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Sri Narasimha Suladhi- Part 2 Composed by Sri Vijayadasaru

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Hare Srinivasa,

In the first charanam posted yesterday, Sri

Vijayadasaru described the greatness of Sri Narasimha devuru and then follows

with the description of the wickedness of Hiranyakashipu and His hatred for the

Prahlada. The cause for the hatred is that Prahalada accepted the independence

of the Lord and bowed to Him in surrender, glorifying Him always defying his

own father's authoritative instruction not to do so. The steadfast firm faith

of Prahlada in the Lord was like a spear in the heart of the rakshasa, who

considered himself as almighty ruler who had won over the devathas and hence

considered himself supreme and eligible to be glorified by all. He questions Prahlada as told by

Anantadreesha Dasaru in his composition “Prahlada charitraâ€

AvAta bala ninage he prahlAda

AvAta bala ninanage

Prahlada says,

avane enage balavO apaiyya

avane enage balavO avane ninage


avane siri vaikunTapathi

avane balavaMtaraige balavo

avane balavilladavarige balavo


avane sarvothama avane enage ODeya


Prahlada instead of listening to

his father, tried to convince him and bring him to his point of view. To subdue

the boy, Hiranyakashipu tried to frighten him in many ways. When he remainined

unaffected, the rakshasa decided to kill him.


maguvanu rakkasanu hagaliruLu


When the rakshas Hiranyakashipu persecuted the

child Prahlada, unmindful of day or night.

hageyiMdali hoydu nagapannaga


When the rakshasa full of hatred for the boy

who was the devotee of his enemy Sri Hari sent the boy into the forest filled

with poisonous snakes .

gagana migilAda AgaNita bhAdiyali

When the atrocities of this asura became

immeasurably horrible and uncountable in number looming large like the

immeasurable sky.

negadu ogadu sAvu bagedu

kolLutiralu hE

When the rakshasa made many vain attemplts at

killing this little child of his by throwing him from a mountain top, by trying

to drown him in the ocean, by getting him trampled …

jagada valLabhanE suguNAnAdigane

At one point when Prahlada prays to the Lord

as follows,†O Lord of the universe, who is full of affection for it and

showers His grace on all, who is completely full of auspicious attributes.

nigamA vaMditane pogaLida bhakutara

who is glorified by the Vedas, who listens to

His bhaktas when they call out to Him in devotion

tagali tolaganeMdU mige


who never deserts His devotees during their

time of need. As Prahlada was earnestly calling to The Lord with all his heart…

Srida vittala dasau in one devaranama says,

aMjabyADa byADa elo jIva

bhavabaMjanna hari sharaNara kAvA


Bhava-samsaara –bondage of ignorance

“O jiva,Don’t fear, don’t at all fear!. The

Lord will surely relieve the very root of all fear which is the bondage of

ignorance in samsaara.â€

yuga yugadoLu dayALugaLa dEvaradEva

The Lord who is the most compassionate , whose

compassion is intact inspite of the passage of innumerable yugas, who has

infinite compassion and is thus called as the Lord or Lords

yugAdi kritanAmA viyaja viThThala

hO hO

Hail The Lord who is the cause of the rotation of

the yugas, who is the cause of the time for the jivas , that Vijayavittala

Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in HKS6.15 says


tAniddyuvapravartaka dharmakarmaga

Lige pravartaka vAsudevAdIreraDu


tegedukoMDu yugAdikrita tA

yugapravartakanenisi dharma

praghaTakanu tAnAgi bhakuthirigIva

sampadava ||â€

In the VSN the Lord is revered as yugAdikRit. yugaLa karava mugidu maguvu more


He was beseeched by the little child with folded


The above is a narration of events leading to

the actual appearance of the Lord. As Prahlada was calling to the Lord with

devotion flowing continuously from his heart...... what happened? This is

described by Dasaru in the next paragraph.

kELidAkShaNadali lAlisi bhaktanna

mauLi vEgadali pAlisuveMdu

As soon as the Lord heard the cry of His

devotee, He came into the protective mode and decided to go to His devotee’s

aid at top speed to grace him who had surrendered.

tALisaMtOShava tULi tuMbidaMte

He was full of affection for His devotee and

it was as if that love was unbounded and overflowing.

mUlOkadapativAlayadiMda su..

The Lord of the three worlds who was

with the desire to bestow His benevolence in His devotee

sheela durlabha nAma vijaya

viThThala phaMCha

He who was full of integrity implying that His

indomitable will always came to fruition, who was very difficult to attain even

by the great jnAnis , that vijayaviTTala who has five….

mauLi mAnava kaMbha sILi mUDida


heads, emerged from the pillar tearing it


Sripadarajaru in one devaranma refers to this

same description for Narasimha.

duritagaja panchAnana-nara

hariye dEvara

dEva kAyo gOvinda

'Narahari' as we know ,is the form of the Lord where He manifested in a unimaginable form from a

solid pillar instantaneously to save His bhakta, Prahlada. So also when His

devotees are in trouble and seek His grace, He immediately goes to their aid.

