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Sri Madhva Vijaya Second Canto: shlOka's 50 & 51

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lIlAvasAnasamayE sahasa kadAchi-

dAryO & munabhyavahRutiM prati chOdyamAnaH |

rOddhaiShanO & sti dhanikO vRuShavikrayIti

prOvAcha naMdanamuKEMdumavEkShya maMdam ||2.50||


kadAchit=one day,

lIlAvasAnasamayE=after playing (after the end of games),


amunA=from that child,

abhya vahRutiM prati= for the lunch,

chOdyamAnaH=being called,

ArayaH=the good father,

naMdanamuKeMduM=son’s moonlike face,


naH=to me,

vruShavikrayI=sold ox,



rOdhhA asti=stopping or preventing (me),

iti=in this way,

maMdaM prOvAcha=told in the lower voice.


Once after playing , vAsudEva immediately came to father and called him for the

lunch. Sri MadhyagEha bhatta told his son having a moon like face in lower voice

“See, the lender/seller of the ox is stopping me from having the lunch until I

pay up his dues. You may go and have yoursâ€.



1. This shlOka narrates the poor economical condition of Sri MadhgEha bhatta and

wealth of his spiritual knowledge; ‘abhyavahrUti- meal.

2. Without paying or completing once obligations, even the lender wont let one

to have the lunch. We have 5 types of obligations or RuNA’s i.e., dEva, RuShi,

pitRu, bhUta and manuShyaRuNa to fulfil by peforming dEvayaj~ja(vaishvadEva),

brahmayaj~ja, pitRuyaj~ja, bhUtayaj~ja and manushyayaj~ja without which one

cannot par take the food. This is indicated in dharmashAstrA’s.

‘tairdattAnapradAyaibhyO yO bhUMktE stEna Eva saH | (giTA 3/12).


lIlAkarENa sa karENa sukOmalEna

bIjAMtarANi kila kAnicidAshu tasmai |

smitvArbhakO & bhimataniShkapadE yadAdA-

dAdatta tAni dhanikO bahumAnapUrvaM ||2.51||


saH=that child,


sukOmalEna karENa=from soft(tender) hands,



niShkapadE=in place of money,


bIjAMtarANi=the seeds (tamarind seeds),


tasmai= to that lender,

yadA AdAt=when he gave,

dhanikaH=(then) that lender,


bahumAnapUrvaM=with humility (modesty)

Adatta kila=accepted.


The child immediately gave that seller from his playful tender hands, the

tamarind seeds in place of money. That lender accepted the money with humility.



1. The seeds that were given in place of money are tamarind seeds. This is

mentioned in bhAvaprakAshika. bhIjAMtarANi – tiMtriNIbIjAKyAni |

2. Certain characteristics of shrI vAyudEva like ‘mind instigation’ (manaH

prErakatva) can be understood from this.

3. Even today one can see the tamarind tree underneath where vAsudEva gave some

seeds to the lender. In pAjaka, there will be a free guided tour of the places

of importance in and around achAryA’s house. One of the things that we get to

see is this tree.

4. The people in the lineage of that rich lender are still living in pAjaka and

their family name is ‘kakrashetti’.


... to be continued


bhAratIramaNamuKhyaprANAMtargata Sri


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