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new mAdhva online social network announcement

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Sri vedavyAsa, madhvAcharya, guru, dAsa vareNyebhyo  namaH,Dear KrishNa bhaktas,            On the occasion of sri madhva navami, we are pleased to launch a new mAdhva online social network at  madhva.ning.com.   This a new attempt have an online meeting place for people interested in mAdhva philosophy and religion.   This is a collaborative effort of VMS, MYP and JIgnasa.             The social networks allow people to interact in different ways.  There are ability to create groups, discussion forums, blogs on the fly.  This will enable people to get together on short notice and collaborate on different projects. For example, people from different parts of the world can collaborate on a charity project, or a deep philosophical problem or an issue with sampradAya etc.  These are some of the examples. I am sure people can come up with even more creative uses.             Several  mAdhva moderators have remarked to me that  people still prefer emails since information comes to their inboxes rather they having to go to a website.   That is correct.  Email is still the

easiest and fastest way to get information to people. The current still serve a useful purpose and will continue to exist.   These social groups are a new way for interaction that may not be familiar to people. It may take a while to really figure out how to use these new interaction paradigms effectively. So, this is kind of an  experiment.  Please try out the site and give your feedback to me directly or  on the discussion forum called "Feedback about the mAdhva social network"  madhva.ning.com site itself      There are pre-defined discussion forums for mAdhva philsophy, religion, mAdhva history, HaridAsas, Jobs, Charitable activities, Matrimonial forum and Youth forum.  Please let me know if other discussion areas need to be added.        On a lighter note,  many of our children are "facebook" addicts :) . They are in tune with the online social interaction paradigm naturally.  We adults have to figure out how to figure out this paradigm.          So, Please try it out and let me know your feedback and any suggestions. Sri krishNarpaNamastu,  Vasu Murthy

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