This is the kind of confidence one gets when one reads the charitra of Prahlada

varada Sri Lakshmi Narasimha

Here by mentioning

five heads Dasaru is referring to the five rupas of the Lord which exist in the

body. They are the same as Narasimha . All the forms of the Lord are not

different from each other in their attributes and abilities. They just appear

as a different form to the bhaktas due to His achintyaadbhutha shakthi.


Vasudeva ,Pradyumna, Anirudha , Sankarshana

Sri Jagannatha dasaru describes the many many

vyapAras of the Lord going on in our body. Out of that one from the 6th

sandhi is as follows:

taleyoLiha nArAyaNanu gaMTaleDe oDaloLu vAsudEvanubaladaliha pradyumna eDabhAgadoLaganiruddha keLaginaMgadi saMkaruShaNanatiLidu I pari sakala dEhagaLoLage paMchAtmakana rUpava nODu koMDADu


This next is paragraph gives a vivid and graphic

description of the effect of the Lord’s emergence on the environment. The

Lord’s intent to kill the enemy of His

devotee,Prahlada rayaru, created a great uproar among all the elements of

nature, as if they all were a part of this attack against the wicked

Hiranyakashipu. From this it is clear that the Lord’s devotees are very dear to

Him. He does not tolerate injustice done to His devotees. He has said this in

the Bhagavatham too.†I will not tolerate any injustice against my devotees, if

it were my own arms that caused it, then I would not hesitate to cut them off.â€

These words should not be interpreted literally but should understood that it shows the great importance

that the Lord attaches to the way His devotees are treated. So one has to

always do seva of the mahatmas and never do ninda of them.

Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in HKS says that anyone

who wants to secure the grace of the Lord has to first sing the glory of the

parama bhagavathas everyday.

“….jagannAtha viTTalana karuNe

paDeva mumukshu

jIvaru parama bhAgavatharanu

koMDAduvudu prathi dinavuâ€

laTalaTA laTalaTA laTakaTisi


A great altercation ensued. A huge sound resounded

in the air and enveloped the entire brahmanda

kaTaha paTa paTa puTutkaTadi


The sound of kaTa kaTa resounded in the

universe as the pillar which hid the Lord from His devotee opened up with a

great crashing sound.

puTa puTa puTanegedu chIrihArutta


The Lord came right out of the pillar leaping

and jumping , screaming with anger at the wickedness of the asura

lkaTAkaTA kaTa kaDidu rOShadiMda

He ground His teeth which caused a terrible

sound with the emotion of justified anger.

miTimiTi miTane raktAkShiyalli nODi

His eyes were fiercesome and red and He looked

at the rakshas with a penetrating fury

taTitkOTi UrbaTage ArbhaTavAgiralu

The Lord who encompasses the world completely

and who caused the feeling of impending doom among the wicked and who causes

the feeling of anticipation in the devotees. He caused an excitement in the

hearts of the entire creation.

kuTila rahita vyakta vijaya

viThThala shakta

He who is completely free from hypocracy,

whose Will is His work, who manifests Himself when He so wills that


diTa niTila nEtra surakaTaka


who is omniscient and

can focus on the entire beings in the creation ,who is the remover of the

distress of the of His devotees the devas and who protects them..

After He appeared ,what happened around the

universe ? This is described by Dasaru in the following paragraph.

bobbiriyO vIra dhvaniyiMda tanigiDi

With the great sounds expressing his righteous


habbi muMchONi uri horageddu suttee

that quickly spread in form of fire to all the

corners of the entire world so much so everything was enveloped in heat.

ubbasa ravigAge Abja naDugutire

Just as the terrible heat of the sun causes

the sea to boil and bubble so also all the beings dependent on the Lord were in

a turmoil sensing the Lord’s anger.

Abdisaputa ukki hora chelli


It was as if the entire oceans would bubble up

and its contents would overflow and engulf the universe.

Abuja bhavAdigaLu tabbibbu goMDAru

All beings of the universe were restless with

a mixture of anticipation and fear wondering about the coming events.

AbbaravEnenuta nabhada gULiyu


As the sound of the powerful Lord’s growl rose

right from His nabhi and pervaded the entire universe

shabda tuMbitu AvyAkritAkAsha


The sound filled every space including the

avyAkrita Akasha, space which is beyond the brahmanda and which is considered

as infnite in time

nibbara tarugiri jhar jharisalu

The sounds of the furious expression of the

Lord’s anger came out in bouts of harsh beats and its seemed as if entire sky,

the trees and mountains shook with terror.

obbarigOshavallada nammA vijaya


Vijayavittala who is completely independent

and is not under the power of anyone and is ours-provided He considers us as

His devotees. His grace is the only way to become His devotee.

The independence of the Lord is what sets Him

completely apart from every other entity . He is not subject to anyone’s

control at any time. He is known as

‘EkamEva adwithiyA†–One without any second. He is One and only One of

His kind. There is no one equal to Him let along above Him.

