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Vaikunta Ekadashi, Shri RaghUthamma & Shri SurEndra Theerthara aradhane.

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Shri Hari vAyu GurubhyO NamahaVaikunta Ekadashi, Shri RaghUthamma Theerthara, Shri SurEndra Theerthara aradhane and UttarANa puNya kAlaDear Shri Vishnu Bhaktas,Some important dates...1. 01/06/2009 Tuesday - Dashami 2. 01/07/2009 Wednesday - Vaikunta Ekadashi Sri rAghOthamma thiirthara aradhane. Celebrated on dwAdashi.For details on Ekadashi and important Dates for this amvathara, please see the link below:http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddzdgnvg_209fdncwccz3. 01/08/2009 Thursday - sAdhana MukkOti DwadashidwAdashi till 06:18 AM PST / 09:18 AM ESTSri SurEndra thiirthara Aradhane.Sri rAghOthamma thiirthara aradhane.On the day of mukkoti dwAdashi (Dhanur masashukla paksha) all the devathas (33 crore devathas) come to Sri Swami Pushkarani inSri VenkatAdri hills to have holy snAna. Please try to remember Swami pushkarani during snAna this day and on all days too when you do snAna.4. 01/10/2009 Saturday Pushya Pournami.Start of mAgha snAna from 01/22.

