasimha stuthi  has been put together by the efforts of several people.  We offer this compilation  of sri Narasimha stuthi selected from sri HKS verses for pArayaNa, anusandhAna and sAdhana of the devotees.  If there is an interest, we can publish this stuthi as a PDF file in several languages more suitable for pArAyaNa.Acknowledgments:1. 

Sri ParimaLa bhajane manDali, Bijapur put together this compilation of selected HKS verses.   Smt Vinoda and Sri Anand Singanamalli of NJ has distributed this in the US.  2.  Meanings of the verses have been provided by Sri SGP Char from the material published previously in the dvaita list.3.  The entire compilation  of the verses and the meanings in English has been put together by  Smt. Shobha Srinivasan ==============0=================================0=====================0================= harikathAmrutha sAra gurugaLa karuNAdiMdApanitu peLuveparama bhaghavadbhakta ridanAdaradi keLuvudu.  krUraM vIraM

bR^ihaviShNuM dIpyantaM vishvatomukhaM | puMmR^igendraM

bhayakaraM shubhaM mR^ityoshcha mArakaM ||4-11 || tantrasAra saMgraha ||   PHALA SHRUTHI:   guru madhvaru

tantrasAradhi eraDadhika mUvattu

akshara "nArasimhana" mantra sArare aritu guruvaryara iruruvudashTe

saMdhi nAmava harikathAmR^itadali

uNisire kardoLittihe dhIra viTTalana polise guru baladhi   Tantra sAra

sangraha is one of the sarvamUla granthas composed by SrimadAcharya.  Sri

Jagannatha dAsaru worshipped his aarAdhya daivAtha shrI Narasimha devaru by

doing japa of 32 aksharas (syllables) stotra from Tantra sAra.  Sri

Jagannatha dArasu composed 32 sandhis as a symbol for this 32 aksharas  in

Sri Narasimha stothra.  There are 32 verses in praise of Sri Narasimha in

Sri HKS.  They have been collected & offered to devotees for daily

pArAyana.  Note:   We do not know how these  32 verses on sri narasimha correspond to the 32 asksharAs of the shloka.  These 32 verses are not from every sandhi.  Some of  the sandhis do not have any verses about sri narasimha and some sandhis have more than one. First two verses  are the first ones  from the first and last sandhi.  These offer prayers to Lord narasimha. Other verses have been

selected from other verses mentioning sri narasimha devaru in sri HKS.  It is significant that there are exactly 32 verses mentioning sri narasimha in sri HKS.  These correspond to 32 sandhis in sri HKS and these correspond to 32 syllables of the sri narasimha stotra. Since these verses originated from the North karnAtaka area, we are assuming that there may be some people in the area who may know more details about these verses and the significance of the  order of the verses. If anybody has any information about how the order of the verses were selected and any other significance in the order, we urge them to give the clarifications to the readers.         ===========0================0=========================0========================0=====   shrImad Acharya virachitha shrI narasimha nakhastutiH   pAntvasmAn.h puruhUtavairi balavanmAtaN^ga mAdyadghaTA | ku.nbhochchAdri vipATanAdhikapaTu pratyeka vajrAyitAH  | shrImatka.nThIravAsya pratata sunakharA dAritArAtidUra | prad.hdhvastadhvA.nta shA.nta pravitata manasA

bhAvitAnAkivR^i.ndaiH || 1 ||   Translation:  OM!Adorned with Lakshmi, all pervading Lord NarasimhaHow shall I praise you, thy greatness and prowessThy nails are dazzling like the Vajra of IndraWhich smashed the elephantine mountains, the demonsThy nails wipe enemies like lust and erase ignoranceThey are ideal for the penance of gods  I eulogise thy nails O Lord NarasimhaProtect the righteous and destroy our enemies.  Explnation:  Formerly mountains had wings; in their flight, they came downand buried whole cities.  So God Indra cut off their wings withhis massive thunderbolt.  Daityas- the born enemies of Gods are likened to huge bodiedmountain like elephants and Shri Narasimha is the All powerfullion.  The spacious,

sharp claws are compared to Indra's thunderbolt.Each nail is effectual in smashing the gigantic Demons.  Thesenails are supremely superhuman and their imperishable, eternaland divine pre-eminence is incessantly mediated upon by all theGods with deep sincere devotion for knowledge and light.  TheNails dispel the darkness of ignorance common to souls clothedwith perishable bodies with active organs, which are alwayssensing pleasures.  The whole structure of this 'Man-Lion' forms the manifestationof 'sat', 'chit', 'ananda-atma' and not the structure of'prak^ruti = (satva, rajas, tamas)'.  So Nrusimha is apakruthasharira = vishnu avatara.  lakshmIkA.nta sama.ntato.apikalayan.h naiveshituste samam.h |pashyAmyuttama vastu dUrataratopAsta.n rasoyo.ashhTamaH |yadroshotkara daksha netra kuTila prA.ntotthitAgni sphurat.h |khadyotopama visphuliN^gabhasitA brahmeshashakrotkarAH || 2||  Translation:  I delved deep into space and time; Vedas, Shastras and PuranasI couldn't find matter better than thee for songs and prayersThe taste of thy name is unique, its eight RASAOh Lord of Lakshmi, the ultimate Reality, I chant thy meritsWhen furious, a wink of thy right eye emits fire of Pralayain that fire gods like Brahma, Rudra and Indra burn like moths  You are the creator, protector and Destroyer, the OmnipotentYou are Omniscient, Omnipresent; I remain thy proud Bhakta.

 Explanation:  Oh! Lord of Goddess Lakshmi, a searching study of all theshastraas and a deep contemplation and devoted thoughts haveproved that you are the only supreme being, there being noneequal to you and we cannot have a seventh 'rasa' to add tothe recognised 'shat rasa' and the 'astama rasa' is anabsolute impossibility.  The Lord is the Creator, Protectorand Destroyer of the Universe and when He sends forth evena glow worm-like spark from His eye; that spark will reduceGod Brahma, Indra and everything under them to ashes.  SoSri Narasimha kind graces should be sought after by alldevoted souls.    shrI

Jagannatha dAsaryarakR^ita HarikathAmruta sArokta shrI Narasimha stuti    1. shrIramaNikarakamala pUjita chArucharaNa sarOja brahma samIra vANi phaNIMdra vIMdra bhavEMdra mukha vinutanIrajabhavAMDOdaya sthiti kAraNane kaivalya dAyakanArasiMhane namipe

karuNipudhemage maMgaLava………HKS_01-01Link to the stotra explanation by Sri SGP Char from the dvaita list:  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2004-November/000183.html  Lord Shri LaxmI Narasimha is the family deity of JagannAtha dasa.RamAdevi, the satvaguNAbhimAni devi is always in the service of the Lordwith her lotus like soft hands. The Lord’s charming feet arereverentially adorned by Brahma, Saraswati, VAyu, BhArati, GaruDa,sheSha, iMdra; who’s the cause of world’s creation, stability, & destruction.

 JagannAtha dAsa pays obeisance to Lord NarasiMha with a

sAShTAMganamaskAra. We all know:-urasA shirasA dR^ishhTyA manasA vachasa tathA |padbhyaM karAbhyaM jAnubhyAM praNAmo.ashhhTAN^ga IritaH ||(kR^ishhNAmR^ita-mahArNava)  With chest (heart), head, eyes (sight), mind, oral stotra recitation,and knees on the floor, hands folded, and with knowledge, I bow to youLord NarasiMha. This is what JagannAtha dasa means. He appeals to thekind Lord to grant bliss to those who have trusted His Lotus Feet.  2. shrIramaNa saRvEsha saRvagasArabhOkta svataMtra dOSha vidUra j~nAnAnaMda bala aishvaRya guNapURNamUru guNa vaRjita saguNa sAkAra vishvasthiti layOdayakAraNa kR^ipAsAMdra naraharE salahO sajjanara...HKAS_32-01  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2008-January/003512.html  It is essential for every sAdhaka to have clear knowledge of paMchabhEda, tAratamya, in order

to obtain the anugraha of ParamAtma.Knowledge of tAratamya, starting from saRvOttama ParamAtma until thejIva in the blade of grass is important. In this saMdhi, JagannAthadAsa revises what he has stated in the previous saMdhi-s.  The ever young, kAMti saMpanna, satvAbhimAni, shubhaprada laxmI dEviis referred as 'shrI'. Her Husband is naturally called 'shrI ramaNa'since He is her niyAmaka.  ParamAtma does krIDa in chitprakR^iti nAmaka laxmI dEvi and performssR^iShTi by way of differences in the guNa-s. laxmI dEvi is theupAdAna kAraNa. ParamAtma alone is the niyAmaka for all the vyApAra-s.  ParamAtma is Prabhu & niyAmaka for all the jaDa-s and jIva-s.prabhutva & niyAmakatva is the svarUpagata guNa of ParamAtma. He istherefore 'saRvEsha'.  saRvEsha exists in

His svAkhya rasa rUpa in all things.  Q - What is svAkhya rasa?Ans - rasAMtaRgata bhagavdrUpa-s are the svAkhya rasa-s (see HKAS_13-29).  He accepts the svAkhya rasa from all that is offered to Him – meaning- He does krIda in all the rasAMtaRgata bhagavad rUpa-s. This issvaramaNatva indeed. That is why He is referred as 'saRvagasArabhOkta'. He is bhOkta (Acceptor) of the sAra (extract) of svAkhyarasa of all that is offered to Him.  He does all the kARya-s by Himself, without expecting anything fromanyone and without any help from anyone. He is therefore called'svataMtra'.  svAtaMtrya guNa is the svarUpa guNa of ParamAtma. Starting from laxmIdEvi, all jIva-s are under control of ParamAtma. Their kaRtR^itvashakti

is under control of ParamAtma.  ParamAtma does not have an iota of dOSha. He is therefore dOSha vidUra.  ParamAtma has infinite virtuous qualities, does not have any dOSha-s,He is full of unusual j~nAna, AnaMda, bala, aishwaRya. He does notsuffer from any shortage.  He is not seized by prakR^iti guNa-s of the satva, rajO & tamas. He isthus 'mUru guNa vaRjita'.  ParamAtma has aShTakaRtR^itva shakti by which He performs the following:-  1)      creation (sR^iShTi) of the world2)      maintenance or protection (sthiti) of what is created3)      destruction (laya) of His own creation4)      regulation or control (niyamana) of all the jIva-s and

jaDa-s5)      provides good knowledge (j~nAna) to His bhakta-s6)      gives ignorance (aj~nAna) to tamO yOgya daitya-s who are Hisenemies and the enemies of His bhakta-s7)      just for the sake of His lIla or pleasure He binds (baMdha) thesvarUpa dEha with the liMga dEha of the jIva to enable the jIva toexperience kaRma in this saMsAra i.e. the cycle of birth and death8)      at the time of praLaya, He releases (mOxa) the liMga dEha by way ofkaRma vimOchana  He is the niyAmaka for all the jIva-s and jaDa-s. He is thus describedas 'vishva sthiti layOdayakAraNa'  ParamAtma is very kind to His true bhakta-s. The sAtvika jIva-s obtainkaRma vimOchana by His grace and they then experience svarUpa

sukha.He is thus described as 'kR^ipAsAMdra'.  kR^ipAsAMdra shrI laxmI narasiMha is the kula dEvaru of JagannAthadAsa. JagannAtha dAsa prays to shrI laxmI narasiMha ParamAtma toprotect sajjana-s.    3. nAligiMdali svIkaripa rasapAlu modalAdadaroLage ghR^itatailapakvapadARthadoLagiha chaMdranaMdananapAlisuvadhOxajana chiMtisusthUlakUShmAMDa tila mAShajaI lalitabhaxadoLu daxanu

laxmInarasiMha.........HKS_31-19  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2008-January/003504.html  budha (son of chaMdra) is the abhimAni for liquid items (except water)like milk, lemon juice, other juices which are all tasted by thetongue and swallowed. One must meditate upon the aMtaRgata rUpa ofadhOxaja nAmaka ParamAtma in him.  daxaprajApati is the abhimAni for items like saMdige (made fromkuMbaLa

kAyi), happaLa (Thin crisp spiced cake) , items fried in ghee & oil, items made from uddu –like waDa-s etc…These are called'lalitabhaxya'. One must meditate upon the aMtaRgata rUpa of narasiMhanAmaka ParamAtma.    No.     Food                   abhimAni dEvata aMtaRgata bhagavadrUpa1       milk, juices   budha          adhOxaja2       lalitabhaxya   daxaprajApati  laxmI narasiMha  4. Odisuva gurugaLane jaridu sahOdararigupadEshisida mahadAdikAraNa saRvaguNa saMpURNa hariyeMduvAdisuva tvatpatiya tOreMdAdanuja besagoLalu sthaMbhadi shrIdanAxaNa tOrisida prahlAda salahemma.....HKS_32-35  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2008-February/003562.html  hiraNyakashipu was a powerful daitya. prahlAda was his son.

At thegurukula, where prahlAda was sent to study, he was taught by hisguru-s shaMDa & maRka to mediate on shiva, who the daitya-s believedto be supreme. However, prahlAda refused to accept that and he infactwent further to advise his colleagues at the gurukula that shrImannArAyaNa is supreme.  Once, hiraNyakashipu was so annoyed that he told his son prahlAda toshow him the Supreme Lord from the pillar in the hall by hitting thepillar with force.  prahlAda prayed to the all pervading ParamAtma and at that time - asstated in the verse from bhAgavatam – "satyaM vidhatuMnijabhR^ityabhAShitaM", in order to establish that what His bhaktaprahlAda says is true – i.e. ParamAtma exists everywhere, - narasiMhanAmaka ParamAtma rushed out of the pillar and tore the belly

ofhiraNyakShipu and killed him in order to protect His bhakta prahlAda.  In the stanza, shrIda – means 'shrI' – mOxa rUpa puruShaRtha and 'da' – Giver.  JagannAtha dAsa prays to bhAgavOttama prahlAda rAja to protect us all.prahlAda rAja belongs to kaxa-19  5. shrI viriMchAdyamaranuta nAnAvatArava mADi salahidadEvategaLanu R^iShigaLanu xitiparanu mAnavarasEvegaLa kaikoMDu phalagaLanIva

nityAnaMdamaya sugrIva dhruva modalAda bhaktarigitta purushARtha......HKS_22-10  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2007-May/002938.html  The ever radiant, young, nityamuktaLu, niRvikAraLu laxmI dEvi bestows parama maMgaLa as described by puraMdara dAsa in His song, 'chittadali AnaMda sukhava nIvaLu ramA...', i.e. she bestows nityAnaMda as per the orders of ParamAtma.  viriMchi - was born during sUxma sR^ShTi as the son of mAyA dEvi & vAsudEva

nAmaka ParamAtma.  ParamAtma, who is praised by laxmI dEvi, viriMchi and other dEvata-s, has taken avatAra-s in different yuga-s to re-establish dhaRma and destroy adhaRma. In His various avatAra-s like vEdavyAsa, datta, kapila, mahidAsa, ParamAtma has protected dEvata-s, R^iShi-s, kings, and manushOttama-s in the process of re-establishing dhaRma, He has punished the wrong doers. This is the specialty of the kind ParamAtma.  ParamAtma is nityAnaMdamaya.  His AnaMda is permanent and complete. He is svaramaNa. He does not expect anything from any one. However, He accepts the services offered by His bhakta-s in order to bestow His anugraha on them, according to their yOgyata. This is His kindness indeed.  He made friendship with sugrIva (son of sURya) by way of agni sAxI in

the presence of hanumAn, killed vAli and helped sugrIva to obtain his kiShkiMda kingdom. ParamAtma gave His daRshana to dhruva (son of uttAnapAda rAja) and bestowed His anugraha. In this way ParamAtma has protected many of His true bhakta-s like, sugrIva, dhruva etc.and gave mOxa which is the parama puruShARtha.  6. aparimita sanmahima naraharivipinadoLu saMtayisuvanu kAshyapiyanaLedava sthaLagaLali saRvatra kEshavanukhapati gaganadi jalagaLali mahashapharanAmaka bhaktaranu niShkapaTadiMdali salahuvanu karuNALu dinadinadi.....HKS_13-26  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2006-July/001787.html  ParamAtma does not have any doSha-s. He possesses infinite virtuous qualities. He is therefore 'aparimita sanmahima'.  narasiMha nAmaka ParamAtma protects us while we move

about in the forest. This saMsAra is itself like a forest. narasiMha rUpi ParamAtma helps us to cross this forest of saMsAra.  kashyapa muni went round the earth as a token of obeisance to parashurAma after He performed ashvamedha yAga. That is how the earth came to be known as kashyapi. Born to aditi-kashyapa, vAmana nAmaka ParamAtma appeared before bali chakravaRti and asked for a gift of 3 feet land and in His enormous form as trivikrama nAmaka ParamAtma measured the 14 lOka-s with His single foot. trivikrama rUpi vAmana resides in villages, towns, cities and other places and protects everyone.  As kEshava nAmaka ParamAtma existing all places, at all times and in all states protects all the jIva-s.  ParamAtma pervades in humans from toe to head (ApAdamouLipaRyaMta). Our

sthUla dEha is piMDAMDa rUpa brahmAMDa. The brahmAMDa is made up of 14 lOka-s. Starting from toe till the head, the 14 lOka-s pervade in our dEha in the sUxma way. trivikrama, who measured 14 lOka-s with His foot pevades in this entire sthUla dEha and He is the prEraka for all the iMdriya-s. hR^ishI - means iMdriya, Isha - means niyAmaka, thus the same trivikrama is also hR^iShIkEsha ParamAtma (khapati) is the niyAmaka for the iMdriya-s. The all pervading trivikrama nAmaka hR^iShIkEsha rUpi ParamAtma, called as khapati protects the birds & others which fly in space.  vEdOddhArAka matsya rUpi ParamAtma protects the fish, whale, crocodile, which live in water.   ParamAtma genuinely protects all His bhakta-s whether they are

on earth, water, space.  7. jvaranoLippattELu haranoLa giruvanippatteMTu rUpadieraDu sAviradeMTu nUrippattarELenipa jvaraharAvhaya nArasiMhana smaraNe mAtradi duritarAshigaLirade pOpavu taraNi biMbava kaMDa himadaMte......HKS_07-16  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2005-October/001133.html  jvaranoLu = in fever (in jvarAbhimAni dEvata) ippattELu = 27 rUpa-s (jvara - jva=ja+va=3+4=7, ra=2 and reading reverse we get 27 rUpa-s) haranoLu = dEvata who eliminates the fever  iruvanippatteMTu rUpadi = 28 rUpa-s (hara - ha=8, ra=2 and reading reverse we get 28 rUpa-s) eraDu sAviradeMTu nUrippattarELenipa = 2827 rUpa-s jvaraharAvhaya = called jvarahara (ja+va==3+4=7, ra=2, ha=8, ra=2 and reading reverse 2827 rUpa-s) nArasiMhana =shri laxmI narasiMha ParamAtma  smaraNe mAtradi = just by remembering His name duritarAshigaLu = tons of

pApa-s taraNibiMbava = sURya kaMDa = by seeing himadaMte = dew / fog irade pOpavu = would go away   MBTN Ch.22 refers below:- atha kR^iShNaH samArUhya garuDaM rAma saMyutaHpradyumnEna cha tatrAgAt prathamaM tatra vanhibhiHyuddhvaivAMgirasA chaiva xaNAd vidrAvya tAn hariH ...239 vidrAvya shaRvapramathAnAsasAda jvaraM tataHtEna bhasma prahArENa jvaritaM rOhiNI sutaMAshliShya vijvaraM chakrE vAsudEvO jagatprabhuH....240 svayaM vkrIDya tEnAtha kiMchit kAlaM janARdanaHniShpiShya muShTibhishchAnyaM sasaRja jvaramachyutaH..241 svayaM jitvAApi girisha bhR^ityaM nAlamiti prabhuHsvabhR^tyEnaiva jEtavya ityanyaM sasR^ijE tadA ....242 jvarENa vaiShNavenAsou subhR^ishaM

pIDitastadAgrAsARdhaRmupanItashcha jagAma sharaNaM hariMtEna stutaH sa bhagavAn mOchayAmasa taM vibhuH....243 Gist:- bANAsura's daughter uShA secretly married aniruddha (son of pradyumna, who is the son of rukmiNi-kR^iShNa) and she was living happily in aMtaHpura. When bANAsura came to know about this, he went to attack aniruddha. kR^iShNa & balarAma came to save aniruddha at that point of time.  bANAsura was a great devotee of R^idra and he prayed, asking for his (R^idra's) support. Then R^idra created 'shivajvara' - a fever and sent it as a weapon on balarAma. balarAma was soon incapacited by this fever. Then kR^iShNa embraced balarAma to save him and thus the fever entered into the body of kR^iShNa. kR^iShNa depicted as if He was suffering from fever and destroyed the same by His fist attack and created 'viShNujvara' just by His saMkalpa and sent the same

to attack R^idra. R^idra could not bear the same and asked kr^iShNa to pardon him. Then the kind Lord destroyed the 'viShNujvara' by His saMkalpa and left the 'shivajvara' on the earth and proclaimed to jvara, "You will remain on earth and give suffering (fever) to humans, animals & plants and those who recall / hear / tell this story of My victory over you will be relieved from fever." Thus R^idra was declared defeated in his attack over kr^iShNa. Then bANAsura himself came to fight with kR^iShNa. kR^iShNa defeated bANAsura and was about to kill him but left him alive at the request of R^idra. Out of the 1000 hands bANAsura had, kR^iShNa cut off all the hands except two and R^idra went away after pacifying bANAsura.  kR^iShNa rescued pradyumna and went away to dvArAvati along with uShA dEvi. Thus 'jvara' - fever is the root of all maladies. It is natural for our paMchabhUtAtmaka

sharIra to experience fever depending on season etc. Diseases usually start with an attack of fever. Called as 'jvara' ParamAtma pervades in 27 rUpa-s. 'ArOgya' i.e. health returns to normal by the grace of 'hara' nAmaka ParamAtma who pervades in medicines in 28 rUpa-s.  The kind ParamAtma is also known as 'bhayakR^it bhayanAshana" in viShNu sahasra nAma stOtra. He causes all diseases and He Himself alleviates us from diseases. By the connection of tri-guNa-s to the liMga dEha, the sthUla dEha suffers from fever and diseases and the jIva in the dEha feels miserable about this fact.  Famously known as 'bhayakR^it bhayanAshana' ParamAtma pervades in 'jvarahara' rUpa. 'xa' pratipAdya shrI laxmI narasiMha resides in the svarUpa dEha called as 'jvarahara' pervades in 2827 rUpa-s and eliminates diseases. We must therefore meditate on narasiMha ParamAtma always.

Just by remembering His name, tons of pApa-s are destroyed as instantly as the dew vanishes by the sight of sunlight.  8. mIna kURma krODa naraharimANavaka bhR^igurAma dasharathasUnu yAdava buddha kalkI kapila vaikuMThashrInivAsanu vyAsa R^iShabha hayAnana nArAyanI haMsAniruddha

trivikrama shrIdhara hR^iShikEsha..........HKS_21-01  http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2007-March/002669.html During kR^ita yuga, in His matsyAvatAra, ParamAtma killed sOmaka daitya and restored the vEda-s to brahma dEvaru, that was taken away by sOmaka daitya.  During samudra mathana (churning of sea), the maMdara mountain which was used to churn the same sunk into the sea. ParamAtma took the form of matsyAvatAra (mIna) and took the load of the mountain on His back to enable the dEvata-s and dAnava-s to continue the churning of the sea to produce

amR^ita.  Out of the demons born of diti, two - hiraNyAxa and hiraNyakashipu - were with terrific powers. Both of them performed so many religious practices and austerities that in course of time they gained limitless powers. They are supposed to be the famous twin gatekeepers of  VishNu's abode, i.e. jaya and vijaya, cursed to fall from grace and find  salvation only in opposition to VishNu. In His varAha rUpa ParamAtma descended to the bottom of the ocean to rescue the earth, which had been abducted and hidden there by hiraNyAxa.  narasiMha nAmaka ParamAtma, who rushed out of a pillar in the palace of hiraNyakashipu, in order to prove that His bhakta (prahlAda) was right in saying that ParamAtma exists everywhere and thereby killing hiraNyakashipu.  vAmana rUpi

ParamAtma (who came as a brahmachAri) and measured the entire universe with His one foot as trivikrama nAmaka ParamAtma.  parashurAma dEvaru (of bhR^igu vaMsha) who was born to jamadagni & rENukA dEvi and killed the bad xatriya-s.  rAma dEvaru who was the son of dasharatha & koushalya. rAma dEvaru killed kuMbhakaraNa, rAvaNa and other daitya-s.  yAdava kR^iShNa who killed kaMsa and directed the mahAbhArata war and reestablished dhaRma & advised bhagavad gItA to aRjuna.  bouddhAvatAra ParamAtma, who was loved by the tripura patni-s.  kalkI nAmaka ParamAtma, who killed the daitya-s of yavana-s.  kapila nAmaka ParamAtma - born to kaRdama R^iShi & dEvahUti and advised sAMkhya shAstra.  vaikuMTha nAmaka

ParamAtma - born to shubhra & vaikuMThA. vaikuMTha is His Palace.  shrInivAsa nAmaka ParamAtma, who came down to tirupati after He was kicked by bhR^igu muni on His chest.  vEdavyAsa dEvaru, born to parAshara muni and satyavati and gave j~nAna.  R^iShabha nAmaka ParamAtma, born to nAbhI rAja.  hayagrIva rUpi ParamAtma, who advised vEda-s to brahma dEvaru.  nArAyaNI rUpa (which is the same as mOhinI rUpa), by which ParamAtma distributed amR^ita to dEvata-s. This is the same as dhanvaMtari rUpa. This is laxmyAMtaRgata rUpa - thus nArAyaNI (wife of nArAyaNa).  haMsa nAmaka ParamAtma, who is niRdOShi and possesses infinite virtuous qualities.  sUxma sR^iShTi kaRta shAMtIpati aniruddha nAmaka ParamAtma. We must

also include pradyumna, saMkaRShaNa, vAsudEva and nArAyaNa rUpa-s in this.  vAmana rUpi ParamAtma (who came as a brahmachAri) and measured the entire universe with His one foot as trivikrama nAmaka ParamAtma.  shrIdhara nAmaka ParamAtma, who holds laxmI dEvi in His heart.  hR^iShIkEsha nAmaka ParamAtma who is the niyAmaka for the iMdriya-s (hR^iShIka - dEhagata iMdriya-s, Isha - niyAmaka)  When we say, trivikrama-shrIdhara-hR^iShIkEsha, it indicates the 24 kEshava nAma-s upto kR^iShNa.  We must also remember the names from aja till narasiMha which are defined by each of the 51 alphabets. These names can be referred in HKAS_ 04-23 see http://dvaita.info/pipermail/dvaita-list_dvaita.info/2005-May/000752.html . We must also include the thousand names mentioned in viShNu sahasra nAma.   9. neladoLippanu kR^iShNarUpadi jaladoLippanu hariyenisi shikhi yoLage ippanu parashurAmanupEMdraneMdenisi elaroLippa janARdananu bAM daLadoLachyuta gaMdha narahari poLevadhOxaja rasagaLoLu rasarUpa tAnAgi......HKS_06-20   JagannAtha

dAsa explains about the bhagavadrUpa which is the niyAmaka in each of the

paMchabhUta tatva-s i.e. pR^ithivi, appu, tEjassu, vAyu and AkAsha.   The

entire discussion of this stanza is summarized in the table below:-   No.   


bhagavadrUpa     ramA rUpa     abhimAni

dEvata            kARya 1       

pR^thivi     shrI kR^iShNa    


dharA-shanaishchara      gaMdha 2       





rasa 3       





        rUpa 4       





spaRsha 5       



sugaMdhI       gaNEsha                       

shabda 6       





vAsane 7       





ruchi     shrI Jagannatha dAsara antargatha bhArathiramaNa mukhyapraNa

antargata shrI Lakshmi NarasimhArpanamastu          

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