In the BG, Arjuna aptly describes Him as:

pitAsi lokasya charAcharasya tvamasya

pujyashcha gururgariyAn

na tvatsmOastyabyahikaH kuthOnyO

lokatryepyapratimaprabhava II 11.43


are the father of this existence of the animate and the inanimate. You are the

Supreme celebrated Preceptor of this world. You are highly honoured. There is

none who can compete with you, none who can come near to being your equal ,

where can there be one in the three worlds to outstrip you? Your lordliness has

no peer."

ibbageyAgi kaMbhadiMda poramaTTA

Such is the course of events leading to the

appearance of the Lord from the pillar.


Dasaru now describes the actual scene. The

Lord who came to the aid of one devotee, keeping in mind the words of another

devotee-namely Brahma . Brahma had given boons to Hiranyakashipu which limited

the time,place,weapon and person who could kill the rakshasa. He did not want

to make the words of Brahma untrue. Being completely Supreme and free to take

His own desires to fruition, He fulfils all the conditions of the boon, at the

same time not compromising the treatment that the rakshasa deserved.

phuDiphuDisuta kOTi siDilu girige


Just as the mountain would splinter into

pieces if crores of lightening bolts and thunder bolts…

hoDedaMte chEri bobbiDutali


hit it, so also it seemed as if the tejas

emanating from Lord Narasimha would make any great enemy fall to peieces. The

Lord made a thunderous sound ,giving a great yell and moved forward in leaping


hiDidu rakkasanna keDahi maDuhi


He pursued the rakshasa and seized him

forcefully and held the rakshasa in a crushing grip

toDeya mElirisi herUDala


He placed him on His lap on the entrance to

the palace, which is neither on land nor in air, neither inside the house nor

outside the house

paDuvala gaDala taDiya taraNiya


He glanced at the sun getting ready to set in

the western ocean indicating that the time was sandhya kAla , neither day

nor night

kaDukOpadalli sadabaDidu rakkasana


With great anger He hit and killed the


niDigaraLanu kOraLaDiyalli darisida

saDagarada daiva

He wore the intestines of the rakshasa around

His neck

kaDugali bhUbhU.rva vijaya


He who was gallant and valourous who was the

supreme controller of the all the worlds, that vijaya vittala

pAlgaDaloDeya sharaNara biDade


He who is the ruler of the ocean of milk, who

never fails to protect those who surrender to Him

urimuchchi chatuda.rsha daraNi


The entire universe of 14 worlds was enveloped

in a terrible furious heat and all the beings shaken to the core of their souls

paramEShThi harasuraru siridEvige


Ones who were very the greatest and most

beloved of the Lord among all jivas namely Brahma, Vayu and Shiva and all other

devathas approached mother Sridevi.

karuNadiMdali tanna sharaNanna

sahita ninna

She along with all the bhaktas who were

seeking succour from the Lord….

charaNakke eragalu parama


approached the Lord and surrendered at His

feet. True to His nature, He immediately became peaceful. He is known for

seeing that those who surrender to Him are relieved of their troubles. sharaNagatavatsala

herahide dayavanna suraru kusuma


He showered His compassion on all the devotees

and the suras/devathas worshipped Him with sweet scented flowers..

gariyalu bhEri vAdya morevuttarare


which were showered on Him as the sound of the

different musical instruments played by the devotees rent the air.

paripari vAlaga vistAradiMda


There were many magical musical wands which

spread music in the air .

meredu surarupadra harisi bAlakana


He reigned Supreme ,being well known for the

removal of the troubles of the devas and who came to the rescue of the tiny

child who had complete faith.

paradaiva gaMbhIrAtma

vijayaviThThala nimma

He is the Supreme Lord who was vallaint and

gallant as He accepted the worship offered to Him by the great devotees. He is

the same Vijayavittala who is the bimba muruthi of Dasaru as well as the bimba

muruthi of all souls. Such is the close association of everyone with the Lord.

charite duShTarige bhIkaravO

sajjana pAla

Listening to His special leelas makes the

wicked quiver with fear but bestows peace and protection on the good people.

prahlAdavarada prapanna


Oh bestower of boons on Prahlada, who is the

embodiment of peace and serenity, who destroys the mental disturbances of those

who surrender to Him.

mahahaviSha vijayaviThThala


Oh One who is full of plesantness, who is the

destroyer of distress, who is acceptor of all havish or offerings, who is

Vijayavittala , who has the form of half lion,half man.

mahAhavisha- He accepts the offerings of all

the karmas, whatever they may be if offered with the right attitude, that He is

the doer, and He is the propeller of all jivas. Whatever is done is done by Him

through His grace. If this attitude is behind the offering, then that occasion

becomes a yagnya and the offering becomes the havish.

Sri Jagannatha Dasaru says ,

Enu mADuva kaRmagaLu laku

mI nivAsanigaRpisanusaM

dhAna puRvakadiMda saMdEhisade dinadinadi

mAnanidhi kaikoMDu sukha vi

ttAnatara saMtaipa tR^iNajala

dhEnu tAnuMDanavarata pAlgereva tEranaMteSri KrishnArapanamastuI am not the doer,Lord Hari is the doerEven so, whatever He makes me do is His worship by His graceR.Parimala



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