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Sri Akshaya trutEya and Sri SrinivAsa KalyAna

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Sriman bhArgava rAmo VijayatheSriman mUla vEnu gOpAla krishnO VijayatheShri Madhva varada Shri VenkatEshO VijayatheShri VyasarAjO VijayatheSri guru rAjO VijayatheShri Shri 1008 Shri SuvidyEndra Theertha gurubhYo namaHSri Akshaya trutEya and Sri SrinivAsa KalyAnaDear Sri Vishnu Bhaktas,During the first 10 days of VaishAka mAsa, it is very auspicious tohear / recite Sri SrinivAsa kalyAna. The kalyAna of our lord SriVenkatEsha with Sri padmAvathi happened on VaishAka Shuddha Dashami.It is customary to listen/pArAyana of Srimadh bhAgavatha in themorning and Sri SrinivAsa KalyAna in the evening from VaishAka ShuddapAdya till Dashami.Hereis the pravachana link to Shri Shri 1008 Shri Suvidyendra theerthashripAdaru. Please scroll page down to reach to Shri Shrinivasa kalyANa.http://sripurandaraashrama.org/suvidyendra-teertha-pravachana-malika.html Please note the following dates: All dates are applicable to all USA time zones.04/26//09 - Sunday VaishAka bidigeShri kUrma JayanthiShri Vijaya rAmachandra Vittala dAsara arAdhane, MysoreSri Venu GopAla dAsara arAdhane04/27/09 - Monday Sri Akshaya truteyaOffering Shri Gamdha on akshaya trutEya to Shri hari vAyu and gurugaLuor just doing the darshana of Shri Hari hari vAyu gurugaLu willeradicate multi fold sins and takes the person towards mOksha. Here is the Shri gamdha alamkAra to Shri karigiri Shri Lakshmi Narasimha devaruhttp://picasaweb.google.com/akshara.bala.18/PhotosSharing#Shri gamdha lamkara to Shri Krishna devaruhttp://kalebala.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/devghar.jpgSri ParashurAma Jayanti Sri vidyAdhi rAja Theerthara AradhaneShriVijayadhwaja Theerthara arAdhane. Shri Vijayadhwaja theertharu haswritten vyAkhyAna for samarga Shrimadh bhAgavatha gramtha.Sode Shree Bhootarajara VaRDhamthiShri Badari nArAyana temple is opened this day and the lord gives darshana to his devotees.Shri vAdeendra theertharuoffered Shri Guru guNa sthavaNa to Shri MantrAlaya Shri rAyaru on ShriAkshaya thadige. Shri rAyaru was so extremely pleased and thebrundAvana of Shri rAyaru shook and the vrundAvan pushpa fell on ShrivAdeendra theertharu. Shri rAyaru showed utmost affection at hisshisyaru who composed Shri guru guNa sthavana gramtha.trEtha yugAdhi04/29/09 - Wednesday, Panchami - Shri gAyathri Jayanthi.04/30/09 - Thursday, Sapthami Sri Ganga Jayanti.Shri Shri VyAsaRajara Vardhanthi SumAhOthsava.Srimath ParamahamsaParivrajaka, Padavakya Pramana Paravara Pareena, Sarvatantra swatantra,Srimadh VaishnavaSiddhantha Prathishtapanachraya,Sri Moola Gopala, MoolaPattabiRama, VedaVyasara Divya Paadapadmaraadhaka, JagadguruSrimanMadhwacharyara Maha Samsthana, Sri Rajendra Theerthara PoorvadiMateeya, Vidya Karnataka Simhasanaadeeshwara, Srimadh Vyasaraja Guru Sarvabhouma bahu parAkh bahu parAkh bahu prAkh05/03/09 - Sunday, dAshamiSri SrinivAsa kalyAna mangala.This was the day on which kalyAna of our Lord Shri ShrinivAsa took place in Shri VenkatAdri Hills.In the seva of sri hari, vAyu and gurugalu,Bala KrishnaShri G R Raghunatha Rao's mail on our dvaita.net list ...AKSHAYA TRITIYA :1) General: An Auspicious DayIt is well known that Indians believe passionately in the theory ofmuhurtsor auspicious times to perform sacraments, to make major purchases ortobegin new ventures. In spite of modern technology and changing lifeviews,this dedication to auspicious time is a prominent feature of Indianlife.Akshaya Tritiya, the third day of the bright half of Vaishakh, isconsideredone of the four most sacred days of the vear.The word Akshaya means that which never diminishes - hence beginningsmadeor valuables bought on this day are considered certain to bring luckandsuccess.All over India people celebrate weddings, plan new business ventures,longjourneys and other events on this day. Like Diwali, Dussera andYugadi,.Akshava Tritiva is reserved for buying gold, silver and other assets.Onthis day jewellers keep their shops open well into twilight time toentertain their buyers.Akshaya Tritiya or Akha TeeJ is traditionally the birthday ofParshurama,the sixth incarnation of Vishnu. The Puranas tell how he reclaimed landfromthe sea along the west coast of India by his valour. Even today Goa andtheKonkan are called Parshurama Kshetra. He then settled 96 selectedfamiliesthere, called Shahanavkuli Brahmins, who aresaid to have created the cultural heritage of this part of India.In India gold is regarded as the ultimate symbol of wealth andprosperity.Hence, Buying gold and jewellery is a popular activity on AkshayaTritiya,one of the most auspicious days of the year.According to the Puranas, this day marks the beginning of the TretaYug. Thebirthday of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu falls on thisday.It is believed that by doing a good deed on Akshaya Tritiya one canearnPunya (merit) for life. This day is considered auspicious for startingnewventures and making new purchases. Akshaya Tritiya day is the veryauspicious day - there's no inauspiciousness to be found today so evenchecking muhurthas is considered unnecessary, so auspicious it is.Whatever one does for devotees, and for KrishNa that person will getmorebenefit and it is eternal benefit and never lost.He said one story of a brahmana:There was a brahmana who had a very good wife and was poor. Whateverlittlemoney he got would get spent somehow. Also he did not have children. Sounder the strong request of his wife he went to Vasishta muni to knowthereason for his suffering. Vasishta muni told him that in his previouslifehe was very rich and also had many children. But he was very stingy; hewasnot even spending for his own children. This is the reason for hisbeingpoor, also without children.Then that brahmana asked Vasishta muni why he got a good wife. So thatMunireplied that somehow with \some reason, he observed that the vrata ofVaishaka month for the last 5 days.So he got a good wife and also the brahmana birth.Then the muni advised him to follow at least the last 7 days left ofVaishaka month, with devotion to Lord KrishNa.Since that brahmana observed the vrata of Vaishaka month for that atleastthe left out 7 days, he got sons, he became rich.Ultimately he got LoveofGodhead and went back to the spiritual world! Conclusion: It isimportantto hear such a story/pastimes as this so that at least by hearing this,weengage ourselves in the service of Guru, the Vaishnavas and KrishNa.Thusbecoming inspired to always render service the devotee is always thebeneficiary of such interaction with the Vaishnavas, one's Guru andLord SriKrishna.4) AKSHAYA TRUTHIYA- Auspicious day, MuhuRtha day, Any auspiciousfunctioncould be celebrated to day.In all mutts, gandhalepana being done to Brindavanams.a) Taking bath in the Sea is considered to be more sacred. MahaaPhala.-DhaRma kati- UdhukumBha DaanaOn this day performing, Yava Homa, Yava Dhaana, Yava BhakShaNa ( JaveGoodhi- Wheat) one would get " SaRva paapa Parihaara"- Doing Gandhalepanato Lord would get "Mukthi"-By doing ` Athyalapa PuNya' , one would get "Akshaya Phala".In order to please Devathas and Pitrus,:YeSha DhaRma Ghato dhaththoBramha VishNu ShivathmakaH|Asya Pradhaanaath Truptyamthupitharootha Pithaamahaa||GandhoDhaka Thilair mishram,snaanam, kumBham,PhalaanwithaM|PitruBhyah sampradhasyaamiAKSHAYYA-MupathiShtathu||b) Tretha Ugadi, Neelalohita Kalpadic) Sri Parashurama Jayanthi,At Pradosha, Parashurama Devaru should be worshipped.Sloka:Jamadhagni sutho VeeraKhastriyaanthakara PraBho|GrihaaNyaRghyam MayaadhaththamKrupayaa Parameshvara||With the above Mantra, arghya to be given.d) Sode Shree Bhootarajara VaRDhamthi(Paryaya Panchanga)e) Sri Venkatesh KaLyaNa PuraaNa AramBha,f) Sri Vidyadhirajathirthara P.D (Jagannatha puri). (1388-1392,)7th pontiff of Sri Uttaradhi Mutt.,He took Ashram from Sri Jayathirtharu. To spread Madhwa sidhdhantha,alwayshe used to be on tour. He gave ashram FIRST to Sri Rajendra Thirtharu.During the last days of his guru , Sri Rajendrathirtha could not comeintime. The guru , SECONDLY, gave ashram to Sri Kaveendra and entrustedtheSamsthaana.So Sri Rajendrathirha started a new mutt. This mutt is now noted as SriVyasaraya mutt.Dhyana SlokaMadhyadh Advaitha AmdhakaaraPradhothanama ahaRnishaM|Vidhyadhiraajam SugurumDhyayaami KaruNaakaraM|||| Shri Vidyadhiraj Teertha Gurubhyonamaha ||Introduction to Shri 1008 Shri Vidyadhiraj Teertharu:Born: 1329Deekasha accepted: 1388 Vibhava (Prayaag)Preceptor: Sri JayatheertharuBrindavan PravEsha: 1392 (Angirasa)Aradhana: vaishaka Shukla ThruteeyaBrindavan: Not availablePoorvashram name: Krishan Bhat|| Madhyad Adwaityandhakarpradyotanm Aharnisham |Vidyadhirajam Sugurum dyayami karunakaram |||| Shri Gurobhyonamaha |||| Shri Hari Om ||Shri Vidyadhi Raja Teertharu, the immediate disciple and successor ofShriJaya Teertharu, who occupied the throne of Vedanta Samrajya of theUttaradiMatha flourished between A.D. 1388 and A.D. 1456 his initial name wasKrishna Bhatt befor he was initiated to Sanyas by Shri JayaTeertharu.Oncewhen he went on tour to northern India he came to River Bhima. Hethought ofgoing to Kashi for a holy dip in river Ganges. The Goddess Ganga toldhim ina dream that he need not travel all the way to Ganges and that shewouldappear to him in the river Bhima itself the very next day. The GodddessGanges apeared in the Bhima river and the Shri Vidyadhi Raja Teertharuoffered pooja to the goddess and had a holy dip in Bhima along with hisdisciples. He toured all over India for the propagation of the Dwaitavedanta.It was during the time of Shri Vidyadhiraja Teertharu that the firstbifurcation of the Madhava Matha took place. According to a traditionShriVidyadhiraja Tirtharu ordained Shri Rajendra Teertharu , one of hisdisciples, to succeed him to the pontifical throne when he was ill. Butwhenhe got well soon after, he did not install him to the Vedanta samrajyaofthe Matha. Shri Rajendra Teertharu, therefore, went on travel topropagatethe philosophy of the Madhva. A little later Shri VidyadhirajaTeertharufell ill again and felt that the end was near, when Shri RajendraTeertharuwas on tour. He sent his disciple to locate Shri Rajendra Teertharubefor hepassed away unfortunately he could not be located early enough. ShriRajendra Teertharu did not obey the order of his guru who directed hidisciple to come back to headquarters. In this critical juncture and inorder to avoid the consequence of the Vedanta Samrajya of the UttaradiMathabeing with out a successor, Shri Vidyadhiraja Teertharu was forced toordainanother disciple Shri Kavindra Tirtharu as the Successor ofShriVidyadhirajaTeertharu and handed over the entire Samsthana and all the propertiesof theMatha to him. This included all the idols which were handed over toShriPadmanabha Teertharu by Shri Madhwacharya and subsequently wereacquired bythe saints of Uttaradi Matha, the pontificate and the entire Samsthana.There was no division of these assets. The Uttaradi Matha thuscontinued tolegitimately to be the Moola Samsthana of Shri Madhwacharya, preside byShriKavindra Teertharu.|| Shri Digvijay Rama Vijayate |||| Shri Krishnarpnamastu ||Work by Shri Vidyadhiraj Teertharu:The inscription of Madras presidency Volume 2 of Udipi taluk No. 241narrates that the Shri Vidyadhi Raja Teertharu received a gift of 200centsof land from Devaraja Maharaya for the Uttaradi Matha.He composed three major works as1 'Chadogya Bhasha Tika',2 'Gita Vritti'3 'Vishnu Sahasranama Bhashya'Of these works the 'Vishnu Sahasranama Bhashya is the most importantone. Infact it occupies a high place in Madhva thought and ShriVidyadhirajawas theearliest commentator on it. The opening verse of the commentary is aninvocation to Lord Vishnu, Vyasa and Madhva. The substance andsignificanceof the thousand names of the Lord are well brought out by the author.According to Madhva, each of the thousand names offered innumerableinterpretations. How ever, Shri Vidyadhiraja Teertharu deals only withtheetymology of the names and gives no importance to the grammar involved.g) Sri Vidhyadhirajara P.D.1360, 7th Pontiff of Sri Vyasaraya mutt.,Dhyana SlokaVidhyadheesha PadhasakthoVidhya Kaushala SamyuthaH|VidhyadhirajathirthaaaKhyoGuru BhoRya AbhishtdhaH||h) Opening of Sri Badrinath temple- Bhakthas gather at the shrine tohavethe glimpse of the burning Jyothi, kept at the time of closing, 6monthsago.i) At Hampi, Sri VidhyaaraNya swami's Aradhana.VaishAka Shuddha Sapthami, Shri Shri Vyasarajara Vardhanti Su MahOthsavaSriVyasarajaMutt , Harish Rao <harishdrao wrote:|| Sri Vyasarjo Vijayathe ||SrimatParamahamsaParivrajaka, Padavakya Pramana Paravara Pareena, Sarvatantra swatantra,SrimadVaishnavaSiddhanthaPrathishtapanachraya, Sri Moola Gopala, MoolaPattabiRama, VedaVyasara Divya Paadapadmaraadhaka, Jagadguru SrimanMadhwacharyara Maha Samsthana, Sri Rajendra Theerthara Poorvadi Mateeya, Vidya Karnataka Simhasanaadeeshwara, Srimadh Vyasaraja Guru Sarvabhouma.Some of the well accepted great things about Sri Vyasaru, Oneof the Munithrayaru, Abhinava Vedavyasaru, Spent his entire life timein the fields of jnaarjane, jnaana satra, tapas, grantha rachane, LokaShikshana, Hari Dasa Sahitya Punaroddhara.He was born at Bannur, in Mysore Dist to Sri Ramacharya and Lakshmibai with the blessings of Sri Brahmanya Theertharu.SriVyasarajaru was believed to be born in a Golden Sieve without thecontact of Earth, hence the grandeur that he went through during hislife time, including the the accession to the throne of Vijayanagar.Below is some of the Varnane of Sri Vyasaraja by other great people:arthikalpitha kalpoyam prathyarthi gaja kesari |vyasatheertha gururbhooyath asmadeeshtartha siddaye || - Sri Raghavendra Theertharuidiradaavanu ninage vyasamuniraya |ee dhareyolage sarigane ninage muni raya || saasira jihveyulla sheshane kondadabeku |vyasamunirayara sansyasadirava || - - Sri PadarajaruVyasamuniraya nimma hesaru lesu |bhasura virakthiyemba shashimukhi arasa || aane baruthideko vyasarayarembo..muriyalu garuvavemba kadaliyasirihayavadanana aramaneyinda pattada || - Sri Vadirajaruyogi vyasarayaremba vichitra meghabega vishnupadava thorisuttha banthidiko || - Sri Vijayeendra Theertharueesu munigalu iddenu madidarayyavyasamuni madhwamathavanu uddharisida || - Sri Purandara Dasaruee dhareyoleega kurubara kuladi janisidenu odidava naanalla shaastragalanu |paadakamalava nambi prarthisuve bahumoodanadenna kabidade salahu sevaka |vyasamuniraya sanyasa kula ratunamanadase salisuta salahu dasananu guruve || - Sri Kanaka DasaruShri Krishnarpanamastu

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