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!!! The only path for achievement and betterment of Mankind !!!

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!!! Sri Gurubhyonamaha !!!

!!! Sri Parama Gurubhyonamaha !!!

!!! Srimad Anadateertha Bhagavatpadacharya Gurubhyonamaha !!!

!!! Sri Satyatma Teertha Gurubhyonamaha !!!





Creation of this beautiful world which is real is one the greatest gift from GOD to mankind. Whatever is visible to us today, whatever can he hear, whatever we can taste, whatever can be feel, whatever can be inhaled, talking, thinking good or bad etc are one of the great things which GOD has gifted to mankind. We should be grateful to the LORD and should strive to spend every second of our life in Sadhana of Sri Hari. With his blessings and saMkalpa only we got this Bhautika Sharira. We should pray to him with total Shraddha and Bhakti even while performing our day-today chores.


We are one of his great creations and he has sent us alone into this world, whatever we have found here is found from the world created by him. We are suppose to leave everything which we have found in this world which is a matter of thought which we should always keep in mind.


GOD is our savior and he is the one who does our Rakshana in mother’s womb. We live and grow month by month amidst mala-mutra in mother’s womb, we even born with all this filth and step into this world. What a Durgati and Durdasha ! Just imagination of this itself is very horrible. We the human beings celebrate such a birth that is collection of bones and flesh. The great Mayashakti of Lord coverts this in to celebration and the human being is caught into this web of sansara which is surrounded by Maya, Moha and Aham. He is always surrounded by sorrow and never come out of it and at the END he has to leave everything what he has earned and leave this world. He can never make any prefixed preparation to leave this world; he can be recalled anytime to the Yama’s abode. When the end will come cannot be imagined.


A Human being is locked into the boundary of this hasti pinjara, and human being is the only creation of GOD who is eligible to get salvation from this cycle of birth and death. All other YONIS will born again and again till they get Manushya janma. What can be done to get rid of this cycle ? What is that we have to do to achieve this ?


Human being is the only creature created by GOD who after undergoing his KARMABHOGA can get rid of this cycle of life and death. The solution is Satata chintana / manana / acquiring proper Jnana plus Bhakti from a learned GURU. Living the lifestyle as prescribed by shastras, performing daily mandatory karmanusthana like Sandhyavandana / Pooje / Patha / Pravachana / Shravana etc. As well said by Acharya Madhva in Dwadasha stotra one has to always keep doing chintana of Sri Hari and the only it will be possible for him to remember GOD at his antakala.


The creation of Human being is deffinately the most invaluable creation of GOD. He does not have any expectations as such from us as we have from our children / friends / relatives. We are so immersed into this sansara that we never find time to think about him. We only goto him when we have problems. Even then he does not differentiate between anyone and provides everything what is required for ones survival, be it humans or animals.


The only option, which GOD has given to humans, is to set right the mode of death. One can strive to have a peaceful death by doing proper Sadhana otherwise in today’s world everything is uncertain. Dying an untimely death (akala mryutu) is one of the most unwanted and dangerous things, which can happen to us. God has provided humans with a beautiful brain, which has power to think about do’s and don’ts. So it is purely in our hands whether to achieve GOOD or BAD. What wrong things we do in this birth are carry forward to our next generations. It is our ANCESTORS PUNYA we are able to live a peaceful life. So now it’s for us to carry forward the same to our coming generations. We can only achieve this by Satata Chitana / Manana of GOD.


Every week has seven days and within these seven days our END is going to come. But when ? Which day ? Which time ? we don’t have in our hands. Even great King like Parikshit had seven days in which his death was certain. It was Shir Shuka Mahamuni who made him drink Srimad Bhagavata Swarupi Amruta due to which King Parikshita was able to go GODS abode even before the Serpent King Takshaka byte him. Only his Pancha Bhautika Sthoola sharira was turned into ashes due to his Vishagni. The death only will get converted into better state by doing Satata Bahagavan Namasmarana. By acquiring proper Jana and Bhakti and doing Hari Namasmarane the Jeeva can be liberated from the cycle, which is very badly trapped into this Sansara.


Lord Krishna himself tells in Bhagavatgita that whoever sings / chants my name will remain near and dear to me. My Bhakta gets so immersed into it that he starts dancing. GOD says I am telling truth and many times my Bhaktas has bought me like this, I am sold into their hands by seeing their Aananya Preeti and Bhakti.


Maharishi Narada was a parama Bhakta of Lord Narayana. He use to spend his time by doing Gayana and Namana of Lord Narayana all the time and that was only the target of his life. Lord Narayana was so happy with his Tanmayata and bhakti that Sage Narada was able to see LORD as and when he desired so. Narada had a superficial power of reaching anywhere and anytime due his nirantara Bhakti towards LORD. Once Narada asked a question to LORD. He says hey Lord of Lord where do you stay ? Which is your abode ? Then Lord replies I always stay in my Bhaktas heart. Lord says “NAHAM VASAMI VAIKUNTHE YOGINAM HRUDAYE NA CHA. MAD BHAKTA YATRA GAYANTA TATRA TISHTAMI NARADAâ€.


To achieve all this our shashtra has provided us with lots of Vratas / Sadhana and Teerthatana. All these are necessary to get the blessings of GOD. One has to do all this under proper GURU’s guidance. GURU is one of the important part of our life. One should be very fortunate to have three good people in his life. Father, Friend and GURU. Mahabharata says one should select these three very carefully. Selecting a father is highly impossible, as we will have only one father to live with. So it is utmost duty of Father to have good practices. He is the one who impart good values into a child in his childhood. If we as father perform our daily rituals like Sandhyavandane / Pooje / Patha etc…its for sure our children will follow us. Even if the don’t they will atleast know our tradition and they can start as an when they get interest to do so. The second is the friend. A bad friend can take one self into bad habits. It is for sure we will try to do and practice what our friends do. So a bad companion in younger days can spoil ones life. So we should try to be with Sajjanaru and pray god to provide us with good friends. The last is GURU. I believe GURU is the one WHO KNOWS THE WAY / WHO GOES THE WAY / WHO SHOWS THE WAY. Without his proper guidance we cannot do anything. GURU is the guide who can take us to the lotus feet of Bharatiramana Mukhyapranantargata Lord Sri Hari. If sage Narada would have not met little Dhruva then he could have not seen Sri Hari. It is with Sri Haris iccha and if we try we can get a good GURU. All credit goes to almost all present Peethadhipatis of our Madhva Mutts, as they have instructed and deputed many pundits in almost all cities and villages to spread our Sampradaya. It is we who have to find them and see that we can take out some precious time and spend the same in learning our great shastra.

!!! Sri Bharatiramana Mukhyapranatargata Sri Krishnarpanamastu !!!

-- हरये नमःKale BalkrishnaVice President - ITMSMobile : +91-9849042501visit my blog : http://kalebala.wordpress.com/

Slogan of the day : Please do Sandhyavandane Daily.

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