5. 01/11/2009 : Sunday pushyArka yOga for all USA

The pushyArka yoga on this day is extremely auspicious for offering seva to Shri

Shri Raghavendra Swamigalu.Doing pArAyaNa of Shri Rayara Gramthas,

Shri rAyara Stothra and Shri Rayara AsTothara is extremely auspicious and will please Shri rAyaru.6. 01/14/2009 Wednesday - Pushya bahuLa ChouthiMakara Sankranti, Uttarayana Punya kAla.Sun enters Makara rAshi on Tueday, 01/13 at 16:52 PM PST / 19:52 PM EST.For more details on Uttarayana Parvakala, and the aradhana of great two saints , please read below :Clarification : Uttarayana ParvakalaSome information taken from Shri R. Rachuri's old postings ...Sun enters the Makara Raasi 13th January, Tuesday at 16:52 PM PST. So the Punyakala will start from the time of Sun Rise on 14th January. There is ashastraic injunction that the first five nAdIs(ghaTikAs) are puNyatama(more beneficial)( prAtaH pa~ncanADyaH puNyatamAH).From the Sunrise (around 7:00 a.m ) if we count 5nAdIs ( 1 nAdi = 24 mins) the puNyatama kAla would be 5*24 = 120 minsi.e 2 hrs from sunrise i.e upto 9:00 a.m. Therefore it is advised togive Pitru Tarpana, do Parayana, Japa etc during this very auspicious time.In the seva of Shri Hari, vAyu and Gurugalu,Bala Krishna****** Posting from Sri Raghunatha RAo on dvaita list *****Sri Raghoththamathirthara P.D.(Thirukoilur).13th Pontiff of Shree Uttaraadhi Mutt ( 1537-1595)The following are the compositions on him."Nodidhee GurugaLa Nodidhe" by Shree Shreedha vitalain Bhairavi raga set to AdhitaLa.Paahi Raghoththama Gururaya by Shree Thande Venkatesha vitala. InRagaHindolam set to AdhitaLa.Namo DaishikaRya Raghoththama padha namo devaathma by Shree GuruGovindha Vitala in raga Nadhanamakriya set to AdhitaLa.Dhyaana Sloka:Bhavabhodha Krutham SeveRaghoththama Mahaa GuruM|Yat Shishy shishyashishyaadhyaaTippaaNaacharya SangnithaaH||"Sri Gita Bhashya BhavaBhodha:The very purpose of Sri Raghoththama Theertha's appearanceon thisearth in1557 is expressed as TeekaaBhavaviBhothanaama JagathaahayasthyavathaarOjani-meaning the the purpose of his birth is toelucidatethe very essence of ll the teekas to all the satvic souls. Hiscommentaryon Gita Bhashya, called Gita Bhashya BhaavaBhodha is one such work,wherehe says y that he has said what Jagadguru Sri madhwacharya hasextrolled,which speaks very high of his devotion towards his guru.The very theme of the gita is that God vision is possible onlythroughutter devotion towards Him. Paramathma sanctionsThe fruits of labour according to our own nature and Karma, He allcompassionate and far from partiality. This is true in all ages. Theveryintention of Bhagavatha is also the same although some passageshereandthere may force us to believe that hatred, enmity would also lead toMukthi.Concentration on God with pure Bhakthi( Mahaathma yajnaan Poorva:SnehaBhakthi) alone would lead a sadhaka to Mukthi and not hatred orenmity.These ideas of Gita Bhashya are elucidated elaborately in SriRaghoththama'sBhavaBhodha.Let us contemplate on what he had said. On this day 25th jan 2002,soas tobe eligible for His grace "(Courtesy; Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, Chennai-78, News letter Jan2002)Aradhana Raguttama Theertha(1557-1596) Sri Raguttama Theertha isoneofthe honoured saints of the Madhwa Calender. He was admitted to theSanyasasrama directly from Brahmacharya. He was the nephew of SriRaghuvaryaTheertha and succeeded him on the Pontificate of the Uttaradi Muttin1557.He belonged to the Uttara Karnataka and probably a native of Manur,onthebanks of the Bhima river in the Indi Taluk of the Bijapur district.SriRaghuttama Theertha studied under the learned PanditVaradarajacharyaofManur and his studies under this Pandit was terminated very early.Duetodivine intervension he started giving lessons on the Sidhanthaexplainingthe intricate points very lucidly even to the scholars at an earlyage.Thishad indeed amazed the public and the scholarly pandits. He occupiesaloftyposition in the history of the dvaita vedantha for two foremostreasons(1)he established schools of dvaita Vedanta (2) contributed sevenprominantworks on the Vedanta. "Bhava-bodha" is the general title of amajorityofhis works and Sri Raghuttama Theertha himself is known asBhavabodhakara orBhavabodhachrya. He seems to have spent the latter part of his lifeatTitukoilur where he entered the Brindhava in 1596. ( Courtesy. Mailfrom DrM Gururajan, Chennai-32)Sri SurEndrathirthara P.D.(Madhurai)14th Pontiff of Sri Rayar mutt (1504-1575)PooRvasharam name Shree Venkatakrishna charya. A great tapasvi.. SriVyasarajar had all appreciation for his vast knowledge in Madhwaphilosophy-Undertaking "Upavaasa Vratha" performed "BhooPradhakshNa"thrice.( Dvaiata Darshana-page 30)Performed Sri Rama devara pooja for 33 years and gave Ashram tothegreatShree Vijayeendra Thirtha.NEW ADDITION:Just like Indra used to wait outside the door of Brahma to have theDarshan,even King Krishnadevaraya happened to wait for admission to meet SriVyaasarajar.. One could imagine how great was sri Vyaasarajar andhisVaiBhava.Sri Surendra theertha wanted to meet Sri Vyaasarajar. He did notsendanyletter to Sri Vyasarajar nor the king for an appointment. Hestraightawaywent and stayed in a nearby gardenThaunga Bhadra nadhitheereDrishto udhyaanam anuthamam1Snaathwaa nadhyaam vanE raamamPoojayad Bhakthi poorvakam !!(Vyaasa Vijaya Chapter VI (9)Sri Vyaasarajar having come to know rushes with his 24 Yathis alongwith SriVaadiraajar, Krishnadevaraaya also joins them The king enquiredaboutthedetails of the visiting Yathivarya ..Sri Vyaasarayar explains to him during the Pooja kaala., The kinghonouredhim suitably.On a Dwaadashi day it was PaaraNe time. Surendra theertha was theguest ofSri Vyaasarayar. holding aposhana.Sri Vyaasarayar was saying Upachaara.Sri Surendra theertha said that he was Bhiksha! Guest !.Sri Vyaaasarajar said that the guest was NaarayaNa Swaroopa and totakeApochana.Surendra theertha questions him whether he could give him what hewanted.Sri Vyaasarajar indicated that everything belonged to him.Surendra theertha said that he did not seek Jadavasthu.If it was Chethana Vasthu, Sri Vyaasarajar would be available.Surendratheertha said that he had not come for His Bhiksha.Sri Vyaasarajar said that except his disciple, Vishnu theertha allwould behis.Sri Surendra theertha said that he had come specifically to seekVishnutheertha. Vyaaasaraya was in a dilemma, He felt that Surendratheerthawasthinking of handing over the Samsthana to Vishnu theertha. SriVyaasarajarfelt that it was Lords desire and accepted the request and asked himtotakeApochana.Surendra theertha felt very happy and thanked Sri Vyaasarajar forhisgesture.This Vishnu theertha was named as Sri Vijeendra theertha .Sri Vyaasarajar then reveals a secret., that he may be born againinKaliyuga and take the "PeeTa" occupied by Surendra theertha andperformthe seva to Sri Hari that was incomplete in this janma. (Pages20-27SriRaghavendra Vijaya by Sri Belur keshava Das. 1988 edn)Dhyaana Sloka:YashchakaaropavaasenaThrivaaram Bhoo PradhaksiNam|Tasmo Namo yatheendraayaSri Surendra tapaswine